
Mate Over Time

Hundred years have passed after the large-scale massacre in the Monster Tribe and only two people survived in that very night. A man is born to be an alpha and a hybrid illegitimate child whose fate is unpredictable. A woman who is as warm as the sun dies in the hands of the Alpha's tyrant father, that made him feel miserable which resulted for another large-scale killing spree as an offering for his dead mate. After hundred of years, a woman who looked exactly like the Alpha's dead mate is born with powers that rival the 'Power of Impurity'. And after that very sight, everything turned into a new cycle of a chaotic history and the only thing that can stop this phenomenon is the mystery of this woman's birth. How will the mysterious woman stop the insane alpha who is still indulged to his dead mate? What will be her role in this story as the one and only Saintess?

AshLhie20 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Years quickly passed.

The day of the descending of the Holy Saintess is quickly approaching.

Everyone are preparing for the feast. The three tribes are doing their preparations separately for this occasion. Some adults who are yearning for the presence of the Saintess is so enthusiastic about it when they heard the news. Because the appearance of such creature, based on the legends, the four season is bound to happen soon.

Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn are important for all of them because there is only Rain and Bloody Rain that occurs in their land for thousands of years. The people thought that they may have been sinned, but now that despite of the massacre a thousand years ago and a hundred years ago, it serves that the certain things didn't affected the opening of such phenomenon.

For exactly three thousand of years, and now that the Holy Virgin and Saintess of the two tribes from the Land of Spirits is born, she is now scheduled to celebrate her coming-of-age or descending at the center of the Land of Purity and Impurity— the Central Capital.

The Central Capital is not only the location of the Night Market and Black Market. It is also the location of the Great Hall.

The Great Hall is the place where the important events such as meetings or council conference, coronation, coming-of-age ceremonies and descending is being held. It is so large that even in a distance, even you are in the different tribe areas, it can be seen clearly because of it's height and might from the buildings around.

Coming-of-age and Descending have the same meaning. A girl who reached her adult stage at the year 18th will hold this celebration. And the boy celebrates it when he turns 21.

The Coming-of-age is a term used by the people on land. While the Descending is for the transcedentals. But because not every year, an angel or a divine creatures are being born or created, a Descending ceremony is too often to be celebrated.

And now that the Holy Saintess of the Angel Tribe was born and also carries the name of Holy Maiden of the Divine Tribe, this celebration is expected to be glamorous and colorful as the start of the four season occurred.

Holy Saintess is in equal of the Angel Lord. But, the one who holds this tittle has more Holy Power than the Angel Lord. In short, she is superior.

It is also the same with the tittle of Holy Maiden. This person who are entitled has the highest aptitude among her generation and only a woman can inherit such grand tittle among the Divines.

Because she both have exaggerated power and aptitude, she held those tittle at the very day she was born. And she is destined to be on top of everyone, second from the Creator.

The hall is filled with the leaders from the different tribes and it's branches.

The Mages, Barbarians, Alchemists and normal Humans from the Human Tribe.

The Vampires, Succubi, Incubi, Ghosts, Witches, Undead and other demons from the Demon Tribe.

The Wolves, Orcs, Centaurs, Chimeras, Griffins, Goblins and more from the Beast Tribe.

And Fairy, Sirens, Qilins, Elves, Mermaids and others from the Divine Tribe.

The whole world is filled with enthusiasm to meet the Holy Being. Some doubts the authenticity, but the lord's do understand this because even them, this matter is not any trivial things that can be ignored if proven wrong.


As the sky opened, three individuals descended. The Angel Tribe lord, Maximilian Agatha and the Divines Tribe lord, Florentine Melodius are accompanying a girl in yellow blonde hair with silver eyes that looks like both Summer and Winter at first glance.

With that cue, the earth started to shook and the sky turned into four different colours at once: silver for Winter; yellow for Summer; green for Spring; and brown for Autumn.

Everyone rejoiced as the miracle of four seasons come forth. They started to believe that the Creator who rules the world is blessing them for their sufferings and hardships they have experienced for the past three thousand years that there is no such changes in their environment.

The girl's face brighten at the sight that is comparable to the famous aurora borealis. For her who spent her past 18 years studying and praying for everyone's sake, this is a breathtaking scenery that she can never forget in her entire life.

She pulled the sleeves of the two individuals beside her and asked with a wide and bright eyes, "teacher, godmother, is this my doing?"

The usual cold and stern face of the two soften at the sight of her puppy eyes looking at the both of them. For them, her cuteness is deadly. But despite of that, they smiled happily and nod their heads.

"Isn't it pretty, my dear? Our Ana is so special indeed." Florentine said with a smile.

"It's so beautiful, and majestic, my love. You are so awesome." Maximilian added.

The little young adult started to sniffle. The two smiled because they already know what this is.

"I am not that awesome like the Father. I am not as beautiful as godmother. And I am not as majestic as my teacher. You all taught me to be like you but I have no intention of being more awesome, beautiful and majestic like you three. I am already contented to be who I am because I love you all!" She said with a low whimper.

"Can't we just keep her, Florentine?" Maximilian asked seriously.

Florentine crossed his arms and started to think deeply. "I also shares the same idea as you. I can't watch my baby walk away, y'know? It will drive me crazy." Florentine agreed.

The little young lady giggled and hugged them both. The two adults already knew that this time is inevitable. Their heart softens and hugged the lady back tightly.

"The Father will not allow that. We all know that He has the reason for sending me here. And I am more than willing to do everything to be of help. But, do not worry, Gabriel and Riegne are with me. I'll send you letters and visit you when I am free. I'll be safe so please don't worry about me too much. Just think of it that I am just on a short trip and will be back soon. Okay?"

The two sighed and glared at the two names mentioned. They sighed again and then nod their heads identically.

"Okay, Ana. You win." Florentine yield.

"My love, please send me a message when someone tried to bully you. I will send a whole army of Holy Knights to avenge you!" Maximilian advised with a menacing look that you will mistaken him as the true Demon Lord.

"I'll send all my blessings to you! Wait! Do we still have time?!" Florentine asked while rummaging his pocket.

"Have you considered that she is much stronger and powerful than us? Why the hell are you giving such cheap pouch?" Maximilian asked.

"What? Cheap?!"

"If you'll give her blessings..." He also started to rummage his pocket.

"It must be like this!" The two are almost blinded by the light because of the pouch Maximilian brought. It's made up of... Pure... Gold.

"Teacher! Godmother!" The little lady blushed.

"Excuse me. But you are being watched. It is time to introduce her holiness." Gabriel butted in with a stoic face.

The two elders turned to him and started to bicker with him.

"Guard our baby well, or else I will not ship the two of you anymore!" Maximilian said with a low, hush yet scary voice.

"If there are some disgusting flies around her, swat them with your sword, got it? Or else I'll swat you myself!" Florentine with a wide, arrogant eyes.

"Behave properly, dear lords. You are already centuries old. Don't act immaturely or else you will be mistaken like a beasts in heat. I, on my side, I will protect her no matter what. Every dungs, flies, mosquitoes and even pests are not allowed to block her holiness' path. So don't worry and act according your role. Please. Have mercy on your tribe's faces." He said nonchalantly.

"Good! Good! That's Gabriel my candidate for yah!" Maximilian said with a playful wink.

Florentine's face darken and pinched Maximilian because of his annoyance before going back to the young lady's side.

"Don't worry, teacher, godmother. Riegne and Gabriel are the best! So don't worry and threaten him, please." She said with a bright smile.

The four gasped as they look at the dazzling light coming from the young lady.

"Her face is so lethal." Maximilian and Florentine finally agreed to each other's opinion.

The young lady and the other four faces the crowd that are intently watching and admiring them. Maximilian returned to being a strict-faced leader of the Angels. Florentine returned to his usual cold-looking face. And the young Holy Saintess just smiled in contrast of the two elderlies.

"We are so grateful that you joined us in this important occasion. I am Maximilian Agatha of the Angel Tribe and this is Florentine Melodius of the Divines Tribe. And in front of you is the Holy Saintess and Holy Maiden of our tribes, Anastasia Sapphire Melodius Agatha."

"All hail to her holiness! All hail to her holiness!" Everyone cheered that made the young Ana blush yet smile happily.

"I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Father, my teacher, my godmother, the lords of each tribes and for everyone in and out here. My name is Anastasia Sapphire Melodius Agatha. I will be spending some time here so please, take good care of me. May the blessings of the Father be with you." Ana said with a smile.

Everyone cheered for her name. Everyone loved her at first sight. And one of them is the one who owns a bloody red pair of eyes.

His eyes widen as he watch a familiar figure. No! It's not familiar but just the same. His heart thumped once again like what it was a hundred and two years ago. But this time, it's more excruciating, suffocating and painful than before. He clenched his chest and bit his lips. He closed his eyes and thought for the distant and blurry memories of the past.


That is what he thought.

Ana felt like a pair of eyes is piercing her from the distance. She wandered her eyes and saw a pair of red eyes with the hint of obsession in it. She tilted her head innocently and blinked twice because she don't know what is the right thing to react. But before she can even raise his hand to greet him, Maximilian started his litany of do's and don'ts while she is away from him.

She giggled and nodded her head as she watches the two started to bicker in between. While at it, she turned to the same direction and met another pair of eyes. It's black like it's sucking her from her place. But she just smiled to other one and decided to calm the two elders in front of her.

"Stop it now! There are too many eyes watching, you know?"

Florentine and Maximilian shyly cleared their throats and then faced the crowd who are still celebrating themselves.

"Let the banquet, begin!" They announced that made the whole crowd go wild.

The five people descended successfully and was welcomed by the three lords of each tribes.

"This is Julianne of the Human Tribe, this is Carrien of the Demon Tribe, and this is Redson of the Monster Tribe. Our dear lords, this is the Holy Saintess, Anastasia." Maximilian said, introducing the four to each other.

Julianne made her curtsy in front of them and introduced herself. "I am Julianne Serano, the Human Lord. It is nice to finally meet you, her holiness."

"Nice to meet you as well. Please take good care of me." Ana replied that made Julianne gasped.

She gritted her teeth and looked away that made Ana wonder.

"Please forgive her, her holiness. Julianne is just a stubborn kid. I am Carrien Valler, the Demon Lord. I'll be in your care, from now on." Carrien introduced himself as he kissed the back of Ana's hand.

Ana felt shy and flustered that made Florentine's and Maximilian's eyes narrowed.

"Cunning." "Sly." The two both said in unison.

"I am Redson Meyer. The Monster Tribe leader. Let's get along well." Redson said as he also repeated Carrien did.

"Is it too late to take her away?" Maximilian asked Florentine with low voice.

"Don't you think so?" Florentine hushed back.

"Don't do anything foolish, tribe leaders. Retain your dignity with your positions." Gabriel said with a dark face.

The two elders shut their mouths and shuddered. They helplessly watched their little girl as she started to smile to others.

"That smile is mine." "Injustice!" The two complained in a hushed voice as they started to cry.

"Greetings to the three of you. May the blessings of the Father be with you." She greeted back with her bright smile.

"May the blessings will always be with you." They replied.

The five tribes, despite of their differences and beliefs, the absolute belief that they all maintaining in unity is that everything was made by one creator, and that is the Creator itself.

The Holy Power of the Angels are considered to be the purest source. It can heal, purify, and do almost all the impossible things in the world.

The second is the Demonic Power. It may be negative against the Holy Power, and despite that it is also a power of annihilation and destroy, it is still the second purest of them all.

Next is the Divine Power of the Celestial or Divine Beings. They have the power to maintain the nature and the laws in between. They can make it get well, die, revive and so more, but the life and death of a human, or other are strictly forbidden or also known as the taboo of the Divines.

And the last are the Mana of the Monster Tribe and Aura of the Human Tribe. They may look like similar, but in actuality, they aren't.

Mana is what Monsters are born with. The difference between the strength of it is the purity of its colour, the darker the colour, the stronger, and the 'blaze' it can create.

The 'blaze' is the term for measuring how strong their mana is. It is like the flare around the core of mana energy gathered. The lighter the blaze is, the greater their compatibility towards the mana core.

While Aura is the most rare ability to have for the Human Tribe. It's processors are limited because of their great population that makes the aura around their territory be scarce. And with this reason and the most impure power among all, Human Tribe is the most weak in terms of this. They can only survive by their weapons they invented for attack and defense.

The Divine Power opposes the Demonic Power. While it benefits from the Holy Power like the others. When it was used with any Demonic Power processors, there will be backlash depending to the amount being used. It also applies with the Demonic Power who greatly opposes the Divine Power in return.

The Mana opposes the Aura greatly while it benefits from the Demonic Power greatly. Like the Divine Power and Demonic Power, they also have backlash.

The only power that have no such effects is the Holy Power who is responsible for their safeness and healing. They are versatile in anything except one thing... Reviving the dead. Because this deed needs the caster's life and a thousand year of suffering of its soul in the eternal flame in the Underworld.

That's why in history, no one especially the Saints dared to do this because they know that aside of this, there is still an exchange for such thing that is worth for everyone's resistance.