
Master of Scented Temptations

DaoistCjjvNg · Eastern
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80 Chs

Chapter 35: try it

"This soul-shifting method is really so powerful?" Mrs. Hu was secretly startled.

"To deal with people whose skills are not as good as your own or who have evil thoughts in their hearts is often miraculous." Song Qingshu explained, "For example, it is useless for people who are strong in martial arts and pure in heart like sister-in-law." As a result, he was unable to practice because he possessed such extraordinary skills as the Nine Yin Manual. Unwilling to reconcile, he studied the scriptures over and over again, and finally found that the cultivation of the soul-moving method did not require the circulation of internal energy at all. Spiritual power, that's when Song Qingshu knew that as long as the cultivation conditions were met, he could learn martial arts instantly.

"I don't believe it, I'm trying to cover it up." Mrs. Hu's voice became extremely cute.

"Then do you want to try?" Song Qingshu felt his heart beating faster and stared at her.

Mrs. Hu took a look at him, touched his burning eyes, her heart fluttered, and she replied in a strange way: "Try it, just try it."

"Sister-in-law, look into my eyes..." With the approval of the beauty, Song Qingshu would not be polite.

As soon as Mrs. Hu made eye contact with him, she immediately felt trapped in a huge vortex, and her mind began to lose her mind.

"Sister-in-law, come and hug me." Although there were more things he wanted to do, Song Qingshu was still rational and did not dare to give excessive orders.

"En~" Mrs. Hu coquettishly agreed, and she walked over step by step, stretched out her jade arms, hugged Song Qingshu tightly, and leaned her head gently on his chest.

Warm and soft, Song Qingshu thought he was playing too much this time, so he snapped his fingers in a hurry. Mrs. Hu woke up and saw the posture of the two of them, and pushed Song Qingshu away in shame and anger.

"A mistake," Song Qingshu explained embarrassingly, "I forgot that I just practiced Shenzhao Kungfu, and my internal strength may be a little bit higher than my sister-in-law..."

Mrs. Hu sighed, and gave him a complicated look: "Qing Shu, your method of moving souls is really an evil skill, if you... think about it for a while, I don't know how much good family integrity will be ruined. "

"Sister-in-law, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not that kind of person." Song Qingshu quickly cleared himself, "There is no such thing as evil in martial arts, only those who use kung fu can distinguish between good and evil. Guo Jing and Huang Rong also know this kind of kung fu. Maybe my sister-in-law thinks they are also villains No."

"Well, I can't always say no to you." Mrs. Hu smiled faintly, "But you have to promise me that you will not use this soul-shifting method on your sister-in-law again." But there was a burst of embarrassment in his heart. Stay, let me sleep, am I not...

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will never use it on you again." Song Qingshu solemnly agreed with a complete expression.

"Then sister-in-law can rest assured." Mrs. Hu smiled sweetly, the rising sun shone on her beautiful cheeks, and Song Qingshu couldn't help being dazed.

Noticing his straight gaze, Mrs. Hu made up her mind: "Qing Shu, my sister-in-law is probably going to say goodbye."

A few crisp and sweet words sounded like thunder to Song Qingshu, "Sister-in-law, I was wrong, I shouldn't have teased you with some crooked things."

"It's nothing to do with this," Mrs. Hu sighed, "I'm a widow. I used to help you find a cure for meridians, so it's understandable for me to go in and out with you. Now that your meridians have been cured, how can I treat you?" Can I go with you again?"

"Then I'd rather the meridian can't be healed all the time." Song Qingshu said angrily.

"Speaking out of anger again," Madam Hu also felt a little funny when she saw him showing his childish form, hesitated for a moment, and persuaded, "Qing Shu, for various reasons these days, between us... They are more intimate than ordinary uncles and sisters-in-law."

"The relationship between us is as bright as the sun and the moon, and there is nothing to be ashamed of." Song Qingshu said anxiously.

"What if I have a guilty conscience?" Mrs. Hu's familiar words made Song Qingshu startled, "Which uncle and sister-in-law have you ever seen face each other naked?" The words made both of them feel shocked, and both fell into silence.

"Qingshu, my sister-in-law can guess a thing or two about your thoughts..." After a while, Madam Hu continued.

Song Qingshu opened his mouth anxiously, and Madam Hu's slender finger gently pressed her lips, "Don't worry, listen to me." Song Qingshu's thousand words were immediately pressed back into her belly by her slender finger.

"Qingshu, it's impossible between us. I'm a widow. You still have a bright future, and a girl who is destined for you is waiting for you." Madam Hu's voice was still soft and sweet as usual, but Song Qingshu had a strange feeling. He felt a deep fear, knowing that he might lose her forever.

"I don't care!" Song Qingshu roared angrily.

"But I care!" Mrs. Hu's face became extremely holy at this moment, and she said word by word, "I am Hu Yidao's wife, even if he dies, I will still be his wife, forever!"

Mrs. Hu has always been afraid to face the recent changes in her mind. This time, the soul-shifting method sounded the alarm, forcing her to make a final decision.

Song Qingshu was silent. To modern people, the status of a widow is nothing. As long as two people love each other, everything is not a problem. But in this world, etiquette, law, fame and festivals are something that everyone values, and I can't ask Mrs. Hu to be as open-minded as myself.

I had subconsciously avoided thinking about this question before, but now that I think about it, even if Mrs. Hu agreed to be with me, the secular resistance that both sides faced at that time was not something they could afford.

In order to take advantage that day, Song Qingshu sworn brothers with the dead Hu Yidao. If he finally got together with his widow, not only Mrs. Hu, but Song Qingshu himself would be ruined, and the two of them would be cast aside by the world together.

Song Qingshu is a mature man, although sometimes impulsive, but never lacking in reason, he quickly understood Madam Hu's decision.

Now he regrets very much why Twitch and Hu Yidao became sworn brothers before!

"Understood?" Mrs. Hu saw that his expression gradually returned to calm, her heart ached, but she still hardened her heart and asked.

"Well," Song Qingshu nodded with a wry smile, "Now I can't deal with possible storms, let alone shelter you from the wind and rain. But sister-in-law, don't worry, one day I will make people in the world unable to oppose us. "

"What nonsense~" Madam Hu spat, "I don't care what you think, since you have figured it out, then I'm leaving."

"Sister-in-law, I regret it, I plan to use the soul-transfer method on you again." Song Qingshu suddenly raised his head and smiled.

Madam Hu was startled, and quickly closed her eyes: "Qing Shu, what are you going to do?"

"I'm just joking with you," Song Qingshu sighed, "It's just that I don't know my sister-in-law's name after so long. I really feel a little regretful, and I kind of want to find out through the soul-shifting method."

Mrs. Hu glared at him angrily: "Do you know that except for the closest relatives, women usually only tell their husbands their boudoir names?"

"I know." Song Qingshu's smiling answer made Mrs. Hu feel suffocated, and she gave him a blank look, "I don't want to talk to you." He turned around and left.

After walking for tens of feet, looking back, she saw Song Qingshu still staring blankly at herself, Madam Hu's heart softened, she put her hand to her mouth and shouted: "Brother Hu called me Bingxueer back then." After finishing speaking She fled the scene as if she was flying with ease.