
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos.

Mystic_Verse · Movies
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40 Chs

Pleasant Conversation

The Supreme Intelligence wasted no time reacting to Caesar's devastating blow to the first Kree Empire planet. In the heart of its celestial council, they engaged in a fervent discussion that ended with a clear decision.

Instead of rushing into a futile attack on the Luminara Prime of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Supreme Intelligence chose a more cautious path. Understanding that Caesar didn't care much about war ethics or honor, they avoided escalating tensions. Caesar's frightening power, capable of wiping out stars with a mere gesture and crossing vast cosmic distances, demanded respect.

Their focus shifted to establishing communication with the increasingly unpredictable Caesar, while ordering the Kree Empire forces to stand down and watch as the Angel Legion besieged the Shi'ar Empire Guards.

Recognizing the impossibility of neutralizing Caesar's spatial teleportation abilities and the growing risks of conflict, the Supreme Intelligence reluctantly gave up on stopping the Shi'ar Empire from acquiring Faith Energy Technology. Instead, they aimed to weaken them, seeing their vulnerability as preferable to their empowerment.

The Shi'ar Empire Guards, witnessing the betrayal of their former allies, weren't surprised. They carefully watched every move of Caesar, revealing the harsh realities of interstellar politics where morals held little sway.

Motivated solely by the pursuit of power and progress, the Shi'ar Empire quickly mobilized resources to exploit cross-space teleportation technology, fortifying their positions without directly confronting the Angels.

While Caesar seized the Blue Star and clashed with the Kree Empire, reducing their planets to rubble, the Supreme Intelligence, represented by a Kree emissary, offered an olive branch of reconciliation. They recognized the necessity for diplomacy amid the chaos of cosmic conflict.

Caesar paused, letting himself drift with the ball once more, his mind swirling with strategic considerations.

The Kree Empire's dominance sprawled across the vast expanse of the universe, casting its shadow over numerous galaxies and their associated administrative, resource, and industrial hubs, numbering well over 10,000 in total.

Even if Caesar didn't halt for a moment to dismantle each one, the task would consume a significant chunk of time. And as he ventured deeper into Kree territory, he knew the resistance would only intensify, with swifter evacuations and bolstered defenses complicating matters further.

Continuing to destroy them seemed futile.

More pressing was the grim reality that delaying his return against Luminara Prime would likely lead to swift defeat, possibly within a day. Their best outcome lay in toppling the combined might of the two empires and securing advantageous gains in the process.

With a gesture for peace Caesar and D'ken ceased their skirmish, employing the Space gem to reposition the Blue Star and then departed for Luminara. D'ken also follwed suit using his spacial abilities.


Surveying the Angel Legion, Caesar noted a subtle yet troubling depletion in their ranks, stirring a disquiet within him. Though he resolved to swiftly restore their numbers and bolster their strength through increased faith.

Today's events must serve as a sobering reminder of what should be avoided at all costs.

D'ken's demeanor exuded confidence, albeit tinged with fatigue.

Glancing at Caesar, D'ken signaled a timely retreat from the battlefield.

The Supreme Intelligence, recognizing the futility of further resistance, opted for peace, acknowledging Caesar's unchecked dominance. With a decisive tone, terms were laid out plainly: compensation for losses, territorial concessions, and a relinquishment of the majority of the Skrull and Kree territories to the Sacred Sun Palace's sphere of influence.

Caesar, driven by his relentless ambition, always pursued his desires with unwavering determination, undaunted by the obstacles that lay in his path.

Drawing a comparison between the resilient Shi'ar Empire and the formidable Kree Empire, one could easily discern the striking differences in their fortitude. The Shi'ar Empire, in particular, possessed a distinctive strength of character.

However, when Caesar wielded the blue star and orchestrated a dazzling spectacle of fireworks at the heart of the Shi'ar system, a noticeable shift in their demeanor ensued. The once indomitable Shi'ar Empire now displayed a significantly calmer disposition.

Despite their possession of advanced space transmission technology, the Shi'ar Empire paled in comparison to Caesar's efficiency and swiftness. Nevertheless, this gap in capabilities did not dissuade Caesar from executing his plans with meticulous precision.

Although Caesar could not prevent the Shi'ar Empire from encroaching on his sphere of influence, his resolute determination as the sole ruler remained unshaken.

In a gesture of mutual understanding and restraint, negotiations between Caesar and the Shi'ar Empire proved surprisingly amicable. Acknowledging their shortcomings, the Shi'ar Empire offered reparations in the form of territorial concessions and military support.

With the signing of a non-aggression pact between Caesar, the Shi'ar Empire, and the Kree Empire, a fragile peace was established. While such agreements were often seen as mere formalities, they symbolized a period of tranquility.

As the two empires withdrew, the Angel Star discreetly began the daunting task of clearing the battlefield, laying the groundwork for rapid expansion and development.

Yet, despite his victory, Caesar found himself troubled. Despite his impressive displays of power, his primary objective remained unaccomplished. The destruction he inflicted upon the Kree Empire had been too swift, leaving little opportunity for them to grasp his true might.

Confronted with this dilemma, Caesar pondered his next move. How could he further enhance his standing and secure his legacy?


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