
Marvel x HP: Moses' Odd-venture

Moses, an orphaned child that hopes for the best for everybody's future. Overpowered ability? Check. An orphaned teen who doesn't have a fetish to take control of the world because he's powerful? Check. With the power that he holds, let us find out how he will obtain true happiness and satisfaction in his life in this vast multiverse full of adventure and mysteries, not knowing the CHAOTIC world that he is currently in. ADDITIONAL TAGS: #SLOW-PACED #AU # STRONGMC #WIZARD #INTERESTINGWAIFUS #HAREM #ADDAMSFAMILY #MAGIC #SCIENCE #INTERESTINGMC #CHARACTERDEVELOPMENTMC ------------------------------------- I want it to be updated every day, however due to my hectic schedule, I'll only be able to update 2-3 days after, which means 2-3 chapters a week. Maybe 3 if I'm inspired! If you want to read 10 advanced chapters ahead, you can support me by visiting my P@treon page in the link below, I'll upload a day earlier than Webnovel in there, so be sure to visit it. P@treon Link: p@treon.com/user?u=84448767 OR p@treon.com/Noob_Writer ------------------------------------- (A/N: The mc is not in any way a reincarnated or transmigrated person, for that matter, he doesn't have any future knowledge or anything. The maximum number of female leads that the MC can possibly have is 2-3 MAX. Disclaimer: Image, shows, movies, and novels used in this story are not mine. [PLEASE REVIEW MY FANFIC! I ACCEPT ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.]

4give_NoobWriter · Movies
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57 Chs

O.T.W to Hogwarts

[Hogwarts Express, September 1st, 1991]

After passing through the platform, a look of shock appeared on my face as I eyed my surroundings.

With my command to see the magic still in effect, I discovered that the ghastly little blue lights of what I assumed to be magical energy are more concentrated where I am than anywhere else I had been.

Looking around at the busy people, I noticed a red glowing pearl near their hearts, with glowing nerves connected to it all over their bodies. Noticing this, I looked at myself and discovered that I, too, had one, but instead of a red glow, it had a purplish glow.

A look of confusion appeared on my face as I pondered.

'Yeah, I'm really different...' I reflected as I examined everyone's magical core. Yup, I named them that just for the sake of it.

'Now, that you think about it, some red hues are more darker than others, is it because they're old?' I pondered while looking at some stern-looking old men and women that would give Professor McGonagall's stern look a run for its money.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the previous boy appeared from the platform, frightening me out of my wits.The boy looked around him, surprised and excited, until his gaze was drawn to the Hogwarts Express.

"Hello there." I greeted him, taking him out of his stupor as he looked at me with familiarity.

"You're...Moses was it?" He asked unsurely.

"Yeah, how about you?" I asked while looking at him curiously.

"Harry...my name's Harry Potter." He introduced himself with a smile.

A look of bafflement appeared on my face once I heard his name. Harry Potter-The Boy Who Lived, is standing right before me, wearing a cloth that was beneath his supposed to be stature. Instead of a boy that I imagined, what everyone imagined to be. He is right there, with a great possibility of being a malnourished kid, and wearing an oversized shirt that befits an elephant.

"You're Harry Potter...The Boy Who Lived...?" I questioned him for clarification.

"It looks like you already knew about me...yes, I am Harry Potter." He replied while looking uncomfortable.

"Oh, I see...sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I apologized while looking at his look.

"No!, no, it's quite fine." He uttered abashedly denying my apology.

"Hey, how about we share our compartment? The more the merrier, right?" I suggested with a smile while looking at his expression. His face brightened up a bit, which told me that he liked the idea.

"Sure!" He exclaimed, childishly smiling.

"WAH!" Our moment was cut short when Ron appeared from the platform, only to slip down and fall hard. He appeared lightheaded and had visible dirt on his cheeks, which we ignored.

"I'm fine..." He muttered in a daze while looking at both of us while still lying on the ground.

Harry and I looked at each other with an understanding nod. Both of us stepped forward and gave the Weasley a hand.


After a Hogwarts staff member took our luggage for safekeeping, the three of us found an empty compartment that we took for ourselves. It's near the end of the first year's compartment, so it took a bit of our time to get there. After that, we got to talk about some stuff that led us to this situation.

"So-So it's true, I mean, do you really have the-" Ron uttered this while pointing at his forehead, making me roll my eyes at him.

"The what?" Harry was perplexed as to what Ron was on about.

"The sca-AWW!~" Ron said, but before he could finish, Moses slapped the back of his head weakly—maybe a little strongly.

"What's that for?" Ron asked while looking at Moses in irritation.

"Be sensitive, Ron. Do you think he will be comfortable talking about some scar that a lunatic gave him?" Moses answered with a question while looking at Ron like he was a dumbass.

"Bu-" Ron complained but was stopped by Harry's comment.

"No, it's fine...here, look." Harry interrupted as he raised the bangs that were covering his famed lightning-shaped scar.

"Wicked!" Ron exclaimed, but when he saw Moses's dead look. His skin paled, and he rephrased his comment.

"I mean...that's rough, buddy..." He said while looking down, avoiding Moses' eyes.

"Hahaha, it's fine I don't mind it, though; thank you for your worry, Moses." Harry said while looking at me with an innocent smile, to which I replied with a smile too.

"Anything of the trolley, dears?"

"No, thanks. I'm all set." Ron said while holding up the four corned beef sandwiches that Mrs. Weasley had prepared for him.

"Is there any gummy worms in there, Ma'am?" Moses asked with a little drool in his mouth.

"Oh, yes, there is!" The trolley lady replied gleefully.

"We will take it all!" Moses exclaimed as he rushed next to the trolley with a maniacal grin while muttering.

"Gummy, gummy, gummy, gummy."

Making the redhead and the Boy Who Lived look into each other's eyes, with sweat pouring out of their foreheads, while thinking, 'This was not the Moses that they knew...'


After purchasing all of the sweets in the trolley, Ron, Harry, and Moses feast on various treats; however, all of the gummies were taken by Moses as his own, so Harry and Ron did not get a taste of them.

"This bears, WHAHAAHA, do they think they can escape from my bottomless stomach? Well, they're delusional." Moses muttered to himself with a maniacal grin, looking evilly at the moving gummy bears and worms.

"Watch it!" Ron exclaimed while looking at Harry's chocolate frog that got away by jumping off the window. When Moses saw this, his eyes widened with realization and he looked again at his moving gummy bears and worms in a jar.

"I can't risk them escaping, looks like I will need to be serious..." Moses said to himself as he muttered his command.

{No sweets will be able to move within a 5-meter radius of me.} He commanded while looking at the gummy, after his command, the gummies that were moving were no more, and replaced by it are lifeless gummies.

"Hehehehe..." Moses giggled nefariously, proud of his work, as he gobbled his gummies with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Mental..." Ron muttered while looking at Moses, to which Harry just laughed, amused at Moses's antics.

After that, Harry checked whose card he had gotten, which was Dumbledore's, but he was shocked when Dumbledore disappeared, to which Ron commented by saying,

"Well, you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?"

Following that sentence, Ron introduced Scabbers to Harry and decided to demonstrate the magic that could turn Scabbers yellow that Fred had given him.

However, before he could start, a little girl with bushy hair and noticeable front teeth interrupted them.

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." The girl asked while looking around the compartment.

"No," answered Ron.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see, then." The girl spoke with a haughty look and tone. Ron cleared his throat as he uttered his supposed spell.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"

After saying those words, there was a burst of little magic pop inside the box Scabbers was eating from; nothing changed about his color or anything else, making Ron and Harry shrug.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?" The little girl commented while looking at Ron, seemingly criticizing him.

Then she boasted about doing simple magic herself that had worked out, then she took out her wand and sat beside Moses, who's still eating his gummy worms, not minding the happenings around him.

The little girl looked at what Moses was doing, but when she saw that he was just gobbling up some candy, she decided to ignore him.

"For example, Oculos Reparo." She uttered this as she pointed her wand at Harry's broken glasses.

Due to the sudden magic activity, Moses was taken out of his wits and decided to check his surroundings, only to be surprised to see a new, random girl pop up by her side.

'Oculos Reparo...' Moses thought in interest while looking at the little girl amusedly.

"That's better, isn't it?" As Harry removed his glasses, which were already adjusted, the girl said.

Ron and Harry exchange glances, impressed by what the girl accomplished.

"Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter!"

Harry wore his glasses again as the little girl finally introduced herself.

"I'm Hermione Granger, and you are...?" She inquired, her gaze drawn to Ron, who was clearly bothered by the manner in which he ate.

"I'm Ron Weasley." said Ron, to which Hermione replied by saying, "Pleasure...".

Hermione turned around to ask the person behind her, only to discover that the person was already looking at him with a curious expression.

Hermione was taken aback when she saw Moses' expression, a golden blonde hair with a cute, charming look. It's like a prince in a fairy tale is what she thought when she saw Moses causing her cheeks to suddenly dyed red with blushed.

"Yo-you are?" Hermione spoke with a stutter while looking nervously at Moses.

"I'm Moses, just Moses. You're quite good at doing magic." Moses commented while looking at Hermione with an innocent smile.

"Th-thank you...Moses..." Hermione replied timidly while looking at Moses with fascination. Moses did not see her strange look, however, because he was deep in thought about something.

"But...I'm sure that I've read somewhere in wizard laws that underage magic is illegal...hmm" Moses thought while looking down with his hand holding his chin in a thinking position.


"Yeah, illegal, I heard about being expelled, but-" Moses continued while still in thought.

Once he uttered the word 'expelled', the girl named Hermione Granger widened her eyes with a look of terror.

"Expelled! No! WAAAHH!~" Hermione screamed her way out of the compartment, leaving two giggling boys and one confused boy behind.

"What's wrong with her? Did I say something?" Moses said in confusion while looking at Ron and Harry questioningly.

"Nothing's wrong, mate, that girl's a little mental." Ron commented with a laugh.

"I'm not even done yet, I mean, yes, you do get expelled if you use magic under the age of seventeen, but you're exempted if you're under the age of eleven; after all, accidental magic is a thing, so eleven years old and below can and are exempted." Moses added this while recalling the book about wizarding laws.

(A/N: How do you all like the new book cover and the new title? I hope y'all like it, I'm kinda dumb on creating a new title so don't blame me, lol. Anyways, here's a new chapter for you guys! Don't forget to review my fanfic and give meh my power stones!!)