
Master of Scented Temptations

DaoistCjjvNg · Eastern
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80 Chs

Chapter 34: The necessary healing plot in martial arts novels

"Could it be that he wants to save Mrs. Hu after he has learned it?" Suddenly this idea popped up in Ding Dian's mind, and he couldn't help but comfort him: "Song Shaoxia, your understanding is so high that Ding has never seen it in his life. The scriptures of Shenzhao are extensive and profound, and it is absolutely impossible for you to learn them in a short while."

"You can read as long as you want, there are so many nonsense, speak faster!" Song Qingshu said coldly.

Seeing his crazy expression, Ding Dian knew that he had fallen into a demonic barrier, but he hurt others first, and out of guilt, he recited the second half of the Sutra of God: "The sky is overturned and the earth is born, and all things are born before they come out." The earth is called the yin of the yin; the one that comes out of the earth is called the yang of the yin..."

Ding Dian read faster and faster, and Song Qingshu's eyes became brighter and brighter. When Ding Dian finished reading the last sentence, Song Qingshu waved his hand, "Hurry up, both of you!"

"How is that possible!" Ding Dian couldn't help looking back when he went out. Song Qingshu's meridians were clearly cut off before, but now he heard that he had finished reciting the Divine Light Sutra, his eyes were subdued, and the aura on his body was clearly the feeling of a divine light. .

"I must be crazy!" Ding Dian pinched his thigh hard, and the pain let him know that he was not dreaming. But he is already quite conceited about his talent in learning martial arts. Without the guidance of his master, he relied on his own thinking and practiced the Shenzhao Sutra in five years. He didn't expect to meet a more perverted one this time, so he just listened to himself read the scriptures once. He has practiced the Divine Illumination Sutra, and he was still a cripple with no meridians before!

"It seems that this is just a game!" Song Qingshu in the room smiled wryly, feeling that all his meridians had healed, and his whole body was full of true energy. Song Qingshu thought about the fact that he could become a martial artist by listening to the secret book of martial arts. He had only seen it in the game in his previous life. After the player obtained the cheat book, as long as he had enough training conditions, he could right-click and the martial art would reach full level in an instant.

After waiting for a while, the cold voice of the system NPC still did not come from his ears again. Song Qingshu looked at the beautiful woman in his arms and smiled openly: "Whether he is a game or not, I am real, and my sister-in-law is real, all of this is enough gone."

As a well-informed earthling who has seen this chaotic world since traveling, Song Qingshu has always been skeptical about everything and made several inferences secretly. I took it back to do a secret experiment, and my thoughts were extracted by technologies such as virtual reality, and put into this designed game world...

In fact, this is Song Qingshu's overthinking. The universe is so big, and the scientific system of the earth is just a drop in the ocean. It can't explain many wonderful phenomena. Unfortunately or fortunately, time travel is one of them. How did this familiar and chaotic world come into being? is one of them.

Because Song Qingshu is a soul traveler, his soul power is several times stronger than that of the natives of this world, but don't underestimate the gap of several times, it brings a qualitative difference, what others need years to learn, but he This is the reason why you can listen to it once.

"Sister-in-law offended." I promised not to let other men touch her body before, but I am not other men. When I set her bones before, I touched everything that should or should not be touched. Song Qingshu read silently, and gently untied her dress.

Madam Hu originally felt that it was getting colder and colder, and her body was getting lighter and lighter, floating slowly in the endless darkness... Suddenly, a light appeared in the sky, and the sun slowly moved out.

As the sun shone on her body, Madam Hu felt warmer and heavier, and her body became heavier... Where am I?

Mrs. Hu slowly opened her eyes, and slowly recovered her sanity. Suddenly, her face turned pale and she realized that she was not wearing any hair. At this time, Song Qingshu's voice came from behind: "Sister-in-law, don't get excited. I am healing your injuries, you are too seriously injured, don't give up all your previous efforts."

Madam Hu sighed in her heart: "What an enemy, it doesn't matter if he touched it last time, it's good this time, it's all over..."

Feeling the heat from the palm of the vest, Madam Hu's heart trembled, she gritted her silver teeth, and closed her eyes resignedly.

After a night of treatment, Song Qingshu finally pulled Mrs. Hu back from the ghost gate. When the two opened the gate of the ruined temple, they were greeted by Ling Shuanghua's kind smile and Ding Dian's dumbfounded expression.

Ding Dian didn't have the time to care about Mrs. Hu who was blushing. Instead, he asked Song Qingshu to ask questions. After learning that he had really learned the magic photo, he looked at him with a complicated expression for a while: "I hesitated whether I should take advantage of you while you are still here." I got rid of you during the growing period..."

Song Qingshu was startled. After a night of treatment, his true energy was completely exhausted at this time, and he had no resistance at all.

Ling Shuanghua laughed and scolded angrily: "Brother Ding, don't scare Mr. Song. If you weren't reckless last night, there wouldn't be so many incidents."

Ding Dian smiled awkwardly, clasped his fists and knelt down: "Brother Song, last night I treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and repaid my kindness with revenge, causing this... Miss Hu almost died, so I am here to apologize to you " He didn't know Madam Hu's surname at the moment, he only knew that they were called uncles and sisters-in-law, but seeing the intimacy between them, and thinking that he would have to take off all his clothes to heal his wounds, Ding Dian had a strange expression on his face, so he had to say in a hurry. It is Miss Hu.

Song Qingshu had his heart broken yesterday, but fortunately Mrs. Hu was safe in the end, she practiced the skill of divine illumination, and her meridians resumed. After everyone was happy, he was much more pleasing to the eye, so she quickly helped him up.

One night, as if it had been a lifetime, the four of them sighed endlessly. After a period of pleasantries, Ding Dian and Ling Shuanghua saw that Mrs. Hu was fine, so he bid farewell to the two of them and left.

During the period, Song Qingshu was hesitant to remind them not to go back to Jingzhou again. When he accidentally saw Mrs. Hu's weak expression, he suddenly felt ruthless: "Fate, if you run back to Jingzhou again and get hurt by Ling Tuisi, then You deserve it, who made you hurt sister-in-law."

There were only two of them left alone, Madam Hu was quite uncomfortable, neither of them knew how to break the calm.

Song Qingshu is a modern person, so he doesn't care about what happened last night, but he is afraid that Mrs. Hu is too thin-skinned, and it would be bad if she accidentally angered her.

In the end, Mrs. Hu couldn't stand this ambiguous silence, and asked, "How did you get Ling Tuisi to agree to their marriage that day?"

Song Qingshu almost laughed when he heard it, but he didn't expect her to hold back such an irrelevant sentence for so long, so he had to suppress his smile and explained: "When I was alone with Ling Tuisi, I used the "Nine Yin Manual" The soul-moving method in it hypnotized him, and when he heard me give specific instructions, he said it word by word according to what I taught him."