
Christmas part II

Colleen spent a few hours doing basic combat drills, and tutoring Andrew, about his form and stance.

"Did it get any bigger?" Andrew said, resting on the floor.

"It doesn't happen that fast."

"Well when did you start using Chi?"

"Umm, it's hard to remember. I just remember, not being able to open a jar, and then I got really angry and crushed the lid."

"Have you seen anyone else use Chi before?"

"My family, they could all do what I do, but better."

"So you don't actually know what Chi is fully capable of?"

"No I don't, but I have tried to fly, and it doesn't work for me. Chi is just an enhancement and extension of your body."

"Maybe you're not using it in the right way?"

"I've been using it for over 10 years of my life, I tried everything to fly, best I could do was jump really high."

"You said you could create gale wind forces."

"Yeah well that takes incredible effort, and I've tried stepping fast enough to boost myself up. It doesn't work."

"You cut those rifles in half like they were butter, after you used me a human shield, how did you do that?"

"You're never gonna let that go are you?"

"Never, but how did you do that with a regular katana, unless its got other magical properties than letting only your lover open it."

Colleen shot him an evil glare.

"I'm kidding!"

"Hmph, it is an incredibly crafted weapon, but I'm coating it in my chi making it stronger."

"Oh like, haki in one piece."

"I don't know what that is, and do you compare everything, to things you've seen in movies and TV?"

"Yes, movies and TV were my parents, but that doesn't matter. Can you try doing that, but on the dirt in the air."

"The dirt? Really?"

"Why don't you just try it?" Andrew said, seeing Colleen's Chi envelop around her.

Her Chi, enveloped her hand, but started to disperse like smoke from her fingers, as she waved her hand through the air.

"I can see your Chi coming out of your hand; it's really weird to look at, but try focusing it into one point."

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm telling you this doesn't work."

Andrew grabbed her hand, to her surprise.

"Focus your Chi to my hand. I can see it pool around your hand, but it's leaking from your fingers."

"It is not leaking, I would be able to tell, and who are you to be telling me how to use Chi."

"Someone who can see it leaking, now try focusing it all into your finger tips rather than your entire hand." Andrew said, still holding her hand.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and started to focus her Chi to her fingers. Beginning to encase her finger tips the flame becoming denser and opaque around her fingers.

"Try grabbing the air now." Andrew said letting go.

Clutching the air, she felt it warp and distort around her finger tips. Colleen opened her eyes in absolute astonishment, clutching the air even tighter.


"Try to push off of it slowly."

Standing up, she started to lift herself off the ground, suddenly performing a handstand in the air.


"I'M FLYIN..YAAAHH!" Colleen squealed, before face planting.


Colleen rolled around holding her face, moaning and groaning in pain. Andrew rushed to her trying to comfort her, when he started to hear her giggling through her hands.

"You're completely fine aren't you?"

"AHAHAHA never better, I was flying." Colleen said ecstatically

"It was more of a delayed fall, then flying."

"But now I know how to do it, I just need to practice it more and I can probably run through the air."

"It seems like that took a considerable chunk out your Chi, your fire seems smaller."

"That did take a lot of focus, but it's only gonna get easier the more I try it."

"Maybe next time you try something doing something more basic at first."

"Aww you were really worried about me weren't you? Maybe you can open the katana because you love me?"

"Shut up, I had to make sure you didn't die on me again." Andrew said blushing.

"Well thank you for worrying about me, but that's not the first time I've given myself a bad facial."

"UHhhhhh....that's probably not how you want to phrase that kind of injury."

"Oh stop being gross, that word is used in other ways." Colleen said when her stomach let out a loud rumble.

"I've never once heard your stomach rumble, and knowing how much you eat. That is a terrifying thought to how much food you eat when you are actually starving."

"Don't worry, you don't have to cook today, I'll go buy us something to eat."

"What are you getting? And how much are you getting? Because that money is not gonna last forever."

"Relax, it's a surprise and I won't go overboard. Trust me. Just go find yourself something for lunch and I'll be back by dinner time." She said with a cheery smile, grabbing a large stack of cash and running out with Andrew's sandals.

Andrew for the first time was alone in the apartment.

"I don't have to train; I can do whatever I want till she comes back." Andrew said, quickly jumping into the mattress.

However his attempts to take a nap proved futile. He tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, but couldn't sleep, before noticing Colleen's shoes left at the door. The pair of sneakers, were riddled with holes, the laces were frayed and torn. The grip of the shoes had been worn down to a smooth black surface. Grabbing a stack of cash, Andrew left for the clothing store. Finding himself trapped in a vortex of, disbelief, shock, anger and confusion when looking at the price tags.

"Hello sir, can I help you?" The retail clerk said.

"Uhhh...I'm looking to buy a pair of good quality shoes for a friend of mine."

"Oh that's nice of you, what are you looking for?"

"Ummm, good quality ones I guess, why are these so expensive? Do they actually make you jump higher? Like why does it cost one year's salary for a pair of Jordan's?"

"Well those are the limited edition pair; we can look for a cheaper pair."

"Yes, let's do that, these are making my head hurt to see the price on it."

The retail clerk showed him the shoes left in stock to Andrew's dismay.

"Sooo...the only 'Cheap' shoes you have left, either cost $500 or $650."

"Yes I do apologize; most people tend to buy their gifts before Christmas time."

"Don't sass me; just give me the damn $500 shoes in white."

"MMMM, I'm so sorry sir, only the other ones come in white."

"Of course it does, just give me the damn shoes. These things better be more durable a nuclear bunker."

"Thank you, come again!" The retail clerk said with a fake smile.

Andrew left mumbling to himself.

"Why everything nice in this world have to cost so much money?"

Beginning to walk back to the apartment, he noticed he was close to the massage parlour. Knocking on the large metal door, there was no response. Andrew called out and knocked once more, before placing his ear to the door. It flew open knocking Andrew to the ground; Uncle strolled out with a big grin.

"Oh, you come back already?! You must really like my hands."

"What f**k off I'm not going through that again!"

"Then why you knock on door for?"

"I wanted to ask you some questions."

"Aessh, you sound like I.R.S, how you get money, how many people you touch a day, how many rockets you make happy."

"What? No, I want to know, how you know Colleen, how you stopped me from summoning my weapon back to my hand, and just who exactly you are."

"Hmph, Uncle not have to tell you anything." He said turning back inside.

"I wasn't asking!" Andrew said, throwing his shield at Uncle.

The shield whistled through the air, before Uncle caught it without looking, and threw it back at Andrew. Quickly making it disappear, Uncle gently closed the door in front of him, before turning back to Andrew.

"You are brave, what if Uncle could not stop that? You'd be in jail tomorrow."

"Last time I summoned that thing, you did something that stopped me from summoning and unsummoning it. So I'd doubt that you couldn't stop that."

Uncle started to chuckle before crossing his arms behind his back.

"You want Uncle to answer question, you must earn it first. Make Uncle move I answer."

Charging in, Andrew grabbed a nearby garbage bag, throwing it at Uncle's face. Uncle stood there with a smile, swatting the bag away as, Andrew dashed in, grabbing both of his legs. Lowering his stance a tiny amount, Andrew could not move him at all.

"Very clever, but you must do better." Uncle said, pushing Andrew away.

Summoning Mimicry, Andrew rushed in, attempting to attack the legs. Uncle launched a front kick, the force knocking Andrew back to the ground.

"Just what the hell are you?"

"Try and find out."

"That was definitely Chi, but why can't I see it."

"Colleen opened your heart. Yet you cannot use it?"

"I opened it to her, and where's your fire?"

"Fire? Chi is not meant to look like a fire; it means her Chi is wavering and unstable."

"Where the hell did your accent go? And what do you mean it doesn't look like a fire, I saw other people with tiny little flames."

"You saw others?"

"Yes, now you're gonna give me some answers, because I know you're hiding something."

Charging in again, Uncle raised his hands in defence.


"Ah.... Huh? I thought we had a deal."

"I don't wish to delay this any further, what do you want to know?"

"I...I... what just happened?"

"Ask your questions, before I change my mind."

"What did you mean by, Chi isn't meant to look like a fire?"

"Chi is energy, you can shape it, or it will shape itself around your emotions. If it looks like fire, it means it is unstable and in flux."

"How do I fix her Chi then?"

"You both already know the answer."

"Okay, can we not do the cryptic message crap?"

"Only her true love can open her weapon, and I know you can do that, so I wasn't being cryptic. I was telling you to just accept that you love her."

"I..I.I..I don't love....." Andrew stammered with his face turning red.

"The reason you cannot see my Chi right now, is because your heart only opens around her."

"That's not true after you destroyed my organs and spine, I could see Chi."

"Let me guess, when you were being carried back by her?"

"Well...yeah, but that proves nothing, because I didn't open up to her till after she carried me back."

Uncle grabbed him the collar, bringing him closer.

"The reason 'you' cannot see my Chi, is because you refuse to accept that you are worthy of anyone's love. Accept the idea that someone loves you, even for a second, and watch what happens."

Andrew took a deep breath, closing his eyes, Colleen's warm smile coming to his mind. Opening his eyes again, Uncle's sky blue aura shrouded the entire area in a feeling of tranquillity and peace.

"Holy crap your aura is f**king massive, who the hell are you?"

"I use to be a finger, I now seek a simple life of peace. I've answered your questions now go."

"Yeah...yeah okay that totally sense, but my god! Aura's can get this big?" Andrew said staring around in awe.

"Before you go, I must ask. You knew I was clearly stronger than you. So why don't I sense the fear of death in you?"

"My armour would have turned on, it seems to sense if I'm in a near death situation and react to it."

"Interesting, allow me to test your theory." Uncle said with his eyes turning red.

"Wait what?" Andrew said, his armour cloaked itself around him.

Uncle's aura turned a crimson red, black tendrils seeped out from his body, the wailing of women and children screeched out, Andrew stared a visage of death and misery. He was frozen in place, his body trembling as it tried to run, his hairs were standing up and he had stopped breathing. Uncle let out a smile and the deathly aura disappeared, leaving Andrew gasping for air.

"What the f**k was that!" he said with his armour disappearing.

"You were right, most impressive armour, you should thank Colleen. Your training with her is working. If you were a little bit fatter, your heart might have stopped." Uncle said with a big smile, walking back inside.

Andrew quickly grabbed the shoebox and ran away, hiding around the corner.

"Jesus titty f**king Christ! Don't f**k with old people, first rule of anime Andrew, come on!" he said slapping himself in the face.

Andrew walked back, trying to shake off the image left in his brain. The sun had set as Andrew made it back to the apartment, walking inside the door swung open as it dangled by its hinge. Colleen had not returned yet, Andrew went up stairs and knocked on Luke's door.

"Hey man, Merry Christmas." Luke said with a big smile.

"Merry Christmas to you as well, I was wondering if you had some tools I could I borrow, I want to try and fix the door before Colleen comes back."

"Oh don't worry about that, S.H.I.E.L.D said they would call someone for that."

"Okay then, what do we do about it now?"

"Just gotta deal with it I guess?"

"There a place to buy curtains around here, that isn't from Turk?"

"Uh not really, and I'm sure you can still shop at Turk's, you did stop Colleen from killing him."

"Think you could give me a lift there? I'll be real fast and I can pay you."

"Hmmm...I am already in my pyjamas, ah it's Christmas I'll take you there for no charge."

"Thanks Luke, I'll meet you down there."

Andrew arrived at Turk's store, there was a gigantic increase in security guards, all standing outside.

"Is that normal?" Andrew asked.

"People get into the stealing mood, when its Christmas time. Don't worry you'll be fine if you just keep a low profile."

Andrew quickly ran out of the car, the security guards didn't pay him any attention. As he purchased his items, someone placed a gun into his back.

"Come with me, Mr. Barret would like a word." He said with a deep voice.

He escorted Andrew into Turk's office, several large men stood in the room holding pistols, forcing him to sit down.

"You got some f**king balls coming to shop in my place, after what you did."

"Look could we make this quick? Luke is sitting outside and I don't want to keep him waiting."

*Click* "You're gonna give me that weapon you sold me or else I'm gonna..."

"Shoot me, yeah I get the concept. Even if I give you the weapon, I can recall it to me at anytime from anywhere. So I'm gonna go, Merry Christmas Turk and to you guys as well." Andrew said standing up.

The man shoved him back into the chair, putting his pistol to his temple.

"Give him the weapon, I want to go home and celebrate Christmas."

Andrew let out a sigh and summoned his shield, the man reacting by firing his pistol. The armour materialised around him in an instant and blocked the bullet.

"Well now that it's established I'm bulletproof while wearing this...."


The men all quickly unloaded their weapons.


As the smoke settled, the men saw the snout of the Wolf's armour had shut, the empty eyes now illuminated with the golden piercing eyes. The Wolf's head now snarling at the men, made them all run out in terror with Turk cowering under his desk. Andrew took a knee in front of his face, baring his fangs, his golden eyes lusting for blood and flesh.

"Colleen and I will never have an issue with you or shopping here again. Do you understand?" Andrew snarled through his armour.

Turk trembling in fear, nodded fervently.

"Good! Merry Christmas Turk." Andrew said with a smile, walking out as his armour dissipated.

"Well, didn't know my suit could do that, but nice to know I can become wolf."

Andrew quickly sprinted back to Luke's car.

"Yo man what took so long? Did you get caught? I saw some guys running out crying monster."

"Sorry about that, Turk wanted to have a talk with me. I'm surprised you didn't leave because of the gunshots."

"You got shot at?"

"Never mind."

"So it's all good then?"

"Yeah, me and him are good."

Andrew came back to the apartment to see a note left for him on the table. Meet me on the roof when you're back.

"Hmmm, Christmas dinner spent on a roof top, in the middle of night with freezing cold winds. This is gonna be great."

Andrew hesitantly entered the roof top holding the shoebox; the night was freezing cold with arctic howling winds. The darkness cut by the gentle embrace of the pale moonlight, stars dancing in the night, and the flickering of a flame in front of Colleen.

"Come over here, we can start cooking dinner." Colleen said.

"We?" Andrew said in confusion sitting down next to her.

On top of the miniature gas stove, Colleen had set up a small griddle with various cuts of meat and vegetables.

"Oh, we're having a barbeque; you had me worried for a second."

"Don't worry, I can't mess up cooking meat."

"This is coming from crunchy pasta girl."

"That was a clever plan, to make you do all cooking."

"You can cook instant noodles, which means you can cook pasta till it's soft. It was a terrible plan and you know it."

"Hmph, It worked didn't it?" Colleen pouted.

"Guess it did."

"Hey what's in the box?"

"Oh...I...got you a present. Merry Christmas Colleen." Andrew stammered.

"Really? Why? I lost the bet."

"It's Christmas, you get people gifts regardless of a bet."

*Scrunch* *scrunch*

"You got me new shoes?" She said shocked.

"I saw your old shoes, looking pretty mangled."

"How much did this cost?"

"Not important, try em on, I don't know if their comfortable. *For what they cost they better feel like she's wearing clouds.*"

Colleen slipped the shoes on started to hop around.

"Holy crap, they feel like I'm wearing clouds." Colleen was ecstatic.

"So you like them?"

"Of course, I love them, so this is what proper arch support feels like. Seriously how much did this cost?" She said, jumping up and down.

"It was a gift, don't worry about it."

"Come on tell me, how much was it?" Colleen said sitting down next to Andrew.

"$65 bucks."

"Andrew! Why did you spend so much for me?"

"Because you needed proper footwear, with the amount of running you do."

Colleen hugged Andrew tightly to his awkwardness.

"Thank you." She said softly into his ear.

"That's...alright..." Andrew said awkwardly patting her back.

"Really, thank you." She said starting to sniff and tear up on his shoulder.

She let go and they both awkwardly split apart from each other.

"Ahem, we should probably eat before the gas runs out." Andrew said, quickly stacking the griddle.

"Yeah, yeah good idea." She said wiping her tears.

They spent the night eating, under the moonlight, huddled together. When they finished, they sat down together watching the stars.

"Did you get up to anything, while I was gone?" Colleen asked.

"Nothing special just bought those shoes."

"You can stop lying to me now Andrew."

"Wait what?"

"When you lie, your Chi flickers."

"Hey! No looking at me like I'm a piece of Chi." Andrew exclaimed.

"Oh, whatever like you're not looking at my Chi." She scoffed.

"I'm not, plus it just looks like a big ball of fire around you, I didn't even know it did that."

"Now come on, tell me the truth about your day."

"Alright fine, but you can't get mad at me or hit me."

"I promise not to punch you."

"Oddly specific, but whatever. I went to buy your shoes."

"The '$65' shoes?"

"Yeah those ones..." Colleen kicked Andrew's leg mid sentence.

"You're lying to me again."

"OW! Fine, I paid $70." Andrew said rubbing his shin.

Colleen sat up and glared at him.

"Alright, alright I paid $650..." Andrew mumbled looking away from her.

"YOU PAID HOW MUCH!?" Colleen said death gripping his arm.

"See this is why, I didn't want to tell you, because I knew you were gonna react like this."

"Why...did you drop that much money...just...just for some shoes?"

"Because it was a gift, and I could of gone for the 'cheaper' ones that were $500."

"WHY didn't you get those ones?"

"Because...they didn't have any pairs in white."

"You paid an extra $150 to make sure they were white? Why!?"

"It's your favourite colour isn't it?"

"I never told you that. Wait what made you even think that?"

"You own a white katana, and when I first met you, you're only clothes was a fully white tracksuit. I just took a guess."

"That still wouldn't make someone think that's their favourite colour. what if it was all a coincidence?"

"Well then shoes would match your katana, and why are you yelling at me? You just said I was right."

"That's not the point; I don't want you wasting money on me." Colleen scolded Andrew.

"Well I wanted to." Andrew yelled back.

"I...I feel like an asshole for not getting you anything, I didn't even make you laugh."

"Look, you can pay me back, by telling me who the hell 'Uncle' really is."

"What do you mean, he's just a masseuse."

"Oh you can f**k right off with that nonsense."

"Alright, I don't know too much about him, I swear. He kind of took care of me, after my parents left. Paid the bills, brought some food over, and trained me, but he never told me who he was."

"He said something about being a finger. Does that mean anything to you?"

"He says things that are dirty by accident, because he doesn't speak English that well."

"Uhhh, what? He spoke perfect English when we were fighting."


"I wanted answers, and he said if I could move him, he would tell me. Then his eyes turned red and his gigantic aura turned red. And then I'm pretty sure he scared me so hard that my poop disintegrated inside my body. Like seriously, I don't think I even produce it anymore."

"Uncle's aura turned red? He's the nicest person ever, that's not even possible."

"Yeah he said he wanted peace, but that guy definitely summoned some demonic tentacles at me."

"He summoned tentacles?"

"I've seen enough hentai, to know that they were tentacles."

"I'm gonna ignore you just said, but what questions did you have for him that you couldn't just ask me?"

"He was able to cut the connection between me and Mimicry, during the massage I wanted to know how he did it."

"So did you get the answer, you were looking for?"

"Yeah, he's an old guy following anime law. i.e. don't f**k with old people because they're strong."

"Is that all that happened to you today?"

"Well...,I went to go buy some curtains at Turk's to keep our warmth in. Then he took me into his room and I got shot at a bunch of times."

"Your armour saved you again, I assume."

"Yeah it did, but this time the helmet closed down, and I was a talking wolf for a bit."

"Oh my god really?"

"Yeah it was really..."

"That sounds so adorable."

"Not what I was gonna say."

"I've seen the wolf on your armour it looks cute, can you do it again? I want to pet him."

"Him is me, and no I can't I have to be mortal danger for it to turn on. Also gonna presume the helmet only activates if it thinks my face is danger."

Colleen started to pout, suddenly grabbing Andrew to his feet and taking him to the edge.

"AHH, what, what?"

"If you jump and land face first, your armour will turn on."

"What are you nuts?"

Colleen pushed him off the edge. He closed his eyes with his arm flailing around, the armour appearing around him.


Colleen had grabbed his back suspending him in the air, Andrew opened his eyes to see, that he wasn't falling.

"WHAT THE F**K COLLEEN?" Andrew snarled through his armour.

"It worked, and the wolf is adorable." She said bringing him in and starting to pet him.

"Did you seriously just push me off a building, to pet my armour?"

"Yes. Hey can you feel what I'm doing?" she said, scratching behind his ears.

The scratching sent waves of euphoria to Andrew, making nuzzle his head closer to her hand. Suddenly he slapped her hand away.

"STOP THAT!" Andrew shouted shaking his head, with his armour disappearing.

Colleen started to giggle and break into laughter.

"But, but, but you were really cute in that form. Here let's push you again." Colleen said with a big smile.

"Get away from me, you psycho." Andrew said running away from her.

She quickly caught him and started to drag him to the edge again, Andrew futilely struggled against her strength. Andrew started to look at her Chi, as she dragged him with a smile. A gentle white aura emitted from her, soft like the snow, tenderly illuminating the dark night with the falling snowflakes. Andrew stopped resisting stumbling into Colleen pushing them to the edge of the roof.

"Colleen...your aura it's...so beautiful." Andrew said gently with a smile.

She started to blush, and turn bright red, shying away from him.

"Why...why would you say something so weird?" She said pushing him away, her aura flickering and distorting.

"Your aura it's distorting."

"Then stop looking at it, I'm fine." She said pouting away from him.

Andrew stepped in closer, turning her around, staring into her eyes, as the steam from their breaths clashed.

"Colleen...." he whispered, leaning in.

He leaned in closer; they both began slowly closing their eyes and moving even closer. Their hot breaths nearing each other's lips, their hearts smashed against their chest.

*Creak* *Creak* *CRACK* "WAAHHHHHHHH!"

Colleen screamed as the edge of the roof gave out, instinctively grabbing him and pulling Andrew down. They both screamed falling, from the crumbled edge of the roof. Andrew yanked her into his arms tightly, taking the brunt of the fall onto a parked car.


"Are you okay Colleen?" Andrew said, holding her in his arms.

"Yeah...I'm somehow okay." She said staring into his eyes.

They began leaning into each other again, his armour disappearing, and then suddenly.

"WHAT THE F**K! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU N****S TO DO MY CAR?" Misty screamed from the window.

Andrew and Colleen quickly scurried off the wreckage of the car.

"QUICK RUN!" Colleen whispered.

"I have a better idea. Follow my lead." Andrew said grabbing her arm and leading her up the stairs.

"What are you doing? She's going to kill us!"

"Trust me." Andrew said, waiting on the first flight of stairs, listening to Misty and Luke stomp down the stairs.

Hearing Luke and Misty just above them, Andrew started to run, dragging Colleen with him to the street.

"Over that way Luke! I saw one of the f**kers run up the street, me and Colleen we'll get the other guy."

"CATCH THAT F**KER!" Misty yelled running with Luke holding her revolver.

Andrew and Colleen ran around the corner of the block, with a small pause, they shared a glance before breaking out into laughter.

"That was a great idea." Colleen said.

"Thanks, that was close though, she's definitely gonna kill us if she finds out."

"She won't so long as we get our stories straight."

"Yeah, we lost the guy around the corner and it was too dark to find him."

"Perfect, let's head back."

"Woah, not so fast. If it looks like we didn't try, she'll suspect us. Just wait a bit before we head back."

"You're really good at lying on the spot."

"Well don't make me sound like an asshole; I just learned how to make crap up to get out of doing hard work."

"So what do we do in the meantime?" Colleen said, looking around awkwardly.

"Uhh...well guess we could walk around for a bit?" Andrew said nervously.

They both began walking, playfully bumping shoulders.

"Hey Colleen, can I ask you a question?"


"Can you not see your own aura?"

"I can't, but I'm sure others can."

"What does my Chi look like? Like is everyone's Chi colour coded?"

Colleen started to look at Andrew's Chi, taking the shape of a black wisp in his chest.

"It's not always colour coded, most people have a grey one, and you on the other hand have a black one."

"Is that bad? Do I have evil Chi or something?"

"No, it just means you like to keep things bottled."

"Well, that sounds about right, well at least it's a cool colour and not something lame like pink."

"There's nothing wrong with a pink aura, I would want a pink aura."

"Yeah, but your aura looks cool, it always looks like you're about to power up."

"Are you gonna keep referencing anime, the more you learn about Chi?"

"I'm offended you even asked me that."

Colleen reluctantly smiled, before face palming.

"Eugh, you're gonna go for weeaboo once you learn how to use Chi aren't you?"

"Oh you know it, I'm even gonna give my moves long ass names, that announce to the enemy my position and intent."

"Stop, don't ruin Chi for me."

"Oh come on, you're telling me you don't have some super secret move with a name to it?"


"What about big d*ck chop, the next time you unload your Chi into your katana?"

Colleen shoved him away.

"Stop! I'm never gonna say that." She said, glaring at him.

"What about the next time you cut someone's gun in half you say. Should have brought a knife to a gun fight!" Andrew said, imitating Colleen with a deep voice.

"Gross, stop! You're actually ruining Christmas." She said shoving him away again.

"What about?..."

"No stop! I know you're about to say something really stupid, and I'm gonna stop you right there."

"Last one and we can head back to the apartment. Please?" Andrew said pouting with puppy dog eyes.

"Eughh, fine! Last one and if you say another one after that I'll punch you."

"You would start off by saying, Take my strongest attack, once I use this attack my lineage will end. Ultimate-to pul-lu outu. And then you unsheathe your sword really fast." Andrew said smiling waiting for Colleen's reaction.

She slapped her own forehead, shaking it in pain and discomfort, fighting off a smile.

"You are an absolute idiot; I can't believe I let you say that, or that I didn't punch you for it." She said astonished.

"Hahaha, come on that was good, you're smiling."

Colleen shoved him away again, and began walking off faster.

"Colleen! Don't fight it, you know that was funny."

Making their way back to the apartment, Misty and Luke stood in front of their flattened car, Andrew and Colleen slowly crept back inside.

"Well you were right, they don't suspect us."

"I told you to trust me."

Colleen, checking the time to see it Christmas was over in 2 minutes.

"Hey what time is it?" Andrew asked.

She said nothing, quickly marching towards him.

"Do not say anything I'm about to do, and we're not gonna talk about this okay?"

"Uhhh..what the hell are you gonna do..."


Colleen quickly kissed his cheek, both of them turning red.

"Well,goodnight and Merry Christmas Andrew. I'm tired, you're tired probably. I can't read your mind. Welp gonna go to sleep, need my rest. Night." She quickly jumped into her bed facing away from him. Burying her face into the blankets.

"Um... yeah... good night Colleen... Merry Christmas..." He said in a small daze, holding his cheek, before lying down.