
Marvel: The Suns Anomaly

Helios was a legend, a miracle and God to many. However, he was also recognized as the bringer of death as that was the only known trace he had ever left behind of his existence. Nevertheless, after conquering a city and leaving behind an irreversible mark on the world, old age caught up with him. With his lover gone and kids old, it was time for his final wish and desire to come true. After building a special spacecraft, Helios flew into the sun's surface, and the ship exploded as his heart gave its last beat. But his story doesn't end there. Helios reincarnated into Marvel inside a sun's core before being sent to an orphanage on earth 616 (original earth) as a one-year-old by the sun's rays. With his past life complete, Helios starts anew with the potential to surpass even the gods and the goal to conquer not a city but the... --------------------------------------- Author Notes --------------------------------------- This story takes place in an MCU (marvel cinematic universe) that is an AU (alternate universe). Thus, there will be changes to the original plot.

Zenfree · Movies
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36 Chs

⚡️CH 36: A carefree lesson / A Distraction

Even Mystique and the Beast were at a loss. With Charles gone, they had no way of finding him or reaching him.

"Relax," Zaylifer told everyone. "I barely know the Professor, but even so, I know he will find a way. Until then, have faith. Jean, come over here," Zaylifer added while still sitting down.

Jean thought Zaylifer was on the same level of authority as Mystique or Charles. Unquestioningly, she got up, walked over, and sat beside Zaylifer.

"What now?" Jean questioned, while Raven and Beast also gave questioning looks.

"Release all of your power," Zaylifer said as if asking one to light matches.

"I can't control it, so you'll get hurt as well as everyone around us," Jean replied, aware of her weakness.

"I will only give you one chance, so follow along or not, it's up to you. Now close your eyes."

Not giving up on the opportunity, as soon as Zaylifer told her to close her eyes, she did.

"Listen to my voice, listen to your heart, and listen to the flow. Let go."

An extreme amount of heat began to rise as everyone felt their bodies start to sweat.

"Now don't think of ruling over it. Don't think of making it do your bidding. That force is not yours after all. Think of directing it. Think of guiding it. Think of showing it what you desire."

As if under a spell, Jean grasped every word Zaylifer imparted as she desired and guided the flames to take the shape of a phoenix.

"Open your eyes."

Hearing Zaylifer's instruction, she opened her eyes to the sight of a majestic phoenix, exactly as she envisioned.

"Your control still has a journey of mountains and oceans, but this is a good start," Zaylifer told Jean, dropping a bucket of cold water on her head, instantly deflating her ego.

"Where did I go wrong?" Jean asked, feeling she could easily make the bird fly higher, spin around, or even do circles.

"Disperse it." Zaylifer's words were like a second bucket of water as Jean immediately realized it would blow up.

An explosion completely out of her control.

While Zaylifer and Jean were taking on a funny teacher-student role, with the teacher being slightly older, the kids were mesmerized by the huge sight of a flaming phoenix, temporarily distracting them from the situation.

"Hank, who is he?" Scott asked Hank, also known as Beast.

"New recruit…" Hank replied awkwardly, finding it weird to call Zaylifer a student and even weirder to call him a teacher. So he could only fumble the word "recruit" out.

Before Scott could ask more questions, a raging blue washed over everyone, yet they felt no heat from the flames, only comfort and warmth.

The blue flames, like an ocean tide, rose and fell, completely swallowing the Phoenix before fading.

"Alright, that's enough practice…" Zaylifer's words were cut short as a powerful mental storm spread across the entire world, piercing through everyone's mind, delivering a single message through one man: Charles Xavier.

Allowing the message to come through, Zaylifer also heard everything, including the hidden message reserved for Jean.

"The professor, I heard his voice," Jean immediately said.

"I think we all did," Scott chimed in.




Until the next Light🌠