
Marvel Unlimited Companion

Follow the daily life of Ken Ichizawa in Marvel Cinematic Universe with his summoned companions. Disclaimer: i don't own anything on this fanfic. english is my weakness. everyone is welcome to give idea, thanks for visiting this fanfic. ps. how everyone make their cover?

DoDoDoDo · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Torunn Thorsdóttir was born into royalty as the daughter of Thor and Sif in Asgard. Growing up, she was raised to be a brave and skilled warrior, with a strong sense of justice and compassion for others. Despite her royal upbringing, Torunn also possessed a rebellious streak and a desire to challenge authority figures in Asgard.

One day, she found herself summoned by a man named Ken, who adopted her as his daughter and loyal companion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At first, Torunn was unsure of what to make of this new world, but she soon found solace in her new normal life. She made friends with a girl named Gwen and began to enjoy the simple pleasures of childhood, free from the responsibilities of being an Asgardian princess.

For Torunn, the transition from a life of royalty to a normal kid was a welcome change. She no longer had to worry about the weight of her family's legacy or the expectations that came with it. Instead, she was free to just be a happy kid, playing with her friends and enjoying life.

Despite her newfound freedom, Torunn still carried with her the values instilled in her from her upbringing. She had a strong sense of justice and a desire to help those in need. This sometimes put her at odds with the other kids in school, who didn't understand her passion for doing what was right.

But even in these moments of conflict, Torunn remained true to herself. She was determined to make a difference in the world, no matter what anyone else thought. And with the support of her new family, she knew that she could accomplish anything she set her mind to.

As she settled into her new life, Torunn couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience something different. She had always known that there was more to life than just being a princess, but now she was finally able to explore it for herself. And for that, she would always be thankful to Ken for giving her the chance to just be a normal kid.

Tony Stark, former Iron Man and Sorcerer Supreme of the galaxy, he was known to the world and had seen and done it all. He had been a billionaire playboy, a weapons manufacturer, a prisoner of war, and a superhero. He had fought countless battles and saved countless lives. But as he grew older, he began to feel the weight of his past mistakes and the toll that his lifestyle had taken on him. He had retired from being a superhero and was living a quiet life in the future, but he still couldn't escape the memories that haunted him.

One day, he was summoned by Ken as his loyal Companion at Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2009. At first, he was confused and disoriented, wondering how he could have been summoned back to the past. But then he realized that this was a chance for him to truly retire from the superhero stuff, to live a peaceful life, and let someone else take up the mantle.

As he settled into his new life as a cashier at Ken's Isekai Cafe, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He no longer had to worry about saving the world or fighting villains. He could just be a normal grandpa and enjoy his retirement.

But then he heard the news of his counterpart, Tony Stark of the MCU, being kidnapped. He felt a pang of guilt and regret. He knew he couldn't do anything to change his counterpart's destiny, but he still wished he could help. He wondered if he had made the right choice in retiring from being a superhero.

As he went about his day-to-day life, he couldn't help but think back on his past. He remembered the battles he had fought and the lives he had saved. He remembered the people he had lost and the mistakes he had made. He wondered if he had done enough if he had made a difference in the world.

But then he would shake his head and remind himself that he had done his part. He had fought the good fight and now it was someone else's turn. He was content to live his life in peace, to watch the world go by, and to enjoy his retirement.

As he sat at his cashier station, he would sometimes overhear the conversations of the customers. They would talk about the latest superhero movies or the new villains that had appeared. He would listen with a small smile on his face, remembering his own adventures.

He knew that his time as Iron Man was over, but he also knew that his legacy would live on. He had inspired a new generation of heroes, and he was content to watch them carry on his work. He knew that he had done his part, and he was at peace with that.

In his head, he would sometimes banter with himself, remembering the snarky comments he used to make as Iron Man. He would chuckle to himself and shake his head, thinking about how much he had changed over the years.

Anthony Stark, the retired superhero and cashier, had lived a long and complicated life. But he was content in his old age, knowing that he had done what he could to make the world a better place. And as he watched the world go by, he knew that his legacy would live on, inspiring future generations to fight for what was right.

I would really appreciate it if you leave comments and ideas for the story.

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