
Chapter 16

016. No, It Really Isn'T!

Luo Bing was a little helpless and couldn't help complaining: "I'm telling you, you are hungry every day. Can you do anything else besides eating?"

Venom: "I can still fight, but you don't let me take action. Every time, the matter is solved before I take action."

Luo Bing: "I'm a magician, not a warrior. I don't want to fight in close combat."

Venom: "But the Kamar-Taj magicians are all fighting in close combat, and the one with the bald head slapped me in the face."

Luo Bing: "…Maybe it's because we don't have enough funds to do special effects."

Venom: "Then there's nothing I can do, I'll just eat it."

Luo Bing: "…"

Boom, boom——

He was speechless.

There was a knock on the door.

Luo Bing opened the door.

Modu stood outside the door.

"To… the Ancient One magician said that Kamar-Taj has entered a state of preparation for war, so I am here to inform you, Sorcerer Supreme." Mordo said.

To be honest, he was really not used to it.

"Okay, Modo magician." Luo Bing said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Modu couldn't help but say: "So the Sorcerer Supreme really made you a fool?"

"At present, it seems that it is indeed the case." Luo Bing said.

"But you've only been in Kamar-Taj for three days! I've been in Kamar-Taj for most of my life." Mordo complained.

Luo Bing is not surprised that he would say this.

After all, not all magicians in Kamar-Taj are as free from desires as the Ancient One.

Luo Bing didn't say anything, just smiled.

Then the surrounding scenery quickly shattered.

"Mirror space??" Modu was stunned and said in surprise: "You already know the mirror space?"

Luo Bing said nothing.

But at the moment the entire Kamar-Taj began to fold.

The place where Mo Du was fighting suddenly turned upside down, and he fell upside down without paying attention.

Not waiting for Modu's reaction.

The entire space is like a huge amount of jigsaw puzzle, which is folded, flipped, unfolded, and even rolled at will by Luo Bing.

Modulian could not stand firmly.

It was like entering the drum of a washing machine, rolling around.

"OK, I get it. Sorcerer Supreme!!" Mordo shouted.

At this moment, Modu finally stopped.

"Is there anything else?" Luo Bing asked.

"It's okay." Modu said quickly, "I, I'm leaving first."

Luo Bing nodded and said: "Thank you Modu Magician for notifying me."

Modu got up from the ground and left quickly without saying a word.

Venom: "I thought you had a pretty good relationship with him."

Luo Bing: "It was good before, but there is nothing I can do. I have to establish my authority."

Venom: "What does establishing authority mean?"

Luo Bing: "Basically, I want them to understand that I have this strength. At least it's not something they can question."

Venom: "Wouldn't it be better to eat his head directly??"

Luo Bing: "…"

Venom: "Okay, okay, I know you feel disgusted. But isn't there going to be a fight?! That person just said he wanted to prepare for a fight!"

Luo Bing: "I think it's because the Ancient One knows that spicy shredded chicken is coming."

Venom: "Oh, I'm really hungry! I want to eat chicken!"

Luo Bing: "…"

Malekith has always wanted to use the power of the Reality Gem to rule the universe.

However, because this power was too difficult to control, he had not succeeded before.

Now Reality Gem has entered Luo Bing's body.

Malekith can perceive its existence, so he will definitely find it.

The Ancient One must also know about this, so he put Kamar-Taj in a state of preparation for war.

Speaking of which, this Reality Gem is currently occupied by Luo Bing.

It can be considered as helping Asgard.

After all, in the original plot, this thing ended up in Asgard.

Malekith then sent troops to attack Asgard.

Now at his own place, Malekith will probably send troops to fight Kamar-Taj.

But since this is Luo Bing's own business, he naturally won't trouble others.

Definitely, he won't put Kamar-Taj in danger either.

Venom: "You just said that Spicy Chicken Shreds will send troops to fight Kamar-Taj. Let's go find him first and kill him. Isn't that the end of it!!!"

Luo Bing: "I have this plan."

Venom: "Go, go, go! Go! Go! Go, go, go!"

Luo Bing said: "I know, you are very noisy."

Venom: "Please, I haven't fought in a long time!!"

Luo Bing: "I said first, you can't eat the head, that thing looks disgusting!!"

Venom: "How disgusting can it be??"

Luo Bing remained silent.

Just work your magic, combined with the power of the Space gem.

But in the blink of an eye, he came to Malekith in the dark world.

Luo Bing: "That's it."

Venom: "Damn, how can there be something uglier than me!!!!"

Luo Bing: "Don't you always think you are handsome??"

Venom: "Oh, yes. Damn it, how could something be so ugly!!! Vomit…!!!"

Malekith:? ? ? ? ?

Looking at the sudden appearance of Luo Bing, I was stunned.

Malekith: "I'm ugly???"

Luo Bing: "It's really ugly."

Malekith: "Who are you!!!"

At the moment, Malekith suddenly reacted.

Someone actually broke into the dark world? ? ! !

Before he even reacted, the man stood in front of him.

Along with Malekith roared.

His men immediately rushed over and surrounded Luo Bing.

"Wait, Tai particles! You have Tai particles on you!" Malekith was excited.

He had been looking for it for so long, but he didn't expect Tai particles to be delivered to his door!

What a surprise.

"Get him!" Malekith said.

Seeing that he could fight, Venom was excited.

Venom: "So it's finally my turn?"

Luo Bing didn't say anything and just activated his power.

As a strange red power emerged, all the dark elves that attacked Luo Bing disappeared.

Venom: "Oh, Shet! Where are the people?"

Not waiting for Luo Bing to answer.

Malekith looked shocked and asked: "You, you can use the power of ether!?"

Indeed, just now Luo Bing used the power of Reality Gem.

Alter Reality.

That's why the dark elves who attacked him just now disappeared.

To be more precise, they have never appeared in this universe.

After all, I just got it, so I have to try it.

Venom was very depressed, complaining at the moment: "I was not allowed to fight as promised."

Luo Bing smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, Malekith spoke: "Who are you? Why can you use the power of ether?"

"One, a magician." Luo Bing answered.

Malekith frowned.

No wonder he can use power, it turns out he met his peers!

It is said that when a colleague meets a colleague, both of them burst into tears.

Malekith knew that he had no chance of winning, and was instantly frightened.

"We have no grievances. Not to the point, really not to the point, great Lord Necromancer."