
Marvel: Warhammer Simulator

Zaire finds himself thrust into the chaotic universe of American comics, where living a peaceful life seems impossible. Earth is engulfed in endless battles and crises, and even if Zaire manages to avoid them, the looming threat of Thanos collecting the Infinity Stones persists. Unwilling to gamble with his fate, Zaire's luck changes when he acquires a life simulator from Warhammer 40K. Now, with bolt guns, dreadnoughts, and Thunderhawk gunships at his disposal, he's ready to take on the universe. Armed with poison blade tanks and even the potential to wield Emperor-class Titans, Zaire's bravery knows no bounds. Empowered by the psychic strength of the Emperor and divine blessings, Zaire faces every danger with a confident smile, declaring, "The Astartes have agreed to let you run 100 meters first!" ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance: patreon.com/THE_INDRA_ ......................................................................................... ................................. Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out this translated novel! Just a heads up, I’ve done a lot of editing on this version. I’ve removed some toxic stuff and made the story more positive overall.

LORD_INDRA_ · Movies
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46 Chs

036, save the 'emperor' (II)

[The elite Kasrkin squad reacted even faster than you did.]

[Your warning had barely left your mouth when the sergeant's hellgun erupted in a ferocious roar.]

[Blazing lasers spewed forth, slicing through the surrounding forest.]

[The other squad members scattered into positions, their melta guns and laser fire illuminating the snow-covered ground.]

[In the forest ahead, a tall, slender white figure, two meters in height, leapt from the shadows, dodging the hail of bullets.]

[You tried to aim and shoot with your laser gun but found it impossible to lock onto the agile and nimble figure.]

[You reached for a few fragmentation grenades, planning to use their wide blast radius to stop the target.]

[You pulled the safety pin but had not yet thrown them.]

[Suddenly, the slender figure spoke a few words in a halting, obscure Imperial dialect, raising a hand and signaling for a ceasefire.]

[The sergeant ignored the call to ceasefire and signaled the rest of the squad to stay alert for more heretics.]

[The slender figure, wearing a long helmet, had no choice but to keep dodging the laser beams while stumbling over Imperial speech.]

[The figure explained that the destruction of supplies was a personal mistake.]

[It came from the Eldar, under orders from the seer Taldeer, to warn the Imperial allies.]

[An alliance between the Ork warlord Gorgutz and the Chaos Lord Krol was forming, posing a significant threat to Imperial forces.]

[A massive wave of Ork warriors, allied with Khorne Berzerkers, was headed towards the location of the Emperor-class Titan 'Dominatus'.]

[Your squad needed assistance from the Eldar.]

[The sergeant scoffed at this, and the hellgun roared even more frequently.]

[You took the opportunity to throw a few fragmentation grenades, but the slender white figure used the explosion's shockwave to leap behind tall trees and disappear from sight.]

[The sergeant stopped firing and, instead of reprimanding you for acting rashly, praised your potential as an expert grenadier.]

[In the third week, your squad finally reached the Emperor-class Titan 'Dominatus'.]

[You looked up in awe, marveling at its towering, mountain-like grandeur and its formidable firepower.]

[Your squad joined other arriving rescue teams and received additional supplies.]

[Through exchanges, the sergeant learned that other squads had also encountered warnings from the Eldar.]

[Squads that mistook the Eldar for allies suffered significant losses.]

[In addition to losing equipment, some squads even lost soldiers' lives.]

[After a brief rest, you received a gift from the sergeant.]

[It was a set of carapace armor from another Kasrkin squad, greatly enhancing your battlefield survivability.]

[You didn't have time to express your gratitude as the roar of laser and hellgun fire echoed all around.]

[The forest's edge teemed with Orks, and the even more terrifying Khorne Berzerkers revealed their towering forms.]

[The battle to defend 'Dominatus' had erupted.]

[In the fourth week, due to the lack of Tech-Priests for maintenance and appeasement, the Emperor-class Titan, suffering from 'Machine Spirit discontent', couldn't activate its void shields.]

[Only the hellcannon and laser blaster mounted on the platform were operational; a larger plasma annihilator cannon vaporized a squad of Khorne Berzerkers before going into standby mode, unable to fire again.]

[To prevent irreparable damage to the Titan 'Dominatus', all support teams had to face the surging Ork horde head-on, maintaining a battle line.]

[Your squad was a critical part of this defense line.]

[Many Khorne Berzerkers among the Orks seemed to fixate on you as their ultimate target.]

[Every Berzerker that spotted you would let out a guttural roar, seemingly forgetting the prominent Titan in the distance, and charged at you with their 'rabbit ears' waving.]

[After surviving one terrifying encounter, you gradually regained your composure and formulated a plan with the sergeant.]

[Your squad would exploit your unusual 'attraction' to the Khorne Berzerkers.]

[You would lead them to disrupt the Ork formations, away from the Imperial line, and then eliminate them.]

[From then on, the battlefield saw a strange scene:]

[Whenever a Khorne Berzerker appeared, you would bravely jump out from the line, throwing grenades or firing to attract their attention.]

[Each Berzerker would charge at you, smashing through countless Orks in the process.]

[Your squad would then precisely target the Berzerkers' heads or power packs with melta and laser fire, causing violent explosions that took out numerous Orks.]

[Drenched in sweat, you would calmly return to the Imperial line, reload, and wait for the next opportunity.]

[By the sixth week, your squad was growing numb and exhausted, leading to some mistakes in the plan.]

[One severely wounded Berzerker broke through the Imperial line.]

[It caused heavy casualties and finally confronted you.]

[This time, you clearly heard its guttural snarl.]

['Traitor...' it called you, with its helmet shattered and brain matter oozing out.]

[You raised your hellgun and shot it through the head.]

[You were puzzled by this.]

[There was no time to ponder as countless Orks broke through the line and charged at you.]

[In the seventh week, the Imperial rescue teams suffered heavy losses and had to retreat onto the Emperor-class Titan 'Dominatus', relying on the remaining weapons on the platform to resist.]

[Only three members of your squad, including yourself, survived.]

[The sergeant had lost half an arm to the Orks but continued to fight tenaciously.]

[You instinctively tallied the remaining supplies for all squads.]

[You discovered that the entire rescue force was about to run out of ammunition and food.]

[You tried to contact the Imperial outpost for more support.]

[You received a deeply sorrowful reply from General Stern.]

[The Eldar heretics had once again broken the brief alliance and launched a frenzied attack on the Imperial outpost. The Cadian Strike Group had no more troops to send… he prayed for the Emperor to protect you.]

[You ended the communication, falling into silence.]

[You picked up your hellgun again, planning to detonate the Emperor-class Titan 'Dominatus'.]

["If 'Dominatus' cannot belong to the Emperor, then no one shall have it," you muttered coldly to yourself.]


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance: patreon.com/THE_INDRA_