
Marvel x HP: Moses' Odd-venture

Moses, an orphaned child that hopes for the best for everybody's future. Overpowered ability? Check. An orphaned teen who doesn't have a fetish to take control of the world because he's powerful? Check. With the power that he holds, let us find out how he will obtain true happiness and satisfaction in his life in this vast multiverse full of adventure and mysteries, not knowing the CHAOTIC world that he is currently in. ADDITIONAL TAGS: #SLOW-PACED #AU # STRONGMC #WIZARD #INTERESTINGWAIFUS #HAREM #ADDAMSFAMILY #MAGIC #SCIENCE #INTERESTINGMC #CHARACTERDEVELOPMENTMC ------------------------------------- I want it to be updated every day, however due to my hectic schedule, I'll only be able to update 2-3 days after, which means 2-3 chapters a week. Maybe 3 if I'm inspired! If you want to read 10 advanced chapters ahead, you can support me by visiting my P@treon page in the link below, I'll upload a day earlier than Webnovel in there, so be sure to visit it. P@treon Link: p@treon.com/user?u=84448767 OR p@treon.com/Noob_Writer ------------------------------------- (A/N: The mc is not in any way a reincarnated or transmigrated person, for that matter, he doesn't have any future knowledge or anything. The maximum number of female leads that the MC can possibly have is 2-3 MAX. Disclaimer: Image, shows, movies, and novels used in this story are not mine. [PLEASE REVIEW MY FANFIC! I ACCEPT ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.]

4give_NoobWriter · Movies
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57 Chs

A Twisted Mystery

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Clap Clap Clap*


The claps and cheers of the entire Slytherin student council reverberated throughout the Great Hall. Even Snape was shocked by the announcement, looking at Luna Lovegood with visible curiosity in his eyes. Luna walked towards her house and sat beside another first-year who was with her.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore looked a little shocked and confused. He had known the Lovegoods in the past and viewed them as an eccentric and intelligently different family that pursued the best that they could offer in the wizarding world. As evidence of this, her mother and father were both Ravenclaw. To think that their one and only daughter would be placed into Slytherin was a very bizarre surprise... It was something that he had not thought of, just like everything else...

"Well... That's a twist... I'm telling you, it's like we're inside some novel or something. Luna is clearly a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff at wor—" Moses muttered in a daze. But before he could continue his rude comment, an indescribable feeling of danger erupted from behind him where the Hufflepuff table was placed.

"I mean, at best... Right?" he rephrased, with a cold sweat.

"Don't ask me, I don't even know who she is..." answered Wednesday with a deadpan look.

"URGHH!" With a groan, Moses banged his head on the table and sighed exasperatedly.

"Slytherin!? Are you serious!? My Luna is a sweet, innocent girl, how could you... hat!!" With those thoughts running through his mind, Moses celebrated the Start-of-Term Feast with a small, noticeable pout. Clearly dejected by the prospect that his childhood friend was not by his side.

The next day, as soon as Moses woke up from his slumber, he immediately went to the Great Hall to find Luna. They had already talked about the morning meetings that they would have at the Great Hall before, so Moses was sure Luna would be there, and he was right.

"Luna!" Moses yelled, causing the girl in question to turn around and face him. Luna, seeing Moses, smiled gently and gestured for him to sit beside her, which Moses did.

"They didn't do anything bad to you, right?" Moses inquired, looking at the Slytherin students whispering beside him, who were unpleasantly looking at him.

"Bad? I don't think they have done anything of that sort yet," Luna uttered in a gentle tone, looking at Moses with her usual dreamy look that made Moses sigh in relief. However, unknown to him, Luna couldn't sleep last night because of nervousness.

She was nervous about what Moses would think of her because he was sorted into Slytherin. As far as she knew, the Weasleys didn't have a positive view of Slytherins, earning them a stigma. However, she didn't believe in any of that because judging someone without anything to prove was unthinkable for her.

"I even got a friend now... Moses, meet Astoria. She's a first-year like me too..." As she said those sentences, she turned around and looked at the girl beside her. A small girl with dark-brown hair with white strands on it. Once Moses saw her hair and noticeable blue crystalline eyes, he immediately recognized her.

"You're that girl?"

"That girl...?" The girl asked while cutely tilting her head.

"Ah! It's nothing, it's just, I saw you at Ollivanders, you also yelled quite loudly back there. Mr. Ollivander had his laugh," Moses laughed boisterously as he told her. Astoria's cheeks reddened, feeling a little abashed that someone other than the old man had seen her embarrassing moment.

"I--Astoria is just--I--WAHHH!" With a cute shriek, Astoria dashed out of the Great Hall. A couple of seniors and Professor Dumbledore saw her adorably rushing out and chuckled at her cuteness.

"Wait--" Moses called out, but it was too late as Astoria was already out of sight.

"She's adorable~. I shouldn't have teased her~," Moses said, feeling a little guilty. Suddenly, someone tugged at the back of his arm. Moses turned around and saw Luna tugging him.

"I'm sorry, we're not in the same house..." Luna muttered, bowing her head.

"Hey, hey, hey, I don't care what house you're in," Moses said gently. Luna raised her head and looked at Moses doubtfully. Seeing Luna's doubtful expression, Moses shook his head and chuckled.

"I'm just shocked is all! I didn't expect you to be sorted into Slytherin. Anyways, congrats on being a Slytherin, Luna!" Moses said joyfully, finishing his sentence with a smile as he hugged Luna. Luna smiled gently and hugged him back.

"Slytherin is not bad, though it seems like a lot of them have been infected by nargles. But don't worry, I guess a little charm could do the work," Luna said, looking at the Slytherins around her.

Their conversation was cut short by a woman's yelling voice that Moses recognized.


A woman's voice roared across the Great Hall, making the plates and spoons rattle on the table due to the sheer loudness of the voice.

"Shit! Is that Mrs. Weasley?!" Moses said, panicking as he covered Luna's ears. He was unable to quickly command or do magic to silence his surroundings due to the unexpected situation.

Finally getting the gist of the situation, Moses commanded a small spherical noise canceller barrier around himself and Luna, allowing them to compose themselves and look at the Gryffindor table with curiosity.

"What was that?"

"I believe it was a howler from Mrs. Weasley. Here, read this..." Luna handed Moses a diary with a headline of a moving picture pertaining to a flying car. As he read it, Luna told him what else had happened, resulting in Moses shaking his head in defeat.

"Those idiots. It would have been okay if they were not seen by any muggles. I'm surprised they haven't been expelled at this point," Moses commented, shaking his head.

"I'm surprised you're not jealous you didn't get to ride a flying car with them... You've grown, Moses."

"Huh? Who said I'm not jealous? I'm jealous as hell! Riding in a flying car sounds so cool, but I would rather not let any muggle see me driving something like that. As a child who studied the history of religions and the church, a human seeing something related to witchcraft always ends in disasters..."

"I see... I see... I guess it's okay for you, huh? They said the car was missing now, so that's good, right?"

"Damn it..."


It has been a week since the howler scenario, and school life at Hogwarts was still the same as back then, except that the subject was more taxing, especially Transfiguration.

I can transfigure objects quite easily, better than others from what I know, but the part I was having a hard time with was the written tasks that Professor McGonagall gave us.

I'm currently in the library, tucked away in the most remote corner of the section. Honestly, I haven't read all of the books in the library yet. If I'm being honest, I don't think I've even read 35% of its content. To be fair, I don't need to read every book here; I just read for pleasure and some research. Right now, I'm searching for something specific in this particular section of the library.

This section is different from others because all the books here are written in different kinds of lost/ancient/old languages. Even Ms. Pince doesn't come here often; she only comes here with Professor Babbling to look for a particular book, but besides that, she doesn't come here much.

Anyways, I was only here to look at the ancient studies that pertain to the magical study of the wizard kind in ancient times that is now not available due to modern advancements. Most of the studies that were recorded here were written in Ancient Greek and Ancient Egypt. Fortunately, I can read all of them just the same. But, why am I here again?

"Dyscalculia is heredity, my foot. I would have already healed it with my body manipulation at this point, but no abnormality of any kind was in my body. Does it have something to do with my commandments or what? Is it a side effect? More questions with no answers."

Right now, I'm reading a type of book that most would avoid if they have the ability to read it. It's a book about a man who can manipulate molecules using only magic with extreme precision and knowledge. Using this technique, he was able to become not only the most powerful man but also the most knowledgeable and best physician of his time. Hippocrates of Kos, also known as Hippocrates II.

His studies on the magical arts of magical biology can be said to have reached the best of that time. Though, he does have this crazy theory about the magical kinds having the overflowing yet perfect equilibrium of the four humours of the body, allowing them to freely manipulate the energy called "μάνα," also known as mana.

"Humorism... pfft, that's funny," I thought to myself as I chuckled.

Even though he can manipulate cells down to their molecules, I doubt he managed to achieve successful modification based on the limited knowledge of his time. The best that he can do is limited regeneration or a limited genetic alteration.

I was minding my own business reading the books of the Ancient Greeks when suddenly, I heard a weird calming melody...

{{Ahhhh~ haaaa~...}} (Insert Frozen "Into the Unknown.")

I could hear the voice from everywhere around me, nulling my senses, and disabling me from locating its source.

"What the..." I muttered in confusion as I looked around the empty library.

"Where is everyone?" I asked myself as I cast Homenum Revelio only to find nothing.

{{Ahhhh~ Haaa~ Ahhhh~}}

The voice's hum that was seemingly out of this world echoed around the library again, causing me to be cautious about the strange occurrence that was happening before me.

Then suddenly, I caught a glimpse of someone - a woman walking along the aisles of the library. I only managed to see her hair and dress floating along in the current of the wind - long, light blue hair and a white dress that seemed to be made from the most expensive silk. Her form was glowing beautifully as it passed through the rays of the sun.

"Hey...wait!" I yelled, trying to catch up to her, but it was futile. I was stuck - my feet seemingly being sucked into a strong vortex.

With her back facing toward me, the lady continued on and on until I couldn't see her figure anymore, and with it, the whole world blurred.


[]A/N: Surprise, surprise. A Slytherin Luna? What could go wrong, I wonder? Also, how about y'all guess who's the light-blue haired lady? Clue! ->_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[]

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