
Marvelous Scarlet Spider

Isaac grew up in the midst of the rising Avengers along with the general populace. He knew about them but never adored them, especially not after the Chitauri Invasion where his life changes forever. Unfortunately, soon after the event he is put into a coma. He wakes up having lived his life as a hero and now finds that this life he will have to be one too, while also trying to achieve a normal life for a 18 year old with no friends. His story starts sometime after he wakes up from his coma. Uh, he also tries to do the right thing, even when he is mortally wounded. He likes sushi! He hates elementals. I personally like Andrew Garfield as Spider-man and I'm not saying he is the best. That goes to my main man Donald Glover- wait, wrong universe. ... ... ... ... .. . Also he's Spider-man but who cares about that. - No Harem - Multiple relationships that one would normally have before they meet the love of their life. I do not know own any characters as they are IPs of their respective companies besides my OC and any OCs that are featured in this work. Royal Road Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/66862/marvelous-scarlet-spider FanFiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14217496/1/Marvelous-Scarlet-Spider

Satyr_o7 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: Scrap in Hell’s Yard

Isaac looked over to a seemingly abandoned warehouse in Hell Kitchen's yards. He wondered if it was truly as abandoned as he scanned the area with his eyes with the goal being to spot a sole entity anywhere near the property. Isaac continued looking, doubting he'd find anything when a pair of bodies strode from a lookout point, he breathed deeply assured that his information was at least slightly accurate.

"Glad that I almost scared a man to death then," Isaac pretended to smile as he thought about what happened after he gained consciousness after he was poisoned.

[1 hour ago]

Isaac heard the sirens approaching as he felt his body sluggishly reminded him of what happened to him. He looked around and he spotted a guy laying on the floor fairly close to him as a drizzle of blood ran sparsely down his neck. Isaac, still in his suit launched back in surprise.

"Wait Wait Wait wait wait." Isaac repeated over and over, he remembered tasting blood right before he has passed out. Thinking he had done something that he couldn't come from his heart started to pound faster, right before he saw the guy was just breathing by the rise of his .

"Good, he's just paralyzed. Shit, I went ravanger mode." Isaac remembered his time from being a hero in a coma, that he actually had the same powerset, it was like his brain was allowing him to become accustomed to his body's changes before he had the chance of doing something dumb. One of those changes that he had the most trouble with was when he was beyond reason, he had dubbed it ravenger mode when he had destroyed a whole house without him trying to. He knew he went there by the fact that there were teeth marks. He had paralyzing poison glands that were held inside of his fangs which extended even further when he got hungry or went berserk. Isaac sighed, knowing he would have to do better in the future but for now he needed to know what happened to the others who got away.

"Hey, bad guy. Sorry about that. I got peckish." Isaac teased, crouching over to the guy as he heard the police getting even closer. The guy was defintely up by the piss that started to pool on the floor.

"I'm not that scary?" Isaac sighed and flipped him over only to see that he was scrunching his face like a baby after getting scared. Isaac tapped him a couple of times on the cheek.

"Answer my questions and I'll leave you alone."


Isaac strolled carefully, letting his sensitive eyes zoom in instinctively to see that all of the look out guards just seemed to be placed in well hidden areas. He figured it was probably to make it extremely difficult for someone to pick a couple off without alerting the rest of them.

'Why steal drugs from a general pharmacy if you're running a drug cartel. What is going on today? Kidnapping, Robberies. The crims are coming out to party, it has to be for a reason.' Isaac said as he was determined to find out what happened. He leaped off of the building confident in the sky hiding his presence even with the night approaching into it's climax. He went over to the warehouse and landed near the top where he clung onto the wall that had no visible light on it's surface. He peeked over the edge and onto the roof, where he doubled checked if the numbers of guard he had previously counted was actually accurately.

'1,3…4 alright let's take them out' Isaac said as he saw that the guard he was under wasn't paying attention. He pulled him over the edge and quickly webbed him up on the wall before hopping over within the seconds that followed. He then crawled until he got to the next person where he snuck up right behind them, tapping them on the shoulder. He waited until they turned around and with a minuscule amount of his strength, he flicked his forehead, causing the guy to succumb to the force and fall limp. Isaac dropped the last grunt quietly before he observed his work.

'Not terrible, that guy really was different. How did he escape so fast' Isaac thought as he looked at the rewebbed parts of the his suit that been torn, the suckiest part was that his wounds were taking their time to heal as even the webs had been stained slightly red with fresh blood. He felt the hiss his legs gave but he ignored them and entered the building. He saw that there was whole facility. He wondered what the fuck was going on here when he heard people speaking.

"That freak finally caught up. I'm surprised you know so much Chameleon."

"Yeah, well I've been used to dealing with big lugheads that toss their ego around everywhere."

'RUDE, I don't toss my Ego places. I make fun yeah, but-oh whatever' Isaac decided to focus on what was happening. He crawled his way down the cat walk. Knocking out the guards who were the easiest to pick out but most were annoying to actually grab without anyone seeing.

'if I were to alert anyone in my condition, I'm not confident it would end without a bullet or two making homes inside of me..we' He chuckled to himself as he continued to listen on.

"Why did we have to rob the pharmacy anyways, can't we just let the brats die. Nobody cares about them anyway." One of the guards called out, Isaac listened for an answer.

"Well, the boss upstairs may be paying us for results regardless of if the children are dead or not but it'll be a problem if we kept stealing kids. We ought to try to keep some of them alive. Some are useful anyways, they could serve as an example to beat the rest into submission, alright Mac?"

"If you say so, I just want to go and test some of the kids powers, Hey do you have one of those children that could fix a snapped neck for their friends?" A guy responded, the right side of his face wasn't as pretty as the left but even the left was- interesting to look at to say least. There was a large scorpion tattoo that wrapped around his eye which was tattoo'd black. It made Isaac curious on a bunch of things but he felt his mind getting distracted in a warehouse full of children with adults that didn't exactly mind letting off a few round wasn't the best idea.

"You-Let's go see if the kid is dead yet" The guy who Isaac aptly named as chameleon motioned as they left the room which gave the thought for Isaac to take out as many guys as he could so it's be easier to save the kids but that made him ask how many kids were there in the first place? Isaac stealthily picked off other goons one by one, making it so there were fewer and running into them was scarcer than it should've been. Until it was like a horde of bodies bungee jumping in the sky. Isaac finally got low enough to see that there was another room that was covered in a not so sterile thick plaster plastic that you would find in a butcher's room leading to a place that was supposed to be sterile. He looked around the metallic grey coloured room, He saw that no one was really covering the door.

"Holy shit, you were right. He went through here. Fucking Dumbass, you think you can survive this?" The Scorpion said from above as he doublefisted bashed Isaac's guard which went up. He felt the earth beneath his feet crumple and the sudden realization that there was another floor as the ground broke, making him fall through. Isaac quickly grabbed Scorpion bringing him with him but Scorpion almost too easily broke from his grip.

'I think he's stronger than me. This is-' Isaac thoughts stopped as he weirdly enough fell on a body, a couple of bones had broken but luckily enough they weren't his.

"Sorr- woah" Scarlet Spider dodged a flying door and saw a human who looked like they've just seen the devil, tried to fight him and lost.

"Hey, are you as tired as I am? Cause god, I want to be like you- well, you aren't taking a nap, you're knocked out but still." Isaac groaned getting up but he looked up in surprise.

'Is it me or are they waiting for me to go back up there.' Isaac yawned. He decided to head back up but before he did that , he wanted to know what was happening so he peeked his head inside as he saw a man getting the living bejesus beat out of him.

"Ay, man time out. I think that guy's dead."