
matchless Sword God

A skilled ancient warrior from Earth is reborn in the Spirit Martial Continent, shattering his inner barriers and resuming his cultivation. He seeks vengeance for his family's long-standing feud, obliterating his enemies with the Stellar Absorption Technique, Sword Art, and various ancient martial arts. Amidst demons and spirits, he navigates through love and hatred, aiming to dominate and establish his martial prowess as a supreme expert of both earthly and heavenly realms. With his sword in hand, Jiang Yun severs all obstacles and becomes an unparalleled Sword God. There are three realms of human martial arts: Body Martial, Qi Martial, and Yuan Martial; three realms of earthly martial arts: True Martial, Profound Martial, and Void Martial; and three realms of heavenly martial arts: Honored Martial, Emperor Martial, and Divine Martial.

DaoistUz6A8r · Eastern
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110 Chs

Confused and Infatuated

"Chuckles." Lu Yao's laughter was radiant, and her eyes squinted beautifully. At least, Jiang Yun hadn't taken his eyes off her.

Lu Yao's eyes squinted even deeper, forming a crescent moon shape. Suddenly, she pointed towards the arena and said, "It seems like the outcome is about to be revealed."

During the time Jiang Yun and Lu Yao were conversing, the duel between Yang JinYan and Wu YunFei on the field was coming to an end.

Yang JinYan's gaze was steadfast, his three-foot-long sword sweeping through the air, causing a momentary brilliance that rendered the field somewhat dazzling. In contrast, Wu YunFei's sword resembled a lone boat in the midst of waves, appearing unsteady, as if it could be overturned by a single surge at any moment.

As the sword's radiance dispersed, the strands of hair hanging beside Yang JinYan's temples swayed gently in the wind. Wu YunFei's gaze was vacant as he stared at the bare hilt of his sword.

"This is the 'Solitary Wind Twenty-One Sword Style.' Yang JinYan's use of this sword technique seems to show traces of your influence. Have you given him guidance?"

Lu Yao's tone was laced with a hint of displeasure. Women can be jealous, and while Jiang Yun had greatly inspired her with the 'Solitary Wind Twenty-One Sword Style,' now that she saw Yang JinYan mastering a similar technique through Jiang Yun's guidance, she couldn't help feeling a bit unhappy.

Jiang Yun was unsure if he had failed to detect the undertone of unhappiness in Lu Yao's voice or if he was intentionally acting as though he hadn't noticed. He simply smiled faintly in response, averted his gaze from Lu Yao's eyes, and said, "He has his own unique understanding of this sword style. I merely helped him find a direction."

"It's clear that the Sword Sect excels in sword techniques above other sects. I never expected an outer disciple to have such a profound comprehension of sword techniques."

At the highest point of the hall, where the leaders of the three sects were seated, Li YiFeng couldn't help but praise Yang JinYan's performance.

Liang XingLu's expression wasn't too favorable. No one likes being relegated to a background role. Although this was a competition among outer disciples, it was still a matter of the Sword Sect's and Yin Moon Sect's reputation. As the defeated party, Liang XingLu's frustration was palpable. Especially when Hu Qing wore an air of nonchalance, as if a victory for the Sword Sect's disciple was the natural order of things.

"I've lost."

Wu YunFei lowered his head and softly admitted, his words barely audible due to his proximity to Yang JinYan.

"You're already quite formidable. If it were me from before, I might not have been able to defeat you."

"Regardless, losing means losing."

Wu YunFei lifted his head, meeting Yang JinYan's gaze. From his expression, it seemed he genuinely accepted his defeat. Yang JinYan wanted to offer words of comfort, but in this situation, no matter what he said, it would likely come across as pity toward the weaker party. Consequently, he merely opened his mouth, then let the words fade away unsaid.

Wu YunFei bent over, picking up the broken sword fragment from the ground. He held it tightly in both hands, seemingly ignoring the edge that cut into his palms. As he moved, droplets of blood trailed along his footsteps.

Not everyone can become a hero. On the path to heroism, there are those who shower them with flowers and applause, those who pave the way with stepping stones.

Yang JinYan might not yet be qualified as a hero, but Wu YunFei had indeed become an undeniable stepping stone. Yet, it was precisely due to Wu YunFei's forlorn and desolate silhouette as he left the arena that this battle would be remembered not only for Yang JinYan's victory.

Wu YunFei's fervent desire for victory and his unwavering determination would be noted by the unattainable elders of the Yin Moon Sect. Such a disciple, even if slightly less talented, was still a valuable asset.

Perhaps, from the very beginning of this battle, there were no true losers. For the audience below, they witnessed a captivating and evenly matched duel of exceptional swordplay.

For the two individuals on the field, Yang JinYan emerged victorious, but Wu YunFei also managed to capture the attention of the Yin Moon Sect elders. As far as the joint assessment of the three sects was concerned, this intense elimination match marked a promising beginning.

Once the two contestants left the arena, the elimination rounds continued at full throttle. By the time Jiang Yun stepped onto the field, the names for the top eight were almost finalized.

Li DaDan and Zhou ZiYue had unlucky draws, each encountering Long JiangAn and Xiao JinHu respectively, resulting in their inevitable elimination. Among the Sword Sect disciples, the ones advancing to the top eight were Wang KaiHai, Yang JinYan, and the yet-to-play Jiang Yun.

"It's your turn. Do you need me to cheer for you?" Lu Yao tilted her head, a playful expression on her face as she glanced at Jiang Yun.

Lu Yao was well aware of Jiang Yun's capabilities, and her remark was meant in jest. However, she didn't expect Jiang Yun to curl his lips and respond with a smile, saying, "Sure, how do you plan on cheering for me?"

Lu Yao hadn't anticipated Jiang Yun's sudden friendliness. It was a stark contrast to his indifference towards her a few months ago. Now that Jiang Yun was being amicable, she felt somewhat bewildered.

Jiang Yun, though, was in no hurry. He simply smiled at Lu Yao, causing a faint blush to spread across her cheeks. Finally, her nose twitched, and she took a couple of steps forward, almost coming face to face with Jiang Yun. She leaned in, gently brushing her lips against his.

While Lu Yao's demeanor appeared calm, her slightly trembling eyelashes and her chest rising and falling with irregularity revealed the turbulence within her heart.

After Lu Yao's lips left his face, Jiang Yun gave her a faint smile before turning around and heading onto the field.

"Thank you!"

It wasn't until Jiang Yun took the stage that Lu Yao regained her senses. Placing her hands against her flushed face, her heart continued to race at an alarming pace. She watched Jiang Yun's departing figure, feeling a sense of confusion and infatuation.

Jiang Yun, on the other hand, didn't appear as composed as he seemed. Even if he were a block of ice, facing Lu Yao's passionate warmth, it would be difficult for him to maintain an unwavering composure.

A tender moment could be truly moving, especially after hearing about the emotional experience of Qu BuPing. This had subtly altered Jiang Yun's perspective on matters of romance. It was the reason he was displaying an unusually amiable attitude towards Lu Yao today.

Qu BuPing's long years of secluded life in the library, driven by heartache, had made Jiang Yun curious. What kind of emotion could make a person's entire life feel like a fleeting moment? So, when Lu Yao reappeared and began showing interest in him, he didn't react as he used to, with instant resistance. Instead, he chose to try and accept her.

Moreover, looking at the present circumstances, he didn't see anything unfavorable. On the contrary, he felt a hint of emotion. However, he had become accustomed to concealing all his feelings within his heart. That's why his apparent calmness this time was just a habitual expression, not a true reflection of his inner feelings.

When Zhang Zhe stepped onto the field afterward, he was still savoring the memory of Lu Yao's tender kiss. He only snapped out of it when the host of the assessment reminded them that their match was about to begin.