
Marvel x HP: Moses' Odd-venture

Moses, an orphaned child that hopes for the best for everybody's future. Overpowered ability? Check. An orphaned teen who doesn't have a fetish to take control of the world because he's powerful? Check. With the power that he holds, let us find out how he will obtain true happiness and satisfaction in his life in this vast multiverse full of adventure and mysteries, not knowing the CHAOTIC world that he is currently in. ADDITIONAL TAGS: #SLOW-PACED #AU # STRONGMC #WIZARD #INTERESTINGWAIFUS #HAREM #ADDAMSFAMILY #MAGIC #SCIENCE #INTERESTINGMC #CHARACTERDEVELOPMENTMC ------------------------------------- I want it to be updated every day, however due to my hectic schedule, I'll only be able to update 2-3 days after, which means 2-3 chapters a week. Maybe 3 if I'm inspired! If you want to read 10 advanced chapters ahead, you can support me by visiting my P@treon page in the link below, I'll upload a day earlier than Webnovel in there, so be sure to visit it. P@treon Link: p@treon.com/user?u=84448767 OR p@treon.com/Noob_Writer ------------------------------------- (A/N: The mc is not in any way a reincarnated or transmigrated person, for that matter, he doesn't have any future knowledge or anything. The maximum number of female leads that the MC can possibly have is 2-3 MAX. Disclaimer: Image, shows, movies, and novels used in this story are not mine. [PLEASE REVIEW MY FANFIC! I ACCEPT ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.]

4give_NoobWriter · Movies
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57 Chs

Wizarding World

[St. Ottery Catchpole, July 10th, 1991]

Walking on the pavement, Mr. Dumbledore and I traveled by tube where most of the passengers looked at us due to Mr. Dumbledore's odd clothing. After arriving at our destination, we walked near the busy area of the streets and turned until we arrived in front of a black wooden door.

[[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

UNIFORM First-year students will require: 1. Three sets of plain work robes (black) 2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear 3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) 4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings) Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

COURSE BOOKS All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.


"...Mr. Dumbledore, can I ask where we can buy these kinds of things, I'm not sure if any stores even sell these." I asked him, squinting my eyes.

"I'm sure we can buy those, Mr. Moses. As long as you know where to go, that is" Mr. Dumbledore said in a mysterious tone while grabbing the handle of the door.

"...Why do I feel like you've already said those lines many times," I muttered under my breath.

"Hohohoho, I have no comment on that, young Moses." He said in a jovial tone as he continued,

"Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron, Moses." He said as he opened the door allowing me to see the bustling people inside wearing dark attire that was more different than normal.

"Believe it or not, this pub is one of the gateways from the muggle world and the wizarding world more than a century ago."

"Yeah...it doesn't feel like it, Mr.-"

My comment, however, was cut down when a man suddenly saw us with widened eyes. By us, what I mean is the old man beside me.

"Sir. Dumbledore! It's an honor to meet you, sir!"

"Dumble-", "Really?!", "Good day-"

Different gasps of surprise and greetings from the people around us were directed to Mr. Dumbledore which he only replied with a grandfatherly smile.

"So those titles really meant something huh," I muttered while looking at Mr. Dumbledore and the people around him are looking at him with respect.

"I'm afraid, I'd have to leave now everyone, you see, I've got some Hogwarts 1st year to attend, so, if you will." Mr. Dumbledore said while exuding an unknown aura, causing the people surrounding him to move apart from his way as he made his way to me.

"Good day, Tom," He greeted the man behind the counter,

"Good day to you too, sir." The man greeted back.

We made our way to another part of a building until we arrived at a wall of bricks.

"So...will we magic our way through there?" I asked while staring at the wall.

"Hmm, you're learning fast, Mr. Moses. But to answer your question, yes, we will magic our way through here by tapping a set of blocks that you will need to remember, Mr. Moses." He said as he took his weird wand from his pocket and tapped the block of brick in sequence. After tapping it, the wall of blocks started moving like a mechanism until no more wall is blocking our way allowing me to glimpse for the first time, what the look of a wizarding world truly is.

"Welcome young Moses, to Diagon Alley." Mr. Dumbledore said while looking at me expectantly.

"...The buildings are uneven...is that even safe?" I uttered while looking at the different shapes of buildings that surrounded the place.

"...Well, it's supported by magic, so...is that all you're gonna say?"

"Well...I have a question, do I need to wear the robes too when I'm going to the wizarding world?"

"Well...you can wear other things too, it's just that wearing a robe has been part of our culture."

"It's like I time traveled to the past by being here...cool, so where do I need to buy this again, Mr. Dumbledore, sir?" I asked him while looking at the requirements in my letter.

"You're not one to be easily surprised aren't you, young Moses...no matter, I have to apologize, young Moses but I will not be able to come with you to buy your school supplies due to some personal matters, but there's no need to worry because one of the professors have already been notified about your arrival." He said to me as he took one step away from me as his body was sucked like a whirlpool completely disappearing from my view.

"Bollocks...did he really leave me here? And he's supposed to be the headmaster..." I uttered a daze.

"I must apologize if Professor Dumbledore somehow offended you, Mr. Moses, but I assure you that Professor Dumbledore is the best headmaster that you will ever know." A Scottish accent voice resounded behind me causing me to stagger in surprise.

I turned around and saw a tall, stern-looking old lady with black hair covered with a pointy witch hat and a dark green dress robe with a style similar to the people around me.

"Hell-" I greeted her but I was cut down by her stern voice as she turned around and started walking.

"I am Minerva McGonagall, your professor at Hogwarts, you can call me Professor McGonagall. We must make haste, Mr. Moses, I still have another child to attend to, follow me and don't get lost, first supply on your list?" She questioned while walking, not bothering to turn around to look at me.

"Umm...Books." I said as I ruffled the letter to read it.

"Flourish and Blotts it is, but first we need to go to Gringotts." She uttered as she turned to the left.

"...I didn't seem to have made a good first impression, did I?" I uttered in cringe as sweat slid down my forehead as I followed her in the middle of a bustling alley.


A few minutes of walk later, arrived before a colossal imposing snow-white multistoried marble building. It towers over the other shops with its snowy white façade and bronzed, guarded doors.

"Gringgotts Bank." I uttered while gazing at the tall building.

"The wizarding bank. It's the only bank in the wizarding world, and is owned and operated by goblins." Professor McGonagall muttered.

"Goblins?" I asked in a curious tone,

"Come," She uttered completely ignoring my question.

We stood in front of its entrance and there I saw the goblins that Professor McGonagall said, they were guarding the doors with their combat armor while holding their axe, spear, and sword. When I look at them, I feel uneasy and a little irritated due to reasons that I'm not aware of

'Filth...' I thought as I remembered the same feeling that I can feel from looking and being near them to a poop or waste. A look of scowl appeared on my face that Professor McGonagall took notice of.

"What's wrong?" She asked, confused at my expression

"Nothing Professor," I said with a fake smile. I look at my surroundings while ignoring the goblins. I looked at the entrance and noticed something written on the door.

Eɳƚҽɾ, ʂƚɾαɳɠҽɾ, Ⴆυƚ ƚαƙҽ ԋҽҽԃ

Oϝ ɯԋαƚ αɯαιƚʂ ƚԋҽ ʂιɳ σϝ ɠɾҽҽԃ

Fσɾ ƚԋσʂҽ ɯԋσ ƚαƙҽ, Ⴆυƚ ԃσ ɳσƚ ҽαɾɳ,

Mυʂƚ ραყ ɱσʂƚ ԃҽαɾʅყ ιɳ ƚԋҽιɾ ƚυɾɳ.

Sσ ιϝ ყσυ ʂҽҽƙ Ⴆҽɳҽαƚԋ συɾ ϝʅσσɾʂ

A ƚɾҽαʂυɾҽ ƚԋαƚ ɯαʂ ɳҽʋҽɾ ყσυɾʂ,

Tԋιҽϝ, ყσυ ԋαʋҽ Ⴆҽҽɳ ɯαɾɳҽԃ, Ⴆҽɯαɾҽ

Oϝ ϝιɳԃιɳɠ ɱσɾҽ ƚԋαɳ ƚɾҽαʂυɾҽ ƚԋҽɾҽ.

"Wow...this poem's horrible..." I uttered which caused Professor McGonagall to stagger and the goblins guarding the door to grunt.