
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


I have seen many complaining about the excessive use of AI models. So here is the thing.

I used some models to enrich the reading experience since the wording of the original is quite confusing sometimes. So I used AI. I wasn't leaving everything to AI, as I had added many things for myself. However, I realized it was really cringe reading the AI version.

From Chapter 30 or so onward, I won't be using AI to rewrite it. I'll add some dialogue and write to clarify myself. So yeah, until then, have fun and continue to support the book. Since the quota of 1k PS hasn't been reached, so I will try to upload some free bonus chapters in the future. Just add power stones to the game.