
Mastering mind magic in Harry Potter

the MC will reincarnate in a Harry potter world. With the help of his extreme talent in mind magic, follow Aelius Lovegood as he tries to make the best of this new life.

Mangadonf · Book&Literature
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Meeting the Weasley's

Let's be frank, my opinion of the Weasley's prior to meeting them in real life was not very good. I didn't think they were evils, but I didn't like them either.

I still tried to keep an open mind the first time we met. After all, it was not a family described in a book anymore, it was real life. And while I could completely ignore them, they were still one of our two neighbours.

So when my parents told me some kids were coming to play (I was two the first time they came), I decided to try and make friends. Who knows what the future has in store right ?

At the time I hadn't realize the weird faces they were making when they told me that. And well, it was... An experience. Turns out, my parents don't like Molly very much, but decided to invite her anyway so that Luna and I would start contacting other kids.

*** Flashback ***

"Hello Pandora, how are you ?" Asked Molly as a greeting.

"Hello Molly, I'm good thank you, just a bit tired. Luna is being difficult since the start of the week because she started making her teeth." Pandora greeted.

"Ah, don't get me started on that, I'm not in a hurry for my little Ginny to start on hers. I still got a few months before that I guess." Molly answered. "So where are your two little bundle of joy ?" She said as she started looking around.

"Let me get them, Luna is in her crib and Aelius must be making scribble next to the printing press or in the library. I can't seem to make him go anywhere else, he keep saying he's going to make books like his daddy" mother chuckled.

"Better he doesn't, I don't think it's a good idea to nurse this kind of ideas lest he kept to it. You should motivate him to work in a better place instead, like the ministry, or if you really want him to be a journalist, the 'Daily Prophet' would be a better prospect." Molly admonished.

My mother stiffened at that, but didn't show more reaction.

"So who did you come with today ?" She asked, completely changing the subject.

Molly looked at her disappointedly, but answered nevertheless, letting the subject go. "Let me introduce you, the cutie in my arm is my little girl Ginny, she's six months old, the twins are Fred and George, they're four years old, and the last one is Ron. He was born on the 1st March so I guess they are as close as possible age wise with Aelius."

Pandora smiled a bit at that. "Yeah, I remember seeing you at St mungo after giving birth to Aelius. But anyway, let me go get my wayward child." She laughed after inviting the Weasley's inside.

"I am here mum. I was spying like a journalist !" I said getting out from under the table where I was watching everything. "Hello, I'm Aelius !"

My mum wasn't much surprised, but the others children were. Molly looked a bit miffed that I was hiding under the table. So I used legilimency on her to know why.

'Look at him, gathering all the dirt from under the table, why isn't Pandora saying anything?' She thought.

OK... So she's a bit judgemental.

"Cool ! We didn't see you." Said one of the twins

"You hide very well." Said the other one.

"Awesome !" they said together

I couldn't help but smile at that. They could already twin speak. Though I'm not sure I'll keep liking it. It might become annoying in the long term.

"Hehe, I'm the best journalist like my father ! What about your father ?" I asked the twins

"My husband is the head of the misuse of muggle artefacts office. It's an important position at the ministry of magic. If you are lucky you'll be able to work at the ministry in the future too." Molly said before the twins could answer.

'Let me guide this poor child since the mother doesn't seems to care. This way he could have a respectable job instead of following his father footstep in editing that rag.' She thought at the same time.

OK, so she is not fond of dad's newspaper... I can understand why my parents aren't fond of her if that's her thoughts. But at least she seems to want to help me sooo... Let's keep an open mind, and troll her a bit.

"THE MINISTRY !!! No way ! Dad told me they use magic to replace thinking people with red flying monkeys in human disguise !" I shouted, looking shocked. Then looking at the twins I said "Is that why your hair is red ? Your father is a red monkey ? Mum, we're too late to save him !" I wined looking at my mother.

"Father is a red flying monkey ?" said twin one.

"Using magic to look human ?" said twin two.

"COOL !" screamed the twins.

Molly was completely flummoxed, and my mother didn't know what to say, but she was keeping herself from laughing.

"Mama, can I fly like daddy too ?" Asked Ron.

"Your father is NOT a flying monkey Ron !" She screamed at him.

And then he started crying (not surprising). Which woke up Ginny who started crying, making Luna who was in the crib a bit further in the living room woke up and start crying. The twins being still young started crying too, being swayed by the mood, and because of my fuc**ng hormones, I cried too.

After a few moments of trying to calm everyone down, we ended up playing the rest of the afternoon. My final opinion on them at the moment was :

- Ginny : baby

- Ron : keeps crying when doesn't have what he wants

- Fred & George : fun to play with, but a bit mean (wait to see if it gets worse)

- Molly : everything needs to be done in the way she wants, free will killer.


We ended up meeting the Weasley's regularly and with time Luna and Ginny became friends. The twins became more and more unhinged and looked more and more like bullies. What I could read in their head didn't help my opinion of them. They took pleasure in making their brother (or anyone really) miserable. I wasn't really affected since I knew beforehand what they were gonna do but still. Not really best friend material.

As for Ron... He became more and more narcissistic. It was always about him when we played, and if we ignored him for a moment, he would cry, whine, and go to mummy dearest. I know he was just a kid but he wasn't worth it for now.

I also met Percy once or twice. He was OK, but I was much younger than him so he didn't take much interest in me.

As for molly ? She didn't like me, and I didn't like her. She was way too controlling in my opinion, and it clashed with our household most important value : freedom.

Thank you for reading !

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