
Mated to a Monster

The curse that doomed the family to an eternity of bloodthirst was cast long ago. For untold centuries, they were destined to transform into wild animals at night, becoming lethal black beasts driven by a raging fever and an insatiable thirst. Autumn Herrera was the last woman in her family line, and there was only one chance to save her sick mother and break the curse. She had to have a child with the son of the man who caused her family's unending suffering, that was Hunter Morrison—a man out for revenge for the death of his father. But how can Autumn persuade Hunter Morrison to mate with her? Autumn also knew there was another of her kind out there hell-bent on destroying her plans. He'd do anything to win Autumn's love and fulfill his desperate yearning to start a new beasts generation. Can she still succeed in eliminating the curse if one of her kind is determined to prevent her from doing so?

astrodee · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

The scream died in Autumn's throat as she jolted to her feet. She reached out to rub her face, arms, and chest. Her hands were white and shook as she glanced at them. Her wrists were bound with ropes that looked sore and chafed from the fight. She realized she was only wearing the same pair of pants and top from the previous night. A hole appeared in the clothing. The springs on the mattress dug into the back of her legs. Perspiration soaked her face and neck, flowed down the valley between her breasts, yet the room wasn't even very warm.

She looked around the room and saw the bed was the only thing there. Her eyes quickly landed on the wide open window. The first glimmers of dawn, pink and gold splotches against a gray sky, glistened on the horizon. The wind carried with it the sound of waves crashing on the shore. The air was thick with the briny aroma of the ocean. She desperately wanted to go to the window and take in the sights of the ocean, but she had to restrain herself. Not while the black wrought-iron bars that spanned the room from ceiling to floor served as a constant reminder of who she was. Her thoughts screamed that she was a prisoner. Actually, a predator. Certainly not for a second did she forget.

Maybe for a split second. When Hunter touched her the night before, she did, in fact, forget everything. In response to the touch of his fingers on her breast, she had closed her eyes. In that moment, her heart had pumped so fiercely. Her entire body was blackened by the fire.

The clicking of the locks interrupted her daydream. She crept up onto the bed's plush headboard and gazed intently at the entrance. Turned first one, then the other lock. At last, the entranceway opened.

At that moment, a huge man materialized in the entrance. His thick black brows knit together in worry. His mouth, drawn down in a frown, was hidden by a thick black mustache flecked with gray. He was carrying a platter of hot food and a glass of water.

"Autumn, are you okay?" The man's voice was surprisingly gentle for someone of his size and seeming toughness. But then, he was her mother's dearest friend, Uncle Antonio. Though physically terrifying, his compassionate nature was on par with that of a guardian angel despite his massive frame.

"I'm still breathing." He laid the tray on the floor next to the bed and covered her with the blanket. She curled up close, enjoying the heat. When he got in alongside her and put the blanket around her legs, he pushed the bed a little. He took out a knife from his pocket and slashed the ropes, freeing her. She said, "Thanks," while massaging her sore wrists.

His brow relaxed as he gently patted her forehead with a hefty palm covered in gray hair. A reduction in fever is noted. Then, he moved on to her sore throat and massaged the area carefully. "Oh, the fever has gone. Thank goodness. You should get a drink now." He went to get her a drink of water and handed her the glass. She sat bolt upright and, hands shaking, took the glass he offered. She drank a few hesitant mouthfuls. Though her throat yearned for more, her rational mind cautioned her to slow down. She was compelled to be. Her physical self was still in disbelief after the dramatic events of the previous twenty-four hours. The next thing you know, she's downing another glass of water.

After drinking more than half of the water, she leaned back against the mattress and gripped it desperately. "I was so near last night, Uncle. And then, just as I was about to have him, something else happened." Her voice broke into a sob. "Uncle, he was present. I could sense his eyes on me, he was always there." With a shudder running down her spine, she spoke it softly. "Every day, he comes a little bit closer. At all times, I am aware of his presence. He won't ever leave me alone."

"For the simple reason that he has his sights set on you, Autumn. You're the last monster." The hair on her forehead was brushed by his hands.

"Last night, I was almost successful in putting an end to the curse. If it meant stopping the bloodshed, I would give my life to him, to Thunder." It looked like she was shaking her head wildly. "Unfortunately, this insanity must end. I don't want my Mom to die. Putting a stop to the curse is my first priority." As her tears trickled through her eyelashes, she closed them harder.

"Don't cry, Autumn," Antonio comforted her with an embrace.

As she had done so many times before, she buried her face in his broad shoulder and cried, finding solace in her one and only confidant and friend. The one and only who got it.

"Stop being so hard to yourself. You've got it under control better than most people I've ever seen," he said.

"It's not that hard enough." She backed away from him and looked up at him with teary eyes. "I almost had Hunter in my grasp. I could see the future... It was clear as day and my mother was there, healthy and happy. I could picture her beautiful smile clearly in my head. A long time has passed since she last did that."

Antonio's face twisted in a momentary expression of pain. When he talked, his voice sounded unsure, as though he desperately wanted to say something to her but couldn't quite put it into words. "Last night, she was quite worried about you and..."

"I'm surprised you didn't let her know I was hiding." His head shook. The pangs of guilt were rising in her heart, yet she couldn't stop moving forward. "After leaving the bar with Hunter, we—" Her words abruptly ended as she sobbed uncontrollably. "The hardest part is that I don't remember anything if I hurt somebody."

"Autumn, there was no one to hurt. You're safe because I brought you back here before anything could happen. I even got your bag."