

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Soon, Aunt Nelly hands me a vial of Skele-gro, while I bring the Org-grow out from Nowhere. I always keep my Potions handy, inside Nowhere, brewing them almost monthly.

Drinking the two potions, 50 ml each, I lay back down on the bed, as Darla leaves for England, back to work, and the Flamels leave me to sleep. 

As soon as they leave, I smile, happy to finally be back here. Back to my own time, and back to my own identity.

-Ch 53: Mason Aves- The Wizard.


The next morning, I sat at the Dining table in the Flamel House joined by Nicholas and Darla, while Perenell cooked breakfast, looking around. Sure, I've known the couple for literally centuries, since before they even became immortal in fact, but I've never been to this house of theirs. I've been to a house that they lived in before they went into hiding from the public, 400 years ago, but not this one.

As I explain to a fascinated Nicholas Flamel about what Mutants are, and what mutations are, I can't help but feel grateful for him. He obviously knew what Mutants are, although probably not by the same name.

Gifted, Mutantur, Changelings, people have known Mutants by many names, and Flamel, who is a member of the Council of Immortals, has known about them for at least 600 years. And yet, just to make me feel good about myself, he's playing ignorant.

"So they all have different gifts? And they're definitely not Magic?" Nicholas asks, as I swallow the pancakes Nelly.. Aunt Nelly was cooking for me.

It will take some time to go back to calling her Aunt Nelly, and not Nelly. We weren't friends, no, but there was a mutual respect between Immortals that don't like causing trouble. There are very few of us like that, you know.

I shrug, and say, "Some mutant gifts are common. Telepathy, Mind Arts, and Telekinesis, moving stuff with your mind, is one of the most common gifts. Enhanced Strength, speed, durability are the most common gifts, although to varying degrees."

"Fascinating." Nicholas whispers, and I smile at him.

Before this, Nicholas had told me more about what had gone on after I had fallen into a short coma after my battle with Grindelwald.

Wizards.. they were afraid right now. Since they now know about Hydra's Summoning Ritual, and that muggles worldwide know about it, security around the Wizarding areas is the tightest it has ever been.

Some of the Dark Wizards who had sided with the Ministry had even carried out preemptive strikes against muggles, to discourage them from attacking any wizards for their blood. Which.. is stupid, and thank fuck the Ministries around the world put a stop to it.

Worst of all, was the fear for, and of, muggleborn mages.

"Since muggleborns are born and raised in the muggle world, there have already been calls for the kidnapping of them at birth, to prevent muggles from getting their hands on them." Nicholas had said.

And I can't help but sigh in despondence. Since the only other alternative for the Pureblood supremacists was to find a way to turn muggleborn wizards and witches into muggles. Even disallowing the muggleborns from the Wizarding World wasn't an option for them, since Muggles like Hydra might still find a way to use their blood in Rituals like before.

Grindelwald's actions had more consequences than he had probably seen coming, or maybe he did and he was aiming for this. I'll think about it later.

"Wait, your gift is Mind Arts, yes?" Darla asks, making me turn to her. When I nod, she asks, "And what of your freaky healing?"

I sigh, and ask, "You remember when I was kidnapped by Hydra through Grindelwald's manipulations? If anyone asks, Hydra experimented on me and grafted these abilities in me, granting me a far better healing speed, a bit of a higher strength, speed, reactions, better senses, and my nail claws that can cut through bone just as easily as paper."

"And the truth is?" Darla asks, leaning forward, and I see Aunt Nelly and Nicholas also paying attention to me.

Smiling, I say, "Hydra did experiment on me, but their experiments leaned more towards figuring out how to use my blood in Rituals than towards how to make me, their enemy, stronger. I don't know how exactly it happened, but the trauma of being experimented on must've awakened these new abilities in me. Which I am thankful for, since being healed is what allowed me to escape capture and then return to free the other prisoners."

Darla accepts the answer, and says, "Thank you. I am glad you're back, Mason, I just needed to be sure."

She then stands up, and walks towards my chair. Hugging me, she says, "Stay safe, and heal quickly. I need to go to work."

I smile, as Darla drops a kiss on top of my head, and I say, "Enjoy the promotion Captain White."

Darla smiles sadly, and says, "I would have preferred to stay Auror White under Madam Crickerly's leadership for at least a few more years, rather than get promoted just because she lost her life."

"Hey." I stop her by holding her hand. As she looks at me, I say, "You deserve the promotion. No, listen. Madam Crickerly was an amazing Auror, no doubt there. But that doesn't mean you were any less of an auror. You worked hard for what you are now, you weren't handed anything on a silver platter. Don't worry about what others will think, and work on making sure to be the best Auror you can be, better than Crickerly even."

Nodding in thanks, Darla turns towards the Flamels, says her goodbyes to them, and leaves towards the Apparition point.

As I hear the pop of her disapparation, I look at Nicholas with a raised eyebrow. He says, "I don't know why you lied to the poor girl, but I hope it's nothing harmful."

I nod, and say, "Don't worry, it's nothing nefarious. I didn't sacrifice people or animals or anything like that for my gift. And I also didn't sacrifice anything about me either, so chill."


The next day, after saying my goodbyes to Nicholas and Aunt Nelly, I return to the House which I had missed a lot. Aves Manor.

The 1000 year old family home that had been destroyed by Grindelwald while he was looking for the Bond of Blood Ritual, which I had then rebuilt. And there was one thing about this House that I missed the most, in these 2000 years.

"Blinky?" I call out as soon as I enter the house.

Or maybe not a thing, but a person.

Immediately, with a pop, Blinky the Elf appears in front of me, and hugs my legs tightly. I smile happily at her, and lean down to hug her properly.

"Gods, I missed you, Blinky." I say, once we separate.

I missed this. Blinky was the one who inspired me to try and free the Elves, and she was the one who helped me through a lot of shit. The Ritual to make my blood useless to anyone not me, the Ritual to graft Victor Creed's powers into my body, au naturale, Blinky was there to help me through it all.

"I.. I thought you were dead, when you disappeared after the explosion." Blinky says, wiping her eyes.

And one thing I love about her is her speech. No third person, no broken English. Blinky is a smart elf.

I sigh, and say, "Man, Blinky, do I have a tale for you. But first, I want you to meet someone."

I turn to a corner, and Blinky turns her head with me, seeing nothing. She opens her mouth to ask what I'm looking for when the shadows in that corner bulge up, and Selene walks out of them.

Selene stops a small distance away with a smile on her face, and I am glad. She knows this is important for me. Blinky was there for me for years before I found Selene, and I want the two to be friends.

"Hello, Blinky. I have heard a lot of things about you from Mason. I look forward to getting to know you in person." Selene says, smiling down at the Elf.

As a stupefied Blinky stares at Selene in shock, I go towards Selene and kiss her softly, to not weird Blinky out. Turning towards the Elf, I say, "Blinky, I want you to meet Selene. My lover, my wife, and my companion for the last 2000 years. Selene, meet one of my most faithful friends, and the only one I haven't lied to at all, Blinky."


With a soft pop, Blinky and I appear on the Island that was claimed by the Elves, that they called Elfland. It stood exactly in the centre of the Bermuda Triangle, which I can't help but chuckle about.

The protections they had put up was what was making everything disappear around here. Planes, ships, choppers. For centuries, it has been happening, but it has yet to become famous for these disappearances. 

And I don't blame the Elves, obviously, for all the death the Wards caused. The Wards put in a lot of effort in discouraging anyone from coming near the island. There was a Ward that encouraged fear within anyone that tried to cross it. There was a ward that summoned shades of all the people that died in the area, to scare the visitors into turning back. And there was a ward that brought in storms from out of nowhere.

And still, some people tried to go through, thinking that there simply HAS to be some treasure hidden here. Why else would we be so harshly discouraged?

And then they died because their ships broke down, because a whirlpool caught them and dragged them down, or because a Kraken took offense to them. 

Even Wizards won't survive coming here, as proved by the dozens of Magical Carpets and Enchanted ships that were dragged under the oceans.

The Elves just want to protect themselves, and I don't blame them for their harsh measures.

The Island itself had changed too, since the first time the Elves came here. Magic was wild and free, and the way it tingles over my skin makes me glad I came here. Every time. There weren't many big Magical creatures here, since most called my Sanctuary home, but there were many of the tiny creatures. Birds, animals, and even some plants were brought here, and brought out of extinction in some cases, by the Elves.

Their Village itself was now more green than anything else on Earth. Houses made of live trees, with roofs made of green leaves stood as crooked as they were first built, while a communal well stood on the side.

"Is this Elfland?" Blinky asks, looking in awe at the green and absolutely Magical island we were on.

I smile, as I look at the houses, the taller elves, moving trees, and the birds flying above us. I say, "Yes, this.. is Elfland."

I had told Blinky everything, not leaving a single thing out. She knows about my Time Travel, she knows about my crimes, she knows about my deaths, and she knows about my life. As I said, Blinky was the only one of my close friends whom I hadn't hidden anything from.

Except for my Reincarnation, but that's something that's in my past, too far back into the past. 

And when Blinky had heard about Elfland, and about the Elves that are free, she wanted to visit. Well, she might decide to stay here, or she might decide to come back. Either way, Blinky will be taken to the Pond of Enhancement to be freed from her Psychological defects.

"Lord Athreos! I didn't know you were coming today." An old voice calls out. Blinky comes to stand in front of me, which I smile at, as the Elf starts walking close.

This Elf, like all the other Elves of Elfland, was taller than Blinky by at least a foot, and his skin was lighter. He almost looked like a human, but there were easily apparent differences. First were the Nose and ears, which were still pointed, and a bit large. Then the eyes, which while now normally sized, were still yellow(or green for some other elves). Shades of skin differed from elf to elf, just like humans, but they didn't look.. Green anymore.

All thanks to the Pond of Enhancement, and Gaea's blessings.

I put my hand on Blinky's head in reassurance, and say, "Nice to meet you again, Joseph. How long has it been? 50 years?"

"57 since you last came here, Lord Athreos." He then looks down at Blinky, who was staring at Joseph with wide eyes, and asks, "Oh, a new Elf? And personally brought by you, Lord Athreos?"

I nod at Blinky, and say, "This is Blinky, she is.. a special Elf. Before I was Athreos, she helped me through a lot of tough times. Blinky, this is Joseph, the current Leader of Elfkind, and the Chief Guardian of the Pond."

"Blinky.. the Wizards and their names for our kind. I look forward to the day when all of us are free, Lord Athreos." Joseph says, his scorn at her name unhidden, still staring at Blinky. 

I chuckle when Blinky makes a face of indignation, and say, "Don't worry, it won't be long before I free the others."

While I can free the other Elves within moments, I can't do it without the Wizards panicking and doing more damage to themselves, or to the world around them. There will be measures in place to prevent them from panicking later, but until then, the Elves will have to tolerate wizards.

Joseph nods, and says, "Come then, Blinky. Let's take you to the Pond."

"Master Mason?" Blinky calls out, hesitating.

I smile, kneel down, and say, "I promise you Blinky, this will be worth it. Joseph won't harm you, nor will any of the other elves. And if you don't like it here, you can come back to me anytime you want."

Joseph nods and adds, "The Villagers love new Elves, it gives us a chance to teach someone how to live for themselves rather than for others. I suspect my daughter will adopt her as a friend anyway. She admires you, Lord Athreos."

I sigh, and drop my head. Some Elves.. they call me Lord Athreos out of respect. Respect for me freeing them, respect for me defending them against Hela, respect for me saving them from the fate of their ancestors.

Some other Elves, however, call me Lord Athreos because they believe I'm a God. I suspect that they're the ones who made the Wizards believe that the one to defeat Hela was another God and not a Wizard, a God named Ptah, the husband of Bast.

Shipping two people together has existed for at least a thousand years, that's for sure.

Watching Blinky leave, as she glances back a few times, I can't help but smile. I had promised her to find a way to free her, and now, she will be free. A free Elf.

Soon, every Elf on Earth will be a free elf, and I will make sure of it. 


7th May, 1945:

Atrium, Ministry of Magic:

"For decades, the Dark Lord Grindelwald has terrorized the world, making himself an enemy of every Ministry of Magic, and even the ICW itself. Before, we used to think he began his crimes in the 1920s, when he let an Obscurial lose in America. But recently, we've come to know that his first crime was in Great Britain itself, where he massacred the Aves family in cold blood." The Minister for Magic, Spencer-Moon says, as a crowd of civilians, reporters, and even Ministry workers look on.

A stage was raised out of the ground for this occasion, and the Atrium was expanded to ample enough size to fit the thousands of people that had come here today. And it wasn't just British citizens. America, Japan, China, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, people from all over the world had come here, buying tickets to witness this occasion. The flashes of white light showed that there were no shortages of reporters here either.

"It was only our luck," the Minister continues, as the crowd swallows his every word with attention, "that the Dark Wizard Grindelwald and his Acolytes missed one single member of that family. Marigold Aves, a woman who was unfortunately given away to the muggles by the Aves family for being a squib, barely 5 years before the massacre. We can only be thankful that she survived, even if the conditions for it to happen weren't necessarily good."

"And now, her son, Mason Lucas Aves, the Heir to the Aves Family, has avenged the death of his family by killing Grindelwald, once and for all. As Captain Avalon, he fought the muggle Allies of Grindelwald, the organization called Hydra, and as our very own Mason Aves, he led the ICW Army against Grindelwald's forces at Nurmengard. And he did what many others couldn't do. He defeated Grindelwald, forced him into casting some sort of Suicide spell, and even then, Mason Aves survived, and came back to us."

"Please, give a round of applause to the defeater of Grindelwald, Captain Avalon, Captain Mason Lucas Aves!" 

The ceremony went on for a few more minutes, as the Minister bestowed upon me the Order of Merlin, First Class, and declared that I was granted a seat on the Wizengamot. There was no mention of making me the British ICW representative, which I'm glad for. At least for now. I don't want to become Dumbledore, I'm not a politician. Let Dumbledore become the ICW rep, I don't care.

"Captain Aves! What are your plans now, that the War is over on both sides?" One reporter asks, as we sit down for the interviews.

I answer, "I have no plans, as of now. I might remain jobless, work on investing in other people's businesses, or I might continue on my Magical Research. Not many people know this but I am very good at Runes and Enchanting."

Do you believe you'll work as an Auror?

"No, I'm afraid not. I have had enough of fighting, I want some calm right now."

What happened when you disappeared after the explosion?

"I had a contingency plan in reserve, a special Family Portkey that was designed to take me to my Home. The explosion sent me off course, however, and I appeared on an uninhabited Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Too injured, and not confident enough that I could heal myself back to health, I created a portal to a.. friend of mine so she could heal me. I would have gone to St Mungos, but I didn't think I was capable enough of going there at the time."

What was the portal that you created? Is it true that you are a Sorcerer?

"Yes, I am a Sorcerer in addition to being a Wizard, and that was a Portal created through Sorcery. I learned Sorcery when I was still a student in Hogwarts, when I found a few books in my family Vault."

There were a few more questions, some regarding my Sorcery, and whether I have any affiliation to the Order of Mystic Arts, which I answered in the negative. I am not their enemy, but I am not their ally either. Which.. was a lie, considering my friendship with Tilda.

There were some questions regarding my love life, and I was quick to say that I am only recently married, right after the War in fact, with another Witch whom I met during the War. It was an impulsive decision, just in case we don't survive, and no, I hadn't knocked her up.

Selene Galileo was an American Witch who came from the Native American Enclaves. There are documents regarding her birth 27 years ago, and of her private education under her Tribe. She did actually fight in the War on the muggle side, but Mason and her never crossed paths. She was a field nurse, or at least there is evidence of her being a Field Nurse during the entirety of the war.

Selene and I had planned her life up, and thanks to us already being in the past, it was easy to set her Alias up.

And then, the conference was declared ended, and we were all on our way out.

Once I apparate back to the Aves Manor, I see Selene sitting in my library, reading some book which I have no doubt has nothing she doesn't already know. Throwing the Order of Merlin Medal on the table, I stand behind Selene and hug her from behind.

"Order of Merlin: First Class? Merlin will surely be ecstatic." Selene muses, as I lay a kiss on her cheek.

I snort, and say, "I am never going to tell him that I am Mason. He will never stop pestering us if he finds out."

For a while, we stay like this, hugging, enjoying the contact. Nothing else matters right now but us. I love her, she loves me, and that's all that matters.

"We should get to work, you know." She says, tilting her head upwards to look at me.

I kiss her conveniently placed lips, and say, "Don't wanna."

Smiling, Selene says, "You still need to take care of the muggles. Their King knows about you, doesn't he?"

Sigh, how can I forget? The Magical Investigation Service, the MIS. Along with the entire MIS, there are more than a few people in Britain itself who know about Mason Aves- Captain Avalon, being Mason Aves- the Wizard. Then there are the Nation Leaders all around the world that know about the Wizarding World, and about me. 

I don't want to look over my shoulder for my entire life, even if they might not be able to do anything. I can't remain complacent, just because they're weak and I'm immortal.

Sighing once again, I pick Selene up in my arms, and say, "I'll let the HF deal with it. It will give them something to focus their sadistic tendencies on."

I'll have to make sure that innocents don't die, only forget. Yes, the DOM will like the task for sure. Huh, I just got a few more ideas. Besides, it allows me to be my lazy old self.


A/N: I'm changing my pace a little, it has been far too slow during this Past arc. 40 chapters for the Past? Yeah, it's too slow.

I'd like to reiterate that this story is not focused on Romance, so don't expect too much of a chemistry with Mason/Selene. They love each other, but they've been together for literally 2000 years.

MIS will be dealt with in the background, just because of how easy it is to someone like Mason.

X-Men movies, the new ones, will not be a part of this story. Mainly because Mason has no connection with them. The stories happen in the USA, and the Age of Apocalypse movie is the only one Mason will take an actual part in. But for that story, the timeline is pushed forward, by a lot.

If Apocalypse showed up in 1983, in MCU, Earth would be a lot more prepared for Alien attacks than it was in 1995(Captain Marvel), or even in 2012(Avengers). So, yeah, Apocalypse won't start his conquest until after the Avengers movie is done. I'll change the X-Men timeline a lot, if I include those movies.

I will post actual movies which I'm holding canon to this Universe later.

Now, enough about me. Thank you for your support! Thank you for all the good words and praises you give my story.

Thank you.
