
(The party.)

Chapter two:

I sighed as I motioned for one book to come to. Why am I going to dress up for a party? I don't do parties, they're pointless. I waved my hand and another book came towards me. The book opened to reveal a picture of the yellow stone. I didn't have the chance to read it when I heard a knock on my door. I set the book down before making my way towards it.

I had it open halfway to see Tony Stark in one of his really expensive suits. Ready? He asked.

I slid between the crackle's before shutting my door. Like I have a choice. I opened my book. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.

The small symbol appeared on the door. A bright red flash made it's way across the door before slowly disappearing. I didn't look at Tony Stark before walking towards the elevator.

What was that? What did you do? He asked. Then he motioned towards my usual outfit with my hood up. And what did I say about dressing up? He asked me.

I don't dress up. I stated. And that was a little spell for any intruders who go into my room. I told him.

It's not going to blow up, right? He asked me.

No. Tony looked relieved. It's just going to send them to another dimension without a way of returning. I replied to his question.

He raised an eyebrow at me. Really? He asked me. I gave him a blank look as the elevator door opens. A small smile formed on my face before walking out. You can't be serious? He asked me.

I wasn't serious. It's a cloaking spell. So if anyone decides to barge in, then they'll see a regular room. I replied to his question.

The party was at full swing. People left and right was dressed up nice and drank the night away. I sighed before going towards the end of the bar. I sat down and snapped my fingers. Another book appeared in hand. This time I wish Pepper Potts was here, so she could at least keep me compainied. She's at least half decent.

Hello, I heard someone next to me.

I didn't move my gaze away from the book. Go away.

That's one interesting book you're reading. Said Captain America.

I inwardly groaned before setting my book down. I looked up to see a muscular man with a tight blue button up shirt.

Captain, I greeted him boredly.

He looked confused. I'm sorry. Have we met before? Captain America asked me.

No, but I've read your file. Captain America aka Steve Rodgers. First super soldier you got frozen in time. I could say more, but I don't have night. I replied to his question.

Ok, you know something about me. Maybe I should know something about you. Make it fair and all. Said Captain America.

I rolled my eyes. Fine. I'm Raven.

Wait, you're Tony's friend? He asked me.

Friend isn't the word I would use, but sure, let's go with that. I replied to his question.

Steve Rodgers placed his hand out. Well, it's great to finally meet you.

I shook his hand. Likewise.