
Marvelous Scarlet Spider

Isaac grew up in the midst of the rising Avengers along with the general populace. He knew about them but never adored them, especially not after the Chitauri Invasion where his life changes forever. Unfortunately, soon after the event he is put into a coma. He wakes up having lived his life as a hero and now finds that this life he will have to be one too, while also trying to achieve a normal life for a 18 year old with no friends. His story starts sometime after he wakes up from his coma. Uh, he also tries to do the right thing, even when he is mortally wounded. He likes sushi! He hates elementals. I personally like Andrew Garfield as Spider-man and I'm not saying he is the best. That goes to my main man Donald Glover- wait, wrong universe. ... ... ... ... .. . Also he's Spider-man but who cares about that. - No Harem - Multiple relationships that one would normally have before they meet the love of their life. I do not know own any characters as they are IPs of their respective companies besides my OC and any OCs that are featured in this work. Royal Road Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/66862/marvelous-scarlet-spider FanFiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14217496/1/Marvelous-Scarlet-Spider

Satyr_o7 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 15: Man without Fear.

"Ay, man time out. I think that guy's dead."

Isaac pointed. The vigilante who had put the beat down on every panted before he said.

"No, I can still hear his heart beat… are you with them…and don't lie..I can tell"

"These pedo's no. I was just stopping a pharmacy robbery when I was poisoned, beaten and then -wait. Were you the one saved that police officer in Harlem ?" Isaac asked getting sidetracked.

"If you mean officer Mahoney, it's was in Hell's Kitchen. Isn't it a little past you're bedtime?" The masked man returned a little easier with oxygen starting to repopulate in his lungs.

"No? Isn't it time for your 5am nap" Quickly rebutted.

"Well, I guess this all connected. Someone I questioned…said something about- The five fingers, something like that."

"The Hand. I know. A kid got away and I need to save him."

"You want to work together?" Isaac asked but the man walked towards him before passing him to enter the hallway.

"No, just leave. I've got this."

"Wish I could, but if there's people to save, I should try to you know? Why else would I dress up like- well? I guess you"

"Do you always talk this much?" The man asked.

"Are you always this-"

The other vigilante's head spazzed to the side looking to the dark and alluring door, causing Isaac to stop his comeback and wait for him to be finished.

'Is he having a seizure' Isaac wondered but then his spider sense alerted him to danger coming causing him to scrunch his eyebrows.

Finally the silence and the groans of the people who barely obtained their consciousness was broken by the Vigilante.

"13 combatants leading to the top floor. Did you see any innocents on your way around the facility?"

"Just me, I didn't get the chance to look before they slammed me down to this hellscape."

"Alright, so what's the- alright divide in conquer it is." Isaac sighed as he saw Daredevil pick something up off of the ground and chuck it to the wall. The object smacked the wall, ricocheting to the person who opened the door. Isaac say the Masked man enter the door, and things were quiet before he heard a grunt and then a body fall, but what really confused him was that a person bashed through the bottom portion of the door. Isaac looked back up as his spider sense tried to warn him of someone.

'If I had to guess it's the guy who forced me to come down here in the first place' he thought before looking at the masked who had came back through the door. Isaac wanted to ask more questions but he settled for the most important ones.

"You think we can both take that guy on, what's you're superpower? Is it telekinesis, can you shut off a person's brain?" Isaac asked half joking, half praying.

"You have powers?" Daredevil asked in almost a grunt whisper which caused a momentary sadness to befall Isaac who groaned as he dodged another smash to the head.

"Alrighty then, I'll take the freak with the scars."

"HEY!!! My scars are fucking cool"

"Did he lie? He totally lied right." Isaac motioned a whisper to the masked man who wasn't there by the time he landed. Isaac frowned but with the sheer pain he heard from the person who hadn't made it through the door, he didn't mind as much. Isaac felt his extrasensory abilities warn him and he dropped. Slinging himself so the side and latching on the wall, seeing Scorpion holding a dagger which oozed a green liquid.

"Hm" Scorpion said almost disappointed. Isaac decided to try to end this early. He jumped up to the ceiling, shooting a web which latched onto scorpion's face successfully. Isaac then went for a superman punch, using most of his strength. It connected successfully but instead of landing, Isaac felt a crushing force grab his leg. Isaac winced but he didn't have enough time to escape when he tossed through the wall and Isaac twisted his body seeing that he was about to hit a bad guy so he knee'd him while falling.

"I told you to go home." The masked vigilante called out.

"Can you deal with the super powered bag of bolts."


"Alright then. Keep defending my back then." Isaac recovered, shaking out his ankle before webbing a slingshot to both sides of whatever was left of the wall he went through. He saw Scorpion about to rip off the webs, so he launched himself. Piledriving his feet which was actually able to stagger Scorpion. Isaac then followed that up with a quick flying knee to the face, before he wrapped his legs getting into a secured headlock before using all of his strength to launch Scorpion back. Isaac landed, crouching while he observed his opponents but he felt his spider-sense warn him. He almost felt like he knew what was going to happen when the knife came at him. He just webbed the door flinging it too him and blocking the knife that fully stuck through it. He then launched the knife back along with the door it was attached too.

"Return delivery."

"You think that'll stop me."

"I guess we gotta find out, no?" Isaac said sliding under the attack. Scorpion may have been the stronger but Isaac was certainly faster and slowly everything else was slowly siding in his favor. He just needed to continue to put the hurt on him, somehow. Isaac clapped the sides of his enemies' ears before he webbed Scorpion's legs to the the hallway's floor and wailing on him. Haymaker after haymaker, he almost did the Dempsey roll with how fast he was going.

"C'mon, just knock out." Isaac webbed scorpion's hands to the sides before he webbed his mouth and nose shut. He had to take him out. Punch after punch, energy drained from him but finally Scorpion's body sagged, causing Isaac to drop.

"Fuck." Isaac said while hearing a body drop. He realized that random guy was still near and ran over to him as fast as he could before saw a mass of bodies laid in front of him. The vigilante joined them spread out on the stairs as he panted. They both looked upstairs which led to the next floor where they both presumed the kids were being forcibly held.


"Almost." The Vigilante breathed out, long exhausted but he smiled hearing his new ally's body ache almost as much as his, maybe more. Isaac went over scooping up his only backup as they both went over to the next floor where everything just seemed to quiet. But it seemed that Chameleon had left no trace of his whereabouts, even The Vigilante didn't hear anything which at this point Isaac was just too exhausted to think of why.

"Let's get this handled. I have a number." Isaac finalized

"Police?" The Vigilante asked
