
Marvel: The Suns Anomaly

Helios was a legend, a miracle and God to many. However, he was also recognized as the bringer of death as that was the only known trace he had ever left behind of his existence. Nevertheless, after conquering a city and leaving behind an irreversible mark on the world, old age caught up with him. With his lover gone and kids old, it was time for his final wish and desire to come true. After building a special spacecraft, Helios flew into the sun's surface, and the ship exploded as his heart gave its last beat. But his story doesn't end there. Helios reincarnated into Marvel inside a sun's core before being sent to an orphanage on earth 616 (original earth) as a one-year-old by the sun's rays. With his past life complete, Helios starts anew with the potential to surpass even the gods and the goal to conquer not a city but the... --------------------------------------- Author Notes --------------------------------------- This story takes place in an MCU (marvel cinematic universe) that is an AU (alternate universe). Thus, there will be changes to the original plot.

Zenfree · Movies
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36 Chs

☀️CH 24: Even MYTHS can't survive SPACE?

"I was not ready." What a joke. You're telling me Cerberus, Kraken and even a Raiju, just throw them in space and they're hopeless…

I really have to wonder if it's just because of partial integration or if all these creatures are truly unable to survive in the vacuum of space.

Although I felt myself slowly being destroyed as I was hit by pressure decompression, radiation, cellar damage, DNA damage and the harsh reality of outer space. I did not come up here without a plan in mind.

"Werecreature" I thought.

Instantly every were type creature was swiftly being integrated into my being.

My human form went through rapid changes in size and appearance while barely fighting off the harsh environment of space.

Upon hitting Werebirds, a variation of them that was on the hummingbird side was quickly integrated and utilized.

Immediately the enormous amount of heat I was generating from my cerberus side was regulated to a perfect degree. Offsetting thermal radiation and the loss of body heat.

With Ai level capabilities, sifting through the several animals I was embodying and identifying the ones I needed now to survive, was fascinatingly easy.

Almost as if I was looking for a letter from the alphabet, with 50 pairs of eyes and all the letters laid in front of me. In an instant I found my next integration.

The kangaroo rat. Capable of regulating its own internal water. Something I needed immediately to prevent pressure decompression. A biological consequence causing my bodily fluids (blood, water, etc…) to slowly evaporate.

With water regulation and ion channel manipulation (from electric and lightning capabilities) working in harmony, my body starts to balance out.

The freezing cold of space and the vacuum's relentless grip begin to lose their hold on me as I feel my vitality pulsing deep within.

I sense my heart first, a single, tentative beat echoing in my chest. The rhythm is slow at first, almost hesitant, as if my body is testing the waters of life once more.

But then, another beat follows, stronger this time. I focus on the ion channels, channeling electrical impulses to stimulate my cardiac muscles.

The beats grow more confident, each one pushing life-giving blood through my veins with increasing vigor.

My blood starts to flow more freely, carrying warmth through my body. I feel the chill of space begin to recede as my internal temperature regulation kicks in.

The heat generated by my core spreads outward, reaching every extremity. My muscles, stiff and unresponsive moments ago, begin to soften and flex under the renewed circulation.

The combination of my body's natural heat generation and the energy coursing through my ion channels acts like a furnace, driving out the cold and reigniting my metabolic processes.

My lungs, though not needed in the vacuum of space, reflexively expand and contract, a reminder of the oxygen they once processed. I don't need air here, but the rhythmic motion is comforting, a symbol of my body's return to normalcy.

Next, my senses begin to sharpen. My vision, which had dulled, starts to clear, and I can see around me with crystal clarity.

The electric impulses travel up my spine, activating my nervous system. I feel my skin tingling as nerves awaken, every inch of my body coming back online.

My limbs, heavy and immobile, start to regain their strength. I flex my fingers and toes first, then move my arms and legs.

Each movement feels deliberate and slow, but they become smoother and more controlled with each passing second. My agility returns, my body remembering the grace and power it holds.

My mind, foggy and distant, clears as the energy pulses through my brain. Thoughts become sharper, and my awareness of my surroundings intensifies.

The kraken and Raiju's ion channel manipulation merges seamlessly with the water regulation of the kangaroo rat, creating a perfect balance within me.

While drawing from the slime integration, I also unlock the bacteria integration allowing me to process available chemicals in space (chemosynthesis) and harness light energy (photosynthesis).

Combined with my ability to manipulate ion channels, ensures I have a continuous energy supply to support my bodily functions.

Not wanting the process to be so slow, I thought of water bears (tardigrade)

An extremophile already capable of surviving in the vacuum of space briefly.

Like werebeast type creatures, insects or even smaller creatures like the millimeter sized water bear. Have their capabilities increased to match my size.

As water bear capabilities integrated I felt my ability to survive and adapt in extreme spaces reach immortal cockroach levels.

Now I was completely self-sufficient, I thought while smiling softly and admiring the breathtaking view of earth as I floated about in space.

Just taking the moment to appreciate the harmony within my body, I close my eyes and relax accepting….




Until the next sun🌅