
Marvels Music Fanatic

16 year old in marvel geared with music and power what the hell is the dumbass gonna do?

JJstired · Movies
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Amazing entrance

"I'm dead aren't I?"


"Wow creepy voice can I have that?"

"IF YoU DaRe tO UsE OnE oF YoUr EteRNa"

"Ok Ok I get it, don't do it, anyways I like your voice all mighty superior being but goddamn do you talk slow"


"Oh by the way wherever I'm going, the ADHD is coming with, I'm no fun without it"

"Kill me now"

"Wow where did the cool voice g-

----------- 22 hours after the torture of a devine being

"God I just love queen"

*Another one bites the dust starts playing*

Music surrounds the city muffling the huge clangs of metal fist banging against each other.

*Steve walks merely down the street, with his rim pulled way down low, no sound but the sound of his feet ready to go*

"Bum Bum Bum" are protagonist hums along to the melody as he walks over to where Iron man and his nemesis even bigger iron man are fighting

"Man who turned on the jams" yelled Tony while getting his face punched in.

"That would be me my fellow rock enthusiast" The young man says slowly walking over to the duo with a hop in his step that coincidently matched the beat

*out of the doorway bullets rip to the sound of beat" all of the sudden the boys smile turns deadly as purple miasmas of energey shoot towards the bigger iron man ripping through his armor.

Tony looks on in fascination at the sight as another part of the song hits its note

*Another one bites the dust* a golden like aura surounds the suit of armor as it slowly disembles into nothingness leaving a weak man behind.

The boy turned around his smile turning normal and slowly hummed to the tune as it slowly began to slowly crept out of everyone's ears.

Tonys daze didn't last long as he quickly called the police and made sure Pepper was save.


"Ah isn't that cute" a voice filled with a comedic undertone says right by Tony and Pepper as they have their moment

They quickly separated and the boys barley conceiled laughter was released as he kicked his feet in the air and wiped a tear from his eye.

"Now that was funny big shoots, if I didn't know anybetter I'd say you were Yun Che"

"What?" Tony replies completely baffled by the mysterious youths sentence

"Wait Tony give me second" the kid held out his hand with a concentrated face as he thought

'That Yun Che reference made no sense, Yun Che gets like 20 girls at the same time this is just him with Pepper here..... eh he won't know'

"Ok Crises averted I just stopped Michael Jackson from dying"

"Wait really" Pepper said confused as she didn't know what his weird god like power did or what it correlated to.

The kid looked at her as if she was a complete idiot than started dying laughing.

Tony looked at the kid completely flabbergasted while Pepper simply started brushing out of embarrassment

The kid quickly stopped laughing and immediately looked straight into Peppers eye with a serious expression.

Pepper almost started sweating at the gaze of the boy making her feel as if she was looking at a lion looking at a peice of meat.

"I'm dead serious"



"Goddamit Tony how the hell do you laugh at that?"