
Obtaining the Vibranium!

The jungle loomed ahead of Maxim like a living wall, thick and impenetrable. Trees stretched into the sky, their branches woven together in a canopy that blocked out most of the moonlight.

The air was humid, mixed with a heavy scent of wet earth and decaying foliage. Meanwhile, insects buzzed around in their natural habitat, their faint hums mixing with the calls of other nocturnal animals.

Within this unique scene, Maxim stood at the edge of the jungle, taking in the scene, his eyes sharp as he critically analyzed the environment. He had spent the last two days carefully gathering intelligence.

He moved through the port town's criminal underworld, lurking in the shadows, listening to the secretive discussions and gathering information, all to follow up on Deacon's information.

Although he believed that Deacon didn't lie to him, confirmation was ALWAYS necessary. Maxim needed to be more safe than sorry. Being sorry meant being Dead!

However, thankfully, his patience had paid off. Klaue's meeting was set for tonight, just beyond the jungle near an old, abandoned mining site, a remote location perfect for shady deals.

The remnants of the town were far behind him now, and Maxim knew that after tonight, he'd never return, he had better things to do than hang around that town all day after completing his mission.

At this point, Maxim's focus was singular, his mind entirely locked on the mission. Ulysses Klaue had the Vibranium he needed, and unfortunately for Klaue, that meant Maxim was on his trail.

He crouched down, checking the gear he had assembled for this operation. He was wearing an all black combat suit, that easily allowed him to hide in the dark, especially when combined with Omen's abilities.

Within the shadows, Maxim had 2 Silenced Pistols, with extra magazines just in case, although he wouldn't need them if everything went to plan. Within the pockets of the combat suit, tactical knives were held, both useful for throwing and melee combat.

Of course, Maxim's main combat power was Omen's power, which allowed him to manipulate the shadows, to hide where they wouldn't expect.

Recently, his Integration with the Omen template had reached 91%, meaning that he was very close to fully assimilating the template and receiving a new agent.

As for which agent he would choose, Maxim had many ideas, especially with Vibranium in his hands.

Refocusing on his target, Maxim's eyes narrowed as he scanned the path leading into the jungle. As his integration with Omen improved, his power and sensed all improved.

Now, Maxim could effortlessly sense them, all of them; guards posted at different intervals along the way. As an underworld dealer selling the most rare and valuable metal in the World, and unknowingly, the Universe, Klaue had to make sure his meeting was well protected.

Especially after recent hiccups, security was increased, he needed to make sure all of his dealings were safe. However, nothing could prepare him for what was about to be hunting them tonight.

Maxim pulled the hood of his dark cloak lower, and the placed the mask on his face. Without a sound, he began to move, blending into the night like a shadow in the wind.

His footsteps were dead silent, barely brushing the underbrush as he slipped deeper into the jungle. Ahead, two men stood near a small dirt trail that led further into the jungle, their eyes darting nervously around the darkened trees.

They were armed, rifles slung over their shoulders, but their posture showed they weren't expecting anything out of the ordinary.

Maxim approached silently, moving from shadow to shadow until he was close enough to hear them whispering to each other, immediately listening on.

"How long we gotta be out here? These mosquito bites are fucking killing me," one of them muttered, his voice clearly betraying his obvious frustration as he swatted another mosquito on his arm.

"Shut up, man. You know Klaue doesn't like slackers. Just keep an eye out," the other grunted, though his grip on his weapon tightened.

Maxim was already behind them.

In a flash, he shifted into the shadows, his form blending seamlessly with the dark. He reappeared behind the first man, his hand clamping over the guard's mouth as he twisted his knife into the man's throat, the movement precise and silent.

The second guard barely had time to turn before Maxim's hand shot out, catching him by the neck and lifting him off the ground. His eyes bulged in terror as Maxim snapped his neck with a cold efficiency.

Both bodies crumpled to the ground, silent as the night.

Maxim wiped the blade on the guard's shirt and continued his path into the jungle. When you play the game of the underworld, you need to prepare for death at all times.

Maxim might restrain himself from killing normal people or people who do good for the world, but these crooks? He'd seen how the normal folk in the Port Town was oppressed by the underworld dealers.

Although he wasn't such a kind samaritan to liberate the town, as it would just return that way once he left, and he had better things to do, killing these guys would be good enough.

Maxim's eyes scanned the environment, alert to any signs of danger. He could sense more men ahead, but he was moving too quickly, too silently for them to spot him.

As he neared the abandoned mining site, he heard voices, low murmurs of men discussing business. Maxim paused, crouching behind a large boulder as he surveyed the area.

According to information he had obtained, the old mining site had been abandoned years ago, its rusted equipment and crumbling buildings overtaken by the jungle, vibes overflowing everywhere.

But tonight, as opposed to the usual, it was teeming with life. Armed guards patrolled the perimeter, their eyes constantly looking towards the jungle for any sign of movement, of infiltration, while in the center of the clearing stood Klaue himself, surrounded by a small group of men.

A large, reinforced truck was parked nearby, its back doors open, revealing crates of what Maxim assumed was the Vibranium. The buyer, an imposing figure in a tailored suit, stood beside Klaue, discussing the details of their exchange.

Maxim's eyes narrowed. Klaue's appearance wasn't much different from the appearance Alex had in his mind from the movies, just obviously younger, but still the same man.

However, Maxim's eyes remained on the prize, Vibranium!

Staying hidden in the shadows, Maxim began planning his approach, scanning the area and building a mental map of where everything and everyone was.

From what he saw and sensed, there were a dozen men patrolling the area, all armed, and Klaue had set up the meeting in the most open part of the clearing, making a direct assault difficult.

Recognizing this, Maxim immediately got a plan and went into action, dissolving into the shadows before reappearing on the far side of the clearing, hidden behind one of the mining machines.

From this vantage point, Maxim listened in on Klaue and the buyer's conversation.. The buyer, a tall, muscular man with an air of authority, was speaking.

"One-Hundred and Twenty Five Million ( 125m ) worth of Vibranium, as agreed," the buyer said, his voice cool and composed, "But I want assurances. The last shipment was intercepted. I need guarantees this one makes it to my facility."

Klaue grinned, the kind of grin that showed confidence, "Don't worry. This one's fully secure. My men are the best in the business. Nothing's getting in or out without me knowing."

Maxim smirked beneath his mask. Klaue was about to eat his words. Maxim shifted his position again, edging closer to the truck where the Vibranium was being stored. Two guards stood watch by the vehicle, their eyes scanning the area, but no way they could expect Maxim lurking in the darkness.

Maxim phased through the shadows, reappearing behind one of the guards, who collapsed with a gurgle as Maxim slit his throat. The second guard had just enough time to turn before Maxim's knife plunged into his heart.

Now standing beside the truck, Maxim glanced inside. Crates of Vibranium lined the interior. This was it. This was what he needed. 

Maxim heard Klaue's voice growing louder, and he knew he didn't have much time. The moment he made his move, Klaue's men would respond. But Maxim was ready.

He slipped a small explosive he picked up and planted it on the side of the truck, setting a delayed timer. He wasn't leaving anything behind for Klaue to use.

As Maxim retreated into the shadows, preparing to make his final strike, he spotted Klaue motioning to his buyer. 

That was his cue.

Maxim materialized in front of them, his sudden appearance causing Klaue and his men to recoil in shock. Before they could react, Maxim raised his gun.


Shot after shot flew out of Maxim's silenced pistols, immediately connecting with the heads of Klaue's guards, killing them with ferocious speed. 

At the same time, a wave of paranoia was sent flying towards the remaining guards, blinding and deafening them. Simultaneously, a smoke descended onto the area, creating a dome of darkness.

Klaue stumbled backward, his face twisted in terror. "Who the hell are you?!" he shouted, scrambling for his weapon.

Maxim didn't respond. He moved like a wraith, his movements fluid and deadly. The buyer reached for a gun, but Maxim was faster, his blade slicing across the man's throat before he could pull the trigger.


Multiple of Klaue's remaining men tried to counter-attack, but Maxim was ready, dispatching them with silenced headshots. In a matter of seconds, Klaue's men were dead, and Maxim stood before him, his eyes cold and unforgiving beneath the hood.

Maxim just grabbed the handle of the knife, before smacking it against Klaue's head, knocking him out cold. Although he thought about killing him, he wanted to see how things would potentially develop, and if Klaue and Killmonger would still meet.

With Klaue knocked out, Maxim moved to the crates, scanning them and removing any trackers, of which there were loads of them placed all around.

Then, he began moving the crates, loading them up onto a nearby vehicle he had prepared, covering the crates with professionally designed stickers, which would allow him to pose as just a normal transporter.

He had other crates, filled with random products just for safety and once he was done, he looked around, smiling before driving off to his next stop.