
Chapter 24

024. Furious Odin!

Infinity Gauntlet, a Level Universe artifact.

It is the carrier of Infinite Gems.

Simply put, Infinite Gems cannot be placed too close together.

But with the Infinity Gauntlet, gems can be placed together and used.

Just place the gem on top of the glove.

Luo Bing was still thinking about it without Infinity Gauntlet.

How these gems should be used.

Unexpectedly, Infinity Gauntlet was delivered to my door so soon.

Sure enough, a trip to Asgard was the right thing to do.

But, why is the good Infinity Gauntlet put here?

Odin obviously noticed the Infinity Gauntlet and frowned.

Isn't this thing placed in Asgard's treasure house?

Why here?

Just as he was thinking about it, a group of people came running over.

One of them knelt in front of Odin and said anxiously: "Loki, Loki is running away! Now he is making a big fuss in Asgard!!"

After Loki caused an alien invasion war in New York, he was brought back to Asgard by Thor for disposal.

Then he was imprisoned by Odin.

But judging from Loki's temperament.

It is estimated that he will not be able to remain peaceful in prison for long, and he must be thinking of causing some trouble again.

After all, Loki knew that he was not Odin's biological son.

After becoming the descendant of the Giants of Jotunheim, Loki felt a huge gap in his heart.

No, there's trouble again!

Hearing that Loki was causing trouble again, Odin was very angry now.

His beard almost stood up to the sky with anger.

brute! ! ! Treason! !

Odin cursed in his mind.

Immediately the Eternal Spear was shaken to the ground.

In an instant, the ground of the entire hall began to shatter.

"Catch him! Call the gods to judge!!" Odin roared.

The guards immediately fled.

Now that Asgard is in trouble, Odin can't send it.

"I need to take care of some things." Odin said.

Luo Bing smiled and said, "I understand. It's just a family matter."

Odin glanced at the Infinity Gauntlet and seemed ready to take it away.

At the moment, Luo Bing spoke: "Now that I have succeeded the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the safety of the earth, there are some things I should say."

Odin was stunned.

Before he could speak, Luo Bing spoke seriously:

"Although Asgard controls the nine realms, it does not mean that it has the right to decide the life and death of any human on earth. The earth is now protected by me, and I will no longer tolerate things like the New York War."

"Although Loki is your son, in my opinion he is also an invader of the earth."

"If something like this happens again, I won't care about Asgard."

Loki is a reminder, but also a warning.

Odin frowned, obviously not expecting anyone to dare to talk to him like this.

He looked at Luo Bing.

It was obvious that there was suppressed anger in his eyes.

If it happened in the past, Odin would have to save the face of the God King no matter what and teach Luo Bing a lesson.

But today is different from the past.

The future belongs to Thor, and he should not cause Asgard any more trouble.

The magician world has never been easy to mess with.

What's more, the New York War was originally their fault. Asgard was at fault.

After a moment, Odin took a deep breath and said:

"I swear in the name of the Father of God. Whether it is Loki or even Thor. Or any of the people of Asgard, God. If he launches a war against Midgard, he will lose the protection of Odin."

Midgard is Asgard's name for the earth.

Odin relented and made a promise.

This is already his biggest concession.

Luo Bing said nothing and just nodded.

Odin was obviously very angry at the loss of face.

But thinking that the source of everything was caused by his unsatisfactory son, Loki.

Odin now needs someone to vent his anger on.

With a cold snort, he glared at Luo Bing and left.

He doesn't even have time to take care of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Venom: "The old man seems very angry."

Luo Bing: "Definitely. Although I am Sorcerer Supreme now, I have just taken over and am a junior. If I talk to him like this, he will be angry if he doesn't."

Venom: "Where do you think he is so angry?"

Luo Bing: "I guess he took it out on his unlucky little son."

Venom: "O. I think his little boy is in trouble. He didn't even take the Infinity Gauntlet."

Luo Bing didn't say a word, but just glanced down at the Infinity Gauntlet at his feet.

Venom: "How about we take this glove away?"

Luo Bing: "What are you taking? This is what I picked up!"

Venom: "Yes, yes. But do you think the old man will come and cause trouble when he finds out?"

Luo Bing: "I guess this old man has more troublesome things to deal with now, and he probably won't have time to care about this little thing. Like Ragnarök, or something like that."

Venom: "Quick, quick, pick up, pick up!!"

Luo Bing didn't hesitation anymore, took advantage of the chaos, picked up the Infinity Gauntlet, opened the portal and slipped away.

He returned to his dormitory, where Polaris was waiting for him.

"Sorcerer Supreme, are you back?" Polaris walked up with a smile.

"Yeah." Luo Bing nodded, walked to the seat and put the Infinity Gauntlet away.

Polaris looked at the gloves and said hurriedly: "These golden gloves are really big."

Luo Bing explained with a smile: "It can be shrunk. As long as you put it on, it will become a file size that fits your hand."

With that said, Luo Bing put on the Infinity Gauntlet.

The huge amounts of Infinity Gauntlet just now automatically changed into the same File size as his hand after touching Luo Bing's hand.

"It seems that this Infinity Gauntlet is real. But the gems on it are fake." Luo Bing muttered.

Luo Bing knows that Asgard has an Infinity Gauntlet, which is placed in the treasure vault.

But I heard it was false.

Luo Bing was thinking at that time.

The majestic God King, isn't it a little too cool to put fake gloves in the treasure house?

Luo Bing didn't know it until he tried it.

This Infinity Gauntlet is real.

However, Asgard's Infinity Gauntlet is studded with Infinite Gems.

But obviously, these Infinite Gems are fake.

The only function of Infinity Gauntlet is to control all gems.

Without the gems, the gloves are useless.

So generally no one would go out of their way to get the Infinity Gauntlet. After all, the Infinity Gauntlet dwarf king can also make it.

But Luo Bing has Infinite Gems, so it's different.

After removing the fake gems from the Infinity Gauntlet, Luo Bing installed the Infinite Gems he had obtained previously.

The moment he put it on, Luo Bing felt a surge of power pouring into the gloves.

All the power of the four gems rushed into Luo Bing's body.

Venom obviously felt uncomfortable.

Venom: "Damn, what a powerful force!"

Luo Bing: "There will always be some discomfort at the beginning. It will be fine as long as we get used to it."

With that said, Luo Bing opened the magic book and started studying it.

Polaris said very sensibly: "I will go out and watch for you, and no one will come in to disturb you."

After saying that, she walked outside the dormitory and stood very obediently.

And at the moment, Asgard.

Odin is judging Loki.


In Soul castle.

"Loki! You have committed an unforgivable crime, and now you are still escaping from prison! Do you really think I dare not kill you!" Odin said angrily on the throne.

Loki shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: "Anyway, I am just the son of Giants of Jotunheim. Father of God, you will definitely kill me."

Odin was gassed.

"Not only did you escape from prison, but you also made a big fuss in the treasure house!! You still don't know your fault!?" Odin scolded angrily.

Speaking of the treasure house, he remembered it.

"Come on, come and find out what's missing in the treasure house!" Odin said anxiously.

Someone immediately went to see it.

But after a while, someone came and reported: "The Father of God, Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Gauntlet is missing."

Odin: "???"

Luo Bing! !

He definitely took it! !

This man is not the Sorcerer Supreme, he is clearly a robber! !

Odin clutched his chest.

Damn, I'm going to be pissed off.