
Marvel x HP: Moses' Odd-venture

Moses, an orphaned child that hopes for the best for everybody's future. Overpowered ability? Check. An orphaned teen who doesn't have a fetish to take control of the world because he's powerful? Check. With the power that he holds, let us find out how he will obtain true happiness and satisfaction in his life in this vast multiverse full of adventure and mysteries, not knowing the CHAOTIC world that he is currently in. ADDITIONAL TAGS: #SLOW-PACED #AU # STRONGMC #WIZARD #INTERESTINGWAIFUS #HAREM #ADDAMSFAMILY #MAGIC #SCIENCE #INTERESTINGMC #CHARACTERDEVELOPMENTMC ------------------------------------- I want it to be updated every day, however due to my hectic schedule, I'll only be able to update 2-3 days after, which means 2-3 chapters a week. Maybe 3 if I'm inspired! If you want to read 10 advanced chapters ahead, you can support me by visiting my P@treon page in the link below, I'll upload a day earlier than Webnovel in there, so be sure to visit it. P@treon Link: p@treon.com/user?u=84448767 OR p@treon.com/Noob_Writer ------------------------------------- (A/N: The mc is not in any way a reincarnated or transmigrated person, for that matter, he doesn't have any future knowledge or anything. The maximum number of female leads that the MC can possibly have is 2-3 MAX. Disclaimer: Image, shows, movies, and novels used in this story are not mine. [PLEASE REVIEW MY FANFIC! I ACCEPT ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.]

4give_NoobWriter · Movies
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The Results

[]The prizes for the game were just to make it more exciting for the twins, Ron and Harry, it isn't really necessary but I think it would be a good motivation for them to finally improve on their skills. I'm doing the little training arc for Harry and the others to get strong along with the mc because the MC will need them for the later plot. Sorry if some of you aren't good with that, but that's that. Thanks for reading my fanfic![]

A week had passed since the grueling every morning torture of a group of boys. Every morning after they did the game, the other Weasleys always wondered what they always did to have such a look on their faces.

Inside the Burrow, a family of red-head was currently having a meal. The atmosphere, however, couldn't be said to be anything from what it was before because instead of a hearty meal, Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley was looking at his twin sons, and lightning-scarred boy, viciously eating like they were starved for days on the table.

A darken eyes and messy hair, and instead of wearing normal clothes, they were wearing grey long sleeves with grey pants.

"Okay boys, you got to tell me what the four of you were doing every morning! The look on all of your faces isn't normal anymore, and the three of you have been wearing those clothes for a week!" Mrs. Weasley yelled in exasperation,

"I'm sure they're not up to something, mum. If I were you, I would have banned them inside the house for a week," Percy added to the conversation,

"Nobody asked for your opinion, Mr. Prefect," Fred interjected him, George meanwhile touched his twin's shoulder causing Fred to look at him, George then shook his head wearily telling Fred to stop the banter for a minute to which Fred replied with a shrug.

"Oh ye—"

"Mrs. Weasley, you don't need to worry about us, we're just exercising our body to have a healthy lifestyle, it's good for us, really!" Moses interjected by assuring Mrs. Weasley causing the said woman's frown to lessen.

"That — Sigh... If you say so, dear. But, this is the last of this exercise thing, okay?"

"Well... we're already finished, they just need to take out those clothes later," Moses added. After having their breakfast, Moses dragged the twins, Ron, and Harry outside of the Burrow, and they went up above the hill where they used to practice Quidditch.

Arriving at the top of the hill, all of them except Moses dropped down to the ground due to exhaustion.

"UGHh... I feel like I'm gonna die any minute now." Ron groaned

"Well, you can take off your extra clothes now..." Moses said while looking at the four on the floor while shaking his head helplessly. Once he said those words, like a bucket of cold water was thrown into them, the four suddenly gained energy and excitement that they haven't had for a week.


"Yeah, really. Then we'll play something,

"Ughh!" The four of them groaned,


After taking off their weight enchanted clothes, the four of them flexed their bodies and stretched it for a few seconds, trying to familiarize their movements,

"I feel... light." Harry muttered while jumping,

"Yeah! This is..." Fred added as he ran encircling us with full speed,

"AMAZING!" He exclaimed, thrilled by what he was feeling. George seeing him ran like that became excited too and rush towards his twin brother.

"Yeah, somehow I feel much fine than before, and—" Ron commented, but before he could finish, within milliseconds, he moved his head aside in instinct.


"BOLLOCKS! Moses what the bloody hell was that about?!" He questioned,

"What do you mean, I said we will play something, right?"

"Play? You were gonna hit my head with your bloody feet?!"

"Yeah, what was that about?" Harry questioned, a scowl visible on his face,

"Yeah, and you dodge it right...?"

"Still —"

"You didn't even saw my foot, but you dodge it, that because it's already instinctive to you. Do you get what I'm saying?"

"This... Merlin's sweet ass-cheeks. So this was what it was all about?" Fred muttered in wide-eyes.

"The mind is possible of so many great things, but the body? The body's always limited. Each of you have a talent in Quidditch, and Quidditch required a superb reflexes and agility, which you have honed with our little bludger training."

"That's madness." Ron commented in a daze

"If you can't defend a spell then why not dodge it, right?" I said as I shrugged nonchalantly, after that I readied my stance for another attack causing the four to look at me in caution.


"Let's dance?" I said with a maniacal grin. At that word as my signal, I moved in a peak athletic speeds, and dashed towards the twins. If I used all my speed then they wouldn't even see me attack them but why would I do that? Also, there's only so much a week of training could do.

Once I'm near enough from them, with a little footwork, I twist my body and jump for a 360-kick to the head of Fred whom the latter dodged by only an inch margin. Dodging my kick, Fred immediately rush away from me, only leaving George on my attack range.

Using a series of footwork, I moved in a zigzag manner with absurd velocity, once I was in range, I jump and did a flying front kick towards George to which he evaded, the wind resulted from the force of my kick caused George's hair to sway as he widened his eyes from fear.

"Bloody hell!!" He shouted as he ran away from me in fear.

"Yeah, don't worry I adjusted my attack two times the force of a bludger, the most it can give you is concussion and may be break your bone, maybe a little?" I explained to him,

After saying that, I look at our two spectators.

"Seen enough, Harry? Ron?" I asked them while stretching my legs and raising my feet and moving them in a circular manner, popping my joints on my foot.

"Yeah... I don't think so." Harry answered unsurely,

"Yea— Yeah, Moses. I mean, we get your point now so we didn't need to do this, right, Harry?" Ron said, stuttering from fright.

"Prepare yourselves!!" With my warning, I bolted towards them with great speeds.



"Moses, dear. Are you sure Father Orsi won't come with you?" Mrs. Weasley ask me with worry in her eyes,

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley, Father already have enough on his plates as it is," I answered with a small smile. I could do a little shopping me'self.

"And you Luna, dear?" Mrs. Weasley ask the dirty blond haired girl beside me,

"Daddy allowed me to come as long as I'm with Moses, Mrs. Weasley." replied Luna with her dreamy tone of voice. Luna was wearing her pink colored clothes and dark polka dots skirt with rainbow colored socks that goes to her knees.

"I love your dress, Luna." I honestly said, every time I looked at her wearing those weird set of clothes, it felt like I'm home, now that she will be with me at Hogwarts, I'll always feel like home.

"Thank you, Moses." Luna replied with a small smile of hers.

"I brought my enchanted bag, we can share the space later," She suggested while showing me her shoulder bag that goes over her waist that same as her hair.

"Thank you~!" I thanked her while pinching her right cheeks playfully. After that, we followed Mrs. Weasley with the others until we arrived at the Burrow's hearth...fireplace. Mrs. Weasley then took a flowerpot off the kitchen mantelpiece and peered inside.

I stood beside Harry and greeted him, then he looked at the person beside me curiously,

"Oh, right. You haven't met Luna yet. She's my childhood friend... Luna, this is Harry, and Harry, this is Luna." I said to the two of them, the two of them shook their hand after my introduction,

"So you're Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you, Moses told me somethings about you,"

"All good, I hope." Harry replied with a shy smile,

Their small talk was immediately cut by Mrs. Weasley,

"We're running low, Arthur," she sighed. "We'll have to buy some more

today … ah well, guests first!"

"So we're travelling by floo powder..." Luna commented while look at the flowerpot that Mrs. Weasley is holding,

""Floo powder?"" Harry and I questioned at the same time.

"Mrs. Weasley, Moses never travelled by Floo powder, and I suspect Harry's the same as well." Luna informed Mrs. Weasley causing Harry and I to nod in agreement,

"Really?" Mrs. Weasley inquired,

"Floo powder's a lot quicker, dears, but goodness me, if you've never used it before –" She continued, then Fred interjected her by saying,

"They'll be all right, Mum," said Fred. "Watch us first."

He took a pinch of glittering powder out of the flowerpot, stepped up to the fire and threw the powder into the flames.

With a roar, the fire turned emerald green and rose higher than Fred, who

stepped right into it, shouted, "Diagon Alley!" and vanished.

"That was supposed to happen...right?" I asked them with an unsure tone.

"Yes, dear. How about you try?" Mrs. Weasley suggested as she handed offered me the flowerpot. I took a handful of powder and went inside the empty fireplace.

"Remember to speak 'Diagon Alley' clearly, dear." Mrs. Weasley warned,

"Noted, Mrs. Weasley." I replied to her. I looked at everyone and said, "Guess I'll see you all later?" With those word as my goodbye, I shouted,

"Diagon Alley!"


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