
Marvel:Viltrumite God

Arthur, who died as a result of a mistake by God, is reborn in the Marvel Universe with the powers he has thanks to God. Follow my story to see how Arthur will affect this universe.

Mr_Uldg · Movies
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JULY 13 AT 3:17 PM



Arthur pov

After some existential pains, I now feel more at ease. I have finally decided that what matters is not what I think, but what I do. For this, I choose to go with the flow and face the challenges that life will bring me.

I decided to focus more on my hobby of drawing, which I have recently acquired. Drawing soothes my soul and keeps me away from the troubles I don't want to deal with. The first month of school is not going as badly as I thought it would, and I'm even having a bit of fun. Watching Mrs. Smith, our inexperienced teacher trying to deal with the mischief of the children, has become my biggest entertainment at school. I'm not that obsessed with gaining power. I know how to be satisfied with small things, so I don't constantly seek power, giving myself new endeavors is a better way for me to spend my time.

At the moment I'm not sure I can survive in space, so I plan to postpone going out of the world for a while before I get stronger. But one day I'd like to go out into space and visit even the darkest parts of the universe. I have plenty of time, so waiting a few decades isn't so bad.

What I want to do now is to develop myself in the field of art and progress in this field. Maybe I can recreate the anime, comics, and manga I saw in my previous life in this world. I would like to bring the works that I loved so much in my previous life to this world and show them to other people. Of course, for this, I first need to improve my painting skills and master different drawing arts.

Before I came to this universe, the only things I thought about were fighting and building a harem. But when I came to this world, I realized that people are not ordinary comic book characters, but living people. These years I spent with my family in the town of Leaf made me realize that these people are living people and I have to respect these people.

I really can't understand how they still don't notice me when I run about 10,000 kilometers a day. Although technology is not that advanced yet, it is very strange that dozens of hidden powers that exist in this universe still don't notice me.

I repeat this every day and I have never seen a different person in the surrounding towns and this town. I have never seen any stranger focus on me for more than 2 seconds.

I have no idea how this happened. Even though their intelligence network covers the whole world, they're so focused on the strange happenings in the universe that they overlook an alien, super-powered, godlike child in their neighborhood. It's ironic.

Strange thoughts wander through my head as I walk out of the forest where I work. I've been training in this forest for years, doing everything I can to make myself stronger, smarter, and better. If a stranger were to enter this forest and see the broken trees, the shattered rocks, and the cracks in the soil tens of meters wide, he might think that a war was going on here. But I don't think he would think that this is just a training ground for a 7-year-old boy.

Dad decided to take us to the Captain America Museum after harvest time. I guess he wants me to be a responsible individual like him. From the films I've seen in the past, Cap's the kind of guy who might endanger the crew because of his selfishness.

I don't know him personally, so I won't judge him, what I know about him is only from films and comic books. I can only judge what kind of person the real Steve Rogers is when I get to know him.

I'll try to help the heroes of this universe as much as I can. If I knew the exact date of the assassination, I'd want to save Howard Stark. That would avoid a lot of complications. But all I know is that Howard and his wife, Maria Stark, died in a car accident in 1991.

I realize the Winter Soldier is just a weapon. It would be weird to have hatred or something for him. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do during the civil war. after all, one side has lost his father while the other side is trying to save his friend. of course, there are about 25 years until these issues happen, and a lot can change until then.

The Earth in the Marvel Universe seems very quiet these years. but they can be considered the years when dozens of hidden forces underground began their game to take over the Earth. Ideas for Hydra's Insight Plan slowly began to form. The plan will take decades to complete, but once it succeeds, the world will become a puppet completely under Hydra's control.

Of course, I don't think that's going to happen on my watch. After infiltrating SHIELD, they plan to use their inventions for their purposes before assassinating Howard Stark. When they decide to kill Howard, they even steal the SSS he managed to reproduce. Bloody Nazi wannabes.

I don't understand these guys. What will happen after they dominate the world? I am sure they realize that the waters of this world are very deep. Wakanda, which they thought was one of the backward countries on the African continent, is now the most powerful state with one of the most advanced technologies in the world. Atlantis, which most people have only seen traces of, is more technologically advanced than any landlocked nation. Hydra doesn't have any chance to take over the world. Because once they try, they will disturb the other powers and eventually be defeated by them. The only problematic part is that ordinary people will suffer as these giant powers clash.

But what makes Hydra scary isn't the power they have, it's their motto, cut off one head and grow a second. You can never be quite sure you've beaten them. Everyone you know could be one of them, your best friend, your mate, your child, anyone could be one of them. After 2 World War II, the Hydra, which was almost destroyed, has now been reborn from its ashes and is much stronger. these lessons men who revive their hopes of conquering the world are stubborn.

Anyway, I plan to root them out as best I can, and if they try to touch me and my family, I have no problem taking a few lives unintentionally. Maybe the Vilturmite bloodline did change me, but I'd rather kill a few maniacs than lose your family.

Anyway, there is no animosity between them and me at the moment, and as long as they don't mess with me, I won't object to them being around for a few more decades. Some people might think I have a Hero complex, but I see myself as an ordinary person with power.

If I can save 10 people by killing a psychopath, I will kill that person with my own hands. And I don't think I will regret it. If I do hero work in the future, I think I will stay in the gap between an anti-hero and a hero.

In Marvel houses, though, most heroes are not obsessed with not killing. It is already a known fact that they kill some of their enemies to save people. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I'll still do my best.

Considering that I am a Viltrumite who can live for billions of years, I may change my mind in the future. Maybe I will become a ruthless killer, but at the moment I see myself as a reincarnation with a happy family, I do not have any ambition to rule, and I do not have any ambition to make a lot of money in any way.

When I look at myself from a distance, I see myself as a very good person, I'm not sure what will happen in the future, but I still don't want to change much. I think that even in this universe, there are not many beings who can live as long as me. Maybe the Greek Gods, the gods of Asgard can live as long as me...I'm not sure.

What will happen when this Universe comes to a timeline I never knew? Even after a billion years, I'm still in Marvel, but beings like Iron Man, Hulk, and Captain America have already been forgotten and different lives have come and gone. Will I still think I'm in the same universe or maybe I'll be able to live that long?

Such existential questions are not problems for a 7-year-old to think about, but I am not just a 7-year-old, I have been so bored since I came into this world that I have been looking for new excitements.

Something tells me to go to Wakanda and force them to make me a costume. Of course, doing such things is not something a sweet and innocent 7-year-old like me would do. As my mum's only child, I see it as my responsibility not to do anything that would embarrass her. Yes, you can call me a mama's boy and so what? My mum is the only one.

One month later

Harvest time is over. The family packed their belongings in suitcases and headed for Kansas City Airport. to visit the Captain America Museum and the sights of New York City.

A few months later

Harvest time is over. When the winter holidays began, the family packed the necessary items into suitcases and set off for Kansas City Airport. From there they set off to visit the Captain America Museum in New York City and to visit the tourist attractions in New York. The plane journey did not excite Arthur as much as he expected. Although he had never been on a plane in his previous life, the experience of flying by himself in this life was much more exciting than the experience of travelling by plane. He started talking to his mum because he was bored.

A: Dad, have you been to New York before?

Dave turned his attention from the book he was reading to Arthur. He smiled when he heard Arthur's question.

D: I went to college in New York. It was a great time. Me and my group of friends did hundreds of fun things. By the way, before I decided to become a farmer, I was planning a career in architecture. But you never know what life will bring. I'd still prefer the life I have now, though. I have a beautiful wife and a smart, handsome son.

A: Why didn't you become an architect but decided to become a farmer?

Dave: It's a long story, never mind. I didn't tell you about my party life in college, did I? Listen, back then they called me Kingkong Dave. I used to have a lady over to my house after every party.

Maria: Hmm, you never told me any of this, love. (ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ)

Recognising the intense killing intent in Maria's eyes, Dave realised he had made a big mistake. He could already see her lying on the cold couch in the cold winter nights.

Arthur: (⁠"・⁠▽⁠・⁠)

Dave: Darling, no, no, you didn't mean it like that, you misunderstood. (ಥ_⁠ಥ)

In the next part of the journey, Dave did his best to avoid Maria's angry glances.


[Sighs] It's really hard to improve my writing quality. Do you think the speed of the story is too slow. Should I speed it up? I'm an amateur writer, I'd be very happy if you give me advice.]

[I've seen some people worried about the character being too pacifist. No, Arthur's not going to be afraid to get his hands dirty, but killing people is the last option for him. I don't want him to be like Clark, but I don't want him to be an omni-man who's going to slice anyone in half. It's hard to find a balance between the two. Stay happy😘]

Translated with DeepL. nore translation mistakes.