

The right hand of Bi Ryu-yeon, naturally raised, aimed at Cheon Sal's throat.


That alone gave Cheon Sal a chilling sensation as if an invisible thread was piercing his throat.

He couldn't move an inch, struggling like a fly caught in a spider's web. No matter how much he struggled, the grip of death only tightened around him.

Bi Ryu-yeon's pupils showed no emotion. His heart was colder than perennial ice, firmer than steel! A heart as solid as an unyielding fortress, impervious to any disturbance, unwavering!

Indomitable heart!

No variable could shake his gaze, provoke any emotion, or cause any ripple in his eyes.


As Bi Ryu-yeon released the Mokryunghwan from his right hand, with a thud, it fell to the ground, causing the earth to dent under its weight.


Bi Ryu-yeon extended his hand forward, imbued with infinite strength and terror.

Cheon Sal inwardly swallowed a breath of despair. He couldn't move recklessly; he knew he would die instantly if he did. Was instinct going to surpass reason?

He struggled to move but his feet remained glued to the ground. The fear of death loomed over him; any movement could lead to immediate death. It was a strange sensation, experiencing such fear for the first time.

"Could this be... the Way of the Unmoved Heart? Restricting my movements with just a shadow of a hand!"

For a moment, Bi Ryu-yeon's face seemed like that of a demon. A fierce, desperate fear erupted from the depths of Cheon Sal's subconscious. There was no way to contain this outburst.

"Do you finally have a heart to believe in others' words?"

The smile on Bi Ryu-yeon's lips resembled that of a grim reaper. He seemed to be toying with Cheon Sal.


Trying to break free from the constraints of his hand, Cheon Sal writhed like a trapped insect. But he couldn't break free from the invisible threads holding him back.

"Enough of this recklessness, don't you think?"



His hand reached forward again, suffocating him with overwhelming pressure and oppression. Escaping seemed impossible.

The outcome was already decided.

Bi Ryu-yeon's hand showed no mercy. His heart was not expansive enough to show mercy to those who posed a threat to him.

"When causing harm to others, one must be prepared to receive harm oneself. Especially if it's murder!"


Bi Ryu-yeon's finger moved slightly.


Cheon Sal's precious belongings, the foundation of his existence, fell apart with the flick of Bi Ryu-yeon's finger.

Even with his eyes wide open, Cheon Sal was helpless. Despite exerting all his strength, trying to move his body, he found himself unable to escape Bi Ryu-yeon's finger pointing at his forehead.


The bead hanging from his left wrist, which controlled a person's spirit, shattered into pieces. There would never again be a spirit resonating from his wrist.


The price Bi Ryu-yeon demanded was too high. Cheon Sal's cherished weapon, Gyuhon, became forever out of reach as his right arm fell to the ground. Never again would his right arm hold a cup or a sword.

Cheon Sal watched the nightmare-like scene unfold with wide-open eyes. He couldn't understand why he couldn't avoid it. Captivated by the illusion of his hand, he could only struggle like a hanging man. Just like Sun Wukong on the palm of the Buddha!

The outcome was already determined. All Cheon Sal could do now was seek mercy from his opponent.

Those who fall from great heights to the ground suffer a tremendous psychological shock equal to the height they fell. Once at the pinnacle of the martial world, Cheonji Pair Assassins were always feared and revered. Their martial arts instilled fear.

And in an instant, their glory ended.

It was more than just death; it was a humiliating disgrace. A lifetime of bondage and shame. Today's defeat and the profound fear he felt would be etched into his heart, never to be erased, no matter how many years passed.

There is no eternity in this world. Today's end was only the end of their glory. The sound of their glory's demise subtly echoed around them.

"What's that?"

Jisal, amidst the chaos and battle, was blankly staring at a scene that seemed like a nightmare.

"Am I dreaming?"

Suddenly, the overwhelming heat rushing over his body felt like it was cooling down.

"I can't believe it! It's unbelievable!"

His close companion, Cheon Sal, had given his right arm to a mere child without any resistance.

No resistance, as if he were a fly trapped in a spider's web, struggling but unable to escape. The mere thought of it was surreal. The cries of his colleague echoed faintly in his ears.

But it was all true. His friend Cheon Sal had lost his right arm in such a manner, and he, Jisal, was now in a situation where a wrong move could turn him into roasted pig.



Blood spurted from Jisal's wounds.

"How about that? Did I keep my promise?"

Drenched in blood, Yumdo resembled a demon. The outcome was decided.

Even from the notorious Heukdo, the Cheonji Pair Assassins, no one could have imagined they would fall so easily. Their decades of terrifying reputation evaporated in an instant. Their era had come to an end.

"He won't forgive you."

Such a cliché line! With just this sentence left behind, the Pair Assassins fled like a bunch of scared rabbits. It was regrettable that they couldn't finish the job completely.

"They've gone soft!"

That was Bi Ryu-yeon's comment. Even Yumdo nodded in agreement. Trying to intimidate others by borrowing someone else's strength was not typical of the notorious Cheonji Pair Assassins.

"That's the only one left now?"


Now, only Galhyobong remained, engaging in a fierce battle.

"Is he the only one left?"

"He knows?"

Bi Ryu-yeon turned his head toward Namgoong Sang and asked.


Namgoong Sang shook his head.

"It's too abstract."

His complaint was not unreasonable. They lacked consideration for others.

All that remained was to deal with Cheongheo Bong, who was still engaged in combat.

비류연 glanced briefly and said, "His gaze fell on the two figures fighting noisily within his view. Cheonghun and Gal Hyobong! Their martial arts were outstanding to the extent that one might think there couldn't be anyone of their caliber among their peers. Meanwhile, Moyong-hwi had hurriedly provided first aid, but he was still struggling between life and death.

Right now, Cheonghun and Gal Hyobong were fully exerting themselves against their lifelong rivals. However, despite the battle having raged on for quite some time, the outcome was still undecided. Moyong-hwi, engaged in combat, seemed to have depleted a significant amount of his energy but still appeared to have some reserves left.

"How do we handle this?"

Once the leader fled and the enemies scattered, only Gal Hyobong remained. His gaze was significantly dulled compared to its initial explosive power. It was evident that his strength was nearing its limit.

"Do we really have no choice but to kill him?"

No pointed solution came to mind. The most urgent task at hand was to wrap things up as quickly as possible.


As Bi-ryu-yeon pondered Gal Hyobong's fate, someone grabbed his shoulder.


Bi-ryu-yeon turned around with a puzzled expression.

"Please, don't kill him!"

Hyoryong's face was filled with profound seriousness.


Hyoryong couldn't readily answer Bi-ryu-yeon's question. Bi-ryu-yeon didn't expect an easy answer either. Nevertheless, he wanted to hear it. Sometimes, a little coercion could yield significant results, even with friends.

"Hyoryong! As you know, he has lost his rationality! It's impossible to subdue him through conventional means. Even if we manage to subdue him, there's no guarantee that his lost rationality will return! So, the easiest solution is to kill him! You know that as well."

"No, it can't be! Absolutely not!"

Hyoryong shouted desperately, his face strained.


Hyoryong couldn't easily articulate his reasons. He closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists, feeling an urgent need to grasp onto something, even if it were a straw. Any semblance of hope that Bi-ryu-yeon might provide something was enough to captivate him. Even if it was an illusion, he welcomed it. He was in a situation where he had to do something.

Finally, Hyoryong gritted his teeth.

"He's... he's my brother!"

The onlookers stared at Hyoryong with cautious faces. Their eyes were filled with distrust. The warmth of the past was nowhere to be found in their gazes; only coldness greeted him.


Bi-ryu-yeon didn't lash out as expected. He turned briefly to glance at Hyoryong before facing forward again.

"It seems I shouldn't ask anything further!"

"Tsk tsk!"

Bi-ryu-yeon clicked his tongue with a troubled expression. There were more pressing matters to deal with first.

"At the moment, restoring him to his original state seems to be the priority."

Gal Hyobong still hesitated, keeping his distance. His eyes still flashed with vitality.

Bi-ryu-yeon reached out towards him. Gal Hyobong hesitated under the mysterious aura emanating from Bi-ryu-yeon's body. Though his rationality had been lost, his instincts warned him of danger.

Even his frenzied legs and hands, fueled by madness, were immobilized by Bi-ryu-yeon's outstretched hand. It felt as though the unseen force was targeting his entire body. He struggled helplessly to break free from the grip of fear.


Bi-ryu-yeon's eyes gleamed like torches.

Flying Thunder Blade

Sword Qi Secret Technique

Chapter of Unseen Heartlessness

Heart Thunder

In an instant, an intangible black lightning pierced through his hazy mind and spirit.


A desperate scream echoed through the entire mountain. Galyobong's body trembled as if struck by lightning. His vision had long lost focus, and his mind had gone blank. White darkness engulfed him, and he soon lost consciousness, collapsing to the ground.


As BiRyuyeon's hand, which had been reaching out, lowered down, Hyoryong, who had been watching, hurriedly rushed forward and embraced the fallen figure. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"You can only cut what you can see, that's what commoners do!"

BiRyuyeon flicked his hand and then brushed off the dust on his clothes. His demeanor was that of someone who had just leisurely taken a stroll through the mountains.

As if suddenly reminded of his purposeful mountain stroll, BiRyuyeon asked, "Oh right! Did I wake you?"


Yeomdo felt a sudden realization. 'I completely forgot!' Judging by his expression, there seemed to be no need for an answer.

"Forgetting such a thing is unacceptable!"

"I apologize."

"If you had woken him up earlier, it might have been a help during the struggle..."

Now remembering, it was truly regrettable.

'But why did I forget?'

It was quite strange to realize that he had forgotten about the monk he had put to sleep.

Brotherly Reunion

- Final Request


Hyoryong called out with a trembling voice as he looked at his brother's pale face resting on his knees.

His heart was tumultuous like a stormy sea.

Trying to blur his vision, so he wouldn't see his brother's face clearly. "Hyung! Hyung!"

After calling out a dozen times, Hyobong finally opened his eyes. His eyelids seemed as heavy as lead.

"Arung, is that you?"

"Yes, hyung! I'm here. Do you recognize me?"

With a bright smile on his grayish face, Hyoryong answered loudly. Hyobong, who had just opened his eyes, seemed to have regained his senses. It was unbelievable even to see it with his own eyes.

To fully regain his senses was deemed impossible, yet BiRyuyeon had successfully turned the situation around. 'I owe him.' It was a heavy debt that couldn't be repaid.



Hyoryong's excited voice was met with a sudden rebuke from his brother.

"You're too loud. Speak quietly and don't cause any trouble around here!"

It was an unreasonable thing to say considering the life-or-death situation they had just escaped from.


Hyoryong's voice instantly softened. Even after several years, he couldn't disobey his brother. To Hyobong, his innocent younger brother still looked adorable.

Hyobong turned his head to address everyone around. "My foolish brother has caused you all a lot of trouble. I must offer my deepest apologies for that."

With his head still resting on Hyoryong's knee, Hyobong managed to nod his head.

"Hyung! I'm also an adult now. I'm twenty years old."

At Hyobong's teasing remark, Hyoryong blurted out in frustration. Despite being an adult himself now, his brother still treated him like a child.


The boisterous laughter quickly subsided. His eyes sank deeply. Countless thoughts had seized his mind all at once.

"Just when we parted ways, he was still a mere thirteen-year-old... Can you believe it's been a whopping seven years lost to delusion and folly?... Sobs!"


Suddenly, Hyo-ryong's complexion turned pale with unexpected horror.

Crimson blood erupted from Hyo-bong's mouth along with coughs. Hyo-ryong's hands and clothes quickly stained red with the bloodshed.

"Am I going to die now?"

He knew his body better than anyone else. It was an unreasonable demand to expect life in a state where every vein in his body was severed. It was merely a selfish desire driven by personal ego.

Summoning healers and experts from the underworld for emergency surgery would be futile against the mortal wounds that could not be saved.


Hyo-bong's fingers trembled faintly. He tried to move his arm to gently stroke his younger brother's cheek, who was showing tears for him, but even his arm refused to obey his will. His body was already in shambles due to overlapping injuries, the ignition of innate energy, and the rampage of qi.

"What exactly is your status?"

The man who had just engaged in combat and was covered in wounds approached and asked. There was a necessity for him to understand this matter thoroughly. He had never heard of someone possessing such extraordinary martial skills among people of their age. Furthermore, it was essential to uncover the mastermind behind this sudden ambush.

"Do you really need to know? Is there any significance in revealing the identity of a dying shell that will soon perish?"

It was a message implying not to inquire further. The man's complexion hardened even more. Hyo-bong chuckled wryly and spoke.

"You don't wish to expose the flaws of your household, do you? What purpose would there be in leaving behind a name long forgotten even within the family, let alone in the world?"

Soon-to-be-deceased, it was awkward for Cheong-hyun to respond. Although he was an enemy, considering that his opponent was currently in a state of mental suppression and possessed martial arts superior to anyone he had faced before, he also felt a sense of respect. Despite what others may say, he was the first person to bear both Moyong-hwi and Cheong-hyun simultaneously, earning him ample recognition.

"However, do you really need to know?"

Though he seemed to hesitate slightly, Cheong-hyun nodded soon after.

Hyo-bong smiled gently. It was hard to believe that he was the same person who moments ago had set his whole body ablaze and sprayed blood rain in battle.

"You will know soon enough. Now, I wish to rest."

Hyo-bong's polite request left Cheong-hyun with no choice but to comply.


"Thank you."

This was their final conversation. Cheong-hyun would have to carry the shadow of Gal Hyo-bong in his heart for the rest of his life. As the opponent who neutralized his sword for the first time!

Hyo-bong could not rest as he wished. Immense pain had engulfed his body.

"Hack, hack! Groan!"

Gal Hyo-bong's condition was deteriorating rapidly.

Hyo-bong's body, struggling even to breathe, was not in a normal state. Blood trickled from his lips, and his internal organs were torn apart like a rag.

He had used up all the latent power remaining in his body recklessly, rendering himself irreparably damaged. Recovery was impossible.

Having exhausted all latent power within his body, Hyo-bong was destined to face a gruesome death as his muscles tore apart strand by strand.


Someone had to alleviate his suffering. He would wriggle in agony, becoming more miserable as time passed.

Then who would be the one to relieve him?

All eyes turned to a young man holding a pair of swords. Their gaze conveyed one message.

With a complexion resembling death, Hyo-ryong shook his head vigorously.

"No! I can't! How... How can I... with my own hands...?"

His feeble hands extended forward, trembling like leaves.

"Then who will?"

It was not a task anyone could take on behalf of another. Yet, Hyo-ryong's heart was too tender to step forward willingly.


Suddenly, Hyo-bong began to muster his strength to rise. Just moments ago, his body couldn't move a single arm. Moreover, he was enduring excruciating pain as if every muscle in his body was being pierced by needles. Attempting to stand alone in such a state was reckless.


Hyo-ryong attempted to support him immediately.

"Don't... touch me!"

Hyo-bong's thunderous rebuke made Hyo-ryong retract his hand quickly. His brother's face was contorted with despair. He could feel the last reserves of his strength being drained.


Slowly but surely, his body began to rise. It was an incredible display of mental strength. Under normal circumstances, anyone else would have fainted long ago.


Hyo-bong's body trembled violently. To forcibly move muscles that were already dead was agony. It seemed impossible to endure such pain, as if thousands of needles were piercing his entire body. But he didn't yield. His eyes brimmed with determination.


Hyo-bong's body was shaking intensely. Even though he had already died muscles were being moved forcibly, the pain was beyond imagination. Shredded internal organs screamed in agony. Yet, he didn't falter. His eyes rose with determination.


Struggling with pain for nearly fifteen minutes, Hyo-ryong finally managed to stand. His body was drenched in sweat after the intense struggle. It was evident to everyone that what he did was foolish.

Hyo-bong let out a wry chuckle amidst his agony.

"Hoot! Even though my body is already dead, I'm still sweating!"

After sweating profusely, his body felt refreshed as if it could fly away. The excruciating pain that felt like thousands of needles piercing his body vanished as if it were a lie. Both his body and mind were calm. A satisfied smile crept onto his lips.


With a quiet yet irresistibly commanding voice, Hyo-bong called out. It was the first time he called him "Hyo-ryong." It carried significant meaning, acknowledging him as a respectable adult.

"Yes! Hyung!"

Hyo-bong smiled kindly, reminiscent of the warm smiles his brother used to show in their childhood.

"Will you comfort me now? Show me your studies. I want to rest now."

Thunderous applause resounded.

"No... Hyung! That can't happen. How could I...?"


A thunderous scolding erupted from Hyo-bong's mouth. It was a display of power that one couldn't possibly expect from someone facing death. The air quivered with his imposing aura.

Around them, people's faces were filled with admiration. Facing death with such composure and resolve was not something just anyone could achieve.

That alone was enough for him to be respected. Finally, Hyo-ryong silently nodded his head. There was an irresistible force behind

The loud laughter quickly subsided. His eyes sank deeply. Countless thoughts had taken over his mind all at once.

"Just when we were parting, he was still a thirteen-year-old kid... It's been a whopping seven years lost in delusion and folly... Cough, cough!"


Hyo-ryong's complexion turned pale with sudden anxiety.

Blood, tinged with crimson, spurted from Hyo-bong's mouth along with coughs. Hyo-ryong's hands and clothes were quickly stained red with his brother's blood.

"Am I going to die now?"

He knew his body better than anyone else. Hoping to survive in his current state of severed arteries was a futile demand, driven solely by personal selfishness.

Even summoning the most skilled doctors from the underworld for emergency surgery wouldn't save him from the fatal injuries.


Hyo-bong's fingers trembled faintly. He tried to move his arm to comfort his tearful younger brother's cheek, but even his arm refused to move according to his will. His body was already in shambles due to the overlapping of injuries, the activation of congenital energy, and the surge of qi.

"What's your identity, exactly?"

Asked Cheongheon, who had just engaged in combat with him, approaching with a body covered in wounds. He felt the necessity to understand this matter thoroughly. He had never heard of someone possessing such exceptional martial arts skills within their age group, especially aligned with the dark faction. Moreover, knowing the mastermind behind this sudden ambush was crucial.

"Do you really need to know? What use is there for a name that will vanish once I die?"

It was a way of saying not to bother. Cheongheon's expression hardened even further. He couldn't believe that the person who had just been wreaking havoc, burning his body all over and splattering blood, was the same as the one before him now.

"You don't want to expose the shame of your family. What's the point of leaving anything behind in this world for a name that's already forgotten even by your own family?"

The imminent death made Cheongheon feel awkward. Although he was an enemy, he respected the person who was currently in a subdued mental state and possessed martial arts skills beyond comparison. Despite whatever others might say, he was the first person to handle both Myonghwi and himself in their age group. He had enough qualifications to earn respect.

"However, do you really need to know?"

Although he seemed to hesitate slightly, Cheongheon soon nodded.

Hyo-bong smiled gently. It was the warm smile his older brother always showed him in his childhood.

"You'll find out soon enough. Now, I just want to rest."

Cheongheon couldn't refuse Hyo-bong's polite request.

"Thank you."

This was their last conversation. Cheongheon would have to carry Gal Hyo-bong's shadow in his heart for the rest of his life. The man who neutralized his sword for the first time!

Hyo-bong couldn't rest as he wished. Tremendous pain had engulfed his body.

"Haak! Krruk!"

Gal Hyo-bong's condition was deteriorating rapidly.

His body, struggling to breathe even, was far from normal. Blood trickled from his lips, and his internal organs were in shambles.

"Am I sweating even though my body is already dead?"

After sweating profusely, his body felt refreshed as if the intense pain, resembling thousands of needles piercing his entire body, had vanished like a lie. Both his body and mind were calm. A satisfied smile lingered on his lips.


With a quiet but irresistible voice, Hyo-bong called out. It was the first time he called him "Hyo-ryong," implying that he finally recognized him as an adult. It meant a lot to Hyo-ryong.

"Yes, Hyung!"

Hyo-bong smiled kindly. It was the warm smile his older brother always showed him in his childhood.

"Would you comfort me now? Show me your studies. I just want to rest now."

The sound was as loud as thunder.


Hyo-ryong's body trembled as if struck by lightning. People around them froze stiff. The inevitable had come.

This person was now trying to die, entrusting his life to his only brother... He didn't want to show a pathetic struggle at the crossroads of life and death. Only to his one and only brother!

"No, Hyung! That can't happen. How can I dare...?"


A thunderous reprimand burst from Hyo-bong's mouth. It was a force that could not be resisted. The air was trembling, filled with his powerful aura.

People around them showed admiration in their faces. It wasn't something anyone could do, facing death with such composure.

Just that alone was enough for him to deserve respect. Eventually, Hyo-ryong silently nodded his head. Hyung's words carried an irresistible force. He wanted to free his brother from the endless pain that would soon return. It wasn't anyone else's, but his own task.


Hyo-ryong quietly called his brother's name in his heart. Blood flowed from his hands holding the sword.


A flash of light from the sword. The light passed through Hyo-bong's body as if cutting through the night sky. There was no splattering of blood. The sword remained unstained.

"Well done! Excellent."

Gal Hyo-bong smiled contentedly.


"A belated spurt of blood from his body dyed Hyo-ryong's vision red like a fountain of blood. Even though there were no visible wounds, blood was gushing out.

Gal Hyo-bong still had a smile on his face amidst the blood. "Brother!"

Tears that Hyo-ryong had been holding back poured out like rain. Blood flowed down along with tears.

"Geop (劫)! Be careful of the calamity of heaven...."

Thud! Finally, Gal Hyo-bong's eyes quietly closed. Once hailed as a genius known as the Black Star, he had finished his life today.

And the words he left behind pierced everyone's hearts like a cold ice pick. The calamity of heaven... the heavenly calamity! Could it be that the dark forces were still lurking and writhing?

In that moment, all those watching fell into a silence of solemnity.

"It was a splendid technique of sword energy. Brother must have been pleased!"

Bi Ryu-yeon patted Hyo-ryong's back reassuringly.

It was probably the best technique Hyo-ryong himself could perform. It was the highest level of sword energy technique, cutting off the opponent's life by slicing only blood vessels and nerves without leaving any visible wounds.

Even in death, his brother had left him with his final teaching. It felt like something firmly clenched in his chest had loosened.


Hyo-ryong's knees hit the ground. He knelt as if crumbling.

"Argh! Ahhhhh!"

A scream burst from Hyo-ryong's lips. Tears gushed out like a flood. He couldn't contain the surging emotions. Clutching the dry earth, feeling the heart-wrenching pain, Hyo-ryong cried endlessly. His blood kin had died. And it was by his own hands! Bi Ryu-yeon looked at his grieving friend with eyes filled with sorrow. There was nothing more he could do. He could only give him space to cry, to resent, and to lament.

"I will never, never forgive those who made my brother like this!"


With tightly clenched lips, Hyo-ryong made a firm resolution as he drank his own flowing blood. It was an oath in blood.

Thus, their summer came to an end.

The Arrival of the Grandmaster

- Anger is also immense in giants.

"What did you just say?"

"Geeiiiing! Uuung! Uuung!"

From the body of Heukcheon Maengju, Gal Jung-hyo, a terrifying aura emanated, causing the surrounding objects to wail.

"Th-the... the First Master has fallen under the blades of the Baekdo bastards."

The report was delivered by an elderly man, called Jinro (True Elder), from Gal Jung-hyo, known as Jinro. His voice was filled with grief. To him, it was like losing a child. How much joy he had received from his son's exceptionalism! But the sudden report from Bi Gak was truly thunder from a clear sky.

"How did the child trapped in Cheonmarai manage?"

His eyes were burning like a blazing furnace.

"He prayed for escape."

"How many times has he attempted it?"

Disbelief! Suspicion!

It was the seventh attempt at escape. Yet, not once had the attempt ended in success.

"This... this time, it succeeded."

Anger, and suspicion!

"Ha! Nonsense!"

A thunderous roar erupted from his mouth.

He had been by his side from childhood to now, a lifelong aide. Jinro would never lie to him. Especially not about his son's life. But no matter how logical he tried to be, he couldn't control his emotions. His anger erupted like a volcano.

"Crack! Crack! Plop! Plop!"

The priceless ceramics decorating the room were shattering one by one. To withstand this uncontrollable pressure, Jinro had to muster all his strength. The anger of giants was unmatched.

"What about Father?"

Gal Jung-hyo, having calmed his heart, asked Jinro.

"He still doesn't know."

"Don't tell him for the time being! I will handle this matter myself!"

"What will you do?"

Jinro asked cautiously.

"Follow the law of blood. Send the Iron Hoof Flying Horse Brigade! Demand the return of all those directly involved in Bongi's death from Baekdo."

At the mention of the Iron Hoof Flying Horse Brigade, Jinro's eyes sparkled.

"And if they refuse?"

"Then we'll resort to force. I won't refuse armed conflict. I'll do whatever it takes until the truth is revealed."


That day, immediately, the once majestic Black Light Cavalry rushed out of the main gate of Heukcheon Maeng like a storm. The gatekeepers bid them farewell with a mix of fear and reverence. They were one of the symbols of power wielded by Heukcheon Maeng.

"It failed!"

The man spoke in a quiet voice.

The person who heard his voice trembled like a person with an itch, their body shaking uncontrollably.

"I-I'm sorry. I have no excuse."

Sweat dampened his back. Even though he had rehearsed it hundreds of times, he couldn't hide his shrinking demeanor every time he met the Grandmaster. Whether it was because of the Grandmaster or the sinister aura surrounding him, he couldn't be sure.

"Weren't you the one who didn't boast about guaranteeing success?"

The man taking the first sip still had an unchanged tone, making it hard to guess his inner thoughts.

"I despise those who can't keep their word."

"I-I'm sorry. Please kill me."

The Grandmaster's expression suddenly became alert.

"Would you like that?"

Only then did the man turn his head, glancing at the Grandmaster with a slight smile. It was the smile of someone who could toy with hundreds of lives and decide their fate with a single finger. He stood at the pinnacle where he could take lives whenever he pleased.


A gust of wind blew into the Grandmaster's heart. He decided to change his course immediately. It was unavoidable, even if it made him look somewhat pathetic. The Grandmaster accepted it begrudgingly.

"Please spare me, Grandmaster!"

Truthfully, he didn't want to die just yet.

"He was born a loser."

The Grandmaster couldn't help but be impressed, despite his fear. The man's ability to subdue someone as weathered as himself with just words! Even he couldn't entertain any other thoughts in front of the Grandmaster. Anyone standing before the Grandmaster would inevitably harbor the same feelings.

His eyes could see a thousand li, and his hands controlled the lives of many. The forces the Grandmaster secretly commanded were unknown even to him. He didn't bother to investigate because his life was too precious.

Due to the unknown intimidation and fear, anyone meeting the Grandmaster had to devote themselves to serving or opposing him to ensure their position wasn't jeopardized.

The Grandmaster was such a man. He feared neither blood nor murder. And he had the background and power to execute them.

"What about him?"

The Grandmaster asked, still holding the teacup in his hand.

"He's dead."

"What about his brother?"

"Ah... He's still alive!"

The face of the young man known as the Grandmaster stiffened.

"It seems there's still a thorn in our side. It's a regrettable reality! Despite giving the authority to kill, if we failed, he must be very disappointed."

The man's face fell into contemplation. He didn't want to see the Grandmaster's disappointment more than anything.

"I'll make sure to eliminate him. Give me another chance!"

He bowed his head as much as possible. The Grandmaster took another sip of his tea.

"Do you think I can trust you?"

"Of course."

"If you fail again, this might happen!"

In an instant, a flash emanated from his hand.

The bronze lion statue beside the man shattered into pieces as if being chopped down. The man's face drained of color. The emotion of terror crawled up from his heart.

The Grandmaster gestured for him to retreat.

"Swear it on his name!"

With utmost deference, the man retreated, as if he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

The man known as the Grandmaster looked up at the sky. The sky was high, blue, with not a single cloud in sight.

"Aruyong! Don't come! If you do, you'll die by my hand."

He swallowed the last sip of the tea.

"The tea has gone cold!"

A bitter aftertaste lingered on his tongue.

Marjinga's dilemma


Rain pounded the ground as if it had gone mad.

"What should I do about this matter?"

Marjinga, the head of the Heaven and Earth Society, looked around with a worried expression.

The atmosphere grew even more somber as if the heavens themselves were conspiring, pouring down torrential rain.

"It appears there is no other alternative."

An elder rose, voicing his opinion, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Then are the elders suggesting sacrificing the children? Is that a viable solution?"

The voice of Margin-ga grew increasingly agitated. Another giant's heart simmered with quiet fury.

"But the Lord of Heukcheon desires the conscription of all children involved in his son Gal Hyo-bong's death. Surely, even the officials are aware of their dispatchment of the Iron Cavalry Brigade as a show of force."


The Iron Cavalry Brigade! Death-dealing warriors wielding warhorses and long spears! They were terrifying entities, showcasing the horrors that trained ironclad soldiers could unleash when mastering supreme martial arts.

Human weapons designed for mass slaughter! Just the dispatchment of the Iron Cavalry Brigade alone hinted at the magnitude of the fury of Lord Heukcheon Mangju and the martial arts sect, led by the martial artist Gal Jung-hyuk, lurking behind him.

But there was no need for this side to be a sacrificial lamb. They were the ones who had launched the surprise attacks without warning. The actions of the Royal Guard and the Sky Sword Sect were acts of self-defense. Rather, there was a strong desire to congratulate and commend them for miraculously surviving and maintaining their unity. Yet, the elders' display of timidity left Margin-ga frustrated.

Margin-ga wasn't the only one feeling frustrated. Even the calm and collected Gong Son-il-chwi, the Elder of the Council of Elders, felt a heaviness weighing down his heart.

'How did it come to this...'

It had been days since they last received regular reports from Chon Ri-yeon, the loyal follower they attached to the expedition. He had never missed a regular report. It was evident that something was amiss with his well-being.

'It feels like both my eyes and ears have been sealed shut!'

If only Chon Ri-yeon were safe, perhaps they could glean the outline of what had occurred at Mudang Mountain.

'Do I have to give up...'

Gong Son-il-chwi had to entertain the possibility that Chon Ri-yeon might no longer be in this world. His gaze turned to Margin-ga, whose face was now flushed with frustration. At this point, they had no choice but to trust the judgment of the officials.

"According to the testimony of the Sky Sword Sect and the Royal Guard, the ones who initiated the attacks were from the other side. Yet, we are merely bowing to them because of their show of force?"

"But the evidence is weak."

Another elder stepped forward, Master Yeong-heo-jin of the Volcano Sect, who oversaw advanced swordsmanship classes.

"They claim that the attackers from the Black Mask of Darkness were men sent to capture a mentally disturbed son who escaped from prison. Furthermore, the assailants who attacked the Royal Guard are said to be mercenaries sent to capture the son. And as for the duo, Chon Ji-ssang-sal and his followers, whom the Royal Guard claims to have fought, there are no bodies. This situation is disadvantageous. Furthermore, Lord Heukcheon seems genuinely unaware of this incident."


Murmurs of dissatisfaction were heard all around. The elders and martial artists alike were struggling to grasp the situation.

"Evidence... if only there were evidence..."

With the culprits fleeing without a trace, all evidence had been wiped clean. There was certainly some responsibility on Yeom-do's part for neglecting the scene management. Who could have known that they would return under the cover of night to erase all traces and flee? As a result, there was no tangible evidence to present. Testimonies from involved parties lacked credibility.

The arrows of blame were all directed at Yeom-do. Despite his efforts to ignore them, Margin-ga couldn't help but react nervously.

"We're not just making claims, it's the truth!"

Margin-ga finally broke his composure, showing a nervous reaction. Once again, they were at an impasse.

"They are demanding the Law of Blood Retribution, the Law of Resolving through Marriage. What will you do?"

"We cannot fulfill their demands!"

"The decision of Margin-ga was firm.

The law of Cheolga refers to the saying that the one who ties the knot should untie it, meaning that the person who initiated the action should take responsibility. It was a story about the Law of Bloodshed that the Black Island often talked about. This law implied that if those involved in the incident passed through their own obstacles, gates, and trials, it could be as if nothing had happened. In other words, they had to revive themselves. It was a commonly used method when the truth of an incident couldn't be clearly discerned.

"They sent a bunch of troops! Those who lead the Iron Cavalry are likely well aware of the legend of the invincible Jilpung Mokhyun, Gucheonhak! Sending only kids to face the Iron Cavalry, the strongest cavalry in Black Island, and Jilpung Mokhyun Gucheonhak specialized in dealing with top-notch experts, is no different from throwing them into death. Moreover, the fault lies with them, so why should we fulfill their demands?"

"But we don't have any evidence to present."

"The eyes and ears of the children are the evidence."

Once again, Margin-ga banged the table, raising his voice. Like a squirrel wheeling around, the meeting continued to circle in place.

"I'll go!"

All eyes turned to one person. It was the one who had spoken boldly a moment ago.

"We have no choice but to confront them if that's what you want!"

With fiery determination in his eyes, that person was none other than Yeom-do.

There was also a hint of Margin-ga's trap in this decision. Yeom-do, contemplating the situation, received an eerie whisper from Bi-ryu-en!

"What one has done, one must take responsibility for!"

"We should resolve this among ourselves!"

Though unpleasant, Yeom-do agreed with Bi-ryu-en's words. The responsibility for this incident would have to be shouldered by Yeom-do instead of Bi-ryu-en.

"Leading children into danger like this…."

The high reputation of the Iron Cavalry was well known to him. Yet, he didn't feel fear. While they were an elite combat group, they were not invincible martial artists. Yeom-do was certain of that much.

"Not afraid!"

Yeom-do inwardly reassured himself. There was nothing in this world that he feared. But there was one thing! He was extremely fearful of Bi-ryu-en's unpredictable actions.

The Chukpaldan and Cheonggeomjo were exhausted from their recent ordeal at the Mudang Mountain. Yet, the world didn't give them a moment's rest.

Encounter with the Iron Cavalry

"What if we lure them here and then attack?"

Baek Mu-young pointed to a spot on the map.

He had come along under the pretext of being Cheong-hyeon's friend for this occasion. He believed it wasn't right to throw his friend into danger alone.

Always cool-headed and seemingly uninterested in ventures that brought no profit, his current action was highly regarded by those around him. Of course, no one refused his company, hence he found himself here now.

"Then it will be an ambush."

Cheong-hyeon chimed in beside him. Baek Mu-young nodded.

"To hinder their Iron Quenching Flying Horses, this terrain with dense forests would be advantageous."

There was no terrain as suitable for hindering cavalry as the dense forest. The issue was whether they could lure them into the forest. Namgung Sang spoke with a solemn tone.

"Whether they'll fall for it is the question. They're not fools, are they?"

How good it would be if they were! But there was no possibility of that. It was the Iron Cavalry, boasting an undefeated record. There was a real concern of suffering a severe blow if underestimated.

"We need bait!"

It was Cheong-hyeon who spoke.

"We are vastly outnumbered compared to the enemy. This method is considered the best. They are a group of peak experts who can perform Qi Gong and launch grand assaults. Only those who have experienced their might firsthand can understand. Even though I've only heard rumors, I can sense their power. I wonder what the high-ranking officials of Cheonmuhakwan were thinking when they entrusted us with such a great task. It's beyond my comprehension!"

After complaining for a while, Baek Mu-young began explaining his plan in detail. It was a plan that was flawless in every aspect, adhering strictly to the principles of warfare. However, there was someone in the current situation who poured cold water on his perfect plan.

"Why do we have to make such a complicated plan?"

Everyone looked at Bi-ryu-en with incredulous faces. Yeom-do grimly covered his distorted face with his hand. The situation looked bleak.

"Planning strategies before battle, regardless of the scale or nature of the battle, is a natural thing to do. It's a very logical thing."

"Is that so?"

The skeptical look on Bi-ryu-en's face made Moyong-hwi, who was listening carefully beside him, frown. The barely healed wounds throbbed. Though still unhealed, he had followed them all the way here due to a sense of responsibility.

Baek Mu-young could do nothing but sign his name reluctantly. If not, who knew what excuses Bi-ryu-en might come up with. He could sense that instinctively.

"Naturally, planning strategies is necessary to confront a smaller force against a larger one. Rushing into battle without any plan is madness!"

It was a sensible statement that left no room for rebuttal. Yet...

"Madness, you say…?"

As he mumbled the words to himself, the atmosphere became somber. Namgung Sang, who sensed this atmosphere first, could now roughly read Bi-ryu-en's temperament.

"Um… Surely you're not thinking of standing before the Iron Cavalry barehanded? That's... not..."

'That's what a lunatic would do!' The words were swallowed back down his throat as he couldn't afford to waste his life.

"Why? Can't I?"

Bi-ryu-en queried. Namgung Sang, feeling the impending danger, kindly stamped his approval on Bi-ryu-en's behavior, which he didn't particularly appreciate.

"Th-That's not possible."

"Why not?"

"That's... against common sense."

"Common sense?"

Biryuyeon's face was one of utter incomprehension. It seemed he had never once considered common sense before.

"That's because you can never win like that. That's why finding the best way to win is common sense."

"What's so complicated about that?"

Biryuyeon complained.

"Because it's common sense. If you go against it, nothing will go well. That's why it's called common sense!"

People nodded along with Gwongsangi's words. Suddenly, Biryuyeon felt annoyed.

'What exactly is common sense? Who was the first to establish it?'

He couldn't figure it out. Biryuyeon got up from his seat. Everyone looked at him with puzzled eyes. Some eyes pleaded with him not to do something absurd. Some begged him to just endure. Most of those earnest gazes were from the Jujakdan.

But for Biryuyeon, who had never yielded his argument, those looks couldn't sway him.

"I'll teach you a new common sense today!"

People noticed something odd and tried to stop him, but Biryuyeon was already gone from his spot.

His speed was as absurdly fast as ever.

"Where on earth did he disappear to?"

Cheongheon asked with a bewildered face. Not being able to read the movements of someone at his level... that was embarrassing.

"Don't try to find out!"

Nam Gwongsang advised.

"Ignore it, living without caring is beneficial, Sahyeong!"

Hyunwoon added. To Cheongheon's eyes, it was clear that they weren't joking around. The awkwardness in their gazes reflected something perplexing.

'How much more shocking does this man have to be?'

Continually being surprised and being in the position of being surprised, he felt a simmering dissatisfaction within himself.

Where did Biryuyeon go?

The Jujakdan members didn't want Nam Gwongsang and Cheongheon to know under any circumstances. They instinctively felt that if they found out, they would be burdened with something troublesome at that moment. Nam Gwongsang and Hyunwoon prayed with joined hands that the matter would end where their gazes couldn't reach.


Once again, the sound of common sense collapsing resonated loudly in their minds. They were deeply resentful to have to face such tragedy once again.

"Gallop, gallop!"

The ground trembling with the roar, a wave of black horses tearing through the earth!

Fluttering in the storm, a flag adorned with fierce black horses! A sharp ebony lance that seemed to pierce the sky! A black armor that even exuded an intimidating aura to the onlookers!

The flag fluttered fiercely in the wind blowing towards them. Although it did not carry the scent of blood yet, they had come here now to carry the scent of blood on this roaring wind.

'What is this now?'

The leader of the Ironhoof Cavalry, Cheolggakbimadae, Weemusang, did not bother to hide his astonishment as he looked at the young man who stood in their way. A young man who appeared to be barely twenty, having experienced all sorts of trials and tribulations, to him, he was just a simple youth, neither more nor less than that.

"Who are you?"

Weemusang asked, pointing his finger at his chest. It was a tone that seemed to say, "Do you even know who you're talking to?"

"Oh, me?"

The youth pointed to his chest with his finger, replying. It was a tone that seemed to say, "You don't even know who I am?"

"Hehe! You're quite audacious, aren't you? Then who else is here besides you?"

Weemusang chuckled.

"Do you really want to know?"

The smile on the youth's lips deepened.

"What good does it do to know?"

"It's not a loss. In the future, you can boast that you met a renowned figure and brag about it for decades. Isn't that glory?"

"Hehehe! Truly a conceited fellow! Do you already know that just by blocking the Ironhoof Cavalry's path, you have committed a crime punishable by death?"

'Huh? Why did they stop?'

Under normal circumstances, the leader wouldn't even bat an eyelid at such a thing. Even if they didn't crush and move on, they could at least jump over and go. Weemusang glanced at Cheolggakbimadae's face, but he couldn't read his expression. Giving up on reading the leader's mood, Weemusang, with a consistently fierce expression, glared at Biryuyeon.

"Before I kill you, tell me your name."

The youth uttered each character one by one.

"Bi, Ryu, Yeon!"

It was the declaration of the beginning of the most absurd legend in the history of the martial arts.

<Continued 8 from Volume of "Biroedo">