
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 295: Hermione is a Good Girl (Edited)

Apart from Hermione, who was very disappointed, several young wizards of the Weasley family felt quite uncomfortable after hearing what Fish said....

Isn't it enough to buy a birthday present with two Galleons? You're too ignorant of the sufferings of the world!

But when they remembered Hermione's 10 Galleons as a birthday present, they all fell silent again....

It wasn't that Fish didn't understand the hardships of the world, but that his Weasley family is too poor.

That's why Percy was quickly speechless after seeing the twins take out the money they earned.

Because in his eyes, the only way to get his family out of their current situation was to study hard and get into an important department in the Ministry of Magic, and what George and Fred were doing was a waste of the money the family was paying for their education.

So when the twins had shown their work, Percy had been more than proud of them, but he had been too proud to face it at the time, but his arrogant attitude had changed a little before Fish's unintentional comment had brought him out of his funk.

After the three Weasleys looked at each other, they sighed together, knowing that this was a subject they couldn't intervene in, so they wisely stepped aside and remained silent.

Hermione, after feeling disappointed, quickly regained her composure and began to offer Fish advice.

"If it's just a mutual friend, it doesn't really matter what you send, just something that shows your feelings, even if it's a card with a paw print on it, if it's a close friend, you can choose according to their preferences."

Hermione seriously taught Fish how to give birthday gifts to different people... The girl is still determined, even if she can get a birthday card, it would be good.

But she didn't let that distract her.

"But you're giving Professor McGonagall a birthday present, so you have to choose carefully..."

Hermione slapped her forehead in a bit of frustration, "Speaking of which, I've never given my mom and dad a birthday present either, thanks, Fish for reminding me."

Ron and the others looked at each other again, with the same embarrassed expression on their faces, but with the thickness of their wallets, they really couldn't give anything to Mum and Dad Weasley.

Harry, for his part, looked a little crestfallen, he couldn't get into this conversation, he couldn't go giving birthday presents to the Dursleys, could he?

Not to mention he didn't even know Vernon and Petunia's birthdays, and even if he did, he'd just give them a couple of stink bombs or something.

"I still have to choose nya..."


The kitten found it a bit annoying and asked, "Can't Fish just ask Minerva what she wants?".

"No, no, no! If we ask Professor McGonagall, we won't be able to surprise her."

Hermione waved her hand and gave Fish an example, "Wouldn't it make you happier to get a Christmas present and suddenly find something you weren't expecting that was perfect for you? It's the same as Professor McGonagall's birthday present."

Fish thought about it, and nodded, as he had been surprised by Professor Flitwick's cat climber, and Hermione's 'Feline Encyclopedia', which had been a bit nicer.

"So, what should Fish give Minerva?"

A little trouble for him was nothing compared to making Professor McGonagall happier, but it was the first time he'd given someone a birthday present, and Fish had no idea, so he scratched his head and asked Hermione, who knew a lot, for help.

"That's easy, a gift, of course, is something that fits the person's preferences."

Hermione held up her index finger, drew a circle in the air and asked, "Which one is Professor McGonagall's favorite?"

"Minerva likes Fish nya best!"


Fish answered without hesitation, leaving Hermione silent for a while.

"Ahaha... I know, it's not just Professor McGonagall, everyone likes Fish..."

After a long silence, Hermione explained to Fish with a dry smile, "I mean, besides Fish, what else does Professor McGonagall like or what does she like to do? For example, her favorite food, entertainment, and things like that."

When Hermione said that, Fish understood.

Wasn't it like he liked Chinese food, or sliding down pipes, or something like that?

The kitten nodded, and said confidently, "Minerva likes to read stories to Fish, and she likes to pet Fish, too."


"Uh... Except for these things related to you, Fish?"

Hermione scratched helplessly at her long, thick brown hair, and continued patiently.


The kitten folded his arms, tilted his head, and stood thoughtfully.

It seemed that Professor McGonagall had always had a scowl on her face, except when Fish was with her, and the only time it had been different was when....

When she'd given Scarhead a flying broom in first year!

The kitten, who had finally remembered this, glared at Harry furiously.

Seeing Fish suddenly look at him angrily. Harry was really confused and had no idea what was going on...

Didn't he say he was picking out a present for Professor McGonagall? how did I get in trouble with Fish?

The others were also confused, wondering why Fish was suddenly mad at Harry.

"Fish, Fish? What's wrong?"

A puzzled Harry asked cautiously.

"Minerva still likes Harry! She even gave him a flying broomstick nya!"


The little cat complained angrily.

"Ah, this..."

Harry hadn't expected this topic to come up again after two years, wasn't this all over?

Fortunately, Hermione spoke for him at that moment, "I think Professor McGonagall is mostly looking for a good Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.... By the way, I believe Professor McGonagall is a fan of Quidditch, I read it in her biography!".

That said, Hermione clapped her hands suddenly and said to Fish in surprise, "From what I've read, Professor McGonagall was also on the Gryffindor Quidditch team when she was young, so you could try sending a gift in Quidditch."

As for why Hermione knew so much about Professor McGonagall...

Don't ask, it's because Professor McGonagall is her idol.

After Hermione's reminder, Fish finally remembered that some of the decorations in Professor McGonagall's office were Quidditch related, and that he had broken a Quidditch related book earlier, and had been scolded by Professor McGonagall.

"Thanks nya!"


Fish gave Hermione a hug and rubbed his cheek against hers as a token of his thanks.

Hermione is such a good girl!

The kitten thought in all sincerity.

Hermione, after being hugged by Fish, blushed again and fell into silly joy...

Ginny, who was watching from the side, was full of envy and kept looking at Harry beside her, but Harry didn't notice Ginny's expression at all.

Hermione, who had been with Fish in his cat form for a while, quickly recovered from the shock of happiness and asked Fish a very important question.

"By the way, Fish, do you know what day is Professor McGonagall's birthday?"

"Nya?" The cat froze for a moment before realizing, "Fish doesn't know nya!".
