
Mate Over Time

Hundred years have passed after the large-scale massacre in the Monster Tribe and only two people survived in that very night. A man is born to be an alpha and a hybrid illegitimate child whose fate is unpredictable. A woman who is as warm as the sun dies in the hands of the Alpha's tyrant father, that made him feel miserable which resulted for another large-scale killing spree as an offering for his dead mate. After hundred of years, a woman who looked exactly like the Alpha's dead mate is born with powers that rival the 'Power of Impurity'. And after that very sight, everything turned into a new cycle of a chaotic history and the only thing that can stop this phenomenon is the mystery of this woman's birth. How will the mysterious woman stop the insane alpha who is still indulged to his dead mate? What will be her role in this story as the one and only Saintess?

AshLhie20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The dark night was filled with starry sky that gives off the light alongside with the moonlight.

In the Blood Moon Pack's territory, it's sky is filled with reddish light from the large bonfire. Its members are dancing and celebrating together.

At the end of the pathway, there is also a serene light illuminating the place with the help of some fairies from the neighborhood tribe. It is decorated with flowers with some white curtains made of silk and some scented candles that is also giving off the romantic mood in the air. Some cubs from the pack are holding a basket of red and white roses petals to throw and scatter when the couple entered the place. Some of them also holding small bouquets of flowers, ready to give them to the bride after the ceremony.

The other side may look like a barbaric celebration, and this side looks so decent in front of other's eyes, but for the people who knows what is the occasion is, being shameless is a normal thing to behave.

The two started to walk down the aisle with a smile on their faces while they hold each other.

Raiz is wearing a white dress with a veil to cover her face, while Redson is wearing a white tuxedo that matches the dress his bride is wearing.

He considers this day as the most memorable day of his life. He can't wish anything more than this as his heart is beating faster than usual.

He looked at the people around, wishing for a glimpse of 'that' person to attend or even watch them even from afar, but is all went in vain.

'He' is not present.

Despite of the sadness he is feeling, he masked it with the happiness he is feeling. He thought that he MUST be happy.

He saw Silver and Blue who are smiling with a quick wink from them. He felt relieved because he knows what it means.

'He' received it.

Silver and Blue are standing in front of their mother who is crying while smiling happily. Beside them are Prinnx's mother and their father who is like a vine clinging to his mistress in front of the other people.

Disgust and disrespect are what he is feeling towards him. And he also felt sorry for his brother who is in his assumption, alone in the dark forest.

But, this is his day! Their day! No one can ruin it!

That's what he thought. But when he looked at the disgraceful couple beside his family once again, he felt chills down his spine as he saw them grinning dangerously.

"Are you alright?" Raiz asked him in her low voice when she saw that Redson turned pale.

Redson blinked and turned to his bride as they are near the altar. He forced a smile and replied, "I'm fine."

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the joint of these two people in front of me with this holy sacrament of marriage..." The priest started.

The Monster Tribe and the Human Tribe have a mutual agreement to keep the peacefulness between them who shares the land below that is called The Land of Impurity for demons and monsters, and The Land of Purity that is being occupied by the humans who is being referred as 'tenants' of this land's true owner— the Divines and Angels.

Trade will be applicable for the two parties. The traditions should be practiced well by each other parties. They will share each other's beliefs and cultures to make a peaceful atmosphere that they all wants. Because...

Once the Divines and Angels from 'above' descends, it only means that, disaster is about to occur.

Divines are creatures with Divine Power who can control the nature. It is third to the purest powers among the five powers 'created'. They do not have the power to be in their human form for a long time, but it is also their specialty among the 'creations'. Sometimes, they are being called gods and goddesses or sometimes, Guardians.

Angels are the holy being that have the most powerful ability among the creations— the Holy Power. Unlike the Divine Power, they are specialized in healing and it's similar abilities. They are sometimes called, Saint, Saintess, or sometimes, The Judgement.

And because humans fears their existence, they tried so hard to reach an agreement towards the Monster and Demon Tribe to practice their cultures and beliefs as well as they will do it the same to them.

And one of those are the matrimony of marriage.

"Whoever who wants to disagree to this marriage may step forward or keep yourself silent forever." The whole place turned silent and only the crackle of the fire can be heard.

But when the priest was about to continue his litany, a deafening scream from the forest and the crowd covered the whole place.

The priest gasped and started to pray. The people who are in the venue of the wedding also startled as the screams are slowly approaching. Along with it are a big black smoke from the direction of the Alpha's mansion also shocked everyone especially the siblings and the Luna.

Raiz trembled while holding Redson's hand. But in a blink of an eye, the hand that is Redson is holding disappeared and followed by a familiar cry and scream that caught Redson's attention.

"Brother! Run!" Blue and Silver screamed as their head turned 360 degrees by a large familiar pair of hands that is bloody as well.

"Redson! Run! Run for your life!" Redson's mother also screamed before her chest bursted with the same hand. It holds the beating heart of the Luna that snapped Redson from his sanity.

He looked around and everything in the territory is in a complete chaos. Amongst the people in the wedding venue, who still remains standing is him, his father and his mistress.

Prinnx, on the other side was frozen as he watched the whole pack turned into ash as the whole place was engulfed with flames. He ran towards the venue where his brothers are in. He felt ominous and placed the box of letters and gifts inside the little cave he discovered before and the place where he is always celebrating his birthdays alone.

His eyes widen at the sight of the bloody place. He gasped as he saw Blue and Silver's bodies on the ground with their heads turned and eyes wide open. He also saw the heartless body of the Luna who is just lying down beside her children. And what shocked him the most is the pale body of Raiz under his father's feet with a faint smile on her face.

His heart is like being squeezed for that scene that he never imagined nor dreamt to happen in his entire lifetime. Because at those pile of corpses on the ground, his mother and father is standing on top of them, trampling them with satisfaction in their faces.

"No! This can't be happening!" He mumbled as his eyes turned to his brother who is still in shock while watching the people who is just smiling at him earlier, and now they are lying on the ground, drench by their own blood, lifeless.

He ran towards the lifeless body of his mate and his body started to tremble. He watched her for a while, like checking if there is still a sliver of hope that she is alive.

Jason snickered and licked his claws with blood smeared on it. He looks so happy in Prinnx's point of view and he can't help but to feel the anger that is being stored in his heart for all the years. His claws showed from his fingers and he leaped towards the Alpha's back.

In a blink of an eye, his brother turned into his wolf form as well as their father. Prinnx bounced off when their father suddenly transformed. His mother saw him and was about to run towards him when he transformed as well and growled at her.

"W-what? U-ungrateful brat! Who are you g-growling at, huh? You have no right to d-do that!" She stuttered while watching her son's eyes with full of anger and hatred in them. She gasped for this is the first time her son glared at her with such extreme emotion.

"You have no right to lecture me for you who is the one who is guilty amongst all of us! You're not a mother and you do not deserved to be one!" He roared.

His mother started to step backward but because the place is full of corpse, she slipped from their blood that made her touch it and scream because of fear.

He leaped and clawed his mother's face that intensified her scream. But his sanity already escaped from him as the image of Blue, Silver, the Luna, Raiz's demise haunted him even he's awake. He clawed her face until she is unrecognisable.

At the same time, the two big wolves are already wounding and biting each other.

The strength of the two are equal, and because no one aside the beta— Theodore Philips,— and Prinnx are the only witnesses of the fight.

Blood, blood, blood. All they can see is blood.

Theodore stopped Prinnx because he knows his Alpha too well. Prinnx understood that without a word and let his crying and cussing mother go. He immediately approached his younger brothers and hugged them tightly as he grit his teeth while tears kept on falling down like a stream.

Alongside with Prinnx's endless tears, is also the anger and madness of Redson. And with his final blow, he twisted Jason's head like what he did to his brothers, drained his blood like what he did to Raiz and pulled out his heart like what he did to his mother.

And with that, his mistress and Prinnx's mother died by her head being pulled out mercilessly from her body.

And with that, their birthdays turned into a historical killing spree in the history.