
matchless Sword God

A skilled ancient warrior from Earth is reborn in the Spirit Martial Continent, shattering his inner barriers and resuming his cultivation. He seeks vengeance for his family's long-standing feud, obliterating his enemies with the Stellar Absorption Technique, Sword Art, and various ancient martial arts. Amidst demons and spirits, he navigates through love and hatred, aiming to dominate and establish his martial prowess as a supreme expert of both earthly and heavenly realms. With his sword in hand, Jiang Yun severs all obstacles and becomes an unparalleled Sword God. There are three realms of human martial arts: Body Martial, Qi Martial, and Yuan Martial; three realms of earthly martial arts: True Martial, Profound Martial, and Void Martial; and three realms of heavenly martial arts: Honored Martial, Emperor Martial, and Divine Martial.

DaoistUz6A8r · Eastern
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110 Chs

Round of 16

By the time Jiang Yun and the others left, the list of the Sweet Sixteen had already been announced by the time Li Dadan and the rest returned in the evening. Among them, the Heavenly Sword Sect had secured six spots.

Jiang Yun, Li Dadan, Wang Kaihai, Yang Jinyan, Zhou Ziyue, and also one who wasn't prominent among the Outer Sect disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect but had performed surprisingly well in the group stage, Lu Cheng.

The other ten members of the Sweet Sixteen were comprised of Xiao Jintiger from the Yan Moon Sect, Chen Si, Wu Feiyun, Yang Yufeng, Huang Xiongjie, and from the Divine Path Sect, five individuals: Long Jiang'an, Chen Dong, Wei Cong, Zhang Zhe, and Li Weihua.

From the Sweet Sixteen list, it was evident that the Heavenly Sword Sect truly lived up to its reputation as one of the top three orthodox sects. Out of over forty Outer Sect disciples, six had made it to the Sweet Sixteen, whereas the Divine Path Sect and the Yan Moon Sect, despite having three to four times the number of disciples, managed only five spots in the Sweet Sixteen.

On that evening, Hu Qing called the six disciples who had entered the Sweet Sixteen to his resting chamber. He promised rewards to them after the joint examination concluded.

The next day, Jiang Yun and the others arrived at the main hall early once again, awaiting the next round of drawing lots for the Sweet Sixteen.

When Lu Yao stood before Jiang Yun, holding the drawing lots box with a smiling expression, Jiang Yun was once again taken aback by her stunning appearance.

Lu Yao stood elegantly before Jiang Yun, like a fairy in a flowing gown. She handed the drawing lots box to Jiang Yun and playfully said, "Why are you staring at me? Draw the lot."

Jiang Yun awkwardly smiled. His self-control was not as strong as he had thought. At least in the face of the excessively beautiful Lu Yao, he couldn't remain composed. He reached into the box and drew a lot – number sixteen.

"Your luck is not bad," Lu Yao's eyes sparkled as she looked at the lot in Jiang Yun's hand, then she gracefully turned and left Jiang Yun's side, just as she had entered the scene with an air of unconcern back at the Qingyang Cave Mansion.

Although Lu Yao appeared calm, her inner world was far from it. Jiang Yun was quite peculiar; he seemed to carry a certain charm that easily ensnared Lu Yao.

Even though Lu Yao portrayed a carefree demeanor in front of others, she was, after all, a woman. And women, more often than not, are emotional beings, something Lu Yao was no exception to.

The meeting between Jiang Yun and Lu Yao was already imbued with a strong romantic element from the start. They had faced adversity together from the beginning. In the secret chamber, Jiang Yun's calm and composed demeanor in the face of life and death differed greatly from the nonchalant image he projected for others. It was something innate within him.

Moreover, Jiang Yun's meticulous care in the secret chamber left a favorable impression on Lu Yao. Yet, this impression was limited to mere fondness. Following these incidents, when Jiang Yun exhibited his sword talent, Lu Yao became more intrigued. And when a woman becomes intrigued by a man, it's a sign she's stepping into deep waters.

After parting ways in the Qingyang Cave Mansion, she encountered Jiang Yun again, and he helped her solve the difficult issue she had with the Twenty-first Style of the Solitary Wind Sword Technique. Lu Yao's initial fondness had begun to deepen during these two months. Seeing Jiang Yun again rekindled that fondness, and when she noticed Jiang Yun's absent-mindedness today, she felt a sense of satisfaction, as if she had regained the scene where she once tried to engage him but was ignored.

Spring blooms with flowers, birds roam free.

Unfortunately, Lu Yao didn't know this song. Otherwise, its lyrics might have perfectly conveyed her inner joy and delight.

Jiang Yun wasn't Lu Yao. Although Jiang Yun had stirred a ripple of emotion within Lu Yao, he was quick to control it. He could easily subdue these feelings and tuck them away in a corner of his heart that could be forgotten if not sought.

The drawing of lots was soon completed. Lu Yao took the drawing lots box and returned to the backstage. A senior from the Divine Path Sect approached Jiang Yun's group to explain how the opponents were assigned.

Odd-numbered contestants against odd-numbered contestants, and even-numbered contestants against even-numbered contestants.

Jiang Yun's opponent was the fourteenth contestant from the Divine Path Sect, Zhang Zhe. Jiang Yun didn't know much about Zhang Zhe's strength, but from the weapon Zhang Zhe held, it seemed he was proficient with knives.

As Jiang Yun observed Zhang Zhe, Zhang Zhe was doing the same. Zhang Zhe's gaze was steady, and even when he learned that his opponent was Jiang Yun, his hand holding the weapon didn't tremble in the slightest. This composed mindset alone was enough to earn Jiang Yun's respect.


The sound of a bell rang out, signaling the start of the first intense elimination match as Yang Jinyan and Wu Yunfei from the Yan Moon Sect both stepped onto the stage. The elimination stage had begun from the moment they appeared on stage.

The spectators below had set aside any regrets from not advancing and were now prepared to watch the intense clash between these two. If they could absorb something from the duel between experts, then their trip wouldn't be in vain.

Both Yang Jinyan and Wu Yunfei were sword users, so their duel was spectacular right from the beginning. At least for the spectators below, it was a closely matched showdown.

"Who do you think will win?" A fragrant breeze swept over from behind Jiang Yun, and Lu Yao's voice reached his ears. Jiang Yun didn't know when she had come back from the backstage, and she was standing by his side.

Lu Yao's eyes were bright, and her gaze was open and honest. Her admiration for Jiang Yun was never hidden in her eyes. Even when Jiang Yun stared into her eyes, she didn't put on the coquettish demeanor of a little girl but stood openly and naturally.

"Can't you see their respective strengths? Who has the upper hand?" Jiang Yun laughed, and Lu Yao's cultivation level was higher than his. She couldn't possibly fail to see that Yang Jinyan was currently dominating the battle. Her question was probably just an attempt to strike up a conversation.