

Title: "Volume 8 of the Funeral Song"

Dirge - Fragrance carries the soul in the smoke and flies away in the wind...

The fragrance placed on the bronze censer on the crimson altar burns itself,

Rising to the sky on the wind of reconciliation with smoke.

In the quiet burning ceremony, many people's earnest wishes are contained,

The fervent desire that the souls of the deceased ascend safely to the lion's sanctuary!

The fragrance imbued with thousands of wishes burned its own life to carry twenty souls.

In the funeral hall where the altar for comforting the souls was located,

Hundreds of silent warriors stood in rows, their gazes fixed on the altar.

Hundreds of warriors, easily exceeding the number of mourners, all dressed in transparent white robes,

Honoring the spirits of their fallen comrades like a solemn ceremony.

No one dared to laugh or chat. They observed the funeral hall with fiery eyes.

The gazes of the warriors burning with suppressed anger as they looked at the twenty coffins on the altar were shining brightly.

Like any funeral, the overall atmosphere enveloping the funeral hall is usually gloomy and somber. However, this place had a distinctly different atmosphere from other funeral halls. And the tension it carried was as chilling as it was palpable. The air pressing on people's shoulders was unbearably heavy.

This was by no means an ordinary funeral hall.

In a typical funeral hall, mourners wouldn't carry weapons of war strapped to their bodies with white cloth wrapped around their foreheads. Yet here, everyone carried their weapons without exception, and even their weapons seemed to exude a chilling aura.

"Ugh... this damn... "

Standing behind the elder presiding over the ceremony in the funeral hall, an old man trembled with clenched fists, uttering a groan of anger. He was Unhaemyung, a veteran instructor of clandestine martial arts.

Seeing the bodies of his disciples, who he had taught the arts of war, return cold and lifeless as if struck by the blade of evil, ignited a seething rage within Unhaemyung.

The force of his anger boiled over, eclipsing the passage of time.

"A calamity after thirty years..."

Beside Unhaemyung, another old man with a long white beard down to his chest sighed deeply. With the sigh, he absentmindedly stroked his grizzled beard, which was a way for him to contain his sorrow and anger.

"For thirty years, such incidents have never occurred... Who dares to so fearlessly cause such trouble in our Heavenly Martial Academy? A massacre... It's too unreal to believe..."

Seongcheonju, a swordmaster who spent half his life teaching swordsmanship to disciples at the Heavenly Martial Academy, lamented with bitterness.

Behind each of the twenty coffins lay an empty one, except for a single exception. Not even one body could be found except for that single exception. The warriors didn't even know whether to be more excited or agitated by the grim reality that they couldn't even retrieve the bodies of their disciples. If only they could have retrieved even just the bodies...

The overall atmosphere of the funeral ceremony was grim.

Cheonmuhakgwanju Cheolgwon Majinga, who was in charge of the ceremony, had a noticeably hardened expression on his face. His ability to contain the lava-like anger in his chest without outwardly expressing it was due to his infinite patience. His high position in the martial world made him refrain from directly venting his anger, knowing that his emotions could influence those around him significantly.

Just because one holds a high position doesn't mean they have the right to casually express their emotions. It's a grave mistake to assume that one has the right to do so simply because of their high position. Those who hold higher positions should be even more careful about expressing their emotions, as their emotional changes could easily sweep up the emotions of those around them. Even the slightest word or action could lead to great resentment among the martial world.

He was not unaware of this. Therefore, he quietly but intensely simmered with anger inside, more so than anyone else.

Though the relationship with Heukdo may not have been good recently, the relationship between Heukdo and Baekdo had maintained a superficially cold yet cordial facade of smiles for nearly a hundred years since the Great Blood Feud. Maintaining a cold war system for nearly a century allowed them to pass without major incidents. Therefore, the massacre of an entire unit was a tremendous event.

In the trembling tension beneath the surface calm, the forced peace that had been maintained for nearly a hundred years continued. Of course, there were occasional minor and major incidents that brought a storm of blood to the martial world, but there had been no direct confrontation. Even if we were to examine every minor incident, the recent peace could be considered peace for the past thirty years.

Internally grinding away, externally smiling...

With a bright smile, Jungsa feigned a false peace. However, everyone kept their mouths shut because even a false peace was far better than a bloody confrontation. They had all been ignoring the smoldering embers within themselves. The tension, repeatedly suppressed, would eventually spring back with even greater force. Perhaps Gangho was experiencing that recoil now.

In the past thirty years, neither the various minor factions nor the direct units of the Thousand Hands Institute had been directly targeted. It was a sanctuary, untouchable even by those possessing extreme mental trauma from the Black Path. The pride of the Thousand Hands Institute had been wounded once again after thirty years.

Honestly, Majinga couldn't grasp the actions he should take. The anger of the Thousand Hands Institute was palpable, but he couldn't directly protest to the Black Sect. It wasn't a lack of courage or strength; it was because this event, significant enough to happen at the core of the Black Path, surpassed anything before it.

The involvement of the Thousand Hands Institute couldn't be overlooked. Even if they claimed innocence and shouted their grievances, the situation was turning against them. It wasn't wise to provoke further, knowing it could explode at any moment.

Trying to neatly conclude things was nearly impossible now that chaos had spread like wildfire. If it escalated further, another bloodbath in the martial world was inevitable.

Amidst the solemn atmosphere, only the poignant sound of the mourning ritual echoed in the solemn hall. Majinga, embracing his troubled heart, surveyed the surroundings. As expected, the faces of the leaders were much graver compared to the disciples in the training grounds.

Though no one spoke directly, their contemplative expressions revealed the weight of the situation they were grappling with. It wasn't a time to casually interject; touching it could lead to an explosion of unforeseen consequences.

As the elder from the Shamanistic faction recited incantations, the resonant sound of the ritual echoed through the hall on the wind.

Ignoring the heavy air, the elder continued the lamentation ritual. He felt a heavy obligation to proceed with the next steps.

As the solemnity of the mourning prayers intensified, the atmosphere in the hall became even heavier.

"Summon the spirits!" When the elder announced the next sequence, ten or so musicians entered, carrying various instruments like drums, flutes, and harps. The mourning hall was spacious enough for both male and female musicians to find ample space.

Arranging themselves in a circle, the musicians left a space in the middle.

Ding! Ding!

The clear sound of bells rang out, drawing everyone's attention to one point.

Wrapped in elegant and colorful silk, adorned with various golden ornaments, a woman stepped forward. A multi-colored necklace adorned her neck, while thin, iridescent bracelets adorned her wrists and ankles. Her figure was so beautiful and mysterious, as if a celestial fairy had descended to the mortal realm.


People gasped, their sincere admiration bursting from their open mouths. Even the most modest garments couldn't hide her beauty. It was impossible to conceal it, especially with such extravagant attire. Her presence was already a worldly beauty beyond comparison. It was natural for people to lose themselves in her captivating allure.

Although her extravagant attire seemed unfitting for a mourning ritual, no one expressed any dissatisfaction. It was because everyone knew it was an integral part of the ceremony. Instead of discontent, they were captivated, even enthusiastic, about it. Even if they didn't show it outwardly during the mourning ritual, internally, they were undoubtedly overwhelmed by her beauty.

As she gracefully approached, everyone in the hall lost themselves, completely enchanted by her presence.

Mourning dance!

"The dance that comforts the soul of the deceased warrior, wielding a sword to soothe their spirit! Cha-la-la-lang!" 

With a clear and sharp sound, the spirit of her beloved sword, Okryeong, was drawn from its scabbard. The shining blue blade, imbued with a hint of sorrow, broke the sunlight as it swung through the air with a chill.


Soon, the musicians began to play. 


In harmony with the musicians' performance, Nayelin quietly drew her sword into the empty space. It seemed as if only she and her sword existed in this world.

At first, the sword moved slowly, almost tediously. It felt like it would take a year just for it to make a single swing. However, as the rhythm intensified, her sword began to move faster and faster, responding to the crescendo of the music.

Her sorrowful spirit radiated a clear and pristine brilliance as her sword danced through the air, forming a beautiful harmony with the music. Her body was wrapped in a fantastic whirl as her white silk sleeves trailed behind her like spirals, dizzying the onlookers.

Nayelin's body began to spin like a spinning top, surrounded by swirling white mists. As if a celestial nymph had descended to dance in the summer, who could resist being mesmerized by her grace!

The elegant movements of her sword created graceful spirals in the air. The cold emanating from the Okryeong formed white mists, swirling around her.

As the rhythm reached its peak, Nayelin's sword dance accelerated, captivating the audience even more. Those entranced by her dance could feel their hearts pounding and their blood racing with each movement she made.

The intensity in the hall continued to rise, and tears flowed as the beautiful dance transformed the world into a white expanse. The mournful melody filled the air, stirring deep emotions within the audience. Nayelin's absolute beauty elevated the sadness into something ethereal.

The atmosphere was so poignant that it stole everyone's breath away, leaving them speechless. Nayelin's body began to spin faster and faster, her movements reaching a climax.

Even the musicians, swept up in Nayelin's dance, played with fervor, their sweat dripping as they poured their souls into their instruments. The dance reached its peak, with Nayelin executing spins that were almost impossible to follow with the naked eye. It felt as though the wind itself was entwining around her body.

Suddenly, a flash of brilliance shot out from the tip of Nayelin's sword, cutting through the air with a piercing sound.


It was a sword strike that seemed to split the sky and the earth in half, marking the end of her dance.


The music ceased, and a profound silence filled the hall. No one dared to break the enchanting silence that lingered. They were still caught in the euphoria of the previous spectacle. The silence stretched longer than expected until finally, a resounding cheer erupted.

"Wow! Hooray for the Celestial Sword Pavilion! Hooray! Hooray!"

With ecstatic shouts, the atmosphere in the hall was electrifying. The mournful atmosphere was replaced with excitement and exhilaration.

As the ceremony concluded, Gong Son Il-chi, the venerable head of the Celestial Sword Pavilion, made his way out with heavy steps. This was the largest memorial ceremony held in thirty years, reserved for occasions when a member of the martial community died under unusual circumstances, such as in the line of duty.

Gong Son Il-chi's steps were heavy with deep-seated anger and self-reproach. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and the unresolved rage towards the enemy.

"Was it I who killed them?"

It felt like his limbs had been severed. It had been a long time since he had to deal with such a large number of casualties. Those who served by his side, who protected him like limbs, rarely faced such a fate.

But now, they were gone, and even their names might not be remembered. Those who served as spies or agents for their factions never left their names behind. They always lived in the shadow of the sun and the darkness of the night, and maintaining secrecy was their utmost priority. However, even if they erased their names and their existence from the world, they deserved at least that much respect. That was the principle of the martial community.

"In thirty years, will the winds of war once again blow upon the rivers and mountains?"

Thirty years ago, after the catastrophic war known as the Feather and Blood Conflict, the first true crisis since then was emerging. The atmosphere among the factions was far from stable.

After the Blood Curse of Heaven, a century ago, the factions, despite their differences, had managed to maintain peace, more or less. However, seventy years later, the fragile peace in the region was threatened by an unexpected adversary. The cunning enemies who had successfully hidden for seventy years were the remnants of the Chulchubryeong, the followers of the Heavenly Bloodline.

Thirty years ago, there was a massive operation known as the Feather Plucking Operation, aimed at eradicating the remnants of the Chulchubryeong. It was a large-scale military action, also known as the 'Feather Plucking Operation,' aimed at wiping out the remnants of the Chulchubryeong.

What does "feather" mean here? The term "feather" refers to the cursed name in the martial world! It is a collective term for the remnants of the Heavenly Bloodline and the hidden followers. Even though the true ruler of the Chulchubryeong, the Heavenly Bloodline's true leader Wicheonmu, disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown, the Chulchubryeong did not completely disappear and stubbornly left behind remnants. They were called the "feathers" because they were separated from the body.

"In thirty years, will the winds of war once again blow upon the rivers and mountains?"

Thirty years ago, after the catastrophic war known as the Feather and Blood Conflict, the first true crisis since then was emerging. The atmosphere among the factions was far from stable.

After the Blood Curse of Heaven, a century ago, the factions, despite their differences, had managed to maintain peace, more or less. However, seventy years later, the fragile peace in the region was threatened by an unexpected adversary. The cunning enemies who had successfully hidden for seventy years were the remnants of the Chulchubryeong, the followers of the Heavenly Bloodline.

Thirty years ago, there was a massive operation known as the Feather Plucking Operation, aimed at eradicating the remnants of the Chulchubryeong. It was a large-scale military action, also known as the 'Feather Plucking Operation,' aimed at wiping out the remnants of the Chulchubryeong.

What does "feather" mean here? The term "feather" refers to the cursed name in the martial world! It is a collective term for the remnants of the Heavenly Bloodline and the hidden followers. Even though the true ruler of the Chulchubryeong, the Heavenly Bloodline's true leader Wicheonmu, disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown, the Chulchubryeong did not completely disappear and stubbornly left behind remnants. They were called the "feathers" because they were separated from the body.

The resistance was intense and covert to the point where suspicions arose despite the disappearance of mental leaders and lack of command. Such secrecy could be considered the greatest enemy of the factions. Enemies under the sunlight might not be frightening, but the silent knives flying out of the darkness, even if their numbers were few, were sufficiently threatening.

Finally, based on an agreement made a hundred years ago, the factions and sapas agreed to extend the joint front and launched the "Feather Search Operation." The intelligence organization of the factions was deployed for a large-scale extraction operation. It is said that there were significant, unannounced sacrifices in the shadowy information industry. They were born in darkness, lived in darkness, and returned to darkness, leaving behind only a line of information exchanged for their lives.

After two years of extensive extraction operations, the headquarters of Cheon Geop-woo was revealed, and a large-scale suppression operation unfolded as a matter of course. It was a commemorative joint operation of the factions after 70 years, commonly known as the "Plucking Operation."

However, the unfolding of the joint factional front did not mean that everything went smoothly. There were still many hurdles to overcome. Surprisingly, Cheon Geop-woo's resistance was stubborn. Both factions suffered immense losses, but most of the damage was not from direct confrontations with the Feathers. It was primarily due to the harm inflicted by colleagues they had trusted, making the losses bitter and heartbreaking.

Unbeknownst to many, Cheon Geop-woo's influence had penetrated deep into the heart of the factions. The distrust towards colleagues, regardless of faction, became an unprecedented issue. With significant sacrifices of colleagues' blood and lives, the Second Factional Coalition finally succeeded in annihilating the Feathers. However, the damage was so great that it left indelible wounds and fears in the martial world.

The fear that Cheon Geop-woo had not completely disappeared from the rivers and lakes, an unwelcome reminiscence! They left their resilience in the most violent, tumultuous, and brutal manner.

It was a gesture to armor the fading nightmares.

Incensed, Gongsonilchwi clenched his fist so tightly that blood almost flowed. Within it was the last breath of Cheon Ri-jung's disinfection, the trace of his last spilled blood.


With determination, Gongsonilchwi headed to his quarters.


A gust of wind blew unexpectedly on Bilryuyeon's swollen cheeks.

"Why... why... why are you doing this?"

Beads of sweat formed on Nangungsang's forehead as he watched.

Suddenly, everything turned bleak.

Seeing Bilryuyeon's swollen face for a while now, it was clear that dissatisfaction and irritation were gradually accumulating within. Nangungsang, who had been watching for a year and a half, could assess the state of his senior comrade's mind at a glance.

"This... this is serious!"

A clamorous warning sounded in Nangungsang's mind.

In times like this, it was beneficial to quickly retreat beyond a hundred paces from Bilryuyeon to avoid worsening the situation. However, at present, he couldn't afford to leave. If dissatisfaction and irritation continued to accumulate and explode, an irreparable disaster might occur. Preventing such an unfortunate event by any means necessary was his current duty.

To resolve the emergency situation that had arisen right in front of him, Nangungsang needed to trace the root cause of the incident. Even as the mourning ceremony progressed, there was no change in Bilryuyeon's demeanor.

It was only after the magnificent and sublime sword dance performed by Naye-rin, a soldier, that the change occurred. Until Naye-rin appeared, there had been no significant emotional shift in Bilryuyeon. In fact, he had even felt aversion upon seeing Naye-rin, who had adorned herself so beautifully. However, after the sword dance, he continued to display that same demeanor. Nangungsang couldn't recall the intervening process because his spirit had been captivated by Naye-rin's sword dance to the point where he couldn't think at all. Of course, it was a top-secret matter that should never be revealed to Jinryeong under any circumstances.

When Naye-rin's sword dance ended, Nangungsang felt as if he had been wandering in a dream. There was still a lingering sense of nostalgia in his heart.

It was at this moment that Nangungsang noticed the swelling on Bilryuyeon's face.

So, Bilryuyeon expressed dissatisfaction regarding Naye-rin's sword dance.

"How could there be any dissatisfaction with such a beautiful and mysterious sword dance?" It was a sentiment that ordinary humans could not understand.

Thus, Nangungsang inadvertently expressed his thoughts aloud.

"Senior? What exactly are you dissatisfied with?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Nangungsang realized his mistake. It was too direct a manner of speaking.

But it was too late; the cat was out of the bag.

"I don't like it!"

Bilryuyeon said bluntly.

"No, what do you mean? Are you dissatisfied with my soldier's beautiful and mysterious sword dance?"

Finally, Bilryuyeon managed to give Nangungsang a clue.

"That's impossible, you fool!"

It was a tone that forbade any further questions. So, if there was no direct dissatisfaction with the sword dance, what was the source of the dissatisfaction?

"Then what exactly are you dissatisfied with?"

Nangungsang, still holding his throbbing forehead, pleaded pitifully.

"It's too pretty!"

Ryu Yeon's response was just that.

"What could possibly be the reason for that? Isn't it a legitimate expression of emotion for something crooked and unjust?"

The reason Ryu Yeon gave wasn't very reasonable at all.

"But it's so pretty, isn't it? It would be a waste to just look at it alone!"

His voice remained obstinate.


Nam Gung-sang's face twisted oddly at Ryu Yeon's complaint.

"Usually, in times like this, don't people say it's a shame to admire something alone?"

"Why? Why should I not experience the irrationality of sharing the beauty of what's mine with others?"

In essence, it was a story of not wanting to share the joy that doubles or triples when shared. The fact that Na Ye-rin's beauty brings joy to the eyes of others was not acceptable. But there was something to overcome before that.

"But she's not mine yet!"

For Na Ye-rin to become the possession of one man was a story that would enrage not only hundreds of Cheonmu Academy members but also thousands of male martial artists.

"It's not decided yet! It's been a long time!"

Ryu Yeon replied with a chubby face. It seemed he wanted to assert his exclusive rights to Na Ye-rin.

"It's not as difficult as possessing the heart of a beauty! Just because Nam Gung-sang started dating Jinryeong, he pretends to know about relationships."

"Isn't the impossible there to make possible? Probably, I'm the only one in the world who knows the softness and sweetness of her lips?"


Nam Gung-sang's eyes widened.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Th-that... Is what you just said true?"

"Do I look like I'm joking around with you right now?"

"But how? How could that happen? How could such a thing be possible?"

Gung-sang's mouth hung open like a carp.

"You kissed Jinryeong, too, so why are you so surprised?"

Gung-sang's face instantly turned red.

"T-that's different!"

He wanted to assert differentiation somehow. But his thoughts and philosophy didn't seem to apply at all.

"It's the same! You can kiss Jinryeong as you please, but I can't? Where in this world is there a law so irrational that it allows such unfairness? What's different?"

"B-but it's clearly different."

But unfortunately, Gung-sang's words never became Ryu Yeon's opponent. Gung-sang was still Ryu Yeon's pawn.

The tone seemed a bit off...

Gung-sang sighed deeply, unknowingly.

Phew! Not only the Bingbong Film Protection Unit but also all the male martial artists of the Cheonmu Academy would become targets of public and life-threatening life if they knew that Na Ye-rin was to become the possession of one man.

"Why were so many men harboring ill intentions toward the Daesahyeong?"

Gung-sang was still so innocent as to not know why. In fact, Gung-sang knew so little about this aspect that he could be friends with an idiot.

First, you have to put the saliva on the commander!

Gung-sang muttered quietly to himself. Even now, he was already crossing a dangerous threshold, so he wanted to avoid being scolded by the Daesahyeong.

At that moment, there was someone looking at Ryu Yeon's childish behavior from a distance. It was none other than Cheongheon, a member of the Munmusangjeol in Guchung-hoe. His eyes were full of deep suspicion. The Ryu Yeon he was seeing now was so different from the tremendous figure he had shown before that it felt seriously disjointed.

'What on earth is the true identity of the author?'

Cheongheon recalled the unbelievable sight he witnessed that day. Just remembering it made him sweat a little.

'Which is his true form? Among what he's showing now and what he showed that day, which one is his true self? Is what I saw that day not a dream?'

Cheongheon, Baek Mo-yeong, and the sixteen members of the Jujakdan, after returning from Mudaesan, kept their mouths shut tightly in response to the incessant questions pouring in from all directions. Their minds were all the same.

'I don't want to be a liar!'

That was their common desire. That's why they couldn't speak even if they wanted to. They knew all too well that the moment they spoke, they would become a braggart, a liar, and pay the price for it.

'How could I send that terrifying iron-hoofed horse away?'

'I really respect you. How could you defeat the iron-hoofed bastard?'

'Did they go back quietly? I heard there was no way for them to retreat until they completely annihilated the enemy?'

Countless questions poured in incessantly. However, there wasn't even a small piece of answer to give.

"What was your tactic?"

'What tactic...!'

"What martial arts did you mainly use?"

'What martial arts...!'

"What kind of martial arts were useful to them?"

'What the hell...!'

And then,

"What exactly happened that day?"

"Teach us!"

"Teach us!"

"Teach us!"

But due to their anxiety about not wanting to be branded as liars, Cheongheon could only keep his mouth tightly shut even in the face of the flood of questions pouring in from all directions like a flood during the rainy season.


A deep sigh escaped involuntarily.

The day's events, scenes, and the audacity of that day that wouldn't be forgotten even in dreams... And the unforgettable recklessness of that day! The events of that day remained vividly etched in the mind. Images stamped in the brain like a vivid ink! It was clear that the events of that day would never be forgotten, not for a long time, perhaps never. The pages of memories that had passed through his mind began to unfold once again.

There's a saying that you can't clap with one hand. Unfortunately, that's the law of having a counterpart in the world. According to the principle of exchange, a conversation cannot take place alone. Anyone claiming to have a conversation alone is undoubtedly either insane, schizophrenic, or suffering from multiple personalities, so it's best to keep a distance in relationships.

For a while now, Wu Wishing had resolved to be the first to speak to the boy who fearlessly stood in the way of the ironclad cavalry. Otherwise, he had a foreboding that this endless silence would continue ominously. Thus, Wu Wishing finally took the first step towards a conversation with Billy Yeon.

"What exactly is your purpose?"

The commander of the Ironclad Cavalry, Wu Wishing, asked. He had to satisfy his curiosity even if it meant killing. Otherwise, there would undoubtedly be a lingering discomfort.

"Just someone who intervenes wherever they can be seen," Billy Yeon replied in response to the question about his purpose. Although Billy Yeon might not consider his purpose significant, to those listening, it was a profound statement.

"A meddler?"

"No, don't you know? They're professionals who intervene in others' actions to leave a decisive impact on their motives."

"Do you want to die?"

Wu Wishing exhaled a heavy breath. Since he took on the role of commander of the Ironclad Cavalry, he had never witnessed such audacity. However, the truth was that the boy's death was already provisionally scheduled, so his threat was meaningless. After all, there was no change in the fact that the boy would soon die.

"No matter how much you're called a beauty, death isn't scheduled until about three hundred years later. Isn't true beauty, exquisite beauty, supposed to conquer even death?"

Wu Wishing's face contorted with anger upon hearing Billy Yeon's chicken skin-like voice. It was the first time he had encountered such a bizarre person.

"Even calculated execution can be interpreted as recklessness!"

Billy Yeon was not considering his own death at all. There was no scent of death emanating from him anywhere.

"Do you think you can block our path and still survive?"

"You can just turn back."

A simple retort! It was a dismissive response to blocking one path. However, the person receiving such a nonchalant response felt a burning sensation deep in his chest and his head spun as if flames were igniting inside.

"Hahaha! Such an impudent brat..."


The furious Wu Wishing was restrained by Qiu Fengmu, the silent leader of the Ironclad Cavalry, who had been observing in silence all along. He had no intention of challenging Qiu Fengmu's authority. His trust in Qiu Fengmu was almost fanatical. Qiu Fengmu's intentions were clear.

Wu Wishing looked back at Billy Yeon and said, "Kid?"

"Kid? Where's the kid?"

Billy Yeon smirked. Wu Wishing's eyebrow twitched for a moment. However, he couldn't waste any more time squabbling. Qiu Fengmu particularly disliked such behavior.

"Listen, young man!"

Reluctantly, he chose negotiation. After compromising, he planned to kill him immediately.

"Why are you doing this?"

Only then did Billy Yeon answer. Life surged in Wu Wishing's heart. He was a despicable fellow without giving anything. "Do you have a nickname? As a commemoration of being selected as a fool for blocking the Ironclad Cavalry's path alone, remember that nickname as a reminder of your foolishness, recklessness, and immaturity to future generations."

"A nickname? I don't have one."

"What? None?"

"Yes, none! Even if I don't have one, it doesn't inconvenience my life, so why should I have one?"

But in reality, he did have one. There was a precious nickname called the "Unrivaled Supreme Strike" circulating within the Iron Martial Hall, but it hadn't reached Billy Yeon's ears yet, thanks to the efforts of his surroundings to block the information. And there was no one around Billy Yeon to make a fuss about his nickname.

"Do you really not have one?"

Wu Wishing's lips twisted further, and his smirk became even more pronounced.

"Yes, I don't!"

At this point, even answering was annoying.

"Such a strange sight in this world. To think I would encounter such a unique experience... Truly, one must live and judge for oneself."

Wu Wishing continued to express his astonishment with a sense of frustration.

"Our world now seems to value skill over mere names, doesn't it? I didn't know naming skills could prove martial arts skills."

Billy Yeon replied with a sneer. His gaze was scornful.

"You insolent brat! Do you want to die?"

The quick-tempered battalion commander, Wimusang, was once again boiling with anger. Despite receiving orders to kill silently, he found himself entangled in Byuryuyeon's eloquence, delaying the time. However, Wimusang himself was completely unaware of it at the moment.

As the battalion commander Wimusang pondered how to deal with this insolent fellow, a stern voice with a commanding tone interrupted his actions.


The imposing battalion commander, Jilpungmukheun Gucheonhak, called out to him once again.

"Yes, Commander!"

Adjusting his posture instantly, Wimusang replied.

Commander Gucheonhak was always someone he revered.

"We have a long way to go. You've delayed too much."

Though his voice was calm, the command within it was clear. Wimusang's arrogance wasn't enough to refuse the command.


Wimusang, with proper military etiquette, turned to face Byuryuyeon once again.

"Kid! I'd like to tell you to go suck your mama's milk and come back, but we haven't spared anyone who blocked the path of our Cheolgapbimada yet. You're no exception."

"Even after your kind warning, you won't turn back. Looks like negotiations are futile."

Byuryuyeon showed the utmost regret he could muster within his limits.

"If you won't turn back, will you?"

Byuryuyeon shook his head. Then, in a low voice, he said, "In that case, I won't hold back anymore."

Byuryuyeon's hidden eyes began to shine with a golden light. In those golden eyes, not a trace of emotion or remorse remained. They had become instruments of destruction and slaughter.

Originally designed as a mental training technique for extreme focus, the "Eyes of Enlightenment" had another subtle use. It acted as a shield protecting the soul from mental shock and external interference. Once activated, mercy or leniency ceased to exist. There was no fear, no remorse. The mind became encased in an impenetrable fortress.


Wimusang raised his hand high.

Clatter, clatter.

As a signal, the two soldiers guarding Battalion Commander Wimusang brought their armored horses forward slowly. With Wimusang's hand descending, they would spur their horses forward. In their hands were dark, ebony-colored spears, weapons that had tasted the blood of hundreds.

Just then, thud! Thud!

The sound of something heavy hitting the ground followed by a long, drawn-out sigh.

"Oh... that's refreshing!"

Wimusang's eyes widened as he saw Byuryuyeon leisurely stretching his legs, seemingly relaxed. His voice was like that of someone who had relieved twenty years of stiffness or a victorious warrior decorated with the glory of triumph after a six-month battle with severe constipation. Wimusang couldn't help but pause his hand, which was about to descend.


Byuryuyeon lightly tried some jumping jacks in place.

Thud, thud, thud!

The joints of his whole body played a delightful melody as if celebrating. His body felt excessively light, as if it could break free from the constraints of the earth and soar into the sky at any moment.

"Long time no see!"

It had truly been a long time since he had simultaneously released the two tightly bound dragons, Moknyonghwan, attached to his legs. The suppressed energy in his body was now activated and surged wildly within him. It was difficult to control the surging impulses. His legs refused to stay still, feeling as if the shackles had been removed.

Bi Ryu-yeon managed to barely control the surging energy within his body. Then he stretched out his arms.

Stretching out his arms and relaxing his body, Bi Ryu-yeon's appearance was simply nature itself.

"Feel free to come in anytime!"

With a confident voice, Bi Ryu-yeon spoke.

"You arrogant brat!"

Wimu Sang had no more patience.

His hand descended forcefully.

It was a sentence of death.

From the front, Gwaechang and Jogol, who stood to the right and left of Bi Ryu-yeon respectively, held reins in their left hands and spears in their right hands. Conversely, Bichang Jugwang, standing on Bi Ryu-yeon's left side, held reins in his right hand and a spear in his left hand. This allowed them to attack simultaneously.

As Wimu Sang's hand descended, their horses leaped forward like arrows.

They simultaneously charged towards Bi Ryu-yeon from both sides. Jogol aimed for Bi Ryu-yeon's waist, while Jugwang aimed for his neck.

Having always accompanied Wimu Sang, they understood each other's intentions with just a glance. It was not a matter of trial and error a few times but a deep understanding.

However, their intentions were ultimately not realized. Something unimaginable unfolded before their eyes.

Despite driving themselves forward with renewed vigor, they couldn't understand why the ground was rapidly approaching them.

Then, a loud noise echoed across the desolate land.

Thud! Bang! Clang!


In an instant, Wimu Sang took the first step backward. Simultaneously, his eyes widened as if about to burst.

The two horses, which were galloping vigorously, suddenly seemed to agree and bent their front knees as if on command. Unable to withstand the momentum, their bodies lurched forward, and even so, thanks to the lingering strength, they rotated once in the air.

The two horses, as if on cue, kicked up a dusty whirlwind as they tumbled on the ground. The sight of non-human horses rotating in the air around their axis was nothing short of spectacular.

It was definitely not a trick one could see every day.

"How... how is this possible?"

Too shocked to speak, Wimu Sang even stuttered. It wasn't their concern whether Bi Ryu-yeon was genuinely worried or not. They could only feel disgust at his exaggerated gestures.

"Shut up! What kind of damn rock is this to trip over! You wouldn't tumble like this just because of a damn rock!"

There was no way heavily armored horses would stumble and fall like that! It was clear they had fallen victim to some unknown trick. The problem was they couldn't comprehend the trick their opponent had played.

Moreover, the unpleasant truth was that the weapons lying on the ground remained still. Their necks were twisted in strange directions; they had already stopped breathing.

The owners of the impressive stunt, Bi Ryu-yeon's retainers, were caught off guard by a gust of wind, breaking their necks. It was a humiliating and absurd end, but their heavy armor had hindered their movements.

"This rascal! What kind of trickery did you pull?"

Wimu Sang shouted angrily. It was as if he was having a dream even more absurd than a daytime hallucination.

"I don't know? What do you mean by trickery? I have no idea!"

Wimu Sang couldn't shake off the feeling of being fooled. The sight of Bi Ryu-yeon grinning smugly filled him with a deep, sweet impulse.

What Bi Ryu-yeon had done was nothing special. He had simply loosened the reins while unnoticed and tied them lightly around the front legs of the two horses. They would have been fine if they had remained still, but as soon as the horses started running, the loosened reins tightened around their legs, restraining the front legs of Wimu Sang's horse and causing it to collide with the ground.

Watching silently, Gu Cheon-hak's complexion hardened even more. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He gradually realized that his body was instinctively tense, which surprised him even more.

"Ugh! Sadaejilpung!"

Wimu Sang opened his mouth and called out the name of the Sadaejilpung of the Cheolgangbimadae. His face was as red as if it were burning in a furnace. If this were the case, he could easily shatter this arrogant brat into pieces in one fell swoop. He believed that the blood feud between them would be embroidered with the splendor of victory.

The Sadaejilpung, composed of four winds—Yeopung, Seonpung, Gwangpung, and Chupung—issued a thick aura and advanced head-on.

In his heart, Wimu Sang wanted to personally go out and seek revenge, but he couldn't because of the hierarchy and his dignity. He didn't need to step forward as the ones called out would soon show that they were more than enough.

This should be more than enough for them!

'Is it a trap.....'

Wimu Sang concluded that Bichang Jugwang's embarrassing failure was likely due to an invisible trap. It was a logical and universal way of thinking.

Of course, there was no reason to believe that there was a trap. There was no leisure time for such things, and even if there were, Bi Ryu-yeon was not diligent enough to dig traps and set up mechanical devices. If he had the strength, it was more economical to handle it barehanded.

Wimu Sang's mouth stumbled, but there was no one who could discern the trap, not even those who had been called out to seek revenge.

"Be careful of the trap!"


The rifle wind responded in unison.

Click! Click! Click! Click!

The rifle wind was magnificent as it aimed at Bi Ryu-yeon.

Their vigor penetrated Bi Ryu-yeon. The window in their hearts had already cleanly cut off Bi Ryu-yeon's breath.

"Live your best life in the best season!"

"Charge! Let's go!" With Wimusa's command as a signal, the four horses simultaneously pounded the ground and leaped forward. The four of them moved as one, their breaths perfectly synchronized.

Sharp glints flashed in their eyes.

Even though Bi Ryu-yeon was still a dozen li away, they were acting as if they were already within reach, forcefully thrusting their spears forward whether they were standing, planted, or held.

Did they think they could reach a distance of over a dozen li in an instant?

Iron-clad horsewind

Combined transition-passing machine

Rifle-wind chain shackles

Click, click, click!

With the sound of wind 'shwoong,' the segments of the chariots they extended forward began to separate and stretch out continuously. The separated segments were connected by thin, long iron chains, compressing the distance of a dozen li in an instant. Now the distance was no longer an issue.

The four horses' battle cries converged in the air, forming an artificial whirlwind that swept up the surrounding dust.

The whirlwind of sharp, giant blade edges descended upon Bi Ryu-yeon fiercely, exuding a fierce and sinister momentum!

Facing the terrifying whirlwind of chains that seemed to crush everything, Bi Ryu-yeon's footsteps showed no intention of stepping back.

Bi Ryu-yeon seemed like someone who had resigned themselves to their fate, rooted in place. They didn't even flinch, as if they had planted their feet firmly into the ground or rooted themselves deep below.

Only the deep, abyssal gaze in their eyes quietly confronted reality.

"Let's go!"

Finally, Bi Ryu-yeon moved.

With a horizontal swing of their right hand.

Rifle-splitting blade of Bi-Lo-Do

Jang of True Death Strike


Heaven and Earth Division

A silent and motionless gesture!

But its power was so immense that even the heavens had to acknowledge it.


A space between heaven and earth appeared with a dazzling flash of light, dividing the existence between them.

The chains of the rifle-wind that were fiercely swirling to devour Bi Ryu-yeon were split in half as if they were lies. It was as if it were a scene fabricated like a lie.

The ultimate skill that had never failed in a dozen battles was effortlessly dismantled by a single gesture of the opponent.

The shock was not just physical; there was also an impulse to deny reality.

The shining golden blade didn't just target the whirlwind of chains; it also simultaneously cleaved through the bodies of the four horses that were riding the wind.

That inexplicable, incomprehensible feat seemed like a piece of fiction.

Wimusa's whole body was covered in goosebumps. The shiver that had risen hadn't even thought about subsiding yet.

In this state of shock, it was impossible for the riders to escape unscathed.

In the hazy dust, the upper bodies of the four horses tumbled on the ground, scattering a reddish-purple mist. Just moments ago, they had been charging forward with all their might, but now they crashed to the ground like fallen leaves. Their heavy armor was also fatal to them.

With a loud, bone-chilling sound...

Thus, on this day, the names of the rifle wind were erased from the ledger of the Charismatic Horse Division.

Instead, their names were transferred to the Treasury Department for collection of the Black Heaven League's dues.

"Are we just going to stand here and do nothing? We might end up having to dispose of the bodies."

Cheong-hyeon leaned close to Yeomdo, his expression serious.

"Hmm! Dispose of the bodies... that might not be a bad idea."

If someone else were to dispose of a body, perhaps he could finally escape from this loathsome wheel of misfortune.


Cheong-hyeon hesitated.

"That might not be possible. We can't just leave it as it is. After all, isn't he a disciple of the Celestial Ignorance Pavilion? We can't just watch him walk into death, can we?"

Yeomdo pretended to consider Cheong-hyeon's opinion.

As someone who had spent more than a year by Bi Ryu-yeon's side, even he couldn't confidently predict the outcome of this match. Even though he usually bet twelve to one in favor of Bi Ryu-yeon's victory, this time the opponent was too formidable. He had heard enough about the legendary invincibility of the Charismatic Horse Division's unstoppable armored riders. Even if Bi Ryu-yeon was a formidable opponent, there was no guarantee of victory against such renowned figures.


Yeomdo's gaze sank deep. Could Bi Ryu-yeon's fate really come to an end today? Even as someone who knew Bi Ryu-yeon's abilities better than anyone here, he still hadn't seen the end. That's right! No matter how he twisted his thoughts, it was hard to believe that Bi Ryu-yeon, of all people, would display such reckless self-sacrifice in an unwinnable fight. 'What kind of person is he...' Overestimating someone is also a mistake. No matter how hard he tried to rate Bi Ryu-yeon's character highly, the possibility of that was too slim. He wasn't called a monster for nothing.

Yeomdo said in a subtle voice.

"Here, pretending not to know and running away might be a very positive option to consider, don't you think?"

"This statement, meant to take a step further as the most cowardly in the world, would have been either completely ignored or vehemently condemned by others if it had come from anyone else, but if it came from Yeomdo, then there was a problem. Because Yeomdo, who did not fit with the term 'most cowardly' in the world, was considered to lack any sense of cowardice by those around him. Yeomdo's quiet voice somehow carried a ominous resonance that echoed in their ears. What answer does Yeomdo hope to get from this situation? Cheongheun couldn't even begin to guess Yeomdo's inner thoughts.

If he had three or four more lives to spare, he would have relaxed and answered, but unfortunately, due to having only one life, he couldn't answer hastily. No, he couldn't. To casually throw away one's only life is not the act of a courageous person, but rather a foolish and reckless act.

"That's... um..."

Jujakdan and Munmusangjeol were unable to respond as if their mouths were sewn shut with three hundred and sixty needles. In fact, Yeomdo himself was just as clueless about what action he should take next. So maybe he was just venting his frustration at the kids.

It was difficult to resist the sweet temptation of escaping from the embarrassing disciple status without any effort if he were to die like this.

However, the fact that Yeomdo had no one around him who could commit such cowardice was a significant problem.

If he simply asserted that removing the evil in the martial world was a matter of benefiting the martial world, then it would be a simple matter... Today, he particularly despised his burning sense of justice. If he had some cunning, flexibility, and quick wit, or if he was cunning, cowardly, or cowardly, he could have handled the situation more smoothly and neatly.

Today, he particularly hated himself for having his reason and emotions at odds.

"Um... What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?"

His usually lacking wit did not fail him today either. At that moment, Yeomdo's conscience was shattered by the words of a woman.

"But still, I should go and help, shouldn't I?"

Yeomdo raised his head and found the source of the beautiful voice.

When Jujakdan and Munmusangjeol were busy discussing this and that, and Yeomdo was lost in his own thoughts,

there was someone quietly getting up and clearing their place. Walking silently towards the battlefield, the person had a slender figure that could not be easily determined as belonging to this world's possessions.


Lee Jin-seol was surprised by Na Yerin's sudden action and hurriedly called out to her.


Lee Jin-seol exclaimed. There was a determination in her words to stop Na Yerin's action, but Na Yerin was not swayed. She just looked ahead and walked silently.

"You don't need to follow me."

With an indifferent tone, she said, "What about worrying about people around you? If you get hurt in battle..."

The next words were too terrible for Baek Mu-yeong, even as a rational person, to utter because of their horrifying content. If even a speck of dust were to hurt Na Yerin's body, on the day when the passionate fight broke out, Na Yerin's fanatical followers would be swept away by the bloodlust of the Jungsadaejeon. It was a terrifying thought.


Despite Baek Mu-yeong's words, she didn't bother to open her mouth to respond. She just kept walking silently, looking ahead.

Again, Baek Mu-yeong's attempt to stop Na Yerin's action was futile.

She slipped away from his hand like a breeze.

"Why am I walking this path now, why?"

Although the reason was unknown, she decided to follow the direction her own heart was leading her. Such a man was not worth caring about no matter what happened... Na Yerin still didn't understand her own actions.

"Oh no! I can't just sit here feeling confused like this!"

No-hak stood up, scratching his head. Namgung San and Hyeonwoon were the same. Jang Hong and Hyo-ryong couldn't stay still either. If a woman led the way into the dangerous battlefield, it was a disgrace to men. Such a person didn't even deserve to be called a man. All the members of Jujakdan stood up.

"How about waiting here since women are in danger?"

Dangsam said. Then, Dangmunhye immediately refuted and stepped forward.


Her rebuttal was accompanied by a punch.

"Dangsam! Since when did you become a sexist? Since when did you start looking down on women?!"

Dangmunhye's words were filled with venomous fierceness, and she rebuked Dangsam with a stern look.

Dangsam trembled with sweat, regretting his careless words. He had never won a power struggle with his sister before. He reproached his mouth that had caused him trouble without properly surveying the situation. However, it was already spilt water.

"Why can't you speak up yet?"

Dangmunhye's nails gleamed menacingly in the sunlight with a fierce vitality.

Dangsam was now on the verge of tears. There was nowhere to run to in all four corners of the earth.

The men all sympathized with his plight, but none dared to extend a helping hand. All they could do was silently offer their condolences in their hearts.

"Why can't you speak up yet?"

Dangmunhye's nails gleamed menacingly in the sunlight with a fierce vitality. Dangsam had no intention of receiving ancestral rites next year.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong! I won't do it again, sister!"

Helplessly, Dangsam had no choice but to admit his mistake and defeat, his hands clasped together, begging until his fingerprints wore away. He could only acknowledge his mistakes and defeat. All the men sympathized with his plight, but none dared to meet Dangmunhye's gaze. Only the women around her congratulated her on her victory and the advancement of women's rights.

"Is there anyone who dares to challenge me?"

Yeomdo, who had suddenly risen from his seat and stood up, spoke to everyone present. As everyone got up, Cheongheon and Baek Mu-young could no longer preserve their seats and sit quietly.

"Even if you lack confidence, there are times when you must act. Is it not disgraceful for men to timidly follow behind while women take the lead? Or would it be even more shameful to flee without courage, leaving behind a lifetime of disgrace to live in infamy? I would rather bravely fight and choose to rust in battle."

With eyes shining with firm conviction, Nam Gung-sang spoke. And then, as if agreeing with his opinion, everyone nodded their heads. Their hearts had suddenly merged as one.

Yet Na Ye-rin continued to lead the way ahead.


"What... what is that?"

Yeomdo asked.

"Um... well?"

He couldn't possibly answer something he didn't know himself.

"Hey! Could this possibly be a dream?"

A sudden surge of doubt!

"Um... well?"

Nam Gung-sang couldn't answer readily.

Arriving at the scene where Bi Ryu-yeon was, they witnessed the unbelievable power of Bi Ryu-yeon's authority, which could overturn a raging storm in an instant. So they were rooted to the spot, unable to move. It was the same for Na Ye-rin.

Now, the Black Heaven League no longer needed to worry about the maintenance costs of those four horses that had just rushed in. They had gained the most certain evidence to erase from their accounting books. And they no longer needed to worry about the salaries and danger allowances for the knights riding those four horses. Of course, the issue of compensation for those four individuals still remained to be addressed. But there would be no other expenses beyond this. Because just now, with one blow from Bi Ryu-yeon, all the knights riding the four horses, known as the Raging Storm, had been knocked flat.

In the end, those knights had to open their eyes. It was a final act of rebellion against the reality that there were four people who could defeat them. And it was also the last expression on their faces.

As the dazzling flash divided heaven and earth, the bodies of the people who had once been whole were cleanly sliced apart! The flash, like the blade of God, divided heaven and earth, showing even the acrobatics of the four horses riding on the words of Na Ye-rin.

They stood there, rooted in place, staring blankly at the battlefield. In the midst of that desolate plain, facing off against fifty ironclad knights boasting massive troops and weaponry, Bi Ryu-yeon's authority remained unshakable.

"Let's hold off on helping for now!"

At last, Yeomdo made a decision. Perhaps it would take time to distinguish whether this was a dream or reality.

"Um... alright."

Everyone nodded, their spirits deflated.

"Is... is what I'm seeing an illusion? Or a cruel nightmare devouring reality?"

A trembling voice emanated from deep within.

"We could pinch your cheeks for you instead. But there's no need to try to escape reality. This is an undeniably real and righteous reality! Escaping reality is a bad habit."

Bi Ryu-yeon spoke as if teasing.

"I... I can't believe it."

Wi Mu-sang forced out, as if he couldn't stand the obvious reality before his eyes. How frustrating must it have been for an adult to stubbornly deny such an obvious reality? We must understand Wi Mu-sang's current psychological state.

"You can't do that!"


Suddenly, Wi Mu-sang felt intense pain in his right cheek. The scream was its byproduct.

"W-what... what is this?"

Contrary to the promise, Bi Ryu-yeon hadn't pinched him. Rather, there was a vivid red mark on his cheek, accompanied by a burning pain.

"W-when did this...?"


In a moment, Wi Mu-sang felt a searing pain on his right cheek. The scream was its byproduct.


As Wi Mu-sang's mind struggled to comprehend, the pain in his jaw clearly indicated something was wrong. Even if he was a completely sane man, such a painful statement was truly torturous. Yet it helped Wi Mu-sang grasp reality.

'W-what should I do about this now?'

There was no plan. But shouldn't a solution present itself if we think hard enough? However, no matter how we pondered this, no solution emerged. Wi Mu-sang had to painfully acknowledge once again that he was not a military strategist, but a man of action. He was more adept at action than strategy. Therefore, he decided to resolve this matter through action once again.

"Iron Decimation!"

In a confused state where he couldn't distinguish if his mind was clear or clouded, Wi Mu-sang called out "Iron Decimation". Iron Decimation! These warriors, born without fear, were innate fighters. The twelve of them simultaneously unleashed a siege annihilation technique, boasting a power even greater than the renowned Raging Storm's consecutive strikes. Originally, their siege attack was meant to be deployed against multiple enemies, but today, it was aimed at just one target, to eliminate an enemy.

After experiencing two false illusions, their eyes were fiercely serious. If they had any arrogance, it was impossible to find it. With their wholehearted focus, their cloaks fluttered despite the absence of wind.


At Wi Mu-sang's signal, they all urged their mounts forward.


Twelve ironclad knights lined up in formation.


Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Every soldier raised their spears simultaneously.

They lifted one of the many spears hanging from their saddles. They usually enjoyed long-range spear throwing, so their mounts were equipped with several spears. They had picked one out for this occasion. Trained hundreds of times, their movements were synchronized like gears.

"Spear Thrust!"

With a click, their spears were raised shoulder-high. The energy injected into the spear materialized into a blade of light like a sword beam entwined around the spear's shaft.

"Geis Spear!"

Bi Ryu-yeon looked interested. Although he had seen a demonstration during a spear martial arts class led by the spear martial arts master Nosa-in Yeon Yu-gyu, it was the first time he had directly faced it in battle. Spears were often categorized more as military weapons than martial arts weapons, so they were often overlooked in Baekdo.


Wi Mu-sang shouted as they all charged forward.

"Focus Fire! Crossfire! Rapid Fire!" They exerted their trained strength to accelerate the speed of their thrown spears. Of course, their target was the impregnable formation of the invincible knights riding the four horses. The spear technique known as Iron Decimation was an attack so powerful it could pierce through steel plates and shatter rocks, even though it seemed impossible to withstand such an attack. It was a blow that struck fear into the hearts of enemies. In the end, the Iron Decimation was also confused. Because for a moment, their movements showed a happiness that had escaped control. However, they quickly reorganized themselves.

"Get a hold of yourselves!"

Wi Mu-sang yelled, urging them on.

 There could be no more failure. When the invincible Spear Assault, known as the Crossfire, returned as a failure, the new commander of the Iron Decimation issued a new order.

"Assault Formation!"

With a click, the spears were firmly fixed around their waists.

As they thrust their spears toward the front from their hips, the shafts of their spears began to shine with a brilliant milky white.

The Iron Decimation, feeling that if this attack failed, it would be tantamount to their own deaths, instinctively knew. So they exerted all their energy and clashed head-on.

"Spear Impact!"

At last, the superior attack formation of the ironclad knights riding the four horses was displayed before them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two-sided iron curtain aggressively pressed into the flanks of Bi Ryu Yeon with a dozen spears driving forward.

The horses of the Yeolpil rushed forward, pounding the ground with force. Since this wasn't a war, surrounding and attacking a single individual was futile with more than ten being just a hindrance, as they risked interfering with each other's movements. They were already disregarding their own lives, fully intent on bringing down Bi Ryu Yeon with all their might. However, Bi Ryu Yeon showed no signs of fear. Instead, he looked at them and smirked faintly. His eyes gleamed with golden light, his heart freezing cold. His scattered thoughts converged into one, emitting a sharp aura like a frost-covered field.

The Iron Curtain formation enclosed Bi Ryu Yeon like a wall of steel, circling around him like a curtain. However, the real attack didn't come from the ten individuals who surrounded Bi Ryu Yeon in a circle. Why? Because there were only ten of them.


The sunlight of heaven shone down as two horses leaped over the circular wall simultaneously, thrusting their spears into Bi Ryu Yeon from both sides. It was an incredible leap and equestrian skill, almost reaching the height of a story. To establish this formation, their armaments were much lighter compared to others.

It was a death trap with no escape route, blocking every direction, leaving Bi Ryu Yeon surrounded by a net of death. Yet, the reaper couldn't lay a hand on Bi Ryu Yeon's back.

"Bi Loi-do's Five Thunderbolt Blades,

Cheon Bung-ji Yeol's Formation,

Nae Gyuk-ta Cheon's Thunder Strike,

Invisible giant fists seemed to send the two horses flying backward. Two flashes pierced through the horses.


Or rather, it seemed they were struck rather than pierced. The sound of immense force colliding echoed.

Despite the sharp blades of the rain hitting them, astonishingly, the airborne horses flew back two yards. It was a sight that would be hard to believe without witnessing it firsthand.

"Thud thud thud!"

The two flying figures crashing behind was an instant affair. When the initial attack failed, the Iron Curtain formation immediately attempted a second frontal assault. But Bi Ryu Yeon wouldn't allow it.

"Bi Loi-do's Five Thunderbolt Blades,

Sa Shin-mu's Formation,

Bong Ho,

Bong Ik Bi-sang,"

The ten Iron Curtain assailants attempting to press in from both sides were engulfed in a dazzling array of blade strikes like the flapping of a phoenix's wings, swirling around them on both sides. Once triggered, the blades were as merciless as ice, showing no mercy. The flapping of the phoenix's wings slaughtered the Iron Curtain assailants with countless blade strikes. Even the Ironclad horses were helpless against the shining phoenix's wings, being sliced into neat sections. One phoenix soared into the sky armed with the light of the blades.

There was no chance to evade. They were only able to watch as dozens of dazzling blade strikes extended in all directions until they reached the sky again...

When the rain of blood once again soaked the ground, Bi Ryu Yeon remained standing motionless in the same spot where he had initially stood, not moving an inch.

The fear of the unknown began to crawl slowly from the depths of the Iron Curtain's abyss.


The admiration of the Exalted Scholar, who had been watching, could not be suppressed. The astonishment at the display of the opponent's prowess overwhelmed any anger at seeing one's subordinates in distress. It was one of the bad habits of the martial world. It was impossible to think that what Bi Ryu Yeon was demonstrating was of human origin. It had already transcended human capabilities.

The Ironclad Horse, famous and revered as a symbol of terror and power, suffered near-destruction at the casual gesture of a young boy's light hand. Who would believe that such a thing had happened?

It was a story that had been impossible from the start.

Anyone who wasn't mentally absent or possessed a weak heart would have harbored such thoughts. But Bi Ryu Yeon, that rascal, showed off his wit as if to prove that impossible and implausible things still happened in this world.


Yum Do suddenly stood up. Without hesitation, he walked forward and draped his sorrowful red flame over his 'chin' shoulder. It was a display of determination, unable to control his body's restlessness. He, too, was inevitably a person who lacked control from birth.

"I must make it clear that I'm not living because I want to! It's definitely not because my heart desires to act! It's just that, truly, I have no choice but to walk forward! Do you understand?"

Nodding vigorously!

Who could dare to object to Yum Do's boldness?


And then Yum Do, with tears in his eyes, walked forward.

The decisive showdown.

"Step aside!"

Wei Mu Sang said. "I'll take care of this myself."

Finally, Wei Mu Sang reluctantly admitted that this was not a situation that his subordinates could handle. It was his role to rectify the mistakes of his subordinates. He could no longer stand by and watch the Iron Curtain's credibility plummet.

"Are you okay?"

The one worrying about his safety in place of the Iron Curtain was none other than Bi Ryu Yeon. Wei Mu Sang felt a severe sense of humiliation, but he couldn't afford to show any resentment as they were on the brink of battle. Despite not wanting to admit it, he had to acknowledge Bi Ryu Yeon's skill. He couldn't accept it, but he had to.

He cautiously gripped his steel spear. A fierce determination ignited in his eyes. As a superior, he demonstrated a far superior skill level with just one gesture, compared to his subordinates.

"Finally, is it time for the old man to make an appearance?"

Bi Ryu Yeon smirked. Wei Mu Sang said,

"You can only mock me with that arrogant tongue at this moment. Let me pierce through your throat with a single blow! So that your blasphemous mouth will never ridicule me again..."


Outwardly, he projected enough fierceness and intimidation, but inside, his throat went dry. Right now, caution dominated him more than the vigor and vigor that enveloped his entire body. His fiery temperament indicated he was on edge, showing that Wei Mu Sang was indeed nervous about facing Bi Ryu Yeon's divine authority.

Now even he couldn't be sure if he could handle the upcoming battle. The tremendous power he had displayed moments ago left Wei Mu Sang feeling tense. He couldn't guarantee that he could deal with it himself. His earlier arrogance was a proof of his tension, showing that Wei Mu Sang was indeed nervous about facing Bi Ryu Yeon's divine authority.

Now even he couldn't be sure if he could handle the upcoming battle. The tremendous power he had displayed moments ago left Wei Mu Sang feeling tense. He couldn't guarantee that he could deal with it himself. He couldn't guarantee that he could deal with it himself. He couldn't guarantee that he could deal with it himself. He couldn't guarantee that he could deal with it himself. He couldn't guarantee that he could deal with it himself. He couldn't guarantee that he could deal with it himself

It was then.

"I'll handle this fight!"

Biryu-yeon recognized whose rough, coarse voice it was, despite its unfamiliarity. Biryu-yeon turned his head, expressing joy at the sight of Yeomdo approaching from behind. Yeomdo, with mourning flames draped over his shoulders, walked briskly towards him.

"Hey! What's going on here? Were you planning to just stand by and watch pretending you didn't know?"

"What nonsense, of course I came to help!"

Yeomdo inwardly felt ashamed, but outwardly remained composed as he spoke. He knew who had recognized his identity, Gucheonhak's gaze was sharp. There was a feeling that today might bring more losses than gains. However, retreating was not an option as the damage inflicted by the Ironhoof Battalion was already severe.

"Who is this?"

Wimusaeng made the mistake of not recognizing Yeomdo again. Compared to Yeomdo, Wimusaeng's martial ranking was slightly exaggerated, closer to the bottom. This was because, apart from the leader, the Ironhoof Battalion was strong as a group, but not individually.

"Who are you?"

Yeomdo's eyes shot up to the sky.

"Who are you?"

Wimusaeng barely managed to speak. It was clear that he had been negligent in memorizing the martial arts rankings.

"Hold on! He is none other than Yeomdo!"

It was Gucheonhak who stopped Wimusaeng from charging forward, ready to attack. 

"Could it be that you're talking about the infamous Blaze Wagoner?"


Biryu-yeon burst into laughter. Yeomdo's expression turned fierce.


Flames flickered in his eyes. It seemed that many arrogant individuals had appeared during his quiet stay at the academy.

Gucheonhak nodded.

"Red Yeom, Red Vale, Red Beauty! Who else in Ironhoof, other than Yeomdo, would have such distinctive features with a body full of red?"

Wimusaeng's appearance was undeniably distinctive. However, his identity couldn't break Yeomdo's determination.

Gucheonhak could sense it through the momentum emanating from Wimusaeng's entire body.

"Shall we?"

Honestly, facing Yeomdo was too burdensome for Wimusaeng. Gucheonhak's honest intention was to avoid a direct confrontation if possible. He didn't want to recklessly put a trusted subordinate's life in danger. But Wimusaeng showed no signs of backing down.

"I'll take care of this!"

His firm declaration revealed Wimusaeng's unwavering will. Gucheonhak was secretly satisfied with Wimusaeng's unwavering attitude. He no longer intended to intervene.

"Are you really not afraid?"

Wimusaeng's gaze met Yeomdo's head-on, showing no intention of retreating. Behind Yeomdo's path, six ironclad horses trotted alongside their owners.

"Alright! Bring it on!"

Yeomdo smiled with satisfaction. What he feared from the Ironhoof Battalion was their collective attack, not individual duels. In a one-on-one fight, whether he mounted a horse or not, it didn't matter to him. He had long passed the age of fearing the size of a horse's body.


The first clash between Wimusaeng's spear and Yeomdo's sword echoed. Yeomdo ignorantly withstood Wimusaeng's grand charge head-on. 


Yeomdo's body was pushed back almost a yard due to the overwhelming force of Wimusaeng's charge. It created a deep trench due to the ground's unevenness. Yet, Yeomdo didn't fall backward.

"Tsk tsk! How ignorant..."

Biryu-yeon scoffed at the sight. Despite having the skill to evade or deflect the attack, Yeomdo chose to face it head-on. It was truly a behavior characteristic of Yeomdo.

"To think you'd try to break through head-on..."

"Quite skilled!"

Yeomdo blocked Wimusaeng's spear firmly with his sword, speaking calmly.

Wimusaeng leaped back along with his horse. As the distance between them widened more than the length of the spear, Yeomdo tried to catch his breath. Wimusaeng seized this moment to strike.

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

A rapid series of thrusts like a whirlwind! It was an attack that disregarded the widened gap and rushed in. Yeomdo was pierced through his defenses.

The sides of Yeomdo's waist were exposed as his clothes were torn, revealing bare skin. The two thrusts left their marks, passing by.

"Indeed, you are the rumored Yeomdo. Blocking my Triple Gale Thrust head-on... But how do you plan to overcome this gap?"

Wimusaeng regained some confidence with this attack. Suddenly, Wimusaeng's spear had transformed into a ten-foot-long lance, doubling in length. It was a strategy to gain distance advantage.

However, soon this strategy proved futile.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

In an instant, Wimusaeng was startled. A surge of heat enveloped his lance, coming from Yeomdo's Fiery Blade.


It felt like his palm was being burnt. He felt he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Take this!"

Once again, the rough thrusts of the Triple Gale Thrust erupted through his lance.

Three holes were pierced into the previously solid ground. Though not wide, they were nearly half a yard deep. It was proof of the tremendous penetrating power of Wimusaeng's thrusts. The ground around the pierced area showed spiral patterns, evidence of the immense rotational force behind Wimusaeng's attacks. And the fact that Yeomdo had just blocked such thrusts head-on spoke volumes.

The Monster Evaluation Committee showed a bit more favor towards Yeomdo.

"No matter how powerful the blow, it's useless if it doesn't land."

His voice came from atop Wimusaeng's saddle. Yeomdo had effortlessly leaped higher than Wimusaeng's head.

And then, Yeomdo smoothly descended onto Wimusaeng's lance, which had just been thrust, using it as a platform to balance himself securely.

"Clap clap clap!"

Biryu-yeon generously applauded Yeomdo's antics. Yeomdo politely ignored it.


Yeomdo rode swiftly and lightly on Changdae toward Wimoosang, penetrating toward him. There was nowhere for Wimoosang to escape. There was no time to draw another spear to defend himself. He tightly closed his eyes.

"Leader! I apologize."

At that moment, for the first time, Wimoosang became aware of death and humbly accepted it.


With a flash of red light, Yeomdo's crimson flame struck Wimoosang's neck with a ruthless sword.

Normally, Wimoosang's neck would have been severed from his body and soared high into the air, tumbling to the ground and rolling about five times before coming to rest. However, astonishingly, that did not happen. What was even more mind-boggling was that Wimoosang's neck was still intact and functioning properly.

So Yeomdo almost went crazy.

"Isn't this cheating?"

Biryu-yeon's gaze turned to Gucheonhak standing there. Just moments ago, one of the five Thunder Dragons, Gucheonhak's favorite weapon, was empty. It was now in the hands of Gucheonhak, the current owner, and had just interfered in the decisive moment when Yeomdo's sword was about to sever Wimoosang's neck.

"I'm sorry! But I couldn't let an important subordinate die! It's not easy to find someone like him again!"


Wimoosang seemed on the verge of tears, moved by gratitude. But fortunately, such a pitiful scene did not occur.

"For him, I will definitely sacrifice my life one day!"

Wimoosang resolved thus. It was a romantic notion untouched by reality. The life here referred to the life that had just been on the brink of ending with Yeomdo's sword.

"Darn! What a nuisance!"

Yeomdo muttered, feeling uncomfortable, as if someone had gone to the bathroom and not wiped properly.

Biryu-yeon spoke.

"No matter what, cheating is cheating. There must be consequences for cheating. What will you offer as compensation for cheating?"

Biryu-yeon still fixed her gaze on Gucheonhak. Gucheonhak also received that gaze without a word.

"A bet!"

Gucheonhak said.

"A bet... That's quite an interesting proposition. And quite fitting to my taste!"

Biryu-yeon seemed quite satisfied with Gucheonhak's proposal.

"I'm glad you like it. If you had refused, there would have been nothing left but a full-frontal confrontation until one side was completely annihilated."

Gucheonhak's words were sincere. Leaving room to return without completing the mission held tremendous significance for him.

"Let's hear what kind of bet it is."

"A showdown!"

At Gucheonhak's words, Yeomdo, Naye-rin, Moyong-hwi, Cheongheon, Baekmu-yeong, Janghong, Hyoryong, and even the members of Jujakdan were visibly astonished.

A showdown! In other words, it referred to a fight known as a showdown or a major battle, where one person comes out and decides everything about victory or defeat.

"That's quite an interesting method!"

Biryu-yeon seemed quite satisfied. Gucheonhak's proposed method was quite satisfactory to her.

"I like that. Then, of course, you will be representing your side... In that case, on this side..."

After being defeated by the leader and now having only one piece left on the chessboard, the last remaining piece was none other than the leader of the Iron Cavalry, Jilpungmukheun, Gucheonhak. It was an external injury. Biryu-yeon began to look around carefully, searching for a representative.

"Where are you looking? Of course, the representative over there is you."


Biryu-yeon made a hesitant expression. It seemed like an unwilling expression.

"Why? What's the problem? Surely, you're not afraid at this point?"

"Oh no! Of course not. I was just thinking of passing it on to someone else because it's a bit bothersome!"


A devilish smile appeared on Biryu-yeon's lips. Those who received the pass would never want to be in that position.

Cheongheon and Baekmu-yeong were still staring blankly, not understanding a thing. They seemed to think that Biryu-yeon was joking.

However, Jujakdan and Yeomdo knew very well that it was "an offer you can't refuse."

If they didn't prepare at least five reasons in advance, they could be at a disadvantage later. Cheongheon and Baekmu-yeong were still staring blankly, not understanding a thing. They seemed to think that Biryu-yeon was joking.

However, Jujakdan and Yeomdo knew very well that it was "an offer you can't refuse."

If they didn't prepare at least five reasons in advance, they could be at a disadvantage later.

The one who rescued them from this predicament, amusingly, was Gucheonhak.

"Who else would take your place? The one who blocked our way first is you, so you should finish this with your own hands, shouldn't you?"

Gucheonhak's will was firm and his dignity overflowing. Indeed, a giant was a giant.

"Oh! Thanks to everyone's support, I guess I have no choice but to do it!"

When Biryu-yeon agreed, Yeomdo and the members of Jujakdan breathed a sigh of relief.


Finally, Jilchungmukheun Gucheonhak stepped forward. The weight of a mountain seemed to move.

"Whew! That's a good thing to hear!"

"A showdown it is!"

The mane of Kucheonhak's demon horse, Mugseong, was covered with black hair as dark as ink, and it emitted a fierce aura as if ready to roar. Its massive size, appearing half again as large as a regular horse, added to the intimidating effect it had on people. Moreover, its eyes seemed to emit flames, reminiscent of a fierce beast, making it difficult to simply call it a horse.

"Is this the appearance of General Deokdio?"

"If you win, this will be the final fight. But if not, all your efforts will be in vain. It will be decided with a single stroke."

Kucheonhak realized that further confrontation would be useless sacrifice. They were already engulfed in the atmosphere of a monstrous creature with a ferocious demeanor, unable to escape. It was an inescapable abyss they had unwittingly fallen into. Revealing the bottom of that swamp, only he could put an end to it now.


A white jade bracelet, whiter than milk, grabbed Bi Ruyeon's arm. Its owner was Naye Rin. Bi Ruyeon looked at Naye Rin with a puzzled expression, but there was no discernible emotion on her face, not even a hint of a smile. And she left just one word.

"Be careful."

With that single word, Bi Ruyeon was satisfied. It was an action she wouldn't normally take. Even now, Naye Rin couldn't explain or understand why she did it. Unfathomable emotions drove her to do so.

"Hahaha! Hearing that from you, Sojeo, makes today truly fortunate. Just that alone makes this fight worthwhile. Don't worry!"

Bi Ruyeon said with a wide smile. Then she sobered up and replied.

"Who said I was worried?"

"I, Sojeo, did!"

"I have never been worried."

She declared firmly. But she couldn't disappoint Bi Ruyeon.



Bi Ruyeon smiled again, satisfied with Naye Rin's answer.

"Well, then it must be true. But!... Thank you for worrying!"

That was enough for Bi Ruyeon. Those indifferent priests, once disciplined properly, would be fine.

Bi Ruyeon relaxed her limbs and relaxed her whole body.

A silent bell announcing the beginning of the duel quietly rang in their minds. It was time.


In an instant, Kucheonhak's right arm, which had been held back, shot forward like lightning.


A thunderous roar that seemed to pierce the atmosphere! The powerful thrust of the spear caused the air to swirl.

Bang bang bang!

In a moment, invisible spears struck and grazed past Bi Ruyeon's left ear, scattering a few strands of hair into the air. Her ears rang with the thunderous sound.

"A... An invisible spear! A strike from the air!"

Yeomdo exclaimed in admiration. It had been a long time since he had seen such a perfect strike from the air.

The power to injure the enemy by striking ten paces away was not an ordinary attack that could be seen anywhere.

'And it's not even at full strength!'

It was clear that he had held back.

With this, even Cheonkwan couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Nangung Sang asked with a worried tone.


Yeomdo's gaze shifted forward as if he was too lazy to talk anymore.


Bi Ruyeon smiled.

"Oh? Is this courtesy or a substitute? Be kind!"

She deliberately aimed slightly off-center rather than directly at her opponent.

"You're not even giving proper greetings to me."

As a senior, she couldn't accept not even receiving a greeting properly. But she had decided to accept at least one concession. And Bi Ruyeon had even managed to dodge that.

'Surely she didn't see it, did she?'

Kucheonhak denied the suspicion that arose in his mind.


Now Kucheonhak decided to go for a full-fledged attempt, holding the spear with both hands and aiming directly at Bi Ruyeon. The previous attacks were just teasers. Now it was real.

The tension in the air, squeezing the hearts of the onlookers, dominated the surroundings.


As Kucheonhak kicked the horse's belly with his foot, Mookseong sprang forth like a hurricane, as if waiting for a fierce battle. The ground screamed as if it was about to tear apart under Mookseong's hooves.

The soil flew fiercely in all directions. The unity of horse and rider swept everything away like a whirlwind, as if engulfing everything in its path.


The ground shattered as Mookseong's hoof struck, and the earth seemed to scream under the hoof's impact.

With each step, a towering earth wall rose in front of Bi Ruyeon, creating a giant trench straight ahead. But it wasn't time to let her guard down yet. This time, it wasn't going to stop with just one strike.

The invisible spear, the Blue Crush Strike, broke loose like a wave crashing down! A surge of energy!

Kucheonhak circled around Bi Ruyeon, continuously unleashing the techniques he had just used, one after another. It was a continuous series of techniques he had just demonstrated. The Blue Crush Strike, as its name suggested, tore the earth apart, screaming and shattering everything in its path.

Thunk thunk thunk!

Boom boom boom!

"Now, obscured by swirling dust and the glare of swords,

the figure of Bi Ryu-yeon was invisible to their eyes.

It was a relentless onslaught, like the whip of a beast tamer, with no room to breathe.


The delighted cry of Gu Cheon-hak's ama echoed through the dust cloud.

Gu Cheon-hak, who had been circling Bi Ryu-yeon with his spear, returned to his original position.

However, the dust that completely covered the spot where Bi Ryu-yeon had been standing still had not cleared. Gu Cheon-hak remained tense, watching intently.

"What a flawless attack. But what is this sense of unease?"

Feeling an inexplicable anxiety, Gu Cheon-hak tightened his grip on his spear. He must have been struck.


Cheers erupted from the Ironclad Cavalry stationed around. On the other hand, the faces of the Celestial Artillery Corps were stern. They waited, solemn-faced, for the dust cloud to dissipate.

That's when it happened.

"Cough! Cough!"

Emerging from the swirling dust, a figure coughed its way through the haze.

Clearly irritated by the dense dust, the blurry figure was none other than Bi Ryu-yeon. As if to demonstrate his tenacious vitality, he emerged unscathed from the inferno of Gu Cheon-hak's relentless assault.

Apart from being covered in flipped dust, unfortunately, there wasn't a scratch on him.

"Oh, goodness! I don't even have spare clothes to change into; I'll have to wash them."

Muttering to himself, Bi Ryu-yeon brushed off the dust that had settled on his body. A cloud of white dust rose from his limbs.


Gu Cheon-hak exclaimed sincerely. A warrior's blood boiled within him.

A shiver ran down his spine. A man like this was worth giving his all against.

"Could there possibly be anyone else like you in this world?"

"There won't be."

Bi Ryu-yeon's brazen reply was truly audacious.

"This will be my final attack. I will put all my strength into it. If you can withstand this attack..."

Gu Cheon-hak paused for a moment before continuing. His mind was now completely focused.

"...I will admit my defeat and return to the Black Sky Alliance with my troops. Are you prepared?"

A flash sparkled in Gu Cheon-hak's eyes.


Bi Ryu-yeon was always ready.

With a serious expression, Gu Cheon-hak raised his spear as if taking aim.

His left hand grasped the tip of the spear, while his right hand lightly held the midsection. It felt like a single blade.

"Indeed, the Gale-Mocking Gu Cheon-hak..."

Yom Do admired sincerely. Indeed, the martial skill he had just witnessed was on a different level from the one he had fought with earlier. It was astonishing to realize that a spear could be wielded in such a way without focusing on it.


The spear, raised high above his head, slashed downward with lightning speed.

Unseen Sword Technique:

Invisible Blade

Bi Ryu-yeon could momentarily sense the deadly intent of the invisible, formless blade aiming for him in the sky. The invisible, formless blade was as fast and formidable as light itself.


However, Bi Ryu-yeon, recklessly, managed to evade even this fatal blow.

Even in the split second when the air was split in half, he only narrowly avoided getting his clothes cut. If he hadn't been able to release the Mokryong Hwan, he might not have been able to avoid it at all. That's how fast and powerful the Invisible Blade Technique was.

Because the life-threatening move involves staking one's own life to end the opponent's, if it were to fail, the psychological blow to oneself would be tremendous.

Who could remain unscathed when their own life was wasted?

In dismay, Bi Ryu-yeon launched his final attack towards the bewildered Gu Cheon-hak.


A flash pierced through space in a straight line.


The helmet split in half, and Gu Cheon-hak's hair fluttered in the wind.

When his view was briefly obscured by his fluttering hair, Bi Ryu-yeon somehow managed to hitch a ride on his horse. And before long, one of Bi Ryu-yeon's teeth, bared with a chilling sneer, gleamed menacingly around Gu Cheon-hak's neck. It was a complete victory for Gu Cheon-hak.

"I've lost."

Thus, the battle came to an end.

Now, the sun was setting in the west, casting a deep twilight over everything.

"Is everything settled now?"

Naye-rin asked.

"So much blood has been shed."