
Marvel : The Summoning System

Grant Alexander Hunter, a focused 22-year-old student fueled by a love for sketching, embarks on an exploration of ancient Harappan ruins during his semester break. Unaware of the profound impact, a simple switch within these ruins triggers a cosmic anomaly, thrusting him from his familiar world into the vast expanse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In this uncharted reality, a mysterious holographic summoning system greets him. Undeterred, Hunter seizes the opportunity to establish an organization, rivaling the capabilities of S.H.I.E.L.D., poised to confront the myriad dangers that lurk in this fantastical realm. What unfolds is a gripping tale of adventure, as Hunter endeavors to navigate the unknown and leave an indelible mark on the fabric of the Marvel Universe. MC will not be OP from start and will get gradually powerful. System would not be spamming characters.

Red_DragonEmperor · Movies
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: Aegis Rising-A prelude to power

The team gathered in the high-tech conference room, the panoramic view of New York serving as a backdrop to their discussion. The room hummed with the energy of a group ready to make its mark on the Marvel Universe.

Hiroshi, standing at the forefront, began the explanation. "While you were mastering your skills, we were busy laying the foundations of Grant Enterprises. The technological division focused on cutting-edge research, creating innovations that would not only benefit society but also fund our covert operations."

Aizawa, leaning against the holographic display, added, "The security wing handled contracts that required discretion. We provided protection to those who needed it, establishing a reliable income stream. It also gave us eyes and ears in various sectors."

Q, typing away on a holographic keyboard, continued, "I've been expanding our intelligence network. We've tapped into existing sources and established new ones. The more information we have, the better we can navigate the intricacies of the Marvel Universe."

Ezio, his eyes reflecting the city lights, chimed in, "The assassins have been operating discreetly, handling contracts that align with our objectives. We've maintained a low profile, striking from the shadows when necessary."

Jiraiya, with a mischievous grin, said, "I may have dabbled in a bit of information brokering. Knowledge is power, and in a city like New York, information is a commodity. We've gained insights that will prove invaluable. And most of the intel can be gathered from clubs, bars and red-light areas, so critical intel is not going out."

Hunter, absorbing the information, asked, "So, we've been building our influence and resources. So, what's the immediate necessity?"

Hiroshi, with serious tone, "Hunter! Rather, Director Hunter, what about the name of the organization? Now that it has been established officially, you should name it."

Hunter, contemplating the possibilities, said, "If we're talking about an organization that stands as a shield, protecting from the shadows, then how about 'Aegis'? It symbolizes protection, and it has a certain mystique to it."

Hiroshi, nodding in approval, said, "Aegis it is. Let's build it into a force to be reckoned with."

The room buzzed with renewed determination. Aegis, born from the randomness of the summoning system, would stand as a guardian in the Marvel Universe. 

Hunter, diverting everyone's attention back to the topic, "So, what's the immediate necessity?"

Hiroshi, activating a holographic display, showcased Grant Enterprises' ventures. "Expanding the technological division is crucial, but we need more funds for that. Our contracts and intelligence network can only take us so far."

Aizawa, ever the pragmatist, continued, "We need a front that generates substantial income without attracting unwanted attention. Something beyond technology and security. And legal."

Q, tapping into the holographic interface, added, "I've been analyzing potential sectors. Entertainment, real estate, and finance offer lucrative opportunities. We need a cover that not only funds our activities but also aligns with the public image we want to maintain."

Ezio, his gaze unwavering, spoke, "I've been considering establishing ties with influential figures. Connections that can serve us when needed. Trustworthy allies are invaluable in our line of work."

As the discussion unfolded, Hiroshi turned to Hunter. "What do you think, Hunter? Any ideas?"

Hunter said, "I want to hear your thoughts first"

In the high-tech conference room, as the team discussed the expansion of Aegis, Ezio, with a gleam in his eye, proposed, "We need to expand our power and influence. I've heard of a place called the Red Room, a training ground for lethal operatives. What if we take it under our control?"

Hunter, a thoughtful expression on his face, responded, "Funny you mention that, Ezio. I've been thinking about the Red Room too. Controlling it would give us a powerful asset."

Q, always ready with information, interjected, "I can track the Red Room. We'll find its location and monitor its activities. No one will even know we're watching."

Hiroshi, intrigued by the prospect, added, "Q, make it discreet. We don't want them catching wind of our interest. Hunter, if you decide to move on this, we've got your back."

Hunter, now focused on the holographic display, suggested another avenue of expansion, "We should delve into the construction field. As Aegis, we'll need bases around the world. Being a construction firm gives us the perfect cover. No one questions a construction company building structures globally."

Q, tapping away on his holographic keyboard, confirmed, "I'll start the groundwork on creating a front for our construction ventures. Legitimate on the surface, covert in its activities."

Hunter, his gaze shifting to the holographic map, continued, "Additionally, let's start preparations for a weapon manufacturing wing. When Stark Industries go out of play, someone will step in to fill that void. Why not us? Having a legitimate reason to research and manufacture weapons will keep prying eyes away."

Ezio, nodding in agreement, said, "It's a strategic move. Weapons are a part of this world, and we need to be prepared. We control the narrative, and our actions should be anticipated, not questioned."

Hiroshi, always considering the practical aspects, remarked, "We'll set up the framework for the weapon manufacturing wing. It'll be our ace in the hole, ready to be revealed when the time is right."

As the plans unfolded, Hunter issued a directive, "Q, make sure the weapon manufacturing wing is off the grid. I don't want any leaks or traces. Use the security measures you implemented on MI6's mainframe."

Q, with a confident smirk, replied, "Consider it done. Our secrets will remain just that—secret."

The room, buzzing with the energy of strategic planning, witnessed the birth of Aegis in its true form.

At night, in the quiet confines of his cabin, Hunter sat by the wide window, overlooking the sprawling cityscape of New York. The lights shimmered like distant stars, and the hum of the city below was a distant murmur. His sketchbook lay open on a small table, capturing the essence of the city in meticulous strokes.

A gentle knock interrupted the solitude, and Hunter looked up, inviting the visitor in. Aizawa, with his usual stoic demeanor, entered and took a seat opposite Hunter. The dim lights cast a soft glow on his face as he began the conversation.

Aizawa straight to the point, as always, stated, "Hunter, I've been thinking about our resources. Running two organizations on the revenue of one is risky. 'Grant Enterprises' is solid, but 'Aegis' lacks the necessary manpower and resources. All of the Aegis's logistics are looked after by Hiroshi and I. While I majorly focus on Aegis but Hiroshi is looking after both. He is pushing himself too much."

Hunter nodded, acknowledging the concern. "I've been considering the same, Aizawa. We're spreading ourselves thin. But we need 'Aegis' to be strong in its own right."

Aizawa continued, "The Red Room is a challenge. Tracking it is difficult without satellite mapping and remote sensing technology. It's in the sky, and even if we locate it, reaching there without proper equipment is nearly impossible. Unless you can summon someone, who can fly."

Hunter considered the information, his gaze shifting back to the sketch of the city. "I understand the challenges with the Red Room. It's a complex problem. And even if we conquer it, there's no guarantee the Widows will be loyal to us."

Aizawa leaned forward, emphasizing his point, "We need alternatives, Grant. There are other threats, other opportunities. We need to be strategic. And on the note of 'Aegis,' it lacks power. We need influential figures, alliances, and a stronger presence. We can't rely solely on covert operations."

Hunter, contemplating the words, finally spoke, "You're right, Aizawa. We need a different approach. More power, more influence. Let's explore other avenues, build alliances, and strengthen 'Aegis.' As for the Red Room, we'll find a way. There's always a solution."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as Hunter and Aizawa delved into the intricacies of their evolving strategy.

Aizawa, sitting across from Hunter, began the discussion. "Let's talk about the team members. We've got a diverse set of skills, but there are gaps we need to address."

Hunter nodded, his expression focused. "Agreed. Let's start with 'Grant Enterprises.' Who stands out, and where are the weaknesses?"

Aizawa leaned back, hands folded. "In 'Grant Enterprises,' we've got a solid tech team. Q has proven himself more than capable, and the support staff is efficient. Hiroshi has been managing the business side effectively. No major weaknesses there."

Hunter chimed in, "True, but we need to enhance our technological capabilities further. In the ever-evolving world we're dealing with, we can't afford to fall behind."

Aizawa nodded. "Exactly. Now, in 'Aegis'—our covert operations branch. Hiroshi and I have been handling the field work, but we lack specialists. We need someone skilled in reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and covert infiltration."

Hunter leaned forward, contemplating. "Agreed. We need to find individuals with a background in espionage. People who can operate in the shadows without drawing unnecessary attention. Ezio was good choice but I think he is busy in training the recruits and completing the contracts."

Aizawa continued, "Yeah, but we can't disrupt his activities, most of the money he earns goes into development of Aegis. While on the combat front, we're doing well. You and I have the skills, but having another skilled fighter would provide an extra layer of security. Someone versatile, adaptable to different situations."

Hunter nodded, "Right. We can't predict the challenges we'll face, so having a well-rounded combatant is crucial."

Aizawa then brought up a crucial point, "And let's not forget the importance of trust. We need individuals who can operate discreetly, keep our secrets, and stay loyal. Betrayal is a risk we can't afford."

Hunter sighed, acknowledging the challenge. "Building trust takes time, but we need to be cautious in our recruitment. We can't afford leaks or double-crossing."

The morning sun cast its gentle glow over New York City as Hunter sat behind his desk, reviewing documents and plans for 'Aegis.' The hum of the city below seemed distant as he focused on the task at hand. Among the neatly arranged files, one document caught his attention—a file that seemed out of place.

Hunter picked up the file labeled 'Stark Kidnapping' dated February 2009 and said, "So it has finally started."

He opened the file, revealing a series of photographs, documents, and intelligence reports. As he perused the contents, the weight of the revelation settled upon him. The file detailed the kidnapping of Tony Stark, an event that had shaken the foundations of Stark Industries and set in motion a series of events that led to the birth of Iron Man.

With a heavy sigh, Hunter closed the file, the mystery unfolding before him. Little did he know that the past held secrets that would entwine with the present, setting the stage for a new chapter in the covert operations of 'Aegis.'



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