
Master of Amber

People are unrighteous, yet they claim to be heroes and saviors of the world when it benefits them, only a selected few claim and uphold the path of a demon, true to their desire, but none could survive it. The path to Immortality is a cruel path to tread, not knowing whether it's attainable or not. In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and one's soul and body are everything. Follow Yone's path as he walks the path of Immortality yet again. Only, this time it is slightly different. Armend! With the Armend Extraction System in his possession, he forges a path for himself almost identical to his prior life, slaughtering all enemies who stand between him and his goal.

Choka · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Observing his Surroudings

' Looks like the baby is perfectly normal, I guess his motionless state earlier was only temporary after his birth, ' The nanny thought, sighing in relief after seeing the energetic boy in front of her constantly moving and crying.

She swiftly washed away the blood from him and, bowing respectfully, handed him to the white-haired man who had been waiting behind her the entire time.

"Master, your baby is in perfect shape."

The middle-aged man named David only slightly nodded his head while grabbing his boy in the process, his eyes reflecting a calm yet intense focus," You can take your leave, you will find your payment with the guard right outside of this room."

The old woman thanked him multiple times before taking her leave, not daring to stay any longer for fear that her presence might disturb her master. With a slight bow, she turned and walked away, her worn shoes making soft, scuffling sounds on the floor.

With gleaming blue eyes shining with a faint red light, David kept gazing at his son for some time, his thoughts unknown.

Yone mused seeing this scene.

He knew this look better than anyone else in the world.

It was the look of someone desperate for success, power, and authority. Someone who gave up on his dream given his weak being but decided to trust and pass away all of his remaining hope to his son.

" You will be named Yone, after my father," David muttered, still taking his time looking at Yone with shining eyes.

Furthermore, he didn't even bother to check on his wife, who had just given birth and was now unconscious. He acted as the only person in the room was none other than his son.

"Looks like I was placed in an interesting family," Yone expressed as he noticed the peculiar situation going on around him, yet he didn't care about such minor details, he instead observed his surroundings more closely to identify if he was in the same world.

Ignoring the crazed father looking at him like a treasure trove that he found in a golden mine, Yone began assessing each minimal furnishing in the room.

"As I guessed at the beginning after noticing the ceiling, this isn't my same world." Yone concluded with certainty," This family also looks like a rich one from what I can tell, everything here is of fine quality at the very least."

" Oh, what is he doing now?" Yone wondered as he monitored his so-called father's movements.

David moved up to his wife lying on the bed and gently touched her forehead. Instantly, a blue light engulfed the woman's body in the blink of an eye, and within a matter of seconds, the light faded away as she slowly opened her eyes.

" Lilia, we finally have a son!"

The woman's eyes teared up hearing her husband's words, and she instantly spread her arms. David faintly smiled as he gently handed it to her.

Her kid had black hair, that perfectly matched his white skin and black eyes flickering with a red light inside his pupils.

Seeing this, Yone's eyes lit up with a strange light.

He wanted to feel the power the middle-aged man just used, but he was unfortunately incapable of doing so.

" I suppose that's the power used in this world?" Yone presumed with interest," From what I can tell given the outside image of the healing spell he just used, it has nothing to do with Amber."

Amber was the power everyone used in his past world, a form of energy created by heaven and earth that existed within everyone from the moment they were born. Alas, not anyone could use it, only a minority of people had the talent to unlock it and use its power, which is why the whole world feared every Master of Amber.

Even though the power system of this world appeared to be different, Yone remained unfazed, he was confident that mastering this new form of energy wouldn't be any harder than Amber from his past life.

He was simply that monstrously talented, otherwise, an entire empire would have never bothered to order the guilds under it, composed of Amber Masters with only old monsters in their legions to go after him.

"It's just a pity... From the start I had wasted an absurd amount of effort, killing hundreds of thousands of people, making even the heavens furious and inciting people's vengeance, and went through suffering and multiple hardships to finally attain and reach that power level in my past life..." Yone thought with a sigh.

Even though he had been reborn and had no problem comprehending this new power system, his past life cultivation did not come with him, so he still had to start from scratch again.

To be reborn, this fact alone made the lose of his cultivation worth it.

Hence, he didn't mind it much.

In the next moment, he brushed aside all these new thoughts and closed his eyes, placing his hands on the back of his head to take a nap as usual.

Alas, his hands didn't respond to his actions, but that still didn't change his intent as he slept regardless of his circumstances.

The woman, after tenderly taking her baby from David and placing it around her chest, whispered," You must live your life without any power or fights for authority or else you will end up like us."

Even though she knew that her son would never understand nor remember this, she still felt like saying those words to him, a tear escaping her right eye as it fell directly on Yone's forehead.

Surprisignly, the language of this world was the same as his last, hence he had no issues whatsoever understanding his mother.

After hearing what she said as he fell asleep, he internally rejoiced for a split of a second before he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and went back to sleep.

In Yone's head, what the woman asked wasn't any less than what he aimed for.

He simply couldn't imagine a life where he didn't chase power to attain his dream.

Yone spent his days after his birth just remaining still while his mother took care of him, feeding him her milk and cleaning him up whenever he dirty himself.

Although as someone of Yone's mental strength and age, he was at first embarrassed by the disgusting smell emanating from him and even annoyed by what was occurring to him every day. But eventually, he adapted to it in a matter of days and fully accepted his new reality.

Thankfully, the mansion they lived in didn't lack people telling him stories or playing with him every single day, or else he would have been bored to death. Despite all the efforts his parents and babysitter placed on him, he still felt the need to start taking action and couldn't wait till this body of his grew up.