
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos. ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Movies
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80 Chs

Ravagers The Liberators

"Yes, yes, we are the Ravager, the liberators, fearless in our pursuit!"

"Why does the Cosmic Mercenary Union bother ranking the universe's powerhouses? And why divide them into grades from one to four? Suppose I declare myself a sixth-order, seventh-tier powerhouse; wouldn't that make me unbeatable in the cosmos? Hahaha!"

Some of the Ravager leaders, inspired by the naïve stone giant's words, echoed with boisterous shouts. They proclaimed that true strength could only be determined through combat.

They were Ravager, champions of liberty, unyielding and indomitable.

The crowd's fervor escalated, and even those Ravager leaders who had hesitated at first slowly made up their minds, deciding to confront Caesar directly.

Even the elderly Ravager leader, with his red skin and stooped posture, joined the fray after a resigned sigh.

Only a few chieftains remained aloof, watching from the sidelines, unmoved by the swelling tide of resolve.

The air crackled with anticipation as the intentions of all the Ravager leaders grew palpably clear.

The stone giant, caught up in the moment, suddenly sighed and muttered,

"What's the point of these rankings? I even went to the mercenary union to get evaluated."

"They told me I've got Tier 3 strength and could jump straight into being a Tier 3 super mercenary. The perks are tempting,"

"I'm not keen, but they're offering too much."

"Do you know?"

"The buzz about the Sun Palace ruler popping up anywhere in the universe anytime is legit!"

"Welcome, Lord of the Sun Palace!"

The dopey stone guy rattled off, leaving some of the Ravager heads still reeling.

What's going on?

Who am I?

Where the heck am I?

I saw the stone chief drop to one knee, then a bunch of other bigwigs followed suit.

Stone boss and the Ravagers were giving each other awkward looks, silently cursing,

"Sly as a fox, that one. Too sneaky."

"You, you,"

The red-skinned, hunched Ravager elder stared at the kneeling gang with fear and trembling, then bellowed with all his might,

"Everybody, scram!"

But it was all too late.

With a subtle blue glimmer,

The universe's second big shot, ruler of the Sun Palace - Caesar, arrived.

"It's him,"

"Take him out, then deal with those traitors,"

Some of the Ravager chiefs, unable to resist Caesar's aura, lashed out at him instead of fleeing.

They figured they'd have to duke it out to see who's tougher, them or Caesar.

Caesar didn't hold back, and their fate was sealed.

Caesar just flicked his fingers, one by one, and they were crushed into nothingness.

Even the old red-skinned Ravager boss met his end among the rubble, showing he wasn't a pushover.

He charged in, trying to buy time for the fleeing Ravagers.

Every outfit has its loyal martyrs.

Caesar respected that, but he still ensured the old Ravager's end was swift and relatively painless.

As for those Ravagers who bolted at the first sign of trouble, there was no escape once Caesar got involved personally.

The Space gem's power ain't just for show.

After capturing all the fleeing Ravager heads, Caesar dealt with them himself, no surrender accepted.

Although the system can gradually increase the loyalty of all those who surrender to Caesar, their own strength plays a crucial role.

The more one resists Caesar, the slower their loyalty will increase, making it easier for them to defect.

Once Caesar has gone through this process with someone, he prefers not to repeat it.

As for slowly indoctrinating them and teaching them, Caesar remarked that he doesn't have the time, energy, or manpower to devote to overseeing a group of potential defectors, especially those of Tier 3 caliber.

Furthermore, are they even important?

With control over most of the Skrull Empire's territory, the gathering of faith energy is accelerating rapidly.

Caesar has long disregarded those of mere third-order strength.

Having dealt with hostile Ravager leaders, Caesar now faced wise men who had either surrendered or prostrated themselves before him.

Caesar helped the seemingly naive Golem leader to his feet before motioning for all the surrendered Ravager leaders to sit up.

With a half-smile, Caesar observed the restless expressions of the Stoneman leader and the surrendered Marauder leaders.

Having witnessed Caesar swiftly dispatch fleeing Marauder leaders, they began to doubt their own worth and fear his power.

Some Ravager leaders trembled, but the Stoneman leader maintained his facade of innocence.

Caesar smiled and thought to himself, "This one's truly intriguing, full of hidden depths."

But ultimately, Caesar paid little mind to their scheming; their petty thoughts were insignificant in the face of overwhelming strength.

Were it not for the complexity of dealing with numerous adversaries, Caesar wouldn't bother with them at all.

Tapping his fingers on the table, Caesar addressed the assembled looters, "Welcome to the Cosmic Mercenary Union!"

"Moving forward, I expect you to showcase your strengths," he continued, "but remember to abide by the Union's rules, or face my wrath."

Relieved, the plunder leaders pledged their compliance, with the Stoneman leader even pounding his chest with a resounding thud, sending pebbles flying.

After Caesar's address, he dismissed them to gather their scattered Marauder minions.

Though low in strength, these surrendered Ravager would remain under observation for a time, their loyalty still deemed valuable.


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