
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos. ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Movies
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77 Chs

The Strongest

The two-headed ogre might seem bulky, but his tall frame also grants him surprising speed.

In just a few strides, he loomed over Caesar.

With the massive mace gripped tightly, he swung it towards Caesar.

Though Caesar might not be any weaker than the ogre, he had no desire to engage in unnecessary combat.

With a quick sidestep, he let the mace crash to the ground, sending dust billowing around.

Then, in one swift motion, he drew his sword and thrust it directly at the ogre's thigh.

With a loud clang, the blade left a mark on the ogre's leg armor.

"I figured this armor would be tough!" Caesar exclaimed, but he didn't pause.

He began to circle rapidly around the ogre, continuously swinging his longsword.

The air crackled with each clash, the ogre's mace swinging faster and faster.

Sounds of tearing air and roaring mixed with flying dust, turning Caesar and the ogre in the arena into a blur.

With a final resounding clang, the smoke began to clear, revealing Caesar and the ogre standing opposite each other.

"Damn it," Caesar muttered, frustration etched on his face as the one-handed sword in his hand crumbled into pieces. The ogre's iron armor clattered to the ground, marred with countless scratches.

"This arena's gear is garbage!" Caesar exclaimed, tossing away the useless hilt. He clenched his fist, motioning for the ogre, still wielding its massive mace, to come at him.

The crowd in the arena erupted into cheers, chanting, "Ogre, ogre, ogre!" They believed the unarmed, slender Caesar stood no chance against the towering ogre with its thick hide and lethal mace.

But the ogre, panting heavily, held a steely gaze. It knew the true battle had just commenced.

Without hesitation, the ogre advanced. The shattered armor had compromised its defense, yet it also granted newfound agility.

The mace blurred into a flurry of strikes, yet Caesar eluded each one with lightning speed.

Caesar was swifter than the ogre. Dodge, punch, dodge, kick — he relentlessly targeted the ogre's left leg.

Each blow resounded like leather meeting leather.

Though the ogre's defense was formidable, a sudden crack left its pace sluggish.

Caesar had shattered the bones in its left leg.

Undeterred, the ogre limped forward, still launching attacks, albeit slower. The arena audience gasped, and the once-confident gamblers who bet on the ogre now cursed or wept.

But those who backed the Sun God cheered loudly, sensing victory.

"You're strong, but I must claim victory!" Caesar declared, a hint of relief in his voice.

Victory and defeat, the age-old struggle.

With renewed vigor, Caesar surged forward. Instead of targeting the ogre's thighs, he struck at its spine from behind.

As long as the spine is broken, the ogre will....

The thumping sound continued, and the ogre's roar grew more intense.

His mace swung wildly, but his injured left leg couldn't hinder Caesar behind him.

Caesar began to slow down slightly, intensifying his attacks, aiming to end the fight quickly.

With a thud, Caesar struck hard, causing the ogre to stagger, appearing unsteady.

Caesar struck again, but then noticed the ogre's head twisted, both heads fixating on him.

Suddenly, a violent blast of cold air gushed from the ogre's mouth, threatening to freeze Caesar solid.

Despite appearing exhausted, the ogre swiftly discarded its mace and lunged forward, seizing the frost-covered Caesar.

"You didn't expect my strongest strength is magic, did you? I'll be the champion!" one head sneered while the other grinned.

Preparing to devour Caesar, the ogre tightened its grip.

"Sorry, but magic is also my forte!"

Wrapped in frost, Caesar emitted intense heat from within the ogre's grasp.

The frost turned to scalding steam, scorching the ogre's right hand.

"Hot, hot, hot!" The ogre released Caesar, cooling its hand with icy breath.

As Caesar stood, frost melting away, he declared, "It's over!"

A formidable energy gathered, descending from the sky - Solar Flare.

The ogre exhaled frost, attempting to resist the sun's onslaught, but frost stood no chance against the sun's power.

Suppressed, the ogre struggled as Caesar showered it with the sun's rays, blistering its heads with searing heat.

With a final desperate roar, the ogre slowly melted away. Only charred bones remained.


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