
Master of Amber

People are unrighteous, yet they claim to be heroes and saviors of the world when it benefits them, only a selected few claim and uphold the path of a demon, true to their desire, but none could survive it. The path to Immortality is a cruel path to tread, not knowing whether it's attainable or not. In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and one's soul and body are everything. Follow Yone's path as he walks the path of Immortality yet again. Only, this time it is slightly different. Armend! With the Armend Extraction System in his possession, he forges a path for himself almost identical to his prior life, slaughtering all enemies who stand between him and his goal.

Choka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The beginning

Yone tried to move his head left and right, yet, no matter how many times he tried, he struggled to find any speck of light around him.

All he saw was pitch-black darkness from every corner he could look at. For a moment, and after struggling for quite a while to find that last shred of hope, he began suspecting if he became blind all of a sudden.

" Did those bastards playing heroes wanna-be-game use some Ancient Armend to keep my consciousness afloat after killing me?" He said with a bit of amusement, his lips curling into a faint smile.

Even though he didn't know if his lips existed or not since he wasn't sure about his current situation, his habits were still the same and he couldn't control them.

" I wonder if that's the case," He said as memories of the past surfaced," Speaking of which, those old bastards hate seemed to be running so deep, it even reached a point where all the Dragon Empire joined forces together to trap and kill me."

" It wouldn't be surprising if they used such a precious treasure just to have revenge while also having fun torturing me till my consciousness crumbles."

With a heavy sight, Yone pondered his next move.

About the torture process?

Yone didn't care in the slightest.

Such childless games couldn't move a single hair on his body, much less affect him greatly enough to make him reach a step where he would scream or feel intense pain.

In Yone's mind, those elders were wasting their time and resources by doing this, but he still understood where they came from.

" Or maybe I just died and this is a form of afterlife, after all, it isn't out of the question," Yone rubbed his chin, simultaneously yawning while placing his hands behind his head to take a nap. Or at least that's what he thought he was doing.

Yone remained still, not losing his composure as he helplessly stayed in his napping position for what seemed to be an eternity.

People might become paranoid, anxious, or even afraid and feel deeply lonely whenever placed in such a similar situation. Yone on the other hand had suffered enough in his life, that such things were all but childish games for him.

Time seemed to pass endlessly, while Yone behaved as if his own life wasn't related to him.

Time kept passing, yet Yone still showed no interest in opening his eyes nor trying to find a way out of this situation whatsoever.

If anyone were to see this from a third-party point of view, they would be shocked and terrified to the core at the cheer mental strenght this man has.

After what seemed like ages inside the pitch-black darkness, a faint warm light that shot directly into Yone's closed eyes woke him in annoyance.

" Ohh, I wonder which scenario will occur from the two I thought of." He mused as he slowly struggled to fully open his eyes.

However, the moment he did so, he noticed that everything around him was bloody red. Alas, given his prior life, he somehow felt at home.

" Smell of blood, I wonder what is this place," He quickly moved his head towards the narrow tunnel the blinding light came from, desiring to see what kind of future awaited him.

" Hmm? Something is off, it feels like a strange force is slowly draining my power away, I feel way wea..."

Yone's body was as heavy as a rock a child couldn't dream of lifting, his eyelids uncontrollably closing.

As he was struggling to keep his eyes open and body under control, he heard a cheerful voice sounding on top of him.

" Master, it's a boy!" The nanny taking care of the birth joyfully announced to the parents while at the same time checking if the baby's health was in peak condition.

' A silent one huh,' She thought after noticing the strange behavior of the baby, but those thoughts quickly slipped to the side.

Not wasting any time, she looked at her madam who fainted from the severe pain directly after giving birth.

The nanny slightly shook her head as she shifted her gaze back to the baby that adorned an ugly expression which was even more amplified by the blood he was bathed in.

Not wanting to give any wild ideas to her master that is waiting to hold his baby right behind her, she gently patted him on the back attempting to make him cry.

Alas, no matter how many times she patted, no reaction came from him.

" If you want to die that badly, just do that again!" Yone threatened as he strangely looked at the old woman in front of him.

For a second, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. A time came when someone dared to treat him this way, it wouldn't be strange to call this a dream.

Unfortunately for Yone, only crybaby sounds came out of him, making the nanny sigh of relief upon hearing them. The white-haired middle-aged man's face also brightened up right after, and a smile escaped his lips for a second.

" Death it is then," Yone quietly said as he instantly punched the woman in the face, planning on dismantling her head from her shoulders with a single attack. However, no matter how many times he did the same action, nothing happened.

" Wait a minute," A sudden realization dawned upon him as he bitterly looked at his hand the size of a baby's.

After recalling all that just happened and the reactions of the people around him, a full picture of his situation presented itself in his mind," Looks like I have indeed reincarnated, seems like my second guess hit the vital point."

For a moment, even he found the situation a bit unreal, hard to believe even. For the first time in hundreds of years that he had lived, Yone had a hard time comprehending his situation, his brain working at full speed in an attempt to digest the news as quickly as possible.

Even though he had guessed such a possibility, he only joked with such a thought, never did he truly consider something like this to become real. Yet to his surprise, reincarnation was indeed genuine.

Looking at the strange room and people around him, the few things planted on the ceiling that he couldn't recognize. Yone suddenly had a bold thought.

" If even reincarnation is real, then Immortality must also be achievable," A devilish smirk adorned his face as that thought hovered in his mind.

He had already tried attaining Immortality in his past life but found zero clues about it, in the end, and before he got encircled by the justice guilds, he concluded that Immortality doesn't exist.

However, his current situation re-ignited that dim fire that used to burn inside him.

Yone stretched out his baby hand, his sight fixated on his own young and soft, pale palms, then slowly clenched them, embracing the truth of this reality with all his might.

The sound of the drizzling rain hitting softly against the window sill filled his ears, he slowly closed his eyes, opening them after a long while. He sighed, "Hundreds of years of experience, it really feels like a dream."

But he knew it clearly: This was definitely not a dream.

And this time, he will try even harder to achieve his true dream and goal.
