
Marvel x HP: Moses' Odd-venture

Moses, an orphaned child that hopes for the best for everybody's future. Overpowered ability? Check. An orphaned teen who doesn't have a fetish to take control of the world because he's powerful? Check. With the power that he holds, let us find out how he will obtain true happiness and satisfaction in his life in this vast multiverse full of adventure and mysteries, not knowing the CHAOTIC world that he is currently in. ADDITIONAL TAGS: #SLOW-PACED #AU # STRONGMC #WIZARD #INTERESTINGWAIFUS #HAREM #ADDAMSFAMILY #MAGIC #SCIENCE #INTERESTINGMC #CHARACTERDEVELOPMENTMC ------------------------------------- I want it to be updated every day, however due to my hectic schedule, I'll only be able to update 2-3 days after, which means 2-3 chapters a week. Maybe 3 if I'm inspired! If you want to read 10 advanced chapters ahead, you can support me by visiting my P@treon page in the link below, I'll upload a day earlier than Webnovel in there, so be sure to visit it. P@treon Link: p@treon.com/user?u=84448767 OR p@treon.com/Noob_Writer ------------------------------------- (A/N: The mc is not in any way a reincarnated or transmigrated person, for that matter, he doesn't have any future knowledge or anything. The maximum number of female leads that the MC can possibly have is 2-3 MAX. Disclaimer: Image, shows, movies, and novels used in this story are not mine. [PLEASE REVIEW MY FANFIC! I ACCEPT ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.]

4give_NoobWriter · Movies
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57 Chs

Forbidden Forest: Wake up to Reality

[Hogwarts, Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, May 26th, 1992]

Due to Malfoy's stupidity, Hagrid swapped Harry's group with Malfoy and Fang. They started off into the heart of the Forbidden Forest. They walked for nearly half an hour, deeper and deeper into the forest, until the trail became practically impossible to follow due to the dense foliage.

When they heard something moving from the bushes, it was a dark hooded figure; however, despite the darkness and his hood covering the figure, its grotesque face was visible to Harry and Malfoy, causing them to stiffen up, their fear overpowering their senses. Fang, as Hagrid had predicted, was a fearful dog who ran with his tail behind his legs, leaving Harry and Malfoy alone and terrified.

"~Well, well, well~ Harry Potter, my defeater~" the dark hooded figure hissed, causing Harry and Malfoy's spines to tingle. Malfoy, with so much fear, fell on the hard ground, not being able to feel his feet.

"~Mmhh? And you're supposed to be a Gryffindor?~" he quipped with mockery while tilting his head.

"~I like your fear, Potter! It looks almost the same as your mother's when she begged me for mercy!~" The hooded figure said with suffocating venom as he removed his dark hood, revealing his abominable face to Harry and Malfoy.


"~Yes, yes, yes~ I'm back~ weaker than ever, but! Still enough to kill you and everyone you care about~" Voldemort said in an elated tone, as he bounced his steps toward Harry in a gleeful manner. Once they were only an inch apart, he raised his pointed finger with a dark, sharp claw and used it to raise Harry's chin.

"I like your eyes, Potter! Kekekeke~ Yess~ Fear m—" said Voldemort, but before he could continue his mockery, an arrow whizzed past his shadowy, ghastly body as he dashed, more like teleported—away from Harry and the unmoving Malfoy. Harry, not taking the pain in his forehead anymore, kneeled on the ground while clutching his bulging forehead. Extreme pain and agony were what he was experiencing. Malfoy, still on the ground had a noticeable patch of liquid between his shirt, his eyes dazed as he thought,

'This... was my father's master...?'

At that moment, a sound of horses galloping resounded throughout the entire area where they were situated, completely surrounding them. After a moment of silence, a centaur with astonishingly blue eyes, like pale sapphires, revealed himself with two other centaurs. Further back in the clearing are Hagrid, Hermione, Ron, and a scared Fang. Once they saw Harry, they all shouted, worried.


They all ran toward Harry and Malfoy, with Hagrid shielding them and aiming his crossbow at Voldemort.

"So yer really back eh'. You better go na' or Professor Dumbledore will show any min'it here now, Voldemort..." Hagrid said bravely while looking at the dark lord before him.

"Ahhh Hagrid~ Still upset about the vacation on Azkaban that I gave you, I see~," Voldemort said with a sneer as he continued,

"Why would I go now when I have all of you here all according to my plan? Harry Potter, and the Addams, two birds with one stone!~" Voldemort laughed twistedly as he pointed his bony wand at Harry and cast,

"B'yakhada Kedavra!~"

As those words came out of his mouth, at the last moment, Voldemort changed where he was pointing his wand and instead aimed it at his back. A long line of green magical energy connected itself to a hiding centaur, and just like lightning, the green streak of energy connected to the other centaurs behind him, thereby eliminating them one by one.

"NO!!!" Bane, the centaur beside Firenze, cried out as he aimed his bow toward Voldemort and muttered his spell. A visible bluish streak of energy gathered around his bow as he shot it towards Voldemort, who only bounced it with a wave of his hand at his back, hitting the deceased body of the centaur in the process. The arrow dug into the centaurs, it glowed and exploded with a disastrous gale of wind completely obliterating the body of the fallen centaurs.

"HEEEHEEEEHEEEE!" Voldemort laughed like a madman while appreciating the beautiful destruction that he did.

"ATTACK!!" Ronan yelled in anger and rushed his way toward Voldemort with great speed. He took a small stick from his pouch and activated its mechanism. The small metal stick elongated itself and formed itself into a naginata. Once Voldemort was within his naginata's reach, he swung his weapon with great vigor and slammed it at Voldemort, who was still adorned with his hideous smile.

"Impellō Oblitterō" Voldemort cast as an invisible, strong barrier made out of pure of force enveloped him, thereby completely negating Ronan's attack. The barrier continued to grow in size, pushing the centaurs around him and completely obliterating everything except Voldemort within Voldemort's 50-meter radius.

When the dust settled, Harry and his companions saw Voldemort, wearing his sadistic smile and standing unharmed over the devastation he had caused.

"No..." Ron muttered in despair as his legs gave out, causing him to fall hard on the ground with Malfoy, who was still in dazed.

"Ha — Harry..." Hermione called out and tugged on Harry's robe while forcing her weak jelly legs to stand up. Harry, who saw Hermione's nod, looked at her in a daze.

"Diffindo!" Hermione cast weakly while panting, trying to catch her breath, the look of terror was still visible in her eyes but the hint of courage in her voice said another.

Voldemort with swift movements created a barrier easily deflecting her attack.

"Harry! Move!" Hermione shouted to Harry.

"Brave girl~" Voldemort hissed with amusement, however, he didn't move. After all, why would he, when they are already in the palm of his hand?

"Get back you — you bald — bald noseless potato!" Hermione shouted with bravery, the man's head before her looked like Moses' favorite food. Ron and Harry looked at her weirdly, to which Hermione just replied,

"We can't be killed here, idiots! Stand up now!"

Harry, seeing Hermione's eyes, gained back the glint in his eyes, he looked at Ron and shouted,

"Ron! Stan — Stand up!" Harry shouted, and Ron, who was still looking at Voldemort's physical form, was taken out of his wits when he heard Harry's shout, he looked at Harry and found him giving him a hand to stand up, he looked deeply into Harry's eyes, and when he noticed those glints, a small budding fire appeared in his scared heart as he took Harry's hand and stood up.

Hagrid, who's laying on the ground, injured from taking the blunt force of the blasts from Harry and the co, saw Harry and the others stand up with a hint of a blazing fire in their hearts. A small tear escaped from his eyes as he saw an illusion of James, Remus, and Lily in the trio.

Ron looked below him and noticed the still horror-stricken Malfoy. His eyes were still in deep terror while looking at the monster before him when suddenly, a hand appeared, obstructing his view.

"What are you still dazing around there for, Malfoy!" Ron exclaimed while holding his hand out for the platinum-haired boy. Malfoy, who saw Ron's hand, gained a hint of awareness in his eyes as he looked at the red-headed boy standing before him. He didn't grab Ron's hand, but instead, he shakily stood up from the ground carefully, grabbed his wand from his pocket, and looked at Ron again.

"I — I don't need your help, Weasley," Malfoy muttered, his haughty demeanor returning, but before Ron could respond, Voldemort cut them off with a hiss.

"Ah~ How beautiful friendship is, right? Potter?" Voldemort hissed in a dramatic manner.

"It's so beautiful that you can't seem to realize your situation now. Your delusions of hope still blinds the three of you..." Voldemort muttered with a look of pity, pitying them.

"I had friends too...they were taken away from me...! Taken to Azkaban! Oh~ my faithful friends, I wonder how much pain they had in there... I can't imagine~..."

"But!~ It's time for them to know, Potter, that I am back. Their Lord Voldemort is back! You will see now, Potter, the symbol that your mother and father were fearful of, my DARK MARK!~"


Voldemort shouted with ferocity as he pointed his bony wand up at the dark, cloudy sky. His hand shot out a dark green spark that exploded itself and then transformed into a green, ghastly skull with a snake coming out of its mouth.

"It's time to end this Harry Potter~ it has been a fun experience for me~" Voldemort muttered with a crazed smile as he pointed his wand at Harry. The wand gathered ambient green energy from its surroundings as he uttered,

"B'yakhada Keda —" However, before he could finish his curse, the tip of Voldemort's once green-colored wand disappeared into nothingness, leaving Voldemort shocked. He felt his magical energy dissipate inside him. He looked at his hand, which was getting thinner and thinner by the second as he uttered in fear and confusion,

"No... no, no, no, NO! IMPOSSIBLE!~" Voldemort shouted in fear as he willed himself to become a cloud of murky, dark smoke and took his flight away from the massacre and destruction that he caused.


Meanwhile, in another part of the forbidden forest...

"I hope this works..." Moses uttered as he looked toward Wednesday and Eyolf. He nodded his head to them, telling them that he was ready. And with that last act, he activated his command—

{I command the time within this barrier TO REWIND!}

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