
Marvel: The Summoner

[Ding! Omni-Summoning System Activated!] [Please Collect Emotions Of Intelligent Beings And Summon Characters And Items From Different Universes.] With that I yeeted the peace of entire multiverse of marvel. —— Warning: Be prepared for cringeness, brain dead plots, and bunch of plot holes. Warning: Be prepared for bad grammar, writing skills, etc.

Whoever_Whatever · Movies
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3 Chs

Ch 3: Ice Cream Thief

Anthon "Midas" Arvish is a man who is known for his outstanding business ability. Some people even jokingly say he can turn whatever he gets his hand on into gold. Which is the reason why he got the nickname Midas. And today is his 60th birthday.

Which is the reason he rented a whole building to party. He even specially prepared display cases to show off his most priced possessions.

"Okay, don't you guys dare to cause a trouble here. It already costed me a lot to make JJJ agree to let me follow him here alone." Betty looks at Alex, Petter Parker, and Eddie Brock.

"So, if you guys dare to cause trouble then you guys are dead to me." Others nod their head silently while listening to her words.

Betty then drags Alex from his hand and arrives somewhere where others can't hear. "Okay, are you sure your source is reliable?"

"Yeah," Alex said to her without hesitation. I know it's reliable because I'm the one behind it.

Betty nods her head. "Don't disappoint me, Alex."

"Don't worry I won't." I'm here to make sure both my plans will work and she won't cause some unnecessary damage.

Suddenly crowd started heading toward the entrance. "Well, here comes the bigger star of the day."

Alex only glanced at the spotlight thief that just arrived. Well, there is no need to look at him when everyone is calling his name. Iron Man Tony Stark.

He isn't wearing his suit that's good. Even I know that to wear that kind of metal suit you must have something to help you wear it.

[Hist are you sure you don't want to summon E-Rank Summon?]

No need. I'm sure Neo can do it. To come here and oversee the plan he sold Betty info about today's attack at the price of coming here.

Okay, Neo… it's show time. Create [Connection] between me and Neo.

[Ding! Creating Connection Between Host And [Neopolitan]…]

Now Alex could 'see' what's happening with Neo. Neo can you hear me?

Neo nods her head. Let's start the plan.

Suddenly everything turns dark. Neo just now cuts off the light so it should take about 1 minute to back up the generator start. So they have 1 minute to prepare.

Peter aka Spider-Man feels that his spider sense was tingling. He directly turns around and is greeted with an umbrella. Peter was sent flying into a wall.

The crowd started panicking because they saw black shadows running among them, from time to time few security guards or guests were sent into the air or directly knocked out. And they can also hear the sound of glass shattering.

Betty hugs Alex's arm in fear which takes him by surprise but he doesn't have time to care about this. [Connection] is more limited from [Observer Mode] for jobs like supervision.

Soon light turned on and the crowd saw the evildoer who was behind this chaos. Some people were a little bit stunned, some were surprised, some were looking at her with interest, rest were scared.

"Hey little girl, I think you arrived at the wrong party." Tony Stark said as he started walking towards Neo with a smirk.

"Just let down your umbrella and stolen goods then I will call big police friends of ours. I'm sure they can deliver you at your home." Tony stands only a few meters away from Neo. "You are still young kiddo, you can still grow into a good citizen."

Oh no. Alex could only say Stark just now mentioned something he shouldn't. Without hesitation, Neo kicks him in the stomach. Tony flies a few meters then rolls on the ground another few meters.

"Ouch," he got up from the floor and said to Neo with little anger. "Looks like you kid just earned yourself a good old spanking."

Tony takes a metal box out of his inner pocket and places his hand on it, The metal box starts shapeshifting and then turns into a gauntlet. This is one of Tony's new projects. Portable Iron Man armor… well, it's currently in the stage of part of the armor.

The gauntlet is connected to his suit and his suit can transfer energy from the Arc reactor to the gauntlet. Which allows him to do this.


An energy blast that fired from his gauntlet directly hit Neo. But to Stark's surprise Neo who was standing in front of the crowd shatters as glass moment hit by the blast.

"Huh?" Stark was stunned by the sight but soon he noticed surrounding the guests identical clones of Neo appear.

Tony takes a step back in confusion but soon realizes that it must be some kind of illusion just like the one just now. But how could she be able to hit me if the one just now is an illusion?

Stark feels something hit him on the face as he rolls on the floor invisible cover of Neo shatters like glass and reveals her. With a smirk on her face, she spins Hush in her hand a few times revealing a sharp blade poking out from the tip of it.

Tony looks at Neo and then his gauntlet nervously as his gauntlet is still recharging. Because the gauntlet and arc reactor aren't directly connected like when he was wearing armor so speed of recharging the repulsor is way slower.

Neo rushes toward Tony and stabs him with Hush, but at the last moment, someone pulls Tony back and saves his life. Tony looks at where the blade landed and starts sweating because if the blade gone up only a few centimeters maybe he will never have a child in the future.

Tony raises his hand to shoot her with his gauntlet again but with a simple swing of Hush she makes Tony blast into the ground and elbow himself in his liver. She tries to stab him again but this time sticky white web makes her miss. Tony rolls sideways as Spidey lands in front of Neo and throws a punch. Neo catches it and pulls him towards herself then kneads him on the stomach.

Spidey tries to grab Neo, futile attempt is the word that describes it, Neo hits him on the skull with the handle of Hush, kicks him onto the floor then stabs him in the thigh.

"Agh!" Spidey catches the blade before going too deep. Neo steps on his other leg. But Spidey didn't let go. "Mr. Stark now!"

Energy blast from repulsor hits Neo shattering her into pieces. Spidey pulls the blade out and throws it onto the floor.

Tony comes beside him and helps him get up. "Be careful kiddo. That scary girl might come from anywhere."

Peter punches towards air as his fist connects with something air shatters like glasses again and reveals Neo blocking his fist with Hush. Spidey feels on his knee feeling sharp pain on his stabbed thigh, she kneed him on the chin.

Peter felt everything around him start moving like jelly as he felt his body getting weak, A huge force sent him flying with Tony Stark who was standing behind him.

Neo was completely crushing current Spidey in every aspect of skills, experience, and control over their powers. After all, Neo fought against superhumans almost all her life as for Spidey? He is just a teenager who gained a superpower only a few months ago. There isn't even much of a superhero yet in his hero career. There is this guy who calls himself The Chameleon some kind of elite spy or something but that guy sure wasn't a superhuman fighter.

Neo does upside-down thumps up mockingly then shatters into pieces. Seeing this Tony grits his teeth in anger.

Luckily there wasn't any unnecessary damage… at least not too much of it. You did a good job Neo. Alex pulls his hand from Betty's embrace and looks at Spidey who is swinging away dragging his tired body. Oh, also he thinks he heard JJJ yelling after him the word 'Menace'. And that didn't earn him good eyes either.

Soon police arrive and do what they do best. Clean the mess left by villains and heroes. Alex looks at Betty who is sitting on the bench and looking at her camera. Looks like she didn't manage to take good pictures.

Alex let out a sigh and took something out of his breast pocket it was the secret camera that looked like a pen. He walks towards her and hands it to her. "Half of the prize is mine."

Betty smirks a little bit. "Best I can do is forty percent." Alex only lets out a sigh and nods his head. Prize money or something wasn't the aim from the beginning so he didn't care about it.

While somewhere inside an ambulance car Peter was lying on a stretcher. Suddenly someone walks inside the car and sits beside you. Peter looked at the person and exclaimed in surprise. "Mr. Stark?!"

"Heh, wassup kiddo. That girl is really played with us today isn't she?" Tony said with a smile.

Peter was stunned for a second. "W-what are you talking about Mr. Stark?"

"C'mon, kiddo I wasn't called by others this century is genius mind for no reason. Don't worry I won't reveal your identity or anything." Tony gives him his business card. "Take it kiddo and call me when you get better."

With that, Tony left the car under Peter's shocked gaze. Who knows maybe this will be the start of something interesting.

Sorry for bad grammar. :< Wish you guys great time. :D

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