
Chapter 14

014. Got It, Picked It Up For Nothing!

"Seriously. I've matured a lot since my father sent me to Earth for training." Thor said proudly.

The words fell before Luo Bing could speak.

Thor continued: "Natasha Romanoff told us that it was you who closed the portal and saved the earth. To be honest, I am very optimistic about you, my friend. I thought you were extraordinary from the beginning. You used time magic, right? ."

"It's magic." Luo Bing smiled.

Thor: "…"

"I said something wrong before. But the situation was urgent. My unlucky brother made me very angry at that time, and I was teaching him a lesson. Moreover, I didn't know that there were necromancers on the earth." Thor explained quickly.

Luo Bing actually believes this.

After all, he remembered watching movies in his previous life.

Thor was also shocked when he met Doctor Strange for the first time, and asked if there were necromancers on Earth too?

It can be seen that Thor is really just two.

"It's not a necromancer. To be precise, it's a magician." Luo Bing said.

"Okay, necromancer. Can you really turn back time? I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious." Thor looked very interested and asked.

"…" Luo Bing said helplessly: "Definitely."

"Can I see it?" Thor asked.

"Okay." Luo Bing said.

Thor looked excited.

Already looking forward to watching Luo Bing show his magic.

At the moment, Luo Bing spoke: "Throw the hammer in your hand at me."

Thor was stunned and said with some hesitation: "This is not good, I don't take action against my friends."

"It's okay. It's just a show to turn back time." Luo Bing replied calmly.

"Okay." Thor nodded, then threw the hammer towards Luo Bing.

Luo Bing turns on the portal magic.

After being teleported, the hammer hit Thor standing opposite Luo Bing.

Thor obviously didn't expect this and didn't hide at all.

Just like that, he was knocked to the ground by his own hammer.

Thor picked up the hammer and stood up.


He seemed to want to say something, but before he finished speaking, there was only a "dong" sound.

The hammer hit him again, knocking him to the ground.

Thor: "???"


Stand up again with the hammer in hand.

Before he could figure it out, the hammer hit him again.

With a "thud", Thor was knocked to the ground again without any surprise.

"This is going back in time, only partially." Luo Bing said.

Luo Bing used partial time reversal on his hammer, so Thor's hammer would keep repeating its previous actions.

"Okay. I understand!!!" Thor spoke quickly after being hit four or five times.

This time Luo Bing lifted the magic.

Thor stood up, touched his head that was a little dazed after being hit, and complained dissatisfiedly: "I suspect you just want to hit me."

"Definitely not, I'm showing you time magic." Luo Bing said.

"But you just hit me four or five times!!!" Thor roared angrily.

Luo Bing shrugged and said, "I just used time reversal on your hammer. So it will repeat the previous action. If you had changed your position and not stood still, the hammer wouldn't have been able to hit you. You're a bastard."

Thor: "…"

After thinking about it, it seems to make sense.

Although a little frustrated.

But Thor still understands why necromancers are not to be trifled with. After all, his mother is a necromancer.

So Thor could only hold his breath, he didn't want to be hit by the hammer again.

"You came to me just to see me demonstrate time magic?" Luo Bing asked.

"I heard that the Tesseract was here with you, so I came to find you." Thor said and touched his head.

Damn, I was a little dizzy from being hit.

"That braised egg head told you, right?" Luo Bing asked.

"Braised Eggman?! Hahahahaha~! Well, Nick Fury's head does look like Braised Eggman. Your description is very appropriate!~~" Thor smiled happily.

The previous depression was instantly forgotten.

Luo Bing said: "The Tesseract is indeed with me, but I don't intend to give it to you."

"But it belongs to Asgard. It's my unlucky brother. He stole it before. I have to take it back." Thor explained.

Luo Bing shrugged: "Essentially, that thing is not Asgard's."

After all, Infinite Gems come from the universe, and generally speaking, whoever has the ability can take them.

Therefore, it does not belong to any party.

It's just that the Infinite Gems happened to be in Asgard before that.

Thor obviously understands this too.

He has seen Luo Bing's Ability.

The Master is not easy to mess with, so I guess he won't be able to take away the Tesseract.

But Thor actually didn't want the Tesseract that much. After all, Asgard only kept these things because he was worried about harming the Nine Realms.

However, Luo Bing is so strong that he is probably optimistic about these things.

Thinking of this, Thor said: "Okay. If you don't save the earth, I will definitely take away the Tesseract. But your previous actions prove that you are just. And I still have things to be busy with, I have to go. You don't know My unlucky brother got into big trouble this time, and now the nine realms are in turmoil. I have to go back and clean up the mess for him."

"Really? Where are you going?" Luo Bing asked.

Thor said: "I have to go to Vanaheim first. It's a mess there right now. By the way, you know where Vanaheim is, right?"

"Definitely, I can give you a ride." Luo Bing said, casting magic.

But in the blink of an eye, Thor arrived in Vanaheim.

"Oh!~ This secret magician is quite powerful. It can send me directly to Vanaheim without even using Bifrost." Thor sighed with emotion.

As soon as he finished speaking, he remembered something was wrong.

"Wait!! I haven't led any troops yet, am I the only one to fight?? Heimdall, hurry up and drive the Bifrost and send the Asgard soldiers over!!" Thor shouted.


At that time, on the streets of New York.

Venom looked at Thor being sent away and couldn't help but complain.

Venom: "Sure enough, what the book says is right. It's not easy to offend Master Fa."

Luo Bing smiled and asked with interest: "Are you still reading?"

Venom: "Definitely. If you want to know more about a planet, you have to use this method."

Makes sense.

Luo Bing didn't say anything.

Just as he was about to leave, Venom suddenly spoke: "Luo Bing! Something is rushing towards you, it's a very evil thing!"


Just as he was thinking about it, a sudden force surged into Luo Bing's body.

Venom: "Damn, what the hell is this!"

Luo Bing: "It's… Reality Gem."

Yes, I picked it up for nothing again!