
Master Gambler And Treasure Of Alphamilka

A boy who is very noob and looses every bet, finally found the treasure of alphamilka. He get the superpowers and becomes the master gambler. He defeated the legends of gambling world. He soon become unbeatable. The final battle is between him and some mysterious man.

Arbaz_Shaikh_2177 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The School

The day after the holiday....

Wenzoe said " Rudolf wake up. Don't you want to go to school. It has been 6:30 a:m"

Rudolf replied " Mom, want to sleep a bit more"

Wenzoe said " No ! My son. 8 hours of sleep is sufficient. It is time to wake up "

Rudolf finally wake up from the bed. A yellow coloured bus comes at 7:30 a:m to pick him up. The name of the bus driver is Henry. He has black hairs. He is a nice person with broad voice. He used to wear brownish orange uniform. He has small mustache.

He blow the horn "Pong, Pong"

The Students from the bus schreme "Rudolf !, Rudolf !!, the bus has arrived "

The bus conductor Patrick is clean shaved. He is short heighted with thin voice and same uniform as bus driver. He take the Rudolf inside and close the door.

The bus arrives at the school at 7:55 a:m. The name of the school is PARK RENZOB HIGH SCHOOL, Santon.

The morning prayer starts at 8:00 a:m on the assembly ground. The morning prayer is in yerkim language. Hence only few students understand it.

Rudolf asked Tokomi " Hey, Tokomi "

Tokomi is the most studious student of the class.He has black , curly and fluffy hairs. He has big round goggles.

Tokomi replied " What happened Rudolf ?. Morning player is going on. What you want to say in between. If teachers saw us talking they may punish us"

Rudolf said " I just want to know, Do you understand yerkim ?"

Tokomi replied " No !, I didn't understand it. And no student know what we are saying in morning prayer "

Rudolf said " isn't it funny that no one understand what they are saying, ha ha "

Tokomi replied " Yes it is. But what we can do. In this school this prayer sing every day since many decades. "