
Marvel: Umbrella Corporation

Adam, who mysteriously transmigrated to the Marvel universe over a decade ago, has established the powerful Umbrella Corporation. Now, he's unleashing a new era of viral evolution. The Progenitor Virus, T-Virus, C-Virus, and G-Virus are just the beginning of his sinister plans. As heroes and villains struggle to contain the chaos, new threats emerge: the Blacklight Virus, Z-Virus, and the dreaded Cthulhu Virus. Adam's shadowy influence grows, pushing the Marvel universe to its limits. __________________________ patreon.com/ShadySmuggler [20 chapters ahead on patreon]

ShadySmuggler · Anime & Comics
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The Charity Gala

One month later, on a clear night, the bright moon hung high in the sky, casting its cool light over the land, attempting to pierce the vast darkness.

At the Disney Concert Hall in New York City, the third annual charity gala was in full swing.

Luxury cars arrived one after another, bringing together a group of America's wealthiest individuals.

The screech of brakes announced another arrival. Stepping out of the car was Luna, dressed in a backless black evening gown and black high heels. Her graceful steps as she walked toward the concert hall immediately made her the center of attention.

Journalists, like sharks scenting blood, swarmed around her, snapping photos.

"Ms. Luna, we've heard that Umbrella Corporation is secretly acquiring Starship Company. Is that true?"

"Luna, what's your response to Norman Osborn's recent outburst accusing Umbrella of trying to overthrow Osborn Industries as the top pharmaceutical company in the country?"

"Is it true that Umbrella is preparing to collaborate with the military? Are you planning to enter the defense sector?"

"Recently, there have been reports about Umbrella's wastewater failing to meet environmental standards. What's your comment on that?"

Luna maintained a polite smile but did not respond to any of the questions, continuing her way into the concert hall. The reporters' questions were too tricky and sharp for her to address.

Silence was the best option. After all, Umbrella was already a leader in its industry and didn't need media attention to make a name for itself.

Only after entering the concert hall did Luna finally shake off the persistent journalists, feeling a wave of exhaustion.

"Boss, you sure know how to keep me busy, making me work overtime like this," she muttered under her breath, annoyed that Adam had suddenly tasked her with attending this charity event when she should have been off duty.

Her earpiece crackled to life with Adam's voice.

"Thanks for your hard work. I'll give you a raise and a promotion when you get back."

A month ago, a journalist had infiltrated one of Umbrella's chemical plants and written an article criticizing the company's wastewater discharge. Adam had sent Luna to this charity gala to boost Umbrella's public image.

Though the incident didn't have a huge impact—considering that in America, out of ten factories, eleven fail to meet standards, with the extra one being a small workshop—Adam didn't want any mishaps during such a crucial time.

Luna smiled wryly, picking up a glass of wine. "Not enough, boss. You make me work late every night. You owe me compensation."

"What kind of compensation?"

"I'm taking a vacation next week, and you're taking me to Disneyland."

"Deal. I'm busy here, so stay in touch just in case."


In the Umbrella underground laboratory, Adam turned to the specimen whose right hand had become grotesquely enlarged, sprouting a massive eye.

After a moment's thought, he spoke. "Red Queen, increase the stimulation of the Nemesis parasite and inject more special nutrients."

"Yes, master."

As weak electric currents pulsed, the parasite within the specimen began to wriggle restlessly, accelerating its evolution.


Despite the special sedatives weakening its body, the specimen couldn't break free from its alloy restraints. Its evolution speed, however, did not satisfy Adam.

"Increase the dose of the G-Virus."

"Yes, master."

Watching the increasingly monstrous specimen, Adam finally showed a hint of satisfaction.


Back at the Disney Concert Hall, Luna's face lit up with a brilliant smile when she heard Adam agree to her request. Finally, she'd managed to get him to agree to a day out, a rare achievement.

Her boss, usually buried in research at the company, rarely ventured out. At thirty-something, he was still single and had never been the subject of any romantic gossip.

Does this count as a date? she wondered, her cheeks flushing slightly.

A man nearby noticed her reaction and approached with a drink in hand.

"Good evening, beautiful lady. May I have the honor of a dance?"

Turning, Luna saw a well-dressed man with brown hair and eyes, standing about 5'7", exuding a playboy charm.

She immediately recognized him—Tony Stark, the notorious playboy and chairman of Stark Industries.

Since Umbrella and Stark Industries had no recent conflicts, Luna's expression remained neutral.

"Mr. Stark, I believe that lady over there might be looking for you."

Tony followed her gaze to see Pepper Potts, his assistant and secretary, standing not far away with a sour expression.

Shrugging nonchalantly, Tony raised his glass and walked over to her.

"Oh, Pepper, you look so stunning, I almost didn't recognize you," Tony said with a smile.

Pepper's mood lifted slightly at his approach, and she smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here seeking the truth. Your dress is gorgeous, where's it from?"

Pepper did look beautiful that night, her elegantly made-up face and blue backless evening gown accentuating her slim figure and curves. Apart from Luna, no one else could overshadow her.

But her answer caught Tony off guard.

"This dress? You gave it to me as a birthday present."


"Yes, it was your birthday gift to me."

Tony was relieved Pepper wasn't the petty type; otherwise, he'd have wanted to crawl into a hole. Forgetting a birthday gift he had given was a clear sign he hadn't paid attention to her.

Quickly, he changed the subject. "Shall we dance?"

Despite her joy at the invitation, Pepper remained bashfully reserved as Tony led her to the dance floor.

Everyone at Stark Industries knew she had always had feelings for Tony. But with Tony's frequent company of different Victoria's Secret models each week, she had kept her feelings to herself, content to be his assistant.


Upto 20 chapters ahead on patreon :-


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