
Marvel x HP: Moses' Odd-venture

Moses, an orphaned child that hopes for the best for everybody's future. Overpowered ability? Check. An orphaned teen who doesn't have a fetish to take control of the world because he's powerful? Check. With the power that he holds, let us find out how he will obtain true happiness and satisfaction in his life in this vast multiverse full of adventure and mysteries, not knowing the CHAOTIC world that he is currently in. ADDITIONAL TAGS: #SLOW-PACED #AU # STRONGMC #WIZARD #INTERESTINGWAIFUS #HAREM #ADDAMSFAMILY #MAGIC #SCIENCE #INTERESTINGMC #CHARACTERDEVELOPMENTMC ------------------------------------- I want it to be updated every day, however due to my hectic schedule, I'll only be able to update 2-3 days after, which means 2-3 chapters a week. Maybe 3 if I'm inspired! If you want to read 10 advanced chapters ahead, you can support me by visiting my P@treon page in the link below, I'll upload a day earlier than Webnovel in there, so be sure to visit it. P@treon Link: p@treon.com/user?u=84448767 OR p@treon.com/Noob_Writer ------------------------------------- (A/N: The mc is not in any way a reincarnated or transmigrated person, for that matter, he doesn't have any future knowledge or anything. The maximum number of female leads that the MC can possibly have is 2-3 MAX. Disclaimer: Image, shows, movies, and novels used in this story are not mine. [PLEASE REVIEW MY FANFIC! I ACCEPT ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.]

4give_NoobWriter · Movies
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57 Chs

Gringotts's Affairs

"A little something," Moses answered nonchalantly as he continued.

"Now I'm ready," With those words as a signal, the contest of strength had begun.


The moment that they pressured each other's hand, various cracks appeared on the table, resulting in it being on the verge of collapse, and cracks appeared from below their feet, enlarging like a spiderweb.

"Gnar Chen!" Ragnuk shouted, and with his shout, Gnar Chen used his foci ring, causing it to glow. He pointed his finger at the broken table, causing it to immediately repair itself back to normal. After that, he muttered something in their language, causing a bunch of runes to appear on the table.

"Neat trick," Moses muttered while looking at the runes in place. It was different... more systematic... What he didn't know is how right he was. Up until now, Moses was only able to see runes that were so strong they didn't need to be prepared completely systematically, but when he saw the goblin's runic system, the whole mana signature around the table and inside the table became stable like a calm ocean but also had its powerful properties, each working their function while strengthening themselves from the ambient mana around the surroundings.

For him, seeing Gnar Chen do that is like discovering a treasure trove of skills and knowledge right before his very eyes.

"I don't think you should talk right now, kid. You can give up now if you want." Ragnuk taunted, with veins visible on his neck going through his right hand that was pressing Moses' hand.


The crack below the ground worsened, and its area of destruction widened over the room, causing a continuous tremor to erupt.

"You— Your majesty! Your room!" Gnar Chen yelled with a worried tone.

The two brutes continued their affairs, seemingly unaware of the destruction that they were exerting upon their environment. Unknown to Gnar Chen, due to the tremor and cracks that were forming inside their room, the sparkling translucent chandelier atop them was becoming loose and cracks were forming on it.

'It's going to fall.' Moses and Ragnuk thought to themselves while waiting for the chandelier to fall on their arms. And fall it did. Once it was in the air, the chandelier fell right through their faces, and just before it could hit their hands that were above the table, Moses multiplied the muscle fibers in his hand at extreme speeds, causing his hand to bulge and redden.

With one last push, Ragnuk's muscular arm fell to the ground with a loud bang that resulted in destroyed debris of gold-plated rock below it. His hand caved into the ground that was destroyed in the process, the debris was like a meteor had fallen onto it, with Moses' hand atop his.

Thick dust and smoke covered their view, which Moses used to retract his biomass. He stood up and patted his clothes from dust and fixed his clothes while staring down at the old giant goblin below him.

"HAAA...HAHA...HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The sound of an old man's boisterous laugh reverberated throughout the fancy room.


"Three favors, huh?" You better hold on to your word, old man," I said with a sneer while looking at the old goblin before me, who was waving his wand around and repairing his fancy room with magic. A small vein appeared on his forehead, seemingly annoyed at the way I called him an old man.

'He doesn't need a magical foci, is it because he is too strong to need one or he just doesn't want to.'

"Don't call me an old man, brat. I still have a young heart, and yes, I'll hold on to my word." He replied,

"By the way, why did you order Gnar Chen to leave? I thought he was supposed to be helping us?"

"There's no need for that right now, I'll just tell him later. Besides, if he heard the favor that you will ask of me, he will just rant about not allowing this and that. Being a king surely has its cons, brat. People just kept telling you what to do all over the place, it takes an old man like me to keep them in line." As he finished those words, with the last wave of his hand, everything inside the room was in order. The previous cracks and destruction were no more, he then summoned a beer mug from somewhere under his desk and drank it while he sat down.

"Now, let's talk business." He stated as he threw the mug on the ground, causing it to break into shards.

"Apologize, old habits die hard. HOHOHO!" He said it with a laugh.

"It's fine... here —" I said to him, I took a pouch from my pocket. I enchanted it with my command to have a space the same as the room that I was in, then tossed away 100 kg of pure gold there.

I tossed the pouch to him, allowing him to analyze it.

"Thor's ball sack! Where the fuck did this come from, kid?!" While looking at the pouch and the contents of gold inside it.

"Let's just say that it's a gift from someone."

"This... is much better than most of my artifacts. It feels similar to an ancient magical artifact made from raw mana energy and powered by raw mana energy. The rune system was a mess, but enough for it to work..." Ragnuk commented while analyzing my pouch. I saw a huge amount of mana concentration around his eyes.

"There is only one artifact that could create an item of this scale..." Ragnuk muttered to himself while deep in his thoughts. He then looked at me with a serious expression.

"Enough of that old man, I will tell you my three favors now." I interrupted him as I took the pouch from him. Taking out the contents inside, which are the 100 kg of gold. I looked at the old goblin and said my favors.

"My first favor is that everything that happened in this room pertaining to me must never get out of this room." I spoke with a hint of seriousness in my voice.

"Done," he replied.

"Second is for you to become my free-of-charge personal financial assiss—" I stated, but before I could finish, he immediately interrupted me.


"Well, I tried. How about Gnar Chen? Is he any good?" Considering my first interaction with him, I doubt he's a good financial assistant.

"I'm not supposed to say this, but I'll still say it. Gnar Chen once managed all the Gringotts branches in Asia before. No one is more qualified than him in this branch, so my answer to your question is no, he is not any good. He is the best that I could offer you." He answered in a heartbeat while looking at me solemnly.

Looking at his resolve, I decided to just accept his terms.

"...Fine, Gnar Chen it is. Now, last but not the least, I want to invest 60% of what I'll convert from this gold into DC Comics and Japan's anime industry."

"...Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief

"What??? I see a potential market on them; I've read books about business, y'know?" I excused to him while wandering my gaze around the room.

"Is that really the case or is it because you're currently wearing a T-Shirt with an anime-themed Batman as its design? Where did you even get that?" He asked me while staring at me with a deadpan look. His eyes appeared to be judging my life decisions.

"What?! That's absolutely not true! ... Hey! I'm telling yo—" However, before I could correct his "false" assumption, his back was already infront of me, completely ignoring my claim as he walked towards the door to exit the room.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to your financial assistant now, and I'll see you whenever, boy."

"Hey, old man! Don't leave me here!"


Converting my gold to galleons and pounds has been taxing for me. Speaking of taxing, those bloody taxes, 15% taken from me by the government... Should I just become a politician and screw them up? Because they're clearly taunting me!

All in all, the amount of money that I was able to convert was approximately 2 million pounds; if converted into galleons, I would have about 400 thousand galleons. 60% of those went to my investments, and 40% of those went into my coffers. My deal was one of the biggest that the Gringotts Diagon Alley branch made for over a decade, earning Gnar Chen a few respectable nods and envious glares from his co-workers.

Gnar Chen then guided me to my vault for me to see its inside, and he also gave me the pouch connected to it as well as the key connected to it. Instead of blood, Gnar Chen gave me a magically bound key; I just need to inject some mana into it, and it'll be bound to me for life. He said that old man Ragnuk specifically ordered him to give it to me to test its capabilities, which means it's probably a prototype and I became his guinea pig, but, in the end, all that matters is that the key worked and no side effects revealed themselves as far as I know of.

"I will just owl you the list of companies that you can invest in in Japan, kid, and I'll also update you on DC Comics." Gnar Chen informed me while marking the contracts on his table.

"Sure, sure. I'll go now, see you whenever!"

Finished with my odd affairs at Gringotts, I left the bank with a satisfied smile on my face.

'There's an ice cream place here, right?'

With those thoughts, I marched at the bustling market of Diagon Alley.

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