
Marvel: The Silent Mad Dog

English is not my first language, so expect some bad grammar. I own nothing. But let me warn you, there will only be one chapter ahead. ________________________________________________________________ Rain can cause floods which can wash away the entire village. A single bolt of lightning can cause a large forest fire. A slight tremor of the earth can cause a tsunami that can reshape the whole coastline. Cruelty is just another aspect of human beings; using it to cause harm will lead to further cruelty. Human understands what cruelty means, but they also don't. They don't understand it. If they don't understand it, then they will act on it. Born in a world as a mutant, the mad dog will show its teeth and bite down at the cruel world.

Galatea1o1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

What Come After Death Is Decay (3)




~3rd POV~

Ryu stared at the woman in front of him, who now he knew that her name was Mary, holding a sword-sized bone saw in front of him... Let's say that Ryu is feeling a lot of confusion now.

'Isn't her job supposed to be healing people, so why the hell does she need that bone saw for?' Ryu thought

She seems to notice the confusion on Ryu's face, and she smirks at his expression.

''Oh, don't worry about it, you are going to be fine~.'' She said while walking toward Ryu.

''I find that quite hard to believe,'' Ryu muttered, but it was loud enough for Mary to hear, which caused her smirk to turn into a sadistic smile.

''Please, have some trust in me. I'm a doctor after all.'' Mary said before continuing, ''So~, why don't you put both of your arms on the table? Then I will begin the operation~.''

'The fact that you are indeed qualified as a doctor is what concerns me.' Ryu thought before putting the arm on Mary desk.

''Ok then~, now if I were you, I would grith your teeth.'' She said while swinging her saw up.

''Wait.'' Ryu said, his voice rising slightly after seeing what Mary would do, causing her to stop mid-swing.

''Oh, what now?'' Mary said, and she seemed to be quite visibly very disappointed.

''Don't you have any... What is it called...? Anaesthetic or some pain killer?'' Ryu asks, his face still stoic as ever, but you can hear the slight panic in his voice, which Mary seem to notice too.

''Oh, those? I don't use that here, and it took away the fun when I'm operating'' Mary response nonchalantly.

''Are you sure you are a doctor? If anything, from what I see to this point, you might as well be a quack doctor.''

''Me? A quack? I am no quack, and I am the best doctor in this world; I can heal anything; I can even bring the dead back to life. So trust me, I am no quack.'' Mary said, and she seemed to be genuinely offended.

'Bringing the dead back to life?' Ryu immediately thought after hearing Mary response, but he will put that in the back of his mind for now.

''I don't care about all of that. What I want to know is, can you at least give me anaesthetic?'' Ryu said his voice now had more edge into it.

''Oh fine, you're no fun.'' She said while putting her hand on top of Ryu, causing him to raise an eyes brown.

Ryu can feel a slight shock in his head and then his entire body, but as fast as the shock comes, it also disappears as fast.

When Mary put her hand away from Ryu's head, he just stared at her in confusion. His eyes widened visibly before he looked down toward his arms, which are still broken with black Rashomon nails coming out, before looking back toward her Mary.

''What did you do?''

''To put it simply so that you can understand, I make your body stop feeling pain for the next twenty-four hours.''

''You turn my pain receptors off?''

''You know what pain receptors are? Colour me impressed, but no, I did not turn it off.

What I did is trick your body into not feeling pain, or to be more specific, I distract the brain by using electrical pulses, preventing the brain from receiving the pain signal from the body.

I also trick your brain into producing more endorphins so that you will feel even less pain if there even was one in the first place.''

Ryu just stared at her after hearing Mary explanation.

''You have no idea what I said, don't you?'' Mary asked, with a sigh

''Yes.'' Ryu simply answer.

''Well, whatever.'' Mary said before bringing her bone saw up again.

As tough as Ryu is, he immediately closes his eyes, and he doesn't want to see his own arms getting cut off.

The next thing Ryu know is the feeling of a slight cold coming from his arms from the elbow down; in fact, he can feel or cannot feel his arms anymore. Slowly opening his eyes, Ryu was greeted with a sight of his cut off arm laying there on the table, with blood covering it.

But what surprised Ryu more was the fact that there was no blood coming out from his arms stumps or the fact that he felt no pain at all. He then looks toward Mary, who seems to be trying to find something from the inside of the coffin.

When she turns around, Mary is now holding on two human arms that seem very pale, and Ryu can see that those arms have very sharp nails.

''Are you trying to give me new arms?'' Ryu ask

''Why yes, of course. Your previous arms are, to put it simply, too fuck to be healed, so the best course of action is to replace your arms with new ones.''

''Is that so? Then, did you take those arms from the dead body inside the coffin?''

''Yes, I did.'' Mary said, and she seemed to be quite proud of it.

''Quite disrespectful, don't you think? I thought doctors would have more respect for the dead?''

''Oh please, I can do whatever I want with a dead body as long as it helps other people. Besides, he going to grow those arms back anyway, so you don't need to worry about it.'' Mary explains while placing those arms on the table before pulling out some stitches from her coat.

''What do you mean grow back? The person in there is dead, and there is no way it is going to grow back. Even if he still alive, he would never grow it back; that how humans work.'' Ryu asks, his voice raised slightly again in the form of agitation.

''It's fine~ When he wakes up he gonna grow it back in a second.'' She said while starting to stitch Ryu's arms.

''But how would that arms fit me? That arm is for an adult, so there is no way that arms are will fit me.''

''Oh, trust me, these arms are going to fit you after I finish the stitches.''

But before Ryu can ask her any more questions, Mary interrupts him.

''Now, be quiet; I need to concentrate.'' Mary said, her voice stern, with her eyes focused on stitching Ryu's arms.

Ryu quickly follows instructions and wait for Mary to stitch his new arms.

Ryu looks at the process with curious eyes. It seems unreal. The way that she is doing it would be impossible; after all, you cannot just use stitches to reattach arms, Ryu might not have a lot of medical knowledge, but he at least knows that is not how it works.

But Mary is somehow replacing Ryu arm with new ones by stitching not only his skin, but she need to stitch all of Ryu nerves, muscle, bone, blood vessel and many more, but she seems actually to do it.

Ryu simply watches her stitching both of his arms, it's quite a long process, and Ryu feels like it's been hours of him just sitting there, watching Mary stitching his arms.

Finally, after hours, Mary finished her stitches, and those arms quickly attached back into Ryu stump with visible lines that Ryu could see where his arms got cut off. When that happened, those arms, which seemed too huge for Ryu, visibly shrink and got smaller to the point where the arm actually fit Ryu.

'How the hell...' Ryu thought, after seeing those arms visibly shrink.

When Ryu tried to move his new arms, it didn't respond, causing him to turn back toward Mary. Mary, who seems to notice Ryu's gaze, simply smile before placing both of her hands on Ryu's new arms.

Then her hand start to glow blue before electricity enters those arms. After a few moments, Ryu's eyes widen because now he can feel the feeling coming from both of his arm, and the lines that were there also disappear like it was healing, making it look like these are indeed Ryu arms, not arms that had been reattaching to.

''How?'' Ryu simply ask

''Well, do you want a short version or a long version?'' Mary asks while sitting back on the chair before writing something on her desk, seemingly ignoring Ryu old arms.

''Any version, as long as you explain it to me.''

''Then listen closely. You probably know the moment I stitched back your arms, you cannot feel those arms, that is because, no matter how good I am, those arms are technically dead that is why you cannot feel it, even though I stitch it back perfectly.

But since I am the best doctor in the world, bringing the dead back to life is as easy as breathing, including those dead arms. I simply shock those dead arms and trick those cells and nerves inside the dead arm into thinking that it's alive.

Of course, the dead arms would simply die again the moment electricity I put in the arm ran out, but since I attach these arms into your stump, it will now gain energy from you. Meaning that I don't need to feed it constant electricity because you are giving it instead.

I know this sound absurd and all, but because these arms belong to *him* it would simply heal itself and be able to work again. The arm would also change appearance and size so that it will fit you. All I did, is to wake it up and make sure that those arms work properly with your body.'' Mary explains while writing down the note.

''You know, I wanted to ask you this, but who *he* you are referring to?'' Ryu ask

''That would be me.'' A raspy male voice said from behind Ryu, causing him to turn around immediately with Rashomon activated, readying to attack.

He is standing behind Ryu, a man with pale skin. He has long, wavy hair that reaches below his shoulders. He also has distinctive triangular-shaped pointed ears similar to elven ears. He wears a traditional look suit.

What caught Ryu's eyes are the arms that look very similar to Ryu's new arms, both in skin tone and sharp nails.

''Ah, you finally awake.'' Mary said without turning around from her note.

''Yes, doctor Mary. May I ask, is this your new patient?'' The man asks

''Hm, you could say that.''

''Is that so? May I ask your name, young one?'' The mas ask Ryu, while Ryu seem to glare at the man.

''Quite rude, asking my name without introducing yourself first.''

''Ah yes, how unwise of me, let me introduce myself, I am doctor Mary patient.''

''And my name is Bram Stoker.''