
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Movies
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Chapter 168: The Fighting Cat (Edited)

Stupefied, Ron watched for a moment as Fish ripped the door off and threw it on the floor, then lowered his voice and said frantically, "Fish, lower your voice! If you wake up Harry's aunt, it'll be a disaster."

However, Fish replied loudly and confidently, "They have Harry locked up, why are you worrying about this nya? Fish is going to wake them up and talk some sense into them nya." ? (●`Д′●)?

Fish shook his pair of small fists, fighting on Harry's behalf.

He had been quiet before, because Minerva had said that good boys should be polite and not disturb the rest of others.

But now that the group was bullying his friends, it was natural for Fish not to be polite.

So instead of holding back, he shouted.

"Villains bullying Harry, stand up quickly for me, nya!". ?(●ΦДΦ●)?

Fish shouted loudly as he stomped on the door he had thrown to the floor.

No matter how good the quality of the Dursleys' sleep had been, they had woken up by that point.

With a panicked noise and two heavy footsteps and a light one, the Dursleys came running in, as the hallway lights came on and the three Weasley brothers could clearly see them

Vernon Dursley was a big fat man with a big mustache, his son, Dudley, was almost a smaller version of him, except for the hair color and that he had no mustache, and he looked even fatter than he was.

Harry's aunt Petunia, on the other hand, was very thin and looked a bit odd next to the two fat men.

Just as Fish and the others looked at the Dursleys with curiosity, the Dursleys also looked at Fish and the others with horror, focusing mainly on Fish, with his cat ears, and Comey, who clearly did not look human.

When Dudley first saw Fish, he couldn't help but want to go up and talk to him, but was held back by a screaming Petunia, then he saw the cat's tail wagging behind Fish, remembered what had happened to him, and let out a panicked scream, covering his fat bottom with his hands and trying to cower behind the slender Petunia's body.

Vernon wanted to scream at them, but his fear of the wizarding world and some unspoken reason made him swallow his anger.

"Who are you?"

He asked in a shaky voice.

"We're Harry's friends, don't ever bully him again nya!" ? (●`Д′●)?

Fish stood at the front of the group, tail hair bristling, warning the Dursleys loudly.

"Or Fish is going to beat the crap out of you!"

Petunia and Dudley screamed in horror, hugged each other and squatted on the floor, trembling.

Vernon, after retreating half a step in fright, seemed to remember something, and his pudgy face and a panic subsided as he gave Fish a hideous grin and his pair of eyes glittered with mischief.

"I know! You little wizards aren't allowed to use magic outside of school!"

He was panting heavily, as if he wanted to spit out all the panic and choking before, and slowly approached Fish and the others step by step.

"If you use magic, you'll be expelled from school! Am I right?"

"Is that so?" ?w?

Fish turned to Ron and the others, curious for confirmation.

Ron nodded helplessly, tugging on Fish's sleeve and whispering, "Let's get out of here."

But then something occurred to Fish and he suddenly became excited.

"Is it true that when Fish is expelled, he doesn't have to do homework anymore?"(●?w?●)

Vernon who was approaching suddenly stopped, and suddenly thought that not all little wizards liked to go to so-called magic school like Harry, just as Dudley often didn't want to go to Smelting.

Just as Mr. Dursley was debating whether to go forward or not, the strange, ugly, ragged-looking monster suddenly shouted, "Master Fish! Don't you dare do that! Professor McGonagall will be very, very, very angry!"

"Meow!" ∑(●ΦДΦ●)

Fish was startled to remember that, if he was expelled from school, Minerva would have a hard time.

The cat ears on his head drooped in sadness, he smacked his lips and shook his head regretfully, "What a pity nya...".

But he soon regained his spirits and looked back at Vernon, the big fat man, who had smiled again.

"Never mind meow! A big fat guy like you, Fish can beat you up without magic nya." ?(●ΦДΦ●)?

With a muffled growl, Vernon's anger at being treated with such contempt by a ten year old made him forget his fear of magic and he pounced on Fish with his arms outstretched.


Fish ducked deftly to avoid Vernon's onslaught, then quickly got up and punched him in the small eye.

He wasn't even using his druidic spells because Ron had said he couldn't use magic, but still, Fish was stronger and faster than the average ten-year-old.

Vernon let out a yelp as he was punched hard in the eye, backed up two steps and sat down with a loud thud.

Fish jumped right on top of Vernon's belly and swung his arms rapidly, throwing punches at his head.

If I said I'd hit you in the head, I'll hit you in the head!

Fish was very determined to make good on his promise.


Vernon screamed in pain and rage, protecting his head and face with one hand, and trying to grab Fish with the other, and at the same time he turned around, trying to free himself from Fish.

And Fish did back up, more like leaping away, dodging Vernon's arm, then back to his back and continuing to throw quick punches at his head, his little arms creating shadows.

"Good thing we're on good terms with Fish."

Fred couldn't help but sigh in excitement as he watched Fish beat up a burly adult with no magic.

He and George had thought about playing some pranks on Fish, which was a way for the two of them to show their friendship... but in the end they didn't because they were worried that the group of witches would deal with them on Fish's behalf.

The twins were very glad they had been cautious.

And Harry, who had been mistreated by Vernon, had a twinkle in his eye, he had wanted to teach the Dursleys a lesson for too long, but without the use of magic he couldn't even beat Dudley, let alone his Uncle Vernon.

He had already been able to scare them with a fake spell, and after receiving the letter from the Ministry of Magic, Harry was desperate.

But he hadn't expected that only a day later, Fish and the others appeared in front of him, and he was teaching Vernon a lesson....

Harry was now more grateful to Fish than when Hagrid had come to take him to Hogwarts.

The fight, or rather the one-sided beating, between Fish and Vernon, continued.

Being pinned to the ground in front of his wife and children by a wizard who doesn't use magic was unacceptable to Vernon, who had always been a proud man, so he fought hard....

And he continued to be beaten by Fish.

Finally, Vernon managed to get up from the ground by rolling across it, quickly grabbed a vase in his hand and threw it fiercely at Fish.

Unfortunately, the speed at which the object was thrown was nothing to Fish, as he caught the vase with ease and threw it towards the direction in which it landed.


The vase hit Vernon right in the head, and blood flowed immediately.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

After seeing Vernon bleeding, Petunia finally couldn't take it anymore, she plucked up her courage, screamed and threw herself on top of her husband, covering his head with her hands and pleading for mercy, "We admit defeat! No more fighting! We'll treat Harry well from now on."

Vernon, overcome with rage, tried to struggle, but Petunia held him in her arms, fearfully coaxing her husband, as if she feared he would be killed.

Even Dudley came trembling in and wrapped his arms around Vernon's thighs, soothing the furious Vernon, whose fear of the magical world resurfaced, and the three of them huddled in a corner of the hallway, crying softly.

"Why does Fish look like he's turning into a villain nya?". ?w?

Fish scratched his head in confusion as he looked at the Dursleys.