
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos. ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Movies
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77 Chs


The year was 1995, a time of relative peace on Earth, but for Caesar, time was a different beast altogether in Saka.

"Saka's time is a real mind-bender," Caesar mused to himself. "It's like time has a will of its own there."

He thought back to Loki and Thor's journey through the Bifrost. Within what felt like mere moments, they found themselves in Saka, but time had slipped away, stretching into weeks. The disparity was staggering – nearly 180,000 times faster in the outside world than in Saka.

"It's like time's playing tricks on us." Caesar muttered, trying to wrap his head around the concept. 

The flow of time in Saka, he realized, was akin to a sluggish river compared to the rushing currents of the outside world. The debris from the wormholes cluttering up the universe only compounded the issue, slowing time even further.

Caesar remembered his own experience. When he finally emerged from Saka, expecting only a short passage of time, he was shocked to find that a millennium had slipped by.

"A thousand years gone in the blink of an eye," he sighed, feeling the weight of lost time pressing down on him.

Caesar let out a sigh, his mind preoccupied as he quickly confirmed the time. With that settled, he wasted no time and sailed straight to Earth.

After more than ten days of continuous space travel, Caesar finally arrived on Earth. Upon arrival, he noticed a spaceship hovering discreetly in Earth's space.

Inside the spaceship, aside from a group of elderly and feeble Skrulls who had taken refuge there after defecting from the Kree scientist Marvel, there lay a hidden treasure—the Tesseract, one of the six Infinite Gems, also known as the Space Gem!

If Caesar could secure the Space Gem before everything escalated, perhaps many disasters could be prevented from ever occurring.

Arriving on Earth in the early days of 1995, Caesar found himself with plenty of time on his hands. So, he took Varina along to explore Earth, indulging in some delectable cuisines rarely found in Asgard.

His relationship with Valina had evolved beyond that of a mere master and servant. Although Asgard boasted a blend of technology and magic, its might far surpassed that of Earth. However, when it came to culinary delights and lifestyle, Earth still clung to medieval traditions.

Besides enjoying himself, Caesar discreetly kept an eye on Nick Fury. He observed from the shadows, neither engaging in conversation nor offering assistance.

To today's Caesar, Nick Fury, and even the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., seemed insignificant.

He was determined to pinpoint the exact moment when Carol arrived on Earth. Obtaining Carol's coordinates was crucial for his mission.

Caesar had already scanned beyond Earth's orbit, but the Skrulls aboard the spacecraft might be overly obedient or the Kree vessel could possess advanced cloaking technology. Despite his careful search for several days, sending no signals to avoid detection, the spaceship remained elusive. All that remained were rumors of an unidentified flying object circling Earth's orbit for days on end.

Then, finally, Carol fell from the sky.

Caesar and Valina stood outside the video store, refracting light to conceal their presence as they observed Nick Fury conversing with Carol. The stage was set.

"Can you believe the power that woman possesses?" Caesar muttered to Valina, his expression reflecting a mix of admiration and complexity. Carol, now infused with the power of the Space Gem, seemed intimately connected to its vast capabilities.

The Space Gem's power flowed through her effortlessly, granting her abilities that rivaled or even surpassed those of Thanos without the gem.

With each level of power, the disparity grew significantly. At the pinnacle, she could be likened to a cosmic overlord, commanding awe across the universe. Yet, weakened, she could be as vulnerable as Thor without his full awakening.

Breaking down the fourth level into specific tiers, a weaponless Thor was deemed a weak fourth-order, while wielding Mjolnir or Stormbreaker elevated him to a standard Tier 4 combatant.

Across the universe, various artifacts could similarly amplify combat prowess. Lauf, the King of Giants of Jotunheim, wielded the Ice Crate, granting him strength rivaling Odin's.

Caesar himself had recently ascended to Tier 4 divine power, now capable of harnessing solar energy—a testament to his growth and potential. However, he knew he needed time to hone his newfound abilities.

As for Hela, newly liberated from her imprisonment, her Tier 4 combat prowess marked her as a formidable force in the universe—a rarity indeed.

Thanos, stripped of his gems, still wields fourth-order combat prowess.

That's why they call him the Mad Titan, capable of bending the three major empires to his will, ruling over the cosmos, and ruthlessly eradicating half the populations of countless civilizations.

Carol, unshackled from constraints, including the Ancient One who possesses the Time Gem, undoubtedly approaches the fourth-order threshold. If she pushes further, she'll be deemed a superpower on par with the Heavenly Father.

It just goes to show how overwhelming the power of the Infinity Gems can be.

"How is this even possible?" Valina scrutinized Carol intently.

With the top-tier gear of the elite Kree Empire Space Troopers—universal weaponry and space armor—how could she surpass Caesar's current might?

If Kree Empire tech could reach such heights, it wouldn't just be one among the three major empires; it would reign supreme.

"You're not getting it. Her power doesn't stem from this gear at all. To her, it's just a formality!"

"The true wellspring of her power is why I've temporarily left the matters of the Reincarnation Pool aside and ventured to Midgard." Caesar's tone was grave as he addressed Valina.

"No more drinking for you in the future. Your strength still pales. I won't have you perish in some unknown corner down the line. Until you reach third-order divine power, no alcohol for you. Double down on your training, and I'll do my utmost to aid you."

Valina was Caesar's loyal servant, ready to obey his every command.

During their extensive journey, they may have engaged in deeds they perhaps shouldn't have. But Caesar never wished for Valina's demise.

"Alright, I understand," Valina nodded solemnly. When Caesar got serious, she'd follow his lead without question.

"Do you know that Midgardian with nice hair. You have been monitoring him for a while now!"

To shift Caesar's focus and prevent further preaching, Valina gestured towards Nick Fury.

By now, the Skrulls had launched their assault on Carol.

"He'll end up bald one day, with a missing eye," Caesar mentioned with a hint of irony in his tone.

He pondered why the Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, hadn't appeared before him upon entering Earth!


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