
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 292: I agree with this marriage! (Edited)

As the start of the school year approached, more and more Hogwarts students were flocking to Diagon Alley to buy books and supplies, and now Fish was basically running into some of his school friends every time he passed by.

Unfortunately, the cat couldn't introduce them to his new friend, and since Professor McGonagall had found out that he took Uroboros to Diagon Alley, she had forbidden Fish to do so, and he had to leave the basilisk at home before coming to Diagon Alley.

What made the cat even more unhappy was that Professor McGonagall told Fish that after school started, Uroboros had to stay in the Chamber of Secrets, or where the Philosopher's Stone was kept, or in the Headmaster's office, or he would not be allowed to take him anymore.

During this time something else happened... that made Fish not know whether to be sad or confused.

Ron's letter from Egypt mentioned that halfway through his trip, his pet rat, Scabbers, had suddenly disappeared.

The fact that Scabbers was an Animagus had been known to Fish for a long time, but he had never taken it seriously and had long forgotten about it, and if Ron hadn't mentioned it out of the blue, Fish wouldn't have remembered.

After the Voldemort diary incident, Fish remembered the reasons Scabbers had given him and realized that some of what he said didn't seem very credible.

But now that the other party was gone, there didn't seem to be a conspiracy. Besides, Scabbers had already played with him many times, and even when he chased him to exhaustion, he didn't turn back into a human and use his spells on him, so ...

Probably no ill intentions?

Fish scratched his head, still conflicted.

In the end, the kitten decided to wait for Ron to come back and ask him about it, and if they hadn't lost anything, he'd still keep Scabbers' secret....

It wasn't a big deal anyway.

"Harry, do you know when Ron and the others will be back from Egypt?"


The kitten was getting tired of shopping in Diagon Alley, so when he got a letter from Ron, he asked Harry to ask him...

He's not going to write anyway!

"Ron's previous letter said they'd be back a week before school started," Harry thought for a moment, answering Fish's question, then asked rhetorically, "Is there anything you want to ask him?"

"Fish wants to ask about Scabbers, can you help Fish ask him when he's coming to Diagon Alley?"

"No problem."

Harry nodded in acknowledgement, he had assumed that Fish was worried about Scabbers, and while that was indeed the case, what he didn't know was that Fish's concern was not at all what he thought it was.

But that didn't stop Harry from sending a letter to Ron from Fish, and when he received the latter's reply, he passed it on to Fish as soon as he could.

He also told Hermione, who was on vacation in France....

Because as she knew that Fish often came to the Leaky Cauldron to visit him, Hermione wrote him letters every three days to ask about Fish's current situation, and kept regretting why he had gone to France on vacation.

So Harry realized very clearly that if he didn't notify Hermione in time, if she found out later, she would talk about him for at least a week.

Originally, after Ron knew that Fish wanted to find him, he planned to go to Diagon Alley as soon as he returned from Egypt, however, since Hermione had to wait until the last day of summer vacation to go to Diagon Alley, there would be no time to buy textbooks and study in Diagon Alley, so in the end the time they agreed to meet could only be that day.

As the days passed, the last day of summer vacation soon arrived.

Harry woke early, and after a hearty breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron, sat in the lobby of the bar waiting for his friends to arrive.

The Weasleys were the first to arrive, and it was quite a sight to see the gathering of a group of redheads.

"Harry! Long time no see!"

Ron and the twins came over and gave Harry a warm hug, and Ginny, as always, stood next to her parents and secretly looked at Harry, but she seemed much braver than last year, and not so shy.

As for Percy, who had been elected Prefect, he acted like a leader, even the Minister of Magic, whom Harry had met earlier, was not as pretentious as he was.

"Harry, good to see you."

He extended a hand and shook Harry's in a dignified manner.

Harry held back a smile and shook his hand, "Hello, Percy."

"How are you?"

Percy continued with a dignified greeting.

"Thanks, everything's fine..."

Harry had always known that Percy was a bit of an "officious bigot," but he hadn't expected Percy to be any more aggressive than he had been since becoming Prefect.

Luckily, the twins were quick to step in to help him...though their main goal was still to tease Percy.

"All right, that's enough."

The eccentric Mrs. Weasley quickly stepped in to stop the twins and, after greeting Harry, said, "We should go buy the new textbooks, and Ron, don't you need a new wand?"

"Oh, that's right!"

At the mention of this matter, Ron rose from his seat excitedly, but soon sat back down.

"But I'll have to wait," he said to Mrs. Weasley, gesturing to Harry, "We have an appointment with Fish and Hermione to meet here today."

When she heard that Fish was coming too, Mrs. Weasley was in no hurry and said cheerfully, "Fish is coming too? Great, I haven't seen him all year!"

But the second to arrive were Hermione and her parents.

"Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, hello again."

The Granger's greeted the Weasley's and chatted excitedly.

Despite their little scare the last time they saw each other (Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy had gotten into a fight), the Granger's still had a good impression of the Weasleys.

Hermione, for her part, approached Harry and Ron, "Hey, have you finished your summer homework? I'm actually not very happy with my History of Magic work, because I forgot to take some of the materials to France..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, it was a topic that made them both uncomfortable, and Miss Know-it-all spoke so fast that the two of them couldn't participate in the conversation at all.

Fortunately, after a brief chat with the Weasleys, Mrs. Granger interrupted her daughter's chatter.

"Honey, where's that Fish you're always talking about?"

Mrs. Granger was curious about Fish, as her daughter talked the most about her school life, aside from her schoolwork, and the little boy named Fish McGonagall.

Hearing her mother reveal such a matter in front of so many people made Hermione's face flush and she waved her hands in panic and she didn't know what to say

It was impossible to refute, and she did not allow herself to lie about it.

However, Harry and the others knew Hermione, so it was impossible to laugh at her....

Besides, there are at least a hundred girls at Hogwarts who have thoughts about Fish - isn't it normal for Hermione to like Fish?

The boys looked at each other, feeling the envy in each other's eyes, and sighed in unison.

Especially the twins, when they thought of the Animagus Charm they had so much trouble mastering during the summer vacations, their expressions became even more depressed.

As the Granger's looked confused at the suddenly strange Harry and the others, Fish and Professor McGonagall arrived at the Leaky Cauldron through the Fluffy dust.

Professor McGonagall had come, not only because she wanted to talk to the Weasleys about Sirius Black, but also because she knew that Fish had asked Hermione, a young witch she was very fond of, to meet him.

Although she knew her cat had no such intention at the moment, the elderly mother still couldn't help but worry.

"Hello everyone nya!"


As soon as the kitten appeared, it was the center of attention, not only from Harry and the Weasleys, but also from the other patrons of the Leaky Cauldron, who greeted Fish, and the whole bar became noisy for a while.

And Mrs. Granger's eyes sparkled even more, she took her daughter's hand and said firmly, "My dear daughter, you have a good eye! I agree with this marriage!"

Hermione: "..."

Mr. Granger: "..."