
Chapter 71

071. Wu Fengji, The Power Of The Dragon!

Galli knew exactly what this meant, so she looked serious now.

"They determined that the earth needs to evolve, which also means that they have to eliminate the original life forms." Luo Bing explained.

Gali's face showed anger.

"How could they do this?!" Galli asked anxiously, "What do you need me to do?!"

"Let all members of Kamar-Taj enter a state of preparation for war. Don't tell other super-ability users this news for the time being. After all, it is useless for them to know." Luo Bing said.

"Okay!" Galli nodded.

Then she seemed to remember something and asked: "By the way, you just said that they also want to destroy you, why is that?!"

"Because of the power of fairies." Luo Bing frowned and said.

When it came to this, Li basically understood.

After all, she is the daughter of Galactus, and she has heard of many things in the universe.

"The deity group is difficult to deal with, you have to be careful." Jiali said anxiously.

"Don't worry about me, they can't do anything to me." Luo Bing explained.

Once you evolve into the White Phoenix King, the problem will be much better.

It's just necessary to inform Kamar-Taj of the news in advance and make some preparations.

"I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." After explaining the matter, Luo Bing had to continue looking for the Phoenix force.

"Well, don't worry. I will take good precautions. I will never let the people of the Celestial God Group destroy the earth!" Kali said firmly, promising.

Without saying anything else, Lu Shui went to the next place to continue looking for the Phoenix Calendar.

Surprisingly, the place we came to this time was very familiar.

Very familiar.


If it is Huaxia, then Luo Bing will basically understand.

This time the Phoenix host————is Wu Fengji.

But Luo Bing is not sure which timeline it is in.

After all, he was completely following the instructions of the goddess of destiny to search for him.

At the moment, Luo Bing stood in front of a temple.

The temple was full of guests who came to offer incense, and it looked very lively.

To be honest, Luo Bing has never even seen what Wu Fengji looks like.

After all, this man lived too long.

Long before Luo Bing.

So Luo Bing really didn't know where to find him specifically.

But after all, we came here, and Luo Bing planned to visit the temple.

Walked around the temple.

Luo Bing didn't notice anything was wrong, let alone the presence of Phoenix force.

Just as I was planning to go somewhere else to have a look, suddenly an old monk came over.

"Donor, please stay~". "The old monk stopped him and saluted him.

Luo Bing returned the courtesy politely.

Then, the old monk asked: "Donor, what are you looking for?!"

Since the old monk can ask this question, it proves that he knows the purpose of Luo Bing's visit.

Although Luo Bing didn't feel that he had a particularly strong ability, or that the old monk had no ability at all, nor was he a super-ability person.

But the fact that he can ask this question proves that he should know something.

"Yes, I'm looking for Phoenix force." Luo Bing answered without hesitation.

When the old monk heard this, he nodded and said, "That's right. There is a female donor who wants to see you."

Female benefactor.

It must be Wu Fengji.

It seems that she knows that Luo Bing is looking for her.

"Master, please lead the way." Luo Bing said.

The old monk nodded and led the way.

He took Luo Bing to the foot of a mountain behind the temple, and then pointed to the mountain and said: "This mountain is called Kunlun. The female donor is waiting for you at the top of the mountain.

Luo Bing raised his head and looked at the mountains towering into the clouds.

"Thank you, Master." Luo Bing responded politely, and then a portal opened directly to the top of the mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, Luo Bing found that there was still some way to go.

It is a long staircase, and the top of the steps is shrouded in clouds and fog, making it impossible to see the specific location.

This is a road that ordinary people cannot see at all.

Even if some superpowers can see it, it may be very troublesome to get up.

As for where this road leads, Luo Bing doesn't know.

But he still went up the steps.

When we were halfway there, the sky suddenly changed.

The whole space became dark.

There were huge amounts of noise all around.

Like a roar.

Luo Bing frowned, and the levitating cloak started to move on its own.

It seems that it also sensed something was wrong.

Although it was dangerous, Luo Bing ignored it.

He continued walking forward.

At the moment, a roar sounded: "Who dares to trespass into Kunlun!"

Falling with the sound.

A golden dragon soared out of the sky and crossed the void.

The golden dragon is lifelike and has sharp eyes.

It rushed towards Luo Bing quickly, and its pair of claws rushed towards Luo Bing like two mountains.

Luo Bing immediately took out the Eternal Spear.


He shouted and displayed the Eternal Spear.

The Eternal Spear quickly flew towards the golden dragon.

Just hearing a "~swish" sound, the eternal spear pierced the golden dragon's body.

Then the golden dragon disappeared and everything returned to calm.

"The phantom seems to be used to scare people…" Luo Bing complained helplessly.

I thought it was really some kind of ancient golden dragon.

Luo Bing shrugged helplessly and withdrew the Eternal Spear.

After the golden dragon dispersed, steps appeared in front of him again, but the clouds and mist dispersed.

This will be seen clearly by Luo Bing.

At the end of the steps, there is an open space.

Luo Bing walked up the steps and soon came to the open space.

In the middle of the open space, he saw a red-haired woman standing there waiting for a long time.

Come to think of it, she should be Wu Fengji.

Before Luo Bing could speak, Wu Fengji spoke: "Are you here?"

"It seems that you knew I was coming." Luo Bing asked.

"Yes. I know you are looking for me. No, or you are looking for the Phoenix fragments." Wu Fengji spoke.

Luo Bing can feel that Wu Fengji has Phoenix force on her body.

If so, it's not surprising.

After all, the Phoenix force will have some interaction with each other (okay Zhao).

However, judging from the current situation.

Luo Bing did not come before Wu Fengji obtained the Phoenix Force, but came after she obtained the Phoenix Calendar.

At the moment it should have been a long time since Wu Fengji got the Phoenix force.

Because he could feel that the Phoenix force on Wu Fengji was integrating very well.

Even more perfect than the Phoenix force integrated on him.

After all, during this period, Luo Shui absorbed other Phoenix force fragments.

Because of the affairs of the Tenjin Group.

He arrived before he could meditate and integrate. Naturally, he couldn't compare to Wu Fengji who took so long to get it.

But fortunately, he has other abilities.

"I know you. Kamar-Taj's Sorcerer Supreme."

"Your ability is very good, but you have to know. The most indispensable thing in this world is ability.

"Now you are looking for all the Phoenix fragments, so after you find them, will you be able to control this power?"