
Marvel Unlimited Companion

Follow the daily life of Ken Ichizawa in Marvel Cinematic Universe with his summoned companions. Disclaimer: i don't own anything on this fanfic. english is my weakness. everyone is welcome to give idea, thanks for visiting this fanfic. ps. how everyone make their cover?

DoDoDoDo · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2

I can only sigh seeing old Stark's face. I'm sure he remembers his early days as Iron Man, how he made his first armor in torture. How could he not? , being locked up in a stuffy cave with a wound on his chest that still hasn't healed and food worse than prison food while working hard to make armor with makeshift tools.

"Okay, instead of discussing fate, how about we have lunch first, what do you want to eat, Stark?" I said

"Oh I want Indonesian food, beef rendang, and gado-gado" replied the old stark enthusiastically.

"Hey Stark, aren't you afraid of cholesterol, you're old right? " I said worriedly.

"Hump I'm not just an ordinary old man I'm a former Sorcerer Suprame, everything I ingest will be processed with mana so it doesn't leave anything like saturated fat or excrement behind!" Stark said arrogantly

"Okay, I can make the hodgepodge now, but for the rendang, because I don't have time, let me buy it first," I suggested.

Then I told Jarvis to prepare a rupiah because I wanted to buy it directly in Indonesia.

Jarvis in this cafe was made by old Tony Stark. The systems used have been refined over the decades. he won't gain consciousness like Ultron but Jarvis has more advanced technology. Jarvis is able to hack all existing systems without being detected and leaving no traces. For example, if I tell Jarvis to delete the Project Tahiti file on the Shield main server, then what will happen is like the file has never been input at all on thats Shield main server and will not be found until the file is updated or edited directly by humans.

After changing into my casual clothes and receiving some money from the drone that Jarvis controls, I open the magic portal that Stark has taught me towards Bukittinggi. After leaving the narrow alley with empty people, I walked to a restaurant that is quite famous called Selamat. After buying up all the rendang they sold I came back the same way.

I opened the refrigerator and took the ingredients used to make the gado-gado. Then I split the rendang that I bought and the gado-gado that I prepared in half. saving half for Torunn as I'm sure his lunch will not be enough for a descendant of Asgard. The other half would be eaten straight for me and Stark, though most of it was me who finished it all.

I can do magic and eat a lot because apart from getting companions I also inherit the body constitution, talents, and powers of the companions I summon. I just need to practice and learn to master it.

When eating, Stark never stops praising the dishes served, especially rendang. He said it was appropriate for rendang to be the number one food in the world.

Hearing that, I plan to sell rendang and other Indonesian dishes at the cafe at lunchtime. But to open a cafe all day I need more people to help me. Maybe I should wait until I have at least 6 companions.

After lunch, Tony and I practiced magic. Learning magic with Tony wasn't that hard. I have studied Tao Mandalas, Ring of Raggador, the sword of vishanti, and Interdimensional Portal. Right now I'm studying Crimson Bands Of Cyttorak. Maybe after mastering this spell, I'll learn Mirror Dimension or Double Casting.

*Mr. Ken, it's time to pick up Torunn. The bus he was riding would arrive in three minutes*

Focusing on studying magic, Jarvis warned me when Torunn came home.

"Let's end today's training session Master Stark, I want to pick Torunn first at the bus stop," I said while bowing respectfully

"Okay Mr. Ken, tomorrow we will continue our training" replied old Stark.

After walking towards the bus stop I saw the school bus had just arrived. A small, blond-haired child with a beautiful Irish face got off the bus.

The little girl glanced right and left as if looking for someone. When he looked at me he waved his hand. I replied with a wave and a smile.

Torunn Thorsdóttir The biological child of Thor and Sif in a parallel world. In the world Torunn comes from, Earth almost destroyed because Ultron managed to defeat the Avengers. Under such circumstances, Thor sent his own biological daughter to Earth in the care of Tony Stark, one of the surviving Avengers. Thor aims for his daughter to learn about humanity and not become arrogant and conceited, like his former self.

That's of course a nonsense. Thor, who has become the All-Father and the king of Asgard in that world, arrogantly left the earth in such a state just to teach his daughter.

Odin and Thor, don't the royal family of Asgard understand how to properly raise children?

After waving her hand, Torunn ran while raising his hands as a sign that she wanted to be hugged. I saw Torunn running towards me and started to bend down slightly and lifted Torunn high then hugged and carried her.

I then kissed Torunn's forehead "how was your day dear Runn?"

"Well, Torunn is already 9 years old, don't treat Torunn like a child, hump" Torunn said while turning her cute face away.

Seeing her I smiled and tickled the base of her neck.

"Oh yeah then who is running towards dad with a face that wants to be held and hugged" and kept tickling her body.

"Hehehe.. yes, yes Torunn" She replied laughing.

After I stopped tickling her, Torunn started talking.

"Well Today, Torunn and Gwen were playing seesaw but there was one bad boy named Eugene who wanted to rule all the games, Torunn didn't want to make any trouble so Torunn and Gwen gave up and went to class to draw!" Torunn tell his day.

'Flash! He's still a kid and he already started to show his bad character' luckily I warned Torunn not to fight or make trouble, otherwise the school will be in a state of chaos with Torunn's physical strength.

"Oh yeah, what did Runn draw?" I asked

"I drew Dad, Torunn, and Grandpa Tony playing in the park, we are all having a picnic" Torunn replied with enthusiasm

"Oh yeah, can I see the picture at home later?"

"Of course! Torunn wants to show it to you and grandpa Tony" with a big smile on her face

"By the way dad, when are we going to have another picnic at the city park? Torunn wants to see the zoo too!" Ask Torunn

"The zoo? Why does Runn want to go there?"

"Earlier, Gwen drew a zoo, because Torunn had never been there so Torunn didn't know what Gwen drew was similar to the real thing or not!" Torunn told me

"Okay, next weekend, dad will take Runn and Grandpa Tony goes to the zoo together" I promised Torunn.

*Brrr* Torunn's stomach sounded hungry.

"Arara Runn turns out to be hungry, be patient, at home, there is rendang that father bought this afternoon" I said

"Hooray, eat meat! Come on, hurry up, Torunn is hungry," Torunn ordered impatiently to hear that she could eat meat.