
Marvel with Espeon and a Game System

Wait... why do I have fur? And tails? Wait... Why am I floating? What is this place? And why can I see a screen in front of me? [I... am Iron man] Wait... The TV is on... Is that... Tony Stark? So its a espeon with a game system in MCU. Not gonna be the main MCU universe so might be diffrences or i just dont know the stuff SCP will be in there too, tell me if its too much stuff maybe weekly updates

Robodogo_2000 · Movies
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 1

'Huh? Where am I? Wait... Who am I? What am I?' A Espeon thought.

The Espeon looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

|Hello.| A voice rang out in his head. |I am a game system and you are a Espeon. This world is the MCU. And no, you are not drunk or dreaming.|

"I know I'm a Espeon but wtf are you talking about? Wait is this one of those transmigration things I read on the internet?"


"Okay, let's say I trust you, then where the hell am I?"

|You are in New York, near Stark Tower.|

"And you are...?"

|A game system. Would you like to open the free gift box? Also you can talk to me through your thoughts, no need to speak out loud.|

'Like this?'


'Alright... sure I'll open the box.'

|You have obtained a Attention Ticket, 3xServers and 10000GP|

'Whats a Attention Ticket'

|Attention Ticket-You can attract attention to your game|

'And the Basic Servers?'

|The Basic Servers are in your inventory. Each one can hold up to 15000 terabytes of data. GP is the currency of the system. You can use them in the store and can earn them by making and selling games. You can access any part of the system by thinking its name.|

'Like this? Inventory.'

A screen popped up, with blue squares inside, similar to a game inventory. There was only one square filled in, with a 3 on top of it. It was the one with the servers.


|There are also many other functions like the system store which allows you to buy stuff with SP, system points. You can gain SP by designing any games and completing quests.|

'I see...'

|Also if you want to upgrade your stats, you can do that in the stats screen. Currently most your stats are above twice the average human which is 10. Your VIT stat is your lowest with a total of 17 and DEF with 19. AGI and WIS is both at 22 and STR is at 20. Your highest stat currently is MENT, mental, with a total of 25. MENT affects your physic abilities and how powerful they are and how much control you have over them. Basicly a phybeam used with a 1 MENT might just be at the strength of a water gun but 1000MENT could be a full on ICBM.

'So... Whats the situation with games here?'

|Several games of your world do not exist here. They include games such as Minecraft, CS:GO, War Thunder and such.|

'How do I make stuff then?'

|Think programming.|


A blue screen popped up. It was split into four sections. Already made, WIP, Idea Board, and Deleted.

'Alright... lets get started... Wait how do I stop floating?'
