
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 27: New Lave Technique

A few days later, the Akatsuki meeting convened, and the highly anticipated contribution system was swiftly implemented. News of the program spread like wildfire amongst the members.

The prospect of exchanging their contributions for ninjutsu, especially powerful techniques like B-level and even A-level jutsu, sparked a wave of excitement.

While their initial motivation for joining Akatsuki stemmed from shared ideals, most were formerly wandering ninja within the war-torn Land of Rain.

Access to powerful jutsu had been a distant dream. The contribution system offered a tangible reward for their efforts, starkly contrasting the meager opportunities they found before joining the organization.

The variety of ninjutsu in the exchange catalog was particularly astounding. It included high-level techniques – B-level and even A-level jutsu – typically considered family heirlooms, rarely accessible even to seasoned jonin.

The fact that the Akatsuki leadership was willing to share such powerful jutsu, with seemingly modest contribution requirements, fueled a sense of disbelief amongst the members.

Questions swirled in their minds. Where did the leaders procure such a vast and diverse collection of ninjutsu? Were they backed by a hidden ninja village, or perhaps plunderers of an extinct clan's treasure trove? Driven by curiosity and a touch of suspicion, several members returning from missions made a joint visit to Yahiko's office.

A polite "Please come in" greeted them from behind the door as Yahiko acknowledged the knock. The Akatsuki members approached cautiously.

"Um, Lord Yahiko. We're here to exchange some ninjutsu."

Yahiko, momentarily looking up from his work, responded with a warm smile. "Ah, I have your mission logs right here. Let me know which jutsu you'd like to exchange." He then extended the ninjutsu catalog towards them.

The members delved into the catalog, their eyes scanning the listings. Finally, they settled on two C-level jutsu and one tempting B-level technique. Their current contribution level wasn't enough to afford the coveted A-level ninjutsu.

Yahiko offered a slight nod before ushering the group into a nearby, concealed chamber. Inside, he retrieved the corresponding jutsu scrolls.

"Here are the techniques you've chosen."

Yahiko explained, his tone serious and authoritative.

"Remember, these jutsu are strictly for Akatsuki members only. Once you've mastered them, you must return the scrolls."

The weight of these conditions, coupled with the sheer power now at their fingertips, left the group feeling slightly lightheaded as they exited Yahiko's office, clutching their prizes tightly.

Back in the Hidden Rain Village, access to jutsu was tightly controlled, a constant source of frustration. Even seasoned Chunin with over a decade of service struggled to acquire advanced techniques.

"Lord Yahiko, where exactly did this vast collection of ninjutsu in the organization come from?"

The Akatsuki member couldn't help blurting out a question before leaving Yahiko's office,

The moment the question left his lips, he felt a little regretful and troubled. Certain inquiries were best left unasked. Yahiko, however, merely offered a gentle smile.

"These jutsu were acquired by Byakuya. He also proposed the contribution system. If you feel the need to express gratitude, direct it towards him."

He patted the member's shoulder reassuringly and said,

"Byakuya brought them back?"

The Akatsuki members exchanged surprised glances, a wave of realization washing over them. Byakuya's name held a certain weight within the organization, conjuring memories of his vocal opposition to Yahiko at the meeting and the earth-shattering display of power during their sparring session just a few days ago.

His name was synonymous with strength, a force that often caused Yahiko headaches. Yet, here he was, not only securing a vast repository of jutsu but also advocating for its widespread sharing with fellow members. This revelation struck a chord of astonishment within them.

"Byakuya being the source of these jutsu and a proponent of the contribution system is a complete surprise,"

"But I heard there's significant tension between Chief Yahiko and Byakuya. Byakuya didn't even attend the meeting, did he?"

"That's what I heard too. Maybe there's more to the story,"

"We know both Yahiko and Byakuya share a vision for Akatsuki's growth, but they have fundamental disagreements on certain matters. Perhaps this explains their dynamic..."

Theories and speculations swirled amongst the group as they walked back.

Upon returning to their quarters, they wasted no time in delving into the practice of their newly acquired jutsu. As successful execution followed successful execution, news of the contribution system's authenticity spread like wildfire. More and more ninjas took advantage of the program, exchanging jutsu and becoming increasingly aware of Byakuya's pivotal role in its implementation.


As Byakuya strolled down the Akatsuki base's path, whispers followed him like a constant murmur.

"Isn't that Lord Byakuya? I heard he single-handedly procured all the ninjutsu in the organization!"

"He's so young, yet capable of mastering S-level jutsu! Appearances can be deceiving, truly."

"Maybe Lord Byakuya's age is a facade! Perhaps he uses some transformation jutsu to disguise it. How else could he possess such power?"

Byakuya remained unfazed by the chatter. His true concern lay in their reactions to the newly acquired ninjutsu. Since the contribution system's launch, the system prompts within his mind had become noticeably more frequent.

While most offered fragments of basic escape techniques and chakra control, occasional surprises emerged.

A notification materialized in his mind:

[Kato learned the Water Style: Water Rush Wave Technique. You obtained the Water Style Basic Fragment.]

 [Sato learned the Earth Style: Heart Beheading Technique. You obtained the Earth Style Basic Fragment.]

Finally, a more substantial reward appeared:

[Jonin Kyūsuke joined the Akatsuki Organization. You obtained the Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique.]

Byakuya swiftly accessed the system panel, his gaze scanning the reward section. The news of Jonin Kyūsuke's enlistment immediately caught his eye.

He delved deeper into his memories, remnants of the original Naruto series flickering to life. Kyūsuke, one of the first generation's elite Jonin within Akatsuki, possessed considerable strength.

He even managed to hold his own against Obito for a short time during the organization's attack.

Tragically, his attempt at a final, self-sacrificing attack with a family secret technique was thwarted by Obito's Kamui. After all, the later possessed some read cheat level ability that assisted him for causing 4th Ninja War.

The Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique bestowed by the system undoubtedly originated from Kyūsuke's lineage.

While acquiring the coveted Lava Release bloodline would have been ideal, the reality was different. This is also acceptable.

With a focused mind, Byakuya formed the necessary hand seals, channeling his chakra to activate the newly acquired technique.

The ground before him shimmered, rapidly hardening into a layer of cement that solidified at an impressive speed.

Witnessing the rapid solidification, Byakuya couldn't help but admire this Lava Technique. This jutsu, intended by Kyūsuke for a desperate last stand, held far greater utility in Byakuya's eyes.

"More than useful. It's practically a construction marvel!"

While Kyūsuke envisioned a final, self-sacrificial act in the anime, Byakuya saw endless possibilities. This jutsu could revolutionize the Akatsuki base's dilapidated state.

Heck, he could even start a construction company with it! A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes.

"Later, I'll suggest this to Yahiko. Kyūsuke cannot be sacrificed now."

With a newfound purpose, Byakuya closed the system panel and headed towards the training ground. Today's session was already underway.

After "borrowing" Nagato from Yahiko (with a promise to return him in pristine condition, of course), Byakuya began their specialized training regimen aimed at unlocking Nagato's Rinnegan potential.

Compared to a goldmine of potential like Nagato, the feedback strength Byakuya received from the other Akatsuki members, though valuable, paled in comparison.

Reaching the training grounds, Byakuya found Nagato clad in a training suit, ready for their session.



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